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Everything posted by Sketchpad

  1. That's the one, Scott. Rumor mill had it that Sean was looking at producing a Guardians book for Prowlers & Paragons, though I'm not 100% if the book is still on the docket. I would love to see a book like this converted over to Hero as well. Scott, any chance you could mention this thread? Maybe see of anyone else could give some more info? It's really too bad that we don't have a 40th Anniversary book for Champions coming out. The Guardians campaign would've made an awesome landmark for the system.
  2. It's funny. I've heard differently from another publisher who's working with some of the original players to produce a book for another system.
  3. Amen to that, Christopher. I would love to see a book akin to Strikeforce that told the story of the original Guardians campaign. That's not entirely true, Greg. Both Marksman and Rose had to undergo some changes due to legal issues and were renamed Huntsman and Psyche IIRC. I'm sure there are others that know what happened better than I.
  4. I don't know about that, Steriaca. Some of the players met not too long ago to play in a game ran by Sean Fannon. I realize that Mark Williams has long passed, but some of the other players have some great stories about him, I'm sure.
  5. I'd love to see a Hero Games video feature with interviews some of the Guardians players on their experiences with the game, and info on their characters.
  6. I would suggest looking at Hero System Skills on p. 125-132 for some expanded Computer Programming rules. That might have some options that you could use. As for how to keep Computer Programming from taking over a modern game, there are several ways. First off, certain computer systems will be harder to crack than others. This could be a negative modifier to any check. For example: Kyle "0v3rk1ll" Obert is attempting to hack into a heavily fortified bank with Computer Programming 15-. The bank has some anti-hacking software installed in it, giving anyone trying to hack it a -3 to Computer Programming checks. This means Kyle will have to now make a 12- check. Another option is to use a more Cyberpunk-ish system, making different aspects of the hacked system harder. As above, 0v3rk1ll is trying to hack a bank. To get in is a -3 to Computer Programming (a 12- check). But to get into the financial records of Claude Van Claude, he may discover a more difficult security setting (-5 to check, giving him a 10-). And if he trips something on the way, exiting the system may make it harder (-8, for a 7- check to leave without a trace). Lastly, the character may have to have the right hardware to hack. This could take the form of Software or Hardware Powers that modify certain rolls, or circumvent things entirely. Finally, 0v3rk1ll has been discovered in the bank system. He uses a Virtual Scrambler built as Change Environment (-5 to Computer Programming to find traces of hack) to cover his tracks as he leaves.
  7. I've been lucky enough to have had a great gaming group for the past two decades. I just had to split it into two groups a few months back. Unfortunately I'm not running Champions much these days, but that's how things go.
  8. Just speaking the truth. 😄 Have you been doing any gaming lately?
  9. That's because you ARE cool, Shelly!
  10. On the subject of Eurostar being a team for a bygone age. What about evolving them? Taking Fiacho and turning him more into a Baron Zemo pastiche who puts together these "Conquerors of Crime" sort of groups that are funded by Eurostar as a multi-layered agency? On one level, you've got the Euro-Baddies, but on another, maybe a larger company that, in turn, funds a modern techno-terrorist group that employs soldiers, hackers, and rogue engineers. The thought of Eurostar as a villain group was lost in the past. No one believes they're still around, and even if they were, they don't deem them a threat... except they're more of a threat now than ever. Now they deal in cryptocurrencies, the dark web, and have their fingers in the dark dealings within all of Europe. New members, villains who don't even know who's pulling the strings, and bank accounts that go dry without a trace. All of this because Fiacho has finally achieved his mastermind plot of controlling the world...
  11. Steel Sword Too Heavy? -X to OCV making hard to wield. Uranium Armor? CON Drain. Sodium Armor? Xd6 Blast (Explosion), only in contact with water. Rust: Xd6 RKA (Only vs. Metal Material) Molten Metal: Xd6 AP RKA Gold/Silver: +Xd6 Strike Appearance (UOO), Drain PD/ED
  12. Has there been a new Champions of the North? I'd love to see a revision of that book.
  13. Oh I have a map. I just wasn't sure if there was some mechanic to populate an area with thick growth, for example, since its designed to slow people down or hide things.
  14. I have a group who is using an old camp as a base. Think kind of like Camp Crystal Lake from Friday the 13th movies. I'm trying to figure out a few things about it and could use some build advice... What SIZE should it be? Right now I have the camp at 131,072 m^3 in volume with a x32,768 in Grounds. If there was a dense forest that makes it hard to navigate, how would you depict this? Change Environment? I was thinking it might give some minuses to movement and perception. Easy for people to get lost (as they're also adding traps). They want to have some portals to get around the area easier. I realize this would be teleportation, but if they choose random portals, I'd imagine they might be independent, yes?
  15. That's one of the reasons why I'm a big fan of having just skill modifiers with computers than the skill itself. Rather than a "KS: Internet Chat Etiquette 14-" I would rather have "KS: Internet Chat Etiquette +3" as it modifies the skill of the user.
  16. Hmm... I don't know. A bit of modification on the modern one and they look pretty cool as Viper Agents.
  17. I always find minis helpful when running con games. Maybe snag some cheap Heroclix and use them?
  18. I didn't mind Guardians, to be honest. I think it had some fun ideas, and the art was fairly decent for the time. I also really enjoyed Justifiers, which I ran pretty regularly for about a year.
  19. I've played a little bit of everything as far as Superhero RPGs go. By Guardians, do you mean the old game from Star Childe, or the OSR one that's relatively new? I've been running M&M for a while now, but recently have been considering returning to Hero. Loved both of the TSR Marvel Games (FASERIP and Saga), and really wished that WotC could release a new edition as an open license game.
  20. I ran some Tri-Stat SAS when it first came it out for a bit, but the group I was with preferred Champions. Funny thing was, they called it Hero-Lite for a while (which is what M&M has been occasionally called as well). BESM 4e was a bit more detailed, but still didn't quite gel with the group I ran.
  21. Not really, @Christopher R Taylor. The sheets are a bit too basic for my use. I'm thinking we could use something a bit more robust honestly. I'm thinking we'd need the other stats since they do have a purpose in the game. I was playing around with formatting a while back and came up with the following. Still not 100% happy with it, but it's coming along.
  22. You could buy the Image Portfolio Platinum products off DriveThruRPG and use his art. This is one of many: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/91000/Image-Portfolio-Platinum-Free-Edition-Storn-Cook
  23. @Jhamin Do you have an example of Fantasy Hero sheet that you use? One of the things I would like to see in stat blocks is some genre emulation. Fantasy Hero sheets should look a bit different than, say, a Space Hero sheet. There should be different focuses depending on the sheet you're using. I've often considered making a Spell Book sheet for my players that would break down the power builds, while a simple list of spells may exist on the main sheet, for example. But there also has to be something connecting the threads between genres as well. Maybe the way stats and in-play mechanics are presented? I have considered something similar, @Spence. I often wonder why the sheet has to have every point listed on it, and not just be the info needed to play the character. Maybe the resolution is a build sheet and a character sheet? Wasn't there something similar in 2e Champions? @archerDo you have an example of the sheets that you used? I agree on the list part, but that seems to be an issue occasionally no matter the system. Or at least I see it pop its head up occasionally. @Christopher R TaylorIt's a very useful document. Do you think something like this should be included in a standard character sheet? Is there something more aesthetically needed for a stat block? Some kind of graphic or a format that works better. Have you ever looked at another RPG product and said "That format is clean and useful. I wish other games used it?"
  24. Sure. By "Hero Stat Block" I mean the format in which a character sheet displays stats... characteristics, powers, skills, etc. IMHO, the Hero stat block isn't always "user friendly" to players (and some GMs), nor has it really been updated to a more modern design philosophy. I think the sheet that @DreadDomainhas made has a great flow to it (see link below), and Aldo Regalado's sheet (https://tgidragonflystudios.wordpress.com/2019/01/01/champions-character-sheet-thrice-the-charm/) is pretty nice as well. But is there a better way?
  25. I like a mix of the 4e ones.
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