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Everything posted by bobrunnicles

  1. Re: Tuala Morn questions Huh, I hadn't thought about fantasy kingdoms and how they extrapolate to the 'base' paradigm.....this now makes me much more excited about The Ultimate Base book than I was previously. :)
  2. Re: Suleiman-class Type-S Scout/Courier Deckplans That's one option, yes, although unless a 333% blown up piece of letter paper will fit on a sheet of A3 I don't know how they would be able to do it either - however I have access to several really good laser printers at work which I can use for free so if it's possible to figure out a way to print across multiple pages or have the plan itself blown up to use more pages in and of itself that would be the best option (for me personally, obviously - ymmv).
  3. bobrunnicles

    Deck Plans

    Re: Deck Plans Seconded; VERY nice detail on these. Shame about the lack of a hex-based option but at least as far as movement goes it's easy enough to get by using the D&D 3.5 rule of thumb, where every second diagonal move counts as 2 squares
  4. Re: [Review] Star Hero I have to agree with this review.....and personally I also think that Star Hero puts the current GURPS Space book to shame (and I write this as a huge fan of both systems). GS just feels....empty to me somehow, you know, like it's all flash and little substance (some chapters are great, I'm talking about the book as a whole just doesn't grip me), while SH just feels packed with info. It's a crying shame that the SH line doesn't move more books, I would certainly be in the line to buy them all (and am greatly looking forward to Scourges Of The Galaxy so I really hope that stays on the schedule for 2008!).
  5. Re: Suleiman-class Type-S Scout/Courier Deckplans
  6. Re: Suleiman-class Type-S Scout/Courier Deckplans I have no problem conceptually with printing multiple sheets and trimming them/sticking them together, but I am having problems finding a way to print them at 333%.....doesn't seem to be anywhere to state on the print menus that you want to print them across multiple sheets at 333% size - am I missing something? Should I be using something other that Acrobat Reader to open the files?
  7. Re: Suleiman-class Type-S Scout/Courier Deckplans Keep up the excellent work!! I'm a total sucker for maps and deckplans of all types so these things ROCK Is there any way to blow these things up so I can use them with minis or 'cardboard heroes' ?
  8. Re: Analysis of the Red-Shirt Phenomenon in Star Trek Perhaps explains why in ST:TMP they got rid of 'red-shirts' completely and actually issued security personnel with body armour (although you only actually see it in one or two quick scenes). By ST:TWOK, of course, they are all wearing red shirts (well, jackets, and yes I know they had 'undershirts' which were used for the same purpose (I remember an at-time-very-svelte Kirstie Alley beaming up and changing from the landing party parka to the uniform jacket wearing a red undershirt) but I don't recall them being as obvious). Just sayin' :)
  9. Re: Suleiman-class Type-S Scout/Courier Deckplans I'll throw in another vote for the Far Trader - always got a 'Millenium Falcon - Traveller Style' vibe from that bad boy....I think it was the cockpit arrangement that did it. Any thoughts about other ships from the original books, like the Safari Ship or the Missile Defense Boat? Love the exterior views, btw - those rock
  10. Re: Ultimate Energy Projector: Any one have it yet? Is the picture of the cover in the online store really the cover to the book? Just text in a funky font on a black cover? That's......kinda disappointing; if ever a book could have had a kick-ass superheroic-type piece of cover art I would have thought that 'The Ultimate Energy Projector' would have been it. Is it maybe a placeholder or something (he said hopefully)?
  11. Re: Now Taking Preorders For the Champions 25th-Anniversary Special Edition! I went for lucky #7 - and got it
  12. Re: Now Taking Preorders For the Champions 25th-Anniversary Special Edition! Just preordered mine too .....one question, is the revised Island Of Doctor Destroyer going to be available in any other format at any point? HPA perhaps? I seriously doubt I would want to run the risk of messing up my $100 book to run it.....but on the other hand I understand totally if you want to keep this as a '25th Ed' exclusive.
  13. Re: Need a few suggestions for new girl on the block Not sure about the Central American connection but I seem to recall atleast two of the most recent three Hero Plus adventures published involved Nazis.....Tablets Of Destiny and Nazi Death-Zombies Of The Congo. You could probably relocate the Congo one fairly easily to South America and then you have both the bases covered. On the other hand just use the 'Indiana Jones Red Line On A Map' approach to travelling to new places and you should be just fine
  14. Re: Best HPA for new players/GM? Funnily enough I was just reading that this lunchtime, not 30 minutes ago
  15. Re: Best HPA for new players/GM? John, that would be AWESOME - I'll go and pick up Solar Smith (the adventure itself) before lunchtime probably, some convention pregens would be ideal. Just let me know what you need (not sure if my email is open or not in my profile, let me go check).
  16. Hi, This goes hand in hand with my other thread on good HPAs for a new group and a one-shot - does anyone have any pregenerated pulp characters they would be willing to send me the stats for and let me use for this one-shot? My players are entirely new to Hero and I don't know if I'm going to have the time myself before the weekend to come up with characters from scratch; I'd really like to be able to hand my players some pregens and let them pick from those to save time and get on with the adventure. Can anyone help? I guess at the end of the day I can use the characters from Randall's Raiders but that means folding back the spine on my book to make photocopies which I would really prefer not to have to do....oh, and I'm looking at the standard 75+75 archetype for now. Thanks again!
  17. Guys, Just wondering which Hero Plus Adventure you would suggest would be the best 'starter' adventure, playable in a one-shot, for a group new to Hero - I already have Spears, Malay, Voodoo, Vulture, Sikral and Inner Earth but would entertain trying any of the others I don't have. Any of those good candidates? It's probably going to be me and two players (and maybe some NPCs if necessary) if that helps the decision-making process. Thanks!
  18. Re: Inner-Earth Rocked My Socks
  19. Re: Inner-Earth Rocked My Socks At the current price point they are GREAT impulse purchases, hell that's why I picked them up in the first place Can't wait to see the Voodoo adventure/spell list up there. One question, these seem to be almost all Pulp Hero related, any chance we will see any adventures for the other Hero genres? Call me old school, but I do likes me some adventures - saves me a ton of time to create them and from what I've seen so far they would be fairly easily adaptable to any campaign.
  20. Re: Inner-Earth Rocked My Socks I just downloaded this yesterday as I'm going to try and run a Pulp Hero one-shot in a couple of weekends for a friend coming into town and I agree it looks like an awesome setting. One question I did have; this cost $5 and the other adventure I purchased, Curse Of The Vulture God, cost $3 but there is a TON more info in Inner Earth than the latter. How did you arrive at the costs for these, Steve? It would seem that either CotVG is overpriced or Inner Earth is underpriced. It's not going to stop me buying more HPA modules but I'm curious how the pricing structure works out - are the other $3 adventures similar in size/scope to the Vulture God one?
  21. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost. Actually, I think we are, and in the same way Earlier on there was a comment that for a while comic books were almost becoming episodic in nature, with the status quo being returned to at the end of each story arc as in Star Trek, where stories have no end but just keep on chugging, month after month - I was pointing to JMS and Whedon as examples of folks who's TV shows DID break the mold and where the stories did have character progression and definite story arcs with beginnings, middles and ends.
  22. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost. Funnily enough some of the best recent stuff has been written by guys with a background in episodic TV; J.Michael Straczynski's run on Amazing Spiderman and Supreme Power has been pretty cool, Joss Whedon's Astounding X-Men is a great read - and both of these guys' shows (Babylon 5 and Buffy/Angel) were known for having season-long plotlines; no status quos here at the end of each episode.
  23. Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf No, you're not the only one on the planet, I'd quite like it too. Is it there yet? No. Is it there yet? No. Is it there yet? No. At least, not that I can see.....
  24. Hey guys, Just wanted to post that the cover to The Mystic World is totally kick ass!! Can't wait to get my hands on this (I always loved Mystic Masters for 4E and characters like Solitaire & Tyrannon - he is going to be in this book, right?). Bob
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