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Posts posted by Foxiekins

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:

    The conventional build for something like a parachute has historically been limited gliding.  This sounds very similar.

    I would use Gliding, but hasn't gliding been changed in 6th Edition to a limitation you place on flight, instead of being a separate power...?  I'm not sure how to work it with the new version...

  2. I've come up with a special effect, where a character is able to generate acceleration for themselves, like Superman's flight, but the max acceleration they can create falls a bit short of 1 gee.  No way they can get aloft, but I figure, based on Terminal Velocity calculations, that a pair of roller skates would let them sail along with running of 84 meters, if their speed is 7.  This is no problem, I give them speed 7 and 72 meters of running with a focus.  The problem is that if they were falling, they could cut the acceleration they were under due to gravity to a tiny fraction of a gee.  My calculations indicate this would give them a Terminal Velocity of 20 meters per second or so.  How would you construct this ability?

  3. On 3/29/2023 at 10:45 AM, steriaca said:

    That's not exactly the ability to "talk forever". I would say Images to Sound Sense Group, Incarnations.


    She still needs air I think. If she can talk in all areas she can breathe normally then the various Safe Environment Life Support can be used.


    Something to consider. Darkness VS Hearing, Incarnations, Must Be Anle To Talk To Continue Darkness (-1/4, if any limitation on the power), and prehaps Redced Endurance (she can litterly talk for days). Her voice drounds out whatever sound is nearby her. The characters are not actually deafened by her, they just have a hard time hearing any other noise around her. 

    I think Change Environment is better for this...  Darkness VS Hearing, per the rules, would prevent hearing anything else, not just make it a hard time...  A penalty to Hearing Perception in the area due to distraction, certainly...  And a penalty to Interaction skills for anyone in the area...  Possibly a penalty to Intellect skills as well...

  4. I found this template on one of the netbooks, and modified it for 6th Edition...  I will edit this, as I get more done...


    Name:  Yakkity Yak

    Val    Char    Cost
      10    STR        0
      23    DEX     26
      30    CON    20
      23    INT       13
      15    EGO        5
      23    PRE       13
        5    OCV      10
        5    DCV      10
        3    OMCV    0
        3    DMCV    0    
        6    SPD      40
        5    PD          3
        5    ED          3
      10    REC        6
      20    END       0
      10    BODY     0
      20    STUN    0

    Characteristic Rolls: STR:  11 -, DEX:  14 -, CON:  15 -, INT:  14 -, EGO:  12 -, PER:  14 -
    Run:  12m, Swim:  4m, Jump:   4m, Lift: 100 kg

    Cost    Powers                                                                                                                                                        END

    Spitting Ball Bearings

      10       Blast 3d6 (15 APs); 64 clips of 1 Charge (-¼), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼)    1

    Biting Through Steel Cable

      36      +60 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (90 APs); Only With Her Teeth (-1 ½)


    Cost    Skills, Talents, Perks    Roll

       9         Charm                          17 -


    75    Complications

    Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
    PD/rPD:  5 / 0 ; ED/rED:  5 / 0


    Costs:        Char.:       149    Complications:    0
           Powers:              +46               Base:    400

    Skills/Perks/Talents:   +9
                Exp.:                +0
                     Total:    =  204           Total:    =  400


    Height:   163 cm ( 5' 4"), Weight:  58.97 kg (   130 lbs), Sex: Female   , Race: Anthropomorphic Yak


  5. She can spit ball bearings at just under the speed of sound...  Pulling out my copy of Guns, Guns, Guns, I guesstimate this at 1d6 Killing, or a 3d6 Blast...  15 Active Points, that is...  A bag of ball bearings, between 1 and 2 pounds, is going to hold somewhat more than 50 of them, assuming bearings half an inch in diameter, or a bit more, as I did when I figured damage with 3G3...  "Loaded" individually, so I would call that 64 clips of 1 charge each...  (-1/4)  Spitting would still cost END, I assume, so that would be Costs Endurance (to Activate)...  (-1/4)


    So that would be Blast 3d6 (15 Active) and (-1/2) in Limitations, for a real cost of 10 points, and END = 1...

  6. On 3/29/2023 at 10:45 AM, steriaca said:

    That's not exactly the ability to "talk forever". I would say Images to Sound Sense Group, Incarnations.


    She still needs air I think. If she can talk in all areas she can breathe normally then the various Safe Environment Life Support can be used.


    Something to consider. Darkness VS Hearing, Incarnations, Must Be Anle To Talk To Continue Darkness (-1/4, if any limitation on the power), and prehaps Redced Endurance (she can litterly talk for days). Her voice drounds out whatever sound is nearby her. The characters are not actually deafened by her, they just have a hard time hearing any other noise around her. 

    Can you apply Reduced Endurance to Long Term Endurance Losses...?  Since speech doesn't have an End Cost, that's the only way I can see Endurance becoming an issue...  Oh, wait, nevermind...  It's just the Darkness that needs zero Endurance, since neverending speech is just the Special Effect...

  7. 1 hour ago, Tech said:

    I think any player who has to speak Valley Girl talk for a long period of time might go insane, or at least annoy the other players.

    Well, her MO was to be a distraction while her band of Hired Thugs stole anything that wasn't nailed down...

  8. This was a character I created for SuperMegaTopia, but didn't wind up using much, if at all...  She shares an SFX with Mighty Yak, in that she builds up a progressive immunity over time to stress in her environment...


    The character speaks in Valley Girl, so I named her most prominent ability the Power of Interminable Elocution...  She literally has the power to TALK FOREVER...  She has also developed superhuman capability with anything related to or involved with speech...  I have started to wonder what the character would look like in 6th edition...  She has spit ball bearings at people for damage, exploded a vending machine by blowing into the coin slot when she needed change, bitten through steel cable, and drunk boiling hot coffee without harm...  Any other abilities that should be included, as I attempt a build for her...?

  9. On 3/15/2023 at 10:59 PM, Duke Bushido said:

    If you have the ability to _touch_ it (via Affects Desolid on your STR, it should really be a matter of the two SFX involved (those of the target _and those of your affects Desolid_) and their interaction that determines if or how you can feel said target.


    Blessed by a priest and charged by a god to vanquish the ghosts of the unholy?  Sure; you should be able to feel them.


    Got a set of special gloves that lets your interact with extradimensional energy beings?  No; you probably aren't going to to know the texture of their outer electron shells, I am afraid.


    Here is the thing:


    Over the years there have been thousands- hundreds of thousands-- millions, perhaps?-- of words posted on this board about "the meta."  The horrors of the meta.  How wrong it is to play the meta.


    And very little acknowledgement of the fact that from first edition to the current one, "Affects Desolid" is the single most meta rule there is.  Its absolute _only_ purpose is to ensure that Desolidification is _not_ "immune to damage" (in spite of the hundreds of 4e-era builds that used it in limited cases exactly as "immune to X kind of damage").


    That's it.  Since 1980, Desolidification has changed a lot  (it used to be a movement power), but _always_ has there been Affects Desolid to make sure we could poke those pesky intangibles right in the nose.


    It is meta because it exists _completely outside_ of SFX.  It is not separated from SFX as the other powers are (or should be, growth momentum).  It works _regardless_ of SFX.  I have a pair of Holy Bracers that let me grab vampires even when in mist form.  I can also grab ghosts, fire creatures, electrical forms, lightwave teleporters, astral projections, beings of pure thought, and the Flash.  Neat!


    It doesnt get talked about much, and honestly, I am not sure why.  Its kind of a touchy subject for some folks, I suppose, but let's look at this:


    I decide that I want to build a ninja so fast that he can Dodge bullets, even automatic weapon fire.  I decide to build this as Desolidification, x2 END, maybe even requires a half move or a DEX roll, does not actually desolidify (no going through fences or walls), only versus projectile and thrown weapons.  (Yes; I chose this example because it has been done before, though I do not think officially).


    My ninja is now bullet proof.  Neat!  Along comes Joey Neanderthall with his beer can of ghost slaying.  I can "dodge" spray fire from seven gunmen simultaneously, but Joey takes one drunken toss of his beer can to knock me flat.


    A funny thing happens when you suggest this:


    People get mad.  No; I do not know why.  "It shouldnt work like that" or "but you have to mind the special effects--" and here is the good part '-- how can you justify having Affects Desolid on a beer can?"


    Because "HERO is a points-buy system, meaning that you can build exactly what you envision" suddenly isn't valid anymore.  There are great lengths gone to to avoid the "ADO is pure meta" conversation.


    ADO _is_ pure meta.  It is also _completely necessary_ that it be pure meta.  However, to me, that means that the SFX for it are _more important than for any other part of the game_.  It must work the way that you need it to work, and it must be different for each character, and it must be a malleable modifier that blends seamlessly into the power to which you wish to affix it.


    All that being said, I have _zero_ problems with someone putting it on their STR and being able to feel and touch the Desolid thing just as if they were two fully.... Tangible?  Objects interacting.


    I mean, having to buy your STR twice seems like punitive spending enough, doesn"t it?

    Thank you...  That pretty much lays it all to rest...  Based on the SFX I envisioned, his Chi would be interacting with the Chi of his target, and rendering them Tangible to him...  The only thing the power wouldn't affect is something without Chi, i. e. a non-living machine with Desolid...  I suppose I *should* add that to the build as a -0 Limitation, just for clarity...  You know, someone tried to criticize the power once by claiming Desolid is like being air, and this power would let me touch air...  Then I asked him how fans worked, if you couldn't touch air...  I think the question broke his brain...  Anyway, thanks again...

  10. I have an NPC with Affects Desolid for his STR.  I had been assuming that included the ability to touch things that are desolid, but now I'm not sure...  However, page 209 of 6th edition, volume 1, states that a character cannot buy Advantages or take Limitations for their standard Senses.  Am I overthinking this?  How would you suggest creating the ability, if so?

  11. Have you considered card-based initiative?  Everyone draws a number of cards equal to their speed, and initiative goes in card order...  Then you do end of turn, and everyone draws for the next turn if the fight is still going on...  As a variation, you could draw 1 less card than your speed, except SPD 1 still draws a card...  Then after all cards are used, everyone SPD 2 or higher goes on Segment 12, followed by end of turn, and then a new draw...

  12. 5 hours ago, unclevlad said:



    This is a hypothetical naked advantage.  Body Shield would be the name for a Resistant Protection that presumably is greater than 5/5, so the idea here is only part of it would be hardened.  Also, Body Shield itself would normally be inobvious, and this makes it obvious when it's active.  


    So there's 2 required aspects:

    1.  Max Base Cost

    2.  The naked advantages;  sometimes there are several. 


    There are 2 optional ones:  the other modifiers, which ONLY apply to the naked advantage and not to the underlying power (I personally have a High Scale advantage for movement powers, and may well slap 0 END to that part.)  And the Applies To is descriptive only.

    There are 2 possibilities.  #1, you're not setting Max Base Cost.  #2, you're only using Add Modifiers, when what you need to add Naked Modifiers to have something to be modified by Add Modifiers.  The Naked Mods are those that are applied to the base power;  the Add Mods apply to the Naked Mods.



    This was exactly the info I needed...  I was only clicking Add Mods...  Thanks...

    7 hours ago, Simon said:

    Sounds like you’re applying Advantages and Limitations to the Naked Advantage and never actually selecting the Naked Advantage itself.

    Exactly what I was doing...  First time I'd ever set up a Naked Advantage before...  Thank you...

  13. When I try to set up a Naked Advantage I can select advantages, note the active points they apply to, and note what they apply to, but when the ability is finished it always has a zero active point cost, zero real cost, and zero END cost...  Has anyone else had this happen...?  I'm using Build 20120316

  14. 5 hours ago, steriaca said:

    It should be noted he doesn't know Martial Arts, even Drunken Kung Fu. Instead he has the Psychological Complication "Believes He Knows Martial Arts When Drunk".

    This would be a Very Common Psychological Complication...?

  15. On 8/16/2022 at 9:18 AM, Scott Ruggels said:

    FATE, FUDGE, Savage Worlds. Any system with only three stats is not for me ( except Melee/ Wizard).  I’ve tried them, but the modern minimalism, to me feels like my character is on the set of a low budget film or TV production, improvising dialogue to the director-GMs plot outline.  The buildings are cardboard, the props are cheap, and the mountains in the distance are painted backdrops.  The escape, and occasional immersion I desire in a game, just isn’t there for me in these minimalist systems. Any game that does not give that living world feeling, be it because of railroading in a good system, or minimalist mechanics for me is a bad experience. Savage Worlds’ exploding dice mechanic was illogical to this gun nut, where a baby with a butter knife was the most lethal entity in the universe. I am also an anti-fan of fate points fate tokens or similar te-roll mechanics. The dice rule. I wish Sean Fannon well for his system, but I won’t return easily to his minimalist Superheroes.  Basically any system that favors a narrative structure or is plot driven, I walk away from.

    I have tried Savage Worlds, and much prefer the company's previous system...  We were once up against a hourde of Smart, Fast Zombies, with randomly-generated reinforcements, and completely ran out of ammo a third of the way through...  The system let me kill the remaining zombies with a shovel...  The very last zombie was about to escape, and infect the world...  I threw the shovel and took its head off...  I think the d6 is the most lethal die in the game, and PCs automatically get an extra die to roll, just because they're PCs...  And which die is it...?  An extra d6, of course...

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