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Everything posted by Netzilla

  1. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? I'm not sure you're comparing the right numbers. For a 9DC Normal attack against 20 DEF, the average Stun comes out to 11.52 (see attached spreadsheet). For the 9DC Killing, it's 11.57. So, at that level, you're pretty much at a point of pairity. Bring that DEF up to 30, however, and the KA does an average of 6.72 while the normal is at only 2.89 (less than 1/2 the damage). Again, if you don't trust the math, roll 10 9d6 normal attacks against 30 DEF and 10 3d6 kill attacks against the same DEF and see what you actually roll. Feel free to roll Knockback for each and include those numbers to see what impact that might have. I'm betting the Knockback won't generate enough dice to do damage past 30 DEF.
  2. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? If you don't trust the mathematics, try an experiment: Roll 10 12d6 Normal Attacks against a 40 rDEF target and count the average damage done. Then do the same with 10 4d6 Killing Attacks. See which averages a higher damage total. If we can get 10 people on these boards doing that, we have a sample set of 100 of each roll and can coallate the data to see what that gives us.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Player: Ninja don't scream. [Later] Other Player: Ninja may not scream, but apparently they can whine. [Even More Later] Player: Ninja can freak out. GM: Correction, Ninja can flip out, and then kill stuff.
  4. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? Sorry, my mistake. I'd somehow gotten it into my head that you were one of the folks arguing against changing KA at all. Upon reviewing the last several posts, I realized you weren't. I blame the evil combination of lawn mowing and hay fever.
  5. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? Well, I'd been avoiding this thread since most of my thoughts were already posted over in the 6E threads. However, coincidentally enough, this issue came up in our game last night. This was the first session of a new campaign and the PCs were up against a fairly major opponent (meant to be able to take on about 1/2 the party by himself and was to be a recurring villain). The first shot that hit him was a 3d6-1 RKA w/ +1 StunM (shotgun) that rolled a Vitals hit doing 12 Body and 60 Stun. That not only Stunned the villain but dropped him down to about 10 Stun remaining. One lucky hit and was immediately put on the defensive against 2 out of 7 PCs when he should have been a tough fight for 3 or 4 of them going by the average results. This is not the first time I've seen this kind of thing happen.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Actually, with Cthulu, I suspect the way they taste is their most important feature.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From our Mythic Greek Heroes campaign: The group is a banquet being thrown in their honor after having returned the Omphalos to Delphi (which had been stolen in a prior episode). Sarrigone: Wow, you fetch someone's big rock and you get all this. I should have started gathering big rocks a long time ago. **** Sophie to Typhonicus (descendant of Aphrodite and incredibly suave and handsome): Hey, everyone likes you but me. Can you speak to the king for me? **** Sarrigone: You assume, just because I beat and strangle people, that I'm angry.
  8. Re: Evaluation on an ability: Bounce Back His FF drops when he's Stunned (and not 'down') as well.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I fully agree. In fact, I'm running a Mythical Greek campaign right now and one of the characters is an Amazonian. Unless there's something the player hasn't told me, she still has both breasts as far as I know. How buxom she is hasn't come up yet.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Oh, sure, I have no arguments about the etiology of the word being all FUBAR. I was just wondering about their not being viewed "as a people" until later. Technically, classical age Greece was several centuries after the Trojan war, so could count as 'much later'. I just wasn't sure if that's what you meant or if you were talking even later.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... How much later are you talking about? Homer and other classical age Greek writers wrote about the Amazons as a people, including several stories about their queen.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Actually, as I understand it, the source of the myth is generally believed to be beardless Scythian and Mongolian tribes from around the Black Sea region. Archeological evidence suggests that women were allowed higher station than in Greek society (not hard to do aside from the Minoans) and some did fight in their wars. However, there's no historic evidence of breast removal that I've seen.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From our Mythic Greek Hero game last night: Prior to game start, from Typhonicus's player: True math always involves dead bodies. **** [sophie has just explained her prophetic dream about their comrades, who went on ahead of the main group, charging into certain death.] Typhonicus: So, you're saying they're in imminent danger. Very well, we'll leave first thing in the morning. **** Typhonicus: You got him from behind. I got him from in front. Thanatos: I don't want to ever hear you say that to me again!
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From the first episode of our new Mythic Greece campaign: Sarrigone -- Real Greek heroes never had to deal with dice rolls. Thanatos -- You stole my brazier and my staff shrank.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... We play-tested my Hyborean Hero con game. The cast: Alfhild - Vanir siedkona & priestess of Yimir. Bjorn - Aesir berserker Ingdor - Aesir warrior & Bjorn's brother Gorm - Vanir mercenary captain Hlin - Orphan thief raised on the streets of Shadizar and cousin of Bjorn & Ingdor Sigyn - Brythunian alchemist & escaped slave of Vanir descent Wulfhere - Aesir hunter & youngest brother of Bjorn & Ingdor (run as an NPC since no one picked him) Of the three ladies (Alfhild, Hlin & Sigyn), one, Alfhild, was being played by one of guys in our group. One of the pre-gens (who was an NPC since no one picked him) had just gotten his head ripped off by an unknown thing in the dark. GM: Who's going through first? Alfhild: being played by a guy: Women and children first! GM: Wait, you're playing a women. Alfhild (OOC): Don't tell them that (jesturing to the other two ladies). ***** Ingdor, running in to back up a berserked Bjorn: I give our secret enraged battle cry: It's me, don't hit me! ***** Hlin: I'm scared, there's beheadedness everywhere.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It's an n-word. It's definitely an n-word...
  18. Re: Excel Spreadsheet for tracking Combat Order Well, I got a chance to play around with this a little bit this weekend. Overall, I like the layout and it's nicely automated. However, I did notice a couple oddities. On the 'Combat Order' sheet, it seems to be rounding OCV & DCV up. If you enter a 10 DEX, CV computes as 4; if you enter a 13 DEX, CV computes as 5. These should actually be 3 and 4, respectively. This formula seems to be correct on the 'Combat Statistics' sheet. When I went to see if I could correct the formula, it shows in the cell as simply "=OCV_Combat_Order". Obviously Excel has evolved past when when I was an 'Expert' with it (Excel 97) as I couldn't find a way to edit that other than to just over-write it with my own formula. The 'Combat Statistics' sheet doesn't appear to have any problems. I did want to modify it a bit as I use INT as a tiebreaker, but when I unhid the Ranking sheet to see how the 'Combat Order' was calculated I took a look at those formula and thought, "wow, that's a lot of work". I don't envy you having done that in the first place.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Ghost Hunter (OOC): You know, we were talking about ripping off Iron Maiden's arm last game. This time it's Solar's. ***** Queeog (OOC): It wasn't a class and they didn't teach us how to have sex. That was in English.
  20. Re: Excel Spreadsheet for tracking Combat Order Yep, that's an Excel spreadsheet. I'll play around with it a bit later. Could be useful as I'm just about ready to start up a new campaign.
  21. Re: Excel Spreadsheet for tracking Combat Order Maybe
  22. Re: Excel Spreadsheet for tracking Combat Order I wouldn't recommend running any code that was originally described as being something other than what it actually is. It might be a harmless mistake but it's a new poster on an internet message board. Better to let the original poster explain what happened. Of course, you could get a Java decompiler and examine the code to see if it's anything harmful but 1) that's a lot of work and 2) if a developer doesn't release his source code to the public there's plenty of legitimate reasons not to violate that trust
  23. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero Question One of these days, I'm going to have to build a character that makes use of CK... but not as City Knowledge. Rather it will proceed a list of women's names (maybe a few men, depending on the character). What?
  24. Re: Excel Spreadsheet for tracking Combat Order The whole thing actually appears to be an archive of Java class files rather than Excel files. [EDIT] Needless to say, since they are not the files or format advertised, I recommend against trying to run any of them.
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