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Everything posted by red_eagle123

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Wow! I really love this house. Especially this... uhm... what's this flat thing we're walking on? A: Not in my lifetime we won't.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey, do you have any idea of what I can use to get this stain out of my blue dress? A: Brake fluid works well for that I hear.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This happened in the last game for my group. The team was punted to an apocolyptic future and we were trying to decide how to get into the Mega-city without getting caught. As the only non-permanantly powered person on the team as well as having no technical super powers (Green Arrow clone), My character commented: Me: "Look, just find a copy of the drug they give the citizens to pump me up with and let me go in. I'm the only one here that has no super powers to hide" Other PC: "I beg to differ! Well.. you're right, but I still beg to differ!" Of course the fact that the other PC has yet to reveal what it is he can do yet made that comment all the more humorous.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I'm sorry, you must be delirious. What did you just say the French did? A: Nobody in their right mind.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So what do you consider the worst night you've had so far? A: It was a shouting match between Howler, Black Canary and Songbird.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So will "Critter Storm" please Furry Fans? A: Harry Potter, in the Danger Room, with the Highlanders sword!
  7. Re: New Villain Organization. Please comment. I actually used the organization mentioned in one of Lord Liadon's links, specifically the A.S.P. group. The way I used them was this: Viper already existed in my world, but since the PC's were new to the whole hero'ing thing, they were only aware of them by name. This new group shows up and starts trying to copy their equipment and such, and they ran into them a few times. Eventually it was revealed that there were three parts to the A.S.P. organization (with lots of other little sub-organizations). The three main parts could be described thusly: Military: These were the troops running around in green jumpsuits shooting at our heroes. Their primary goal was to be seen as much as possible and raise as much of a public ruckus as they could. Scientific: Typically clad in blue, this branch wasn't discovered for awhile. They were researching all sorts of genetic mutations and attempting to artifically replicate said mutations. Political: These were politicians planted or subverted to the will of A.S.P. They were put in place to pass certain laws. The whole goal of this organization was this: Founded by a coalition of European CEO's, they wanted to get America to start paying for the repeated rampages of Eurostar. However rather than ask for the money, they decided to make America pay by inserting loopholes into rapidly created laws to battle out of control supers. How do they get these laws passed? By creating monsters and terrorist organizations to trouble the public as much as they can (with as much public destruction as possible). There was also a side A.S.P. organization that dealt out super hero insurance, at a high premium. Between the legal loopholes and the insurance company, more than enough money was being made to the corporations back in Europe that they could make 'Donations' to the European governments and be seen as national heroes for their help. A bit convoluted, but it worked out pretty well once things started falling into place for the heroes. The downfall of ASP was one of the players first real victories in the game, and they're always asking if ASP is coming back...
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I find myself, for the second time in as many weeks, limping due to an injury. First it was a knee that got infected, now I'm told by a doctor to keep my foot elevated due to minor toe surgery. If I were religious, I might think someone was trying to tell me something (Quit walking ya moron!). On the plus side, I now get to pop vicadin pills for a week to deal with pain....
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I find myself a people watcher, both in real life and on the boards here. It's caused no end of trouble for me, as I have a bad habit of just staring at something that's caught my interest. Usually people mis-judge my reasons for staring (or in some cases not staring). And yet, I find their reactions to be all the more interesting. For Instance, grocery shopping the other day and walking through the chips/soda isle, I saw a group of young High School guys huddled around pointing at chips and trying to come to some consensus. One of them held Hamburger meat, and they were pointing at the cheapest bags of potato chips available. I was so tempted to stop and watch, if only to see if I can figure out if they were being extremely frugal, or just didn't have the cash they wanted for their big blow out barbeque they were likely planning.
  10. red_eagle123

    Prime 8

    Re: Prime 8 Prime 8 is a nasty nasty team, there's no doubt about that. I have no doubt that if they wanted to they could have put a serious hurt on the PC's before they were defeated. As it were the brief skirmish managed to injure on PC and break the arm of another (Thank god for rapid healing).
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why were you driving that run down looking Stringray the other day? A: She drank like a... she drank a lot.
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Gill's hard of Herring, is he okay? A: It was a real dive.
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So where was it you were reported to have blown a Seal? A: A Sucker Punch
  14. Re: Answers & Questions A: Why did Marlin not donate more to Jerry's Squids? Q: A case of the clams.
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How did that Nerd get into this RPG Summit conference, he doesn't belong to any company I'm aware of. A: It was April the 41st, being a quadruple Leapyear
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So I think I've discovered a unique way to solve my cooking class competition problem and your annoying over-bearing girlfriend problem, don't you think? A: For the last time, I'm from Funkville, not Funky Town.
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my Father. What do you have to say for yourself? A: I'm sorry, but that's not in my job description.
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Dude, what's up with this server? I keep trying to log in and access my martial arts moves, what's up with that? A: Tim, Death Tribble and Ultrasonique, just as examples off the top of my head.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Why is it that I've suddenly become much more prolific in my posting on the hero boards, and yet I still only feel comfortable posting in threads where the content is fairly meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Is it because I have no unique opinions of my own to offer up? Or am I afraid of being shouted down for possibly unpopular opinions?
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why are you preparing to sacrifice that jukebox to the Elder God Cthulu? A: Tupperware, Horse Blinders and blue dye are useful for that, or so I've heard.
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Alright Sgt. I hear you captured four of the most likely suspects for the Bank Robbery. Who are they? A: It's a bit Bling Bling and a bit Hickory Stumple.
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