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Everything posted by Sketchpad

  1. You can find them on sites occasionally in print for a reasonable price. I think I paid $15 for a copy of DI last year in pretty good condition. Pathfinder books are gorgeous. And sure, they cost money, but better looking books could mean better sales. Agreed. That's one of the sacrifices I was referring to. Organization, format, lack of line branding... don't get me wrong, it was a move in the right direction, but it needed more. Yup. This is where branding is so important. When I look at my shelf, I usually know what I'm looking for by the spine. Heck, look at the latest Star Wars game: three core books, each with a line related to it in branded colors. I played a LOT of 1e Pathfinder, and it was mainly due to innovative ideas (I'm looking at you Pawns and Maps) and attractive, well organized books. IMHO, Hero needs a revamped stat block that is easy to follow and has a nice aesthetic about it.
  2. For me, this is where elements of a Threshold-style of roll. Determine a number to "win the scene" and have players roll along with role playing. If they score under their required check, take the difference and subtract that from the Threshold. If they miss the roll, it could be added to it. If they role play well enough, they could get a bonus. Alternatively, you could also assign a "skill roll" to the challenge and roll against it to give minuses to the character's checks, making it more difficult depending on the situation. Personally, Scott, I think all three elements are highly subjective and based on everyone's personally experience. I can tell by reading your post that you and I have had vastly different games of Champions (as well as other games), but neither of us have an invalidated opinion. I've ran games using both Titans and X-Men as inspiration and the only limits I've seen are ones imposed by the characters/players themselves. Yes, you may be playing a mutant hated by a close-minded society, but the real challenge there is open minds and show that you're true heroes. The same can be said about Titans/Warriors/Young Avengers/<insert teen group here>. As for the future books of Hero in whatever edition it becomes, I've always been a fan of 4th ed Champions, and that's when I think Hero hit its sweet spot. The rules were put together well, the presentation was easy to read, and, for the time, it looked like a superhero book. I would've loved to have seen a Danger International at the time, and other campaign-based games over generic "X Hero" books. Should the game condense or become simpler? I don't think it should do either. Rather the game has to become approachable again. Champions 1-4 (and the other games that comprised the Hero System at the time) were different in presentation, and in system. Some of the games had more narrow selections, such as Justice Inc's power system, while others were broader like Champions. When I say "emulate a book like Mutants & Masterminds," I'm not saying make the system more like it (though there are things Champions could learn from it). I'm saying look at the quality of the books and how they're put together. Hugh is also kind of correct in the use of Hero Points, which is pretty easy to include in the game. IMHO, Hero isn't broke, it just needs some polish and maybe some modern parts to help it shine again. Champions Complete was a step in the right direction, but it sacrificed a lot in the process. Along with this, there needs to be continued support in the form of other books... powers books, enemies, campaign material, etc. The books that exist for Champions 6e look like a different creature than Champions Complete. The same can be said about other genres. I've always wanted a Star Hero Guide to Starships that took something like Ryan Wolfe's Future Armada stuff and gave us nice stats and info. Or even expanding on Fantasy Hero a bit more with a Pathfinder-esque bestiary.
  3. For product lines, I'd love to see a "Campaign Setting" Starter Box, "Campaign Setting" Rule Book (see Champions 4e), "Campaign Setting GM Guide", and additional books that expand out "Campaign Setting." So, using Champions as an example... Champions Starter Box hits first with limited rules, then the Champions book with all the rules you need, Champions Villain Master Guide that gives additional rules and philosophy to run a Champions game, then Enemies books, Adventure books, Build books (Champions Powers, for example), etc. This could be done for a variety of settings... "Fantasy Hero World," "Danger International," "Star Hero World," etc. I would avoid having "Hero System" anything books. I just don't see the need if the rule books are already giving you want you need. I didn't need the Hero System Rulebook back in 4e, I just used Champions.
  4. Modern Design Philosophy, to me at least, is emulating the genre you're depicting. Look at several of the games on the market these days... D&D, Pathfinder, various 2d20 systems, Mutants & Masterminds, etc. Many of these games have a sleek design that incorporates color well, and emulates the genre they're set in. Font choices come into play here, as do layout designs, stat block design, images... the overall construction of the book looks pleasing to the eye, and, in some cases more interesting. Pathfinder is a big stand out for me. While I don't play 2nd ed or Starfinder, the books are gorgeous! Easily something you can just flip through and get some basic ideas behind the game visually. I just don't see that in Hero, no matter the book I look at. I wouldn't mind seeing a 7e Hero, but I'd like to see some vast changes in how some of the rules work. Up until now, we've had a rework of a rework of a rework of the same rule for the most part. Sure they changed figured characteristics, and some powers, and this and that. I'd like to see bigger changes, personally. Rather than an "or less" roll, I'd love to have a "higher than" check instead. I'd like to see the universes reworked and modernized a bit, and while I love the toolkit feel of the game, I'd like to see a return of the setting + rules. Champions, Espionage, Justice Inc. and others of its time is how I came into Hero, and I'd love to see full books "Powered by Hero" rather than just a toolkit. But most of all, I'd like to see Hero back on store shelves and people talking about it more. This is really the primary place to talk Hero. In many circles that I'm in, the game is almost an anathema, with a few of us being the old fools that try to get people to play. The game needs a shot in the arm, and to become something big again. I never thought I'd say this, but gods do I miss the '90s!
  5. I have some issues with the presentation as well. But mine are related more to the graphic design of the books, which really should be updated to a more modern philosophy. 6e was a great attempt, but the stat blocks and general page layout needs work. As for the background, it's time for a Crisis of Champions Earths.
  6. You said "a hammer like Thor's" which is why I responded the way I did. I must've missed the "not be able to be taken away" @Spence.
  7. But the hammer can be taken away from Thor. For a while, it was a pretty reoccurring event. I'd taken a page from Mutants & Masterminds and created a modifier on Focus called "Restricted" that is either +1/4 for a wide restriction, or +1/2 for a narrow restriction.
  8. Icons struck me as "FASERIP meets SAGA meets FATE" in its construction. Not a bad game, but a bit quick and interpretive. My favorite version of Hero has always been 4th ed. The rules were a tad less crunchier, the game had a slew of content, and it was when I ran it the most.
  9. Chaosium BRP did have a supers game called Superworld, which was created by Steve Perrin. Very influenced by Champions (or so it felt), and was the rules used in the famous Wild Cards setting.
  10. I believe there are a few on the web still. Surbrook's Stuff still is up IIRC. Plus there are some in the downloads section of this site.
  11. a) Give your episodes titles? Yup. Often give campaigns "Title Names" with "Issue" names and numbers, and have done some crossovers in the past. b) Do you give origins to all your villains Yup. Most have a Handbook-style sheet available with stats and an illustration. c) Are your important NPCs stated out? Yup. As part of my city guides. d) Do you go above and beyond the duty with special props for any of your games? I've made reward cards in the past, as well as having some illustrations drawn up of important characters, a semi-weekly news update with fun info and adventure hooks, and have offered players a solo session as needed. e) anything else? I try to make my settings "Living" for the players. My superhero setting has been relatively consistent over the last three decades, changing only to make it more modern (or post-modern) as needed.
  12. First, let me preface by saying the game I mentioned wasn't exactly a superHERO game. More a superTEEN game. 1. There is nothing saying that they wouldn't. I would rely on my players and trust them to play their characters as needed. Does a 12 year old understand what's happening? Of course not. That's why the age was chosen. I also never said there wouldn't be people to check them. 2. The burnout wouldn't be at first, and it doesn't always occur at 20. Sometimes the brightest flame burns the fastest. 3. Of course it's not stable. Again, the reason why it was chosen. I've had players using characters in their 30s who don't understand wanton destruction as much as others. How is this different? 4. I had plans for training, but it might be a combo of outside help, reflexive understanding, and basic training. The more you use your powers, the more you would get a better grip on them. 5. That's a great question, and one that would be posited toward any player in such a campaign. You might get a bit of column A and column B mixed in a group setting. 6. There would've been outside forces looking to solve the burnout issue, as well as people looking to solve the power problem entirely. Some would see it as a curse, while others would see it as a gift. But I would imagine I would have a few players who might have tried to tackle the issue once it presented itself. For example, if your power is Incredible Intelligence, you might try to understand your gift more. Might being the operative word there. I should also note that the concept I posted was never full fleshed out or played. Not because it wasn't something that folks were or weren't interested, but rather something I just didn't have time to push forward.
  13. I'd considered running a game where the "super-gene" appears at age 12 in humans and has potential of burning out by the time they hit 20. Think Strikeforce Morituri meets Teen Titans. In the concept, I was going to start it on Day One. No experience with the gene, the players would be the first heroes who could inspire the future. Each year of the campaign would be a year in real time, so they had potentially 7 years to solve the gene issue. Too bad it never went forward.
  14. I would love to see a 4th ed reprint with modern design sensibilities. Nice color pages, beautiful colored illustrations, well organized headers and chapters, etc.
  15. As many have stated, without Hero/Champions, we might not have some of the options we have today. But, in a world where Hero was removed but games still evolved to where we were? I think I would've latched onto Villains & Vigilantes more, or maybe have played more Palladium. But, eventually, I would've played more FASERIP (which I played the hell out of in the '80s). I think, eventually, I'd have found myself playing Silver Age Sentinels, and eventually Mutants & Masterminds, much like I do these days. But maybe with a different perspective than I have now. If we view this as game evolution having mutated due to Hero's absence, and the game not existing to inspire others? I think I'd have just stuck with FASERIP, honestly. Always loved the game, and have always been curious how it would look if it had more game evolution over the decades.
  16. How anyone uses the power is kind of irrelevant, isn't it? The trend of "how to build" becoming "how you should use in you game" is becoming a bit tedious on the boards as of late. But to answer the question, the character in question is designed as a foil for the group in my campaign. Not really about controlling the heroes so much as others around them. But there's a certain emulation that I'm looking for that's not Transform, for example.
  17. I'm not seeing the color shift as a power... there's no advantage to it. Rather it's a drawback of the Mind Control and really should be a Limitation.
  18. Arise! Arise thread of old! I have a question in which this thread it could be told! Ia! Okay, now that the necrothreadancy has been properly cast, I was wondering something about Purple Man's powers. How would you emulate the purple-ness of his pheromone power? Is it just a result of Perceivable? In the comics, when someone is taken over by PM, they turn purple. Thoughts?
  19. Wow. Accusatory much, Steriaca? Sorry you don't like bases. Maybe you should find a different thread to be grumpy on? Just as an aside, which part of the examples I cited (see below) were about an apartment or just a living space? None? I thought so too.
  20. Sketchpad

    GM Goof-ups

    Bingo! Ouch! I've had a few similar "End of Game" scenarios. I think the most infamous one was when I was in high school. Ran a game for a few weeks before dealing with a player who argued with me about our fathers during a session and I ended up kicking him out of my house. Craziness. Sometimes a group just needs to end to move on to something cooler. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WomenInRefrigerators
  21. Yeah, but it's not the same. I like bases and think they have a place in games.
  22. Sketchpad

    GM Goof-ups

    Well, he was a friend at the time.
  23. Super useful! Thanks, @unclevlad! Man, I miss the Mastermind Option.
  24. Sketchpad

    GM Goof-ups

    Got psyched to run Target Hero back in the day. Read through the module, made notes to modify the characters... then lent the book out to a friend. Who told the group and shared the notes. And never gave me back the book until AFTER the session.
  25. I'm open to see anything. One of the biggest issues I've always found when it comes to Hero bases is the Size stat. I really wish there were better examples of each rank in CC or TUB. I mean, sure, we start at the size of the Empire State Building. But what about a penthouse apartment? Or an underground cave?
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