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Posts posted by RobCRogers

  1. Re: Who was the LAMEST?


    Didn't they try to make the Green Goblin a hero, too?


    The Green freakin Goblin.:stupid:


    Next, the Joker has a sudden change of heart: "Hey, I've been killing people, and killing is wrong! From now on I will use my psychotic antisocial behaviour and deadly poisons for good!"

    The Green Goblin hero wasn't the original Green Goblin. He was a kid who found the suit, equipment, etc. and decided to be a superhero. Not a terrible character or book, really.

  2. Re: Hero A Day...Sorta...


    Re the export template, is it primarily just the length across the page? I could just embed that in a table column to prevent that. Re the separate pages, I'm curious what people think in general. Some people find it annoying to have to click through multiple pages for a team, others prefer as you do. I'm pretty open on it, myself. Another option is to put the table of contents up top and then bookmark the characters below, which still puts them on a page but allows you to quickly go to each individually.


    (Enforcer84, should we put this conversation in a different thread?)

    Take my opinions with a grain of salt--just make it looks like Enforcer 84 wants. But I tend to favor "classic" export templates that look more like character sheets.

  3. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing!


    Mmm' date=' it wasn't meant to be. It was intended more as a "your loved ones are with you on this blessed event even if you can't see some of them" sort of nostalgia thing.[/quote']

    No offense intended, and I think I understand the message now.

  4. Re: Hero A Day...Sorta...


    With Enforcer84's files' date=' that he's sent me and per our discussions, I've set up a site to hold that stuff at http://www.realschluss.org/chad_riley_npcs/index.html


    I have to update it, but mainly am interested, before so doing, in any feedback/requests/etc. I could put up other characters as well. Mainly I am just trying to set up a resource for those who don't have a place otherwise for cool stuff, and as a hedge against HERO boards rebooting or such and the possibility of loss.

    Neat site. Great resource. I know it's more work, but setting up separate pages for each character would be a great help, as might a different export template for them (something a little easier to read that doesn't run all the way across the page).

  5. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing!


    I don't usually participate in these things, but here goes:


    Captain Coca-Cola would send a year's supply of Coca-Cola products and would make sure that there were plenty on hand for the wedding itself.


    Cascade, on a teacher's salary, would be somewhat nonplussed as to what to do and would pick out something in the $25 range from wherever the couple registered. Barring that, he'd pick out a knickknack of some sort.


    Bandit would forget to bring a present. At the last minute, he'd teleport away to Paris for something nice, be surprised that all the stores were closed, find a café open late, and purchase a set of coffee mugs from a surprised store owner.

    Nordkapp Man would create ice sculptures for the couple's wedding and give them a copy of a book on philosophy.

    Veritas would give the happy couple a book of psalms and two joints.

  6. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing!


    Well' date=' technically he's not mine any more, but Steadfast of the MC 8 would go to Memorial Park in Millennium City, and hire a photographer to take pictures of the statues of Sentinels and Justice Squadron fallen for them, with this written on the inside cover of the photocollection "You have more blessings on this union than you may see. Many joys to you both-Steadfast"[/quote']

    Is it me, or is there just something inherently creepy about sending pictures of dead heroes to a wedding?

  7. Re: Superhero Images


    Matthew Ensidhe, a hero-system fantasy character:



    Percival Clemens, Esquire (AD&D character - level 1 'charlatan' mage in a leve-20 campaign):



    Matt Jordan, a Fuzion Champions character:




    These are all nice, but a little small. Any chance you could share bigger versions?

  8. Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations?


    A few random thoughts on this thread:


    I like the Captain Patriot idea as a source for Cyberline. I love parts of the PRIMUS electronic book, but I agree that it's just too dark in concept.


    Man, I'd love to see a 5E version of VOICE. There, the agents really take back seat to the supers, and it's a very cool collection of supers, at that.


    The stuff about the Cult of the Red Banner was cool. Thanks, Lord Liaden.

  9. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost.


    I did enjoy those... the problem was' date=' they were BORING AS HELL after awhile. Yeah, they kept a tight, internally consistent universe... but damn if I was going to read yet another issue where they kil a bunch of those green blooded spider aliens. The problem here was no good villains, rather bland characters, and the art was too "retro plain."[/quote']

    I agree on some points and not on others. Some of the dialogue was wretched and the books had slow points, but I found them engaging overall, with some really excellent bits. They experimented with a "house style" of art that had mixed success. I liked the fact that the art consistently told a clear story. I disliked the lack of energy and some of the artists' work. It's hard to complain about Barry Windsor Smith, though. I thought some of the villains were great. Harada, who you mention below, was particularly stand-out, but Master Darque was another good one, and so was the Immortal Enemy, and I liked the spider aliens quite a bit. Doctor Silk was cool, too, as I recall. In general, the books did need a little bit of extra pep in some places.


    Ex: Harbinger was a great concept for a comic. Young powered kids running from corporation trying to use them as a commodity. The villain' date=' Harrada, was cool... but can you even remember one name, one power of the supposed "main characters?" [/quote']

    Yes, I can. I'll agree, though, that the title lacked something. But I liked the fact that the comics were willing to change. After a while, the storyline changed from the "renegade" kids to a group of students working for the corporation, unaware of its problems (it included a mind-wiped member of the original team). Interesting stuff.


    X-O... Conan in a power suit... I kill more bug aliens.

    He fairly quickly grew beyond that. The issues where he was the dumb barbarian got old, but the cannier and more educated he got, the more interesting that title became. The biomechanical aspects of the X-O armor were very interesting.


    Magnus... ssssnnooorreee

    I can't really argue with you there. It got more interesting in the later issues, first where it focused on his son, then later when Keith Giffen had an interesting run on the title.


    Rai... potential' date=' but caught the Magnus sleeping disease[/quote']

    It had its ups and downs (the main character was killed off and replaced twice, which I admired), but had some neat concepts. Again, the later issues (with the third main Rai character) were among the most interesting.


    only the Eternal Warrior concept... and Archer & Armstrong in particular' date=' were memorable... and the Eternal Warrior was essentially boring as dirt in the execution. [/quote']

    I'll definitely disagree with you there. Lots of other concepts/characters had merit: Bloodshot, Doctor Mirage, some of the Shadowman stuff, H.A.R.D. Corps--some good stuff. And Eternal Warrior was hit or miss. Some issues were boring, but some were great. Archer & Armstrong had some really great moments, at least until one writer in particular (Mike Baron, if I recall) took over and didn't really understand the essential needs of the characters.


    Some of the best they put out were the Turok specials after the young guy took over the role. Funny' date=' but dramatic at the same time. [/quote']

    Those were part of the Acclaim reboot of the titles. They were very hit and miss, and continuity went down the toilet, including their treatment of alien races. But yeah, those Turok specials were terrific. They also had some great Shadowman stuff in there.


    Oh yeah... and their version of Power Pack... The Trouble-Shooters' date=' was decent... but again, none of the characters had "star power." Everything was basically competent, but nothing stellar.[/quote']

    I think you mean the Troublemakers, which I think was less a version of Power Pack than it was a new take on Harbinger. I agree that the book wasn't very memorable. But that was part of the post-reboot fiasco.

  10. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost.


    We really havn't seen solid continuity since the early '80s of Marvel.

    You know, the best continuity I've ever seen out of a comic book company was from Valiant (the first few years, at least). It was tighter than tight; they kept careful track of character crossovers, established facts, etc. They kept a detailed timeline/calendar. They knew what on what date certain main characters would die and how. And (and this was a favorite bit of mine), they kept a tight rein on their universe. For example, there were only a couple of alien races who impacted Earth, there were only a few origins of superpowers, etc. It had its flaws, sure, but continuity wasn't one of them. I still miss those comics...

  11. Re: Fire Extinguisher Go Boom


    Even though I'm only a casual visitor concerning this thread' date=' I want to sincerely thank Toadmaster & ghost-angel for sharing so many detailed & informative facts!! Thanks!! :)[/quote']

    :angst: Yes, I posted quickly without taking the time to thank everyone who has responded. I really do appreciate the feedback. Thanks very much for your time, everyone.

  12. Re: Fire Extinguisher Go Boom


    Is this a normal or heroic level or a superhero level game?

    Superhero level. A brick can't hit a shrinker, so he's trying to create a little explosion to hurt her by squeezing the fire extinguisher until it pops, even though he'll take the damage, too.


    I'm inclined to lean less toward realism and more toward drama here (especially since the extinguisher was developed by the local brilliant scientist, so it's a "super" extinguisher). But I don't want to screw over the shrinker's player...

  13. Re: Fire Extinguisher Go Boom


    It would hve to be an older fire extinguisher. Most fire extinguishers made in the last decade will not explode.


    Also it would have to be heat or presssure to make the fire extinguisher. It is a Hollywood myth that one can explode by shooting it.

    That's what I get for playing too much Duke Nuke'Em in my younger days...

  14. I'm running a combat where a villain just can't manage to hit a (tiny) PC. So he's come up with the idea of attacking her with a fire extinguisher. My trouble is, I'm not sure how much damage he could do with the thing. Assume this is a high-end, all-purpose fire extinguisher (he stole it from the hero team's suped-up vehicle).


    A. If he just bashes her with the thing, I don't see it causing any additional damage. Because it's bigger than his fists, I might give him a +1 OCV or something, but that's about it.


    B. What if he sprays her with it? Would it be a Flash? An NND? What effect might it have (she's tiny enough that she'd be enveloped by the spray).


    C. What if he just got into her hex and squeezed the thing until it exploded? What kind of damage might it do?



  15. Those are free attributes' date=' akin in some ways to Characteristics, that they're buying off. They're simply listed with the Powers because that's the easiest place to indicate the reduction in points. There's no place under Characteristics where the cost of Running, Ground Movement, or whatever is listed.[/quote']

    As a follow-up, I agree that this is the easiest way to indicate the reduction in points. So why are we not allowed to do so in Hero Designer? If we choose to reduce them under Characteristics, then we are not given the opportunity to "name" the effect ("Spaceflight Only," "Bum Knee," etc.), plus the character sheet then looks less like an "official" Hero sheet that we're trying to emulate.

  16. Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


    These are great. Any chance of posting the Hero Designer files?


    I'm one of those rare people who actually liked much of European Enemies. Sure, there are lots of errors that should have been caught by the editors, and some of the concepts are pretty lame, but there are also several useful and fun characters there. I've got a particular fondness for Argent Anarky, who I've used more than once.

  17. Re: Superhero Images


    Here's that Hippie Chick one I did a couple months ago. Her player hates the fact that I used my actual name instead of a character name (in the credit on the official page) and she gets tells from people in game complimenting it, so I guess people like it...


    THIS IS MY DEVIL POST! plz pheer kthnx

    I really like all of these. This one's particularly fun. It reminds me a little of one of the DNAgents.

  18. Re: PLEASE ! No more 'What would your character do ?' threads


    The problem with the 'What would your character do ?' threads is that they blossom at an alarming rate and are more like a virus or an infection.

    If is was just one or two, fair enough but there are close to 40 at the moment. Too much. Much too much.


    This has been highlighted as a problem before and the threads moved to the general roleplaying area. I was not the one to scream 'No more ! enough !' last time but this time, yes. 4 pages of this rubbish ? No, not good. Yes I contributed to some in the past but when they spread like a plague there was just no keeping up with them.


    There are what 3 art threads, a couple of threads devoted to Worldmaker's Global Guardians game and then a whole load asking for advice etc.


    Do we honestly need 96 WWYCD threads ? No.


    If there was one new one a week or a month, fair enough. Unfortunately there is not. And I am feeling psychotic about it.


    So Wormhole and others. Cease and desist. Please.

    And another Amen. I could care less if they were moved elsewhere, but they're dominating the Champions area and drowning out the threads that are actually interesting or worthwhile. Stick them all in one thread or put them somewhere else, but don't keep inundating us here.

  19. Re: Whatever happened to the Wyvern?


    CKC 116-17 has the back door through which I might bring him back' date=' if I choose to. In general I'd rather create new villains, but Wyvern might make for a good inclusion in next year's VVV.[/quote']

    I, for one, always liked him.

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