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Everything posted by Sketchpad

  1. I was just thinking that today. Maybe something like: Evasion: -XDC Damage Negation (AoE Powers), Requires an Acrobatics Roll.
  2. It wouldn't be hard to emulate. Just give a rough ratio of Stun for crowd:agent. So a gang of 10 Viper agents may be built with 50 Stun, which means for every 5 Stun the number of agents decreases. I liked some of the concepts of C:NM and how they tried to update the ideas behind the game. Looking back on it, I often wonder how much M&M was influenced by it.
  3. Back in the old CU campaign I ran, Seeker quit the Champions and joined UNTIL as a special operative until he retired as a trainer. One of the last characters made for the campaign had been trained by him and would defend him whenever someone tried to bad mouth the former hero. It was great!
  4. Makes sense. I'll keep that in mind. Mainly looking for ideas on where the limits end and such on the whole alternate form concept.
  5. Hmm... that is an interesting idea, LW.
  6. Hmm... if all the powers are linked, can they also live in a Unified Power structure? The electrical damage can only affect the real world. No containment suit is necessary, as they have a MP of Electrical Powers outside this form. Basically he has to use his juice to take on the electrical form OR can use his main attacks (since they cannot be used while he's desolid).
  7. Hello Herodom! I'm working on a hero that can assume an alternate form as one of their powers. Think Electro, but their body becomes electricity at times. I was looking at Champions Powers and they build it as Desolidification. Great, but that's only one aspect of the power. I was looking at the following: - Electrical Form: Desolidification (Not good vs. Conductible) - Zapped: 1d6 RKA (AoE - Personal Surface/Damage Shield; Affects Physical World) - Zip-Zap: Flight 25" - Energy Being: Life Support So here's my question: With the above grouped together should they be linked since it's an alt form? Does Unified Power apply? They do have other powers that cannot be used while in the alt form at the moment (because they don't have Affects Physical World). How would you build a "Body of" power as part of the power set?
  8. That completely sucks, Bub. Sorry to hear. I'd love to see Hero do POD books in color and hardcover. Oddly enough, I sold my Hero stuff a little while back and have kicked myself since. Maybe someday I'll get the books back I had, but I kind of doubt it.
  9. @Derek HiemforthExactly what @BigJackBrasssaid. The hardcover is incredibly difficult to find it seems, and the copies that are out there are stupidly expensive. I would love to grab a HC full color copy, but I'm not willing to pay much past retail. I kind of wish that Hero would set up the POD books to be in color and HC. Thanks for the ISBN. Hoping that will help in my hunt.
  10. I'm looking to find a copy of the 6th ed Champions in Hardcover and was wondering if the ISBN was different than the softcover?
  11. Bah! I always dug Seeker. In my old campaign, he became an agent of UNTIL and served as an advisor to one of the groups.
  12. There has been some work on a Roll20 Hero sheet at this thread... I kind of like the idea of updating some of the old books in maybe a Classic Champions line. A "Champions Roster" book would be cool as well... though why not have Seeker in it?
  13. Jason, any chance we might see POD books that are full color and hardcover this year?
  14. Actually, Namor was an X-Man for a bit during their first attempt at an island nation built from Asteroid M called Utopia. That's how he got involved in the whole "Phoenix Five" storyline. Doom does often proclaim his actions are for the betterment of Latveria and has hidden behind his Diplomatic Immunity in the past. Ultron has also committed horrible acts under the flag of a new species as well. I agree that Magneto can be a bit moronic, but I see it more as he does what he does for Magneto, not the flag du jour that he decides to fly. Looking at Chuck, he's really one of the true villains in so many ways.
  15. Indeed. Both were incredible talents.
  16. You never need an excuse to post Mike Wieringo's art. Never.
  17. The Woodsman: Formerly lower nobility that was stripped of their title and has since retreated to the nearby forest. Has learned to live off the land and wield a sword. The Fool: A former jester that's now hiring themselves out as an adventurer. He brings an unusual spin on bard-like abilities to the table. The Smith: Child of a blacksmith that can make any blade known. And can swing them better than most warriors. Sellsword: An impressive warrior with a mixed reputation. They can help... for the right price. Pact Mage: Made a deal with a few otherworldly beings for amazing power. Unfortunately payment is coming due. The Chi Master: Trained in the martial arts for years, they're out in the world for the first time and looking for new experiences.
  18. My issue with online gaming is the lack of technology experience that my group has. Far too many times did we have noise issues that could've been solved by tweaking the tech or just muting a mic.
  19. I think this one is better than the other, but if I can offer a few suggestions? The "Game Master Book" really shouldn't cut the title. Have you considered using the original cover you had with a color strip at the bottom with the GM Book title? Is there a colored Hero System logo that you can use? Maybe put that as part of the strip? Have you considered doing something like a color hold over the images? By making something like this, you could have the color be different on each book. Do you have an idea for the back cover?
  20. From within Hero Designer? You have to choose an Export Format from the menu at the top, or use the PDF maker in it (which I think is in the File Menu).
  21. Out of curiosity, Tiger, what are you using to layout your books? If I could give a few pointers about the preview? I would avoid excessive backgrounds. Particularly when you have text in front of it. It's a bit hard to read in most cases. Stick to a single font size for the book. Having some stuff at 10pts, then 12pts for something else, and 16pts for another gives it some inconsistency. The spacing with some of your images are a bit tight, particularly on page 16. You should have a bit more buffer space inserted there.
  22. First off, welcome to the Hero System. If you're interested in running a fantasy-style game using Hero, I would recommend a copy of Fantasy Hero Complete (link below). It's an all-in-one kind of book that uses the latest edition of the Hero System rules.
  23. There are ways to import XML into InDesign. I've been working on learning that in my Free Time (hahahahaha).
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