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Everything posted by red_eagle123

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: We have a tradition of throwing Garter Belts at weddings, I wonder what cosmic beings throw at their weddings. A: Peace, War and Understand my rear, give me War, Hatred and Confusion instead.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Anyone know why Death Tribble's last words were 'That was the finest piece of a** I ever felt!' before he went into hiding? A: I didn't know his body could be bent that way, painful as it looks.
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey DT, are these Hermit's pickled pants or Klytus' singing slacks you're putting on? A: Why no Zornwil, I wouldn't say that....
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Mega-Corp needs a new spokesmodel to frontline it's subversive plot to take over the world, but we don't know how to present it to the public. Any suggestions? Q: What's a really nice way to describe the NGD posters? A: The Abyssmal meet the Petulant and give birth to the Unnatural.
  5. Re: A slight Revamp of 4th Ed. DEMON Now, there's nothing that says I can't use Elizabeth Bathory or even Vlad Dracul, but they just won't be one of the five heads of the DEMON empire.
  6. Re: A slight Revamp of 4th Ed. DEMON I finally found who I want to be the fifth member of the DEMON council. Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I wound up using Morgantina from the 'Ali Baba and the 40 thieves' story, modifying it slightly that Morgantina after she marries Ali Baba's son finds the secret to the cave, finds some magic stuff Ali Baba never knew what to do with and goes power hungry. She later winds up taking the name Shaharazad (sp?) and is forced to stay alive by relating the tales of 1001 Arabian Nights to her husband (which the astute will note is where Ali Baba and the 40 thieves is from).
  7. Re: A slight Revamp of 4th Ed. DEMON THANK YOU. I couldn't for the life of me remember her name, even though I knew enough of her story to be dangerous... hee hee. Thanks for the other suggestions Lord Liaden, definately lots of food for thought. I read up on Elizabeth Bathory, definately someone... erm... wicked. I read a bio for Oda Nobunaga as well, but nothing I saw that screamed DEMON candidate to me. Do we have any African or Asian types that can fill the role? With Rasputin and Baba Yaga (and Rose representing England/France Fey mythos), I think the Europeon/Prussian aspects of the old world are covered.
  8. Re: A slight Revamp of 4th Ed. DEMON I haven't heard of this Elizabeth Bathory. I'll have to look her up, sounds like a possibility however. I did a search on http://www.pantheon.org (Great Site btw, highly recommended) and read up on Prestor John. But he's too... mmm... happy. Not quite the type I was thinking of. I'll also look up Oda Nobunaga as well, not familiar with him. Just thought of someone else... can't remember her name, but she's famous for giving her parents forty whacks with an axe (How does that poem go again)
  9. In my recent tabletop game, I had the players witness a meeting of the minds between Zodiac and DEMON. Now in my game, I'm playing up Zodiac as a shadowy nearly mythical villain team, known more by rumor and myth than any hard fact. I'm adapting the Zodiac Conspiracy for my means. Anyhow, Zodiac is conferring with the heads of DEMON, who I stated were a circle of 5 beings. I used the descriptions of the three I recall from the old organizations book (Rose, The voodoo lady and Baba Yaga), and added in Rasputin. But my problem is that I'm not sure who to use as the fifth. My plan is to have DEMON be a mostly Europeon/Asian/African organization. I'd also like to use names that people recognize but may not necessarily know the full story about (Such as Baba Yaga, only some of my players had ever heard the name). I'd also like to use a character that could have existed in a super-hero inhabited world in the dark ages. One thought I had was to use Vladamir Dracul aka Vlad the impaler aka Dracula. But Dracula's one of those uber-popular types. Does anyone have any suggestions for other characters I could use to fill out my DEMON leadership roster?
  10. Re: Silver Age Superteam Archetypes? Hey Now, I happen to think that a Sentient Gorilla speedster is MUCH more appealing than the boring old brick.... Oh look, I even wrote one up: Tachyon, World's Fastest Ape!
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So what was the end result of your attempt to find your Frog Prince? A: I ache for the touch of your lips, dear. But much more for the touch of your, whips, dear.
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey, Super-duper Man, I heard that a 6-year old and her posse kicked your butt yesterday. Is it true? A: Screw the cup, just pump that coffee into me Intra-veinously
  13. Re: The Global Guardians on September 11, 2001
  14. Re: The Global Guardians on September 11, 2001 Well there's two reasons for the PC's failing. First, the assignment as presented was that while the PC's could be on scene, and save lives, the tragedy would still occur. The planes would crash, the towers would fall, and the death toll would still be present. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I think the PC's fail because despite the desire to avert the tragedy, that would be disgracing the memory of the tragedy. Not just the tragedy itself, but of those who lost people. It's hard for me to put into words, but it's the same reason that during World War 2, writers came up with artificial reasons the big super-heroes weren't allowed into the war. Yes they could stop the war, but considering the real world and the implications, it's best if they didn't.
  15. Re: The Global Guardians on September 11, 2001 Just wanted to point out that there are more of these in various states of completion. I'm not sure if WorldMaker planned on posting them all or not however. I can say that this was a hard assignment to write towards, and WM was even hesitant to ask us to write about the topic. However I think from what I've seen that some excellent tales came out because of it.
  16. Re: Learning from mistakes Like Blue, I'm a perfect GM. I have no mistakes to learn from. And er... any of those players that happen to die because I throw a 20d6 penetrating RKA at them from megascale range... that was... er... uhm... their 1d6 of badluck kicking in. Yeah, that's it.
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's the motto of the National Square Peg/Round Hole Association? A: Duuuuuu-ump it!
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey Mr. Samurai Rabbit, are you okay? Aren't you enjoying our discussion of Ninja Squirrels and other famous Ninja animals? A: There ain't no tolerance like a west-coast tolerance because the west coast tolerance is the best tolerance.
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Did I hear you right, how were you scolding your tweety bird? A: Comix 4-evah! P.S. Nice to see you back in action Klytus
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Teen Klytus, you've broken every window in school, burned the library down, put humiliating pictures of the principal up all over town and mocked the fashion sense of your teachers. Do you have any reasons for doing all this? A: Funka-chicalic bay-bee!
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Man that Bugs has an uncanny knack of manipulating people. You see how he got Daffy and Donald into that convention of hunters by convincing them it was a reality tv show? A: Binders, Folders, and Storage. Oh My!
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So I hear Robbie the Robot has a new catchphrase. Any idea what it is? A: And that's the way the baked in fat with chocolate morsels shortbread confection crumbles.
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