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Everything posted by bobrunnicles

  1. Re: Need small starship deck plans Of course you could always use the Gurps Traveller deckplan series, they come double-sided with hexes on one side and a square grid on the other: http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/traveller/deckplan1/ Or there are these guys on rpgnow.com that do sets of generic deckplans on pdf; they use square grids but so far I'm very impressed with the plans themselves; each ship includes an overview of the ship, then a detailed large scale breakdown of each area. You also get two versions of each set, one in colour and other in black and white to save your printer, it's over 100 pages of material for $8 http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=2874& Check out this demo of the minelayer if you're unconvinced: http://www.uk-gamerz.com/publishing/MPV8-EN04.pdf I'm thinking of photocopying the Hero hexgrid onto a sheet of transparency or something and simply overlaying on the square grid; might look weird but should be functional - has anyone else tried this?
  2. Re: Alien Wars review in Pyramid Of course SF is FULL of this kind of thing, which may be where the roots of the Logistics Computers come from - remember the Classic Trek episode 'The Ultimate Computer'? Even high-ups in Starfleet saw Daystrom's machine as 'a good thing' until Kirk proved it was screwed up. Remember the Buck Rogers series from the 80s? In the pilot episode, all Earthforce fighters followed programmed tactics, that the enemy had got hold of - it took someone un-indoctrinated in the period (ie Buck) to demonstrate that this was a REALLY BAD IDEA. Perhaps the logic behind it was that Earth's forces had been screwed up and there were a lot of inexperienced pilots having to fight; it probably started small like 'this computer will advise you of the best tactics' and evolved to 'this computer will tell you what to do'. Don't forget the WOPR from the movie Wargames, or even Skynet from the Terminator movies - SF is literally FULL of plotlines where humanity has given up it's decision making tasks to machines. Alien Wars is no different in that regard.
  3. Thirded Deck plans in an SF game are like crack to me, I can't get enough. Comes down to all that time playing Traveller way back, I picked up the Kinunir and Broadsword adventures and Traders & Gunboats supplement mainly because they had cool deck plans in them. The six (?) deckplan sets that SJG put out are fantastic, with grids of hexes on one side and squares on the other; I wish they would put out more. Speaking of SJG I agree that the line of 'small' books SJG puts out are great; as someone said earlier I'd be more likely to pick up ten of those than the larger books. They use them for smaller Transhuman Space supplements, an NPC book for Traveller, planet books for Traveller, some of the smaller participants in WWII etc - highly useful. Bob
  4. Just out of interest, which DP9 system are you using? Heavy Gear? Tribe 8? Or I guess since you refer to a space game it might be Jovian Chronicles? I have a bunch of T8 and HG but no JC, is it any good?
  5. Yeah, I'd forgotten about all the crossover books - I even have all the Shadow World stuff on the shelf. Guess I always thought of it as more of a Rolemaster product with Hero stats than a Hero book. And yes, that's the link I was referring to
  6. 4th Ed we got Ninja Hero, Cyber Hero, Horror Hero, Western Hero & Fantasy Hero plus the two companions. Oh, and there were the Almanacs (two of them?) that had info for all systems. Everything else was Champions. I have a link on my PC at work to a site with all the books listed, if no-one else posts one before Monday I'll add it here.
  7. Really? I thought FH only got the core book and the two companions for 4th Ed. What did I miss?
  8. Well, I'm disappointed by the prospect of falling support for SH; I have all the books so far and was also looking forward to SOTG and the Planet book - personally I think SOTG should be ahead on the schedule, after all the biggest 'slowdown' factor for me is generating characters, for planets I can always use one of the old GURPS Space Atlases. Which brings me to another point; oddly enough SF actually seems to be a big seller for GURPS, you've got Traveller, Transhuman Space which both have expanding lines, and a lot of the other books have an SF focus - any idea why GURPS should be doing so much better with the genre? Is it because Hero is still so closely linked to Champions while GURPS was Generic from the get go?
  9. "QE1: And there's definitely been no sign of Edmund? Percy: I fear not, mum. QE1: I bet he's vanished. Simply vanished. Percy: Like an old oak table. Great quote, Bishop Of B&W - eat any babies lately? However, I feel I should advise you that it's actually "ma'am" and not "mum" that Percy says. Contraction of the word "madam" I believe. Just for your info
  10. Take another look at the Wizard cover at the top of the thread - Supergirl is not super-buff, from that picture she looks downright skinny. I don't think Supergirl has ever been of Amazonian proportions in the comic books now that I think of it, she's always been small next to Superman (and to reiterate, not especially muscular). Let's not forget we're talking about SuperGIRL here, and not SuperWOMAN. SMG would be just fine
  11. I think Christopher Reeve fitted the bill perfectly for the movies (well the first two especially) as Superman. Loved the fact he was in Smallville. I also like Tom Welling as Clark although he would need to 'fill out' a bit more before putting on the blue suit (not to say he's puny or anything, but like the previous poster mentioned he's perhaps a bit too tall and wiry right now).
  12. I can deal with SMG in different roles much more easily than Agent Elrond, although he got easier to work with mentally after the first LOTR movie. SMG has done quite a few SNL skits (the FOTR one with Jack Black is awesome, the Spiderman one is tantalising to say the least) and other movies like Cruel Intentions, Scooby Doo etc (although I will admit in Scream 2 I kept hoping she would kick ass instead of die) so I could work with her as Supergirl - even as I sit here typing looking at my Buffy calendar on the wall
  13. "Christian Bale was the last rumor I heard for Superman. This one has been persistent" Actually Bale has been picked to play Batman in the new Batman movie I believe, not Superman. I don't think it's a rumor any more either, I think it's fairly concrete info. When Supergirl came out, I loved Helen Slater, and she was even more gorgeous in that Michael J Fox flick, Secret Of My Success. I'm also a huge SMG fan so that would be a good call as far as I'm concerned
  14. Sounds good - can't wait to see it, especially now it will contain Hero stats and stuff :}
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