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Everything posted by bobrunnicles

  1. Re: Alas and Farewell, Digital Hero Was cruising around the SJG site recently and I just noticed that they have switched Pyramid to a 'real' pdf magazine format the same way that DH used to be - assuming it works for them, no chance I suppose of DH returning? Maybe even a quarterly or something? Or perhaps an issue or two once 6E comes out to test the new waters? Was just rereading some of my old DH issues and man there's a lot of good stuff in them. As soon as I have the available funds I'm going to be completing the holes in my collection.
  2. Re: HPA In The Works: The Great White Hunter's Bestiary I think you mean Princess Aura...... :)
  3. Re: Yet Another HPA -- Into The Unknown: Expeditioneering Rules I can't wait - for not only this but all the other cool HPAs Steve mentioned in today's news article. "She-Fiends From Planet X!" definitely sounds like it could be fun
  4. Re: Simple question about 6th Ed Thanks, Steve - especially for the emphasised bit FWIW I actually posted this here as it seemed like similar threads in the 6E forum were closed for not actually discussing the rules themselves, per se.
  5. Re: Simple question about 6th Ed You know, I was just contemplating the original post I made a little while ago in the shower, and it occurred to me that I've answered this several times before for other people regarding other games (although these have mostly been now extinct games like Star Frontiers, Gamma World etc), and the answer has always been the same....just because they aren't getting any new stuff published for them doesn't mean they don't still play exactly the same! If I start my group playing 5E and we like it, there's no *necessity* to picking up 6E at all (although I probably would personally, being a completist and all), it's not like there isn't mountains of stuff out there for 5E (more than I could ever use, probably) to play with for years to come. So my original post is mostly just an ill-considered rant, I guess - sorry!
  6. I know, I know, is there such a thing? Anyway, a little background - I stepped away from the HERO fold for a while last year (heresy!) for personal reasons unrelated to the game itself (of which I am a huge fan and own most everything printed since it came out, including gems like Wings Of The Valkyrie ) and I recently started contemplating getting a new campaign going. The main frontrunners for a system are either HERO or GURPS; I'm leaning towards HERO but am a little wary of getting things underway and picking up books and other things for my group with 6th Ed looming on the horizon. The question is this, and it's one that I've been unable to find a satisfying response to in any other post despite spending most of the morning trawling the forums (which undoubtedly means someone will link one here within minutes lol) - is the general idea that 6E will remain *mostly* compatible with existing books like prior editions have? I think that it's probably meant to be but Steve has said in several threads I looked at that 'nothing is sacrosanct' and 'everything is up for review' and that worries me. If it weren't for this, the decision would have gone HEROs way long ago, but after building an even more vast GURPS library over the past few decades and then 4th coming out and reprinting a lot of stuff, I just don't know what to do. Apologies if this has already been answered (I can't believe it hasn't, actually) but everything I've read has tended towards specific issues people want addressed (or left alone!).
  7. Re: Recent releases? Awesome, thanks - sounds like apart from the reprints (of which I already own the titles all from the first time around ) my list is pretty complete then.
  8. Hi guys, Been out of the loop for a few months and now I'm trying to find out what's come out for Hero in, say, the last six to nine months but there doesn't seem to a be single definitive way to find out (I'm pretty current up to, I think, Post Apocalyptic Hero, UEP, NotW etc). So I'm looking for y'all to help me fill out this list - these are books I definitely don't have, so anything around the same time period as these or since is good: Cops, Crews and Cabals Champions Of The North Character Creation Handbook ps238 RPG Stronghold What else am I missing? Is there still a thread with the planned releases for 2008 around? Thanks!
  9. Re: All-in-one box games I'd be behind this idea 110% - kind of like the ASL Starter Kit sets for Advanced Squad Leader, another one of those 'perceived as insanely complex but actually with a moderately straightforward core system' games. They've been selling like hotcakes for MMP.
  10. Re: How long does tech last after The End? Of course with a manual transmission you can always bump start a car assuming the gas still has some life left in it - had to do this many a time in the UK. Get some friends to push it down the road in neutral, then at a speed that just feels 'right' put it in a high gear and release the clutch. Downhill works best as there will be a jolt as it turns over and you have to maintain momentum.
  11. Re: One copy of 'Lands of Mystery' available at Noble Knight Games! Well, I already own Pulp Hero, both supplements, all the pdf adventures and the PH itseld pdf so I've done about as much as I can....I also spread the word about how cool the book is as much as possible. Just wondering if we were ever likely to see any more books in the line or if what we have is it, is all.
  12. Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations Some of Dean Koontz's material, while generally considered horror, veers into the fantastic on occasion. Certainly he's had a 'fallen angel/risen demon' story at one point although I don't remember the name. Anyone else recall it?
  13. Re: Where's Tarzan when you really need him? I thought Oliver Platt's 'great white hunter' in Lake Placid (to keep the giant croc connection going) was a pretty cool character....and his interplay with the sheriff was classic dialogue. Sheriff: I've never heard of one doing that before.... GWH: They conceal information like that in books.
  14. Re: One copy of 'Lands of Mystery' available at Noble Knight Games! I'd like to second this request. I realise that Champions and Fantasy Hero are where the money is, but are we ever going to see any more Pulp Hero books, Steve?
  15. Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations Ooh, good catch, although the first one is actually spelled 'Witchblade' IIRC. Great stories though. Never saw the TV show, I heard mixed things about it - anyone out there see it?
  16. Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations Agreed (both comics and the movie); and if we're including movies how about Dark City?
  17. Re: [Campaign Design] Starting Small... Or just flat out tell them that they are starting as normals but you plan on running a superheroic campaign (or whatever) and part of the fun (assuming you get a buy-in) will be the sheer anticipation factor of how you engineer their changes. For example, have a nuclear reactor accident nearby to one of them, or have one of them inherit a large amount of money and the key to a hidden hi-tech laboratory, or one of them simply gets run over by a crashing truck full of chemical waste etc then tell them they now have the extra 250 points, have a blast. In some ways this idea reminds me of the nWoD setup where the first step in playing any of the supernatural games is to first create a normal human character and then overlay it with the supernatural template. They even espouse on how it could potentially be cool to play out your characters last few days as a 'normal' before undergoing whatever change you have lined up. This is similar conceptually to what you propose from the sound of it. I would play in a heartbeat!
  18. Re: an Independent Review of Traveller Hero Oh, I know it's the same guys and I kinda like the idea of the New Era universe myself (as well as the alternate 'continuance of the Imperium' setting); I just didn't think that was what Ringer was asking and I wanted to clarify what you were referring to. To have a go at answering Ringer, I think you'd be just fine with the books, and if you do have questions there are MANY resources on the web (boards like this one, or over at Comstar for example) to turn to for help and advice. To begin with, there's a wikipedia entry for Traveller's Imperium setting here, which also has links to the Traveller specific wiki.
  19. Re: an Independent Review of Traveller Hero Aren't they both the the New Era setting, though? I think Ringer was asking about the 'normal' Traveller Hero books and the review which states that the standard Traveller books are needed to provide setting focus...which is somewhat odd as the original Traveller books didn't contain much setting info at all. Sadly I can't really help with his question as (a) I don't have the Traveller Hero books (yet!) and ( I already have a good working knowledge of the Traveller background and how character creation works (presumably wrt to terms in the services etc).
  20. Re: [Review] Villainy Amoke Good review of a GREAT product.....seriously, this thing is brimming over with ideas. Just open the book and let it flip to a page and you'll find something that get's your mind pondering the possibilities.
  21. Re: Tuala Morn questions Wow.....that last bit seems harsh, even with a smiley - I looked through my TM just now and think the maps are actually pretty damn good - at least the equal of most WOTC Forgotten Realms maps, which appear to use a similar style of artwork but maybe come across better purely because of the colour factor. The rest of the art I sort of agree, it varies from acceptable to poor, but with a few nice pieces sprinkled in here and there (which makes it the same as pretty much every HERO book out there). I certainly wouldn't have any worries letting my players look at it though I do have an odd reaction to the pieces from Fraim, however, and this applies to all the HERO books with his material in - I just can't get past the fact that he illustrated all those old KODT Illustrated comics so his stuff always puts me in a comical frame (Fraim?) of mind If it's coloured (like on the cover to several books) it's much better, but in b&w I can't get past KODT:I.
  22. Re: [Review] Enchanted Items I like the look and feel of it but stay at least 20' away from it if you have greasy fingers - that black cover picks them up real good
  23. Re: [Review] Enchanted Items Just got my copy earlier today; too soon to really look through the content in any depth, but I did have one question - is the cover *meant* to be 'matt' (ie not glossy/shiny) or is mine a mutant copy? Assuming it's meant to be that way, any particular reason why? Just curious..... Also got Tuala Morn and that's another reason I haven't really looked beyond the cover to EI....TM *rocks*
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