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Posts posted by Nolgroth

  1. I liked SW:TOR for quite some time. After I finished the storyline for one of my characters, I realized what a grind the last bit was and was too tired to run more of my characters through. They still sit in an indefinite limbo while I decide whether or not to continue on with them. As far as other content, SW:TOR could learn a bit about space combat from STO. It is a pretty good space combat game that, for all its flaws, is lightyears better than the clunky space combat in SW:TOR. Thanks for the links Vanguard. I probably won't be using them, but it's always nice to get little tips like that.


    Right now I am sort of poking at Neverwinter. My biggest hurdle is figuring out how to get Astral Diamonds without going through a ton of group only content. Most other games I've played are relatively transparent about that, but I literally have no clue what to do or where to go. The biggest advice the game offers is to do group content. I know it is an MMO, but I don't typically play with other people. I like my own little sandbox to go kick ass in. Most of the offline advice may as well be written in Greek. The information seems to be presented with the assumption that you already have some sort of basic knowledge and the tutorial is just helping you fine tune it from there. Frustrating. If anybody is playing Neverwinter currently, any tips would be greatly appreciated.

  2. That's possibly the worst thing in Trump's cornucopia of vileness. It's not just that he personally is a bloated colostomy bag filled with raw sewage, toxic waste, countless wriggling maggots, plague infested pus and sickening gasses, it's that he seems to corrupt absolutely everything and everyone around him. He just seems to degrade, pollute, toxify, befoul and defile anything exposed to him.


    He's managed to drag down and debase a general who once had a good reputation into dishonoring himself.


    To be fair, General Kelly reached a crossroads where he had a choice to make. Neither was a particularly good choice. One was to do right by the Chain of Command at the expense of the American People while the other was the inverse. He chose the Chain of Command over the People. Trump's vileness put General Kelly there but he himself made that decision. Almost makes me wonder what damning evidence the Trump administration has on him.

  3. I don't know anyone who's tried it who doesn't.


    Just have to be careful not to bite down on the buckshot.



    I've never tried it, but my dad told me that it is kind of gristly. He wasn't a fan. The closest thing to exotic I've ever eaten is venison, or maybe rattlesnake.  Liked the first. The second did NOT taste like chicken, despite the promise made by those who fed it to me. I didn't hate it, but not something I would choose to eat either. Well barring extreme survival circumstances that is.

  4. Excellent follow up to season 1. Not so scary this time but still a little on the suspenseful side.  I like that there is not just an 80's culture depicted, but even some 80's cinema tropes (nougat). I saw it coming a mile off and was rewarded for my presumption.


    I think everybody was cast perfectly. I still love 11 the best and was overjoyed at her character arc. I could not imagine a father-aged man to not feel overprotective of a girl that could whoop our collective asses. I liked that Hopper, arguably the adult hero of the story, isn't some massively chiseled body builder. Total dad-body and still manages to be an absolute badass. Bob was awesome. Even the Stephen King inspired psychopath bully did a pretty good job. So many good things about the season that I would have to go back and make a list. 



    The end of the final episode did not have Hopper in his Sheriff uniform. I wonder if there is something to read into that. Not sure how the monster is going to cross back over from the upside down and also not sure if a third season would actually help the franchise. There was a lot of closure in this story and the few loose ends revolved around things that happened in our world (the sister). I wouldn't mind seeing another season but it would have to be something that added to the story in some meaningful way. I kinda like where it ended and I take the final scene with the monster in the upside down more as a scream of frustration than an actual omen. We'll see I suppose.



    Lotsa BS in that story.


    "Oh we were upgrading hardware."  


    "Whatever. If you are that incompetent, you're fired and blacklisted from working any IT or government position ever again. That includes bus driver, crosswalk guard or school cafeteria position. Oh and if you are not that incompetent, you need to stand trial for election tampering. Enjoy your time with "Bubba."

  6. Gods I hope it does not come to that. I've had broken bones, been stabbed, ran over by a car, hyper-extended limbs and I get a migraine that knocks me down about once a month. NONE of those hurt as bad as this earache. Drugs that induce deep sleep have been the only balm against that. I now know what my limits are to withstanding torture. All they gotta do is mess with my ears.


    I've actually had this happen in the other ear about 18 years ago. The infection was so bad that the doc completely lost his bedside manner when he looked into the ear. His words. as I recall them, were. "Holy crap! How were you able to walk into this ER? That's the worst inflammation I've ever seen in an adult."


    That was actually the last time I've seen a doctor too. Since then, the web is full of medical advice and I am currently uninsured. If I can get the earache to disappear within the next day or so, then I've saved myself some money.

  7. One of the worst Cold/Flu occurrences ever. It has been taking the Magical Mystery Tour of my body's functions. Latest, I cannot hear out of my left ear and the pain is approximately equivalent to somebody having driven a barbed ice pick in my ear and is currently twisting it around. Looking online, the general advice is that these things go away in 2-4 days. I am now on day 2. Going to give it a couple of more. Normally I don't even get sick and when I do, it usually is a 24-hour thing. Today is one week from the onset symptoms. 


    Hate to bitch about it but man does this hurt. I have not slept more than two hours since yesterday. Sitting up seems to help, as does OTC pain meds. Currently taking anti-congestant in the hopes that it is related to swelling in the sinus cavity and that will alleviate some of the discomfort. Going to try warm compresses throughout the night.


    Again, sorry to bitch.

  8. Binge watched Season 7 of the Walking Dead. By now, most things I could mention should be public knowledge, but spoilering just in case.



    Glen's death really robbed something from the show. I know we lost main sequence characters in the past, but Glen was one of the moral anchors of the show.



    Was anybody really surprised by the scavenger faction turning on Rick and everybody? When Rick first recruited them, I knew from their motto ("We take") that they were going to be bad juju. It's really sad too, as it is dividing the morality in Walking Dead along black/white lines rather than shades of grey.



    Negan, as played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, is one scary individual. Stopping just shy of going "over the top" in many scenes, JDM was able to ooze menace with the character. My main problem with Negan is that he seems to be a re-tread of the Governor. A little more crazy perhaps, but essentially the same character. That said, I know that the whole Saviors versus Good Guys war is set to take place in Season 8. I just really wished that Negan had bit the proverbial bullet in the finale. I don't feel excitement or anticipation going into Season 8. I just want the whole storyline to conclude. I think the whole thing is more poignant to me because Rick, in Season 6, didn't make the sound tactical decisions I have come to know from him. In fact, the whole introduction to Hilltop and such was so forced as to be fake. That led to more forced encounters and a string of generally bad decisions, which led to the encounter on the road. If Rick had acted more like Rick, then none of that would have happened.


    More zombies are needed. One of the things that attracted me to the show is that the Walking Dead are a huge threat. Instead, the characters have hunkered down in far too many places (the Farm, the Prison, and now Alexandria), thus making the walkers barely more than background. In fact, there is an almost cavalier sense of jocularity when they go fight them now. The sense that they are a threat is completely gone. I know that the story cannot always be them on the road and that it makes both actual and literary sense to explore having some sort of colony, but the neutering of the walkers was a bad call. It will take some real plot gymnastics to try to reclaim that sense of teetering on the edge of survival. That's assuming that the Walking Dead keeps going.


    Okay. That's pretty much my review and opinion on the show. There were a lot of little details like Carl becoming one of my favorite characters. Never much liked him as a rugrat, but I am liking the young man he is turning into. Ambivalent to anybody added to the roster since Season 6 or so (except the tiger). I'll probably watch Season 8 when it gets to Netflix. It will be tedious and painful, but I will want to see how the Savior War turns out. 

  9. I hope not because Supergirl will die!


    Well it is her turn. I mean Oliver died when he fought that al'Ghul fellow. Barry has died at least a couple of times in his shows. White Canary died and returned and etc. It is a time honored tradition amongst the CW heroes. Hell, they don't even really accept you as one of the Inner Circle before somebody cries at your wasted funeral.

  10. I believe the excuse, although Trump would never admit it, is self-interest. His past actions show a pattern of decision making based on whatever would be best for him, personally, whoever else was involved.


    I think that Trump is truly pathological in many ways and doesn't even understand what would be good for him or anybody else. He makes decisions on how they make him feel (powerful, smart, better, etc.). That has and never will be a winning governing strategy. In the short-term, he will feel good. In the long-term he damages the very civilization that he swore to protect and defend. In the long-term, he will go down as one of the worst presidents in history. He won't be alive to see it, but his descendants will. Maybe they will consider his utter and complete failure before committing to any sort of government service. Yeah, most politicians see a gravy train when they get elected, but there has to be a few who remember that elected positions are at the very core of government service.



  11. Except for Trump, who started his reelection campaign the day after the Inauguration.  He loves campaigning and basking in the adulation of crowds at rallies, but doesn't want to do the actual job.


    At this point, if he left the job of decision making to anybody else and spent the rest of his term "basking in the adulation" of rally crowds, I'd be satisfied. I actually don't want him to do the actual job because he has no idea how to. His gross incompetence goes beyond being unfamiliar with the traditions and expectations of the office. It is a stubborn, deliberate refusal to even try to learn.

  12. Until I saw Wonder Woman, I pretty much dismissed Chris Pine in any serious role. I did not like him in Star Trek and I did not like him in that Jack Ryan remake. Nothing about him struck a chord and plenty about him struck nerves. His role in Wonder Woman has alleviated some of my disdain for the actor. I want to see him in more stuff so I can decide whether or not that was a fluke or if it is representative of a growing skill in his chosen career. I hope it is the latter, as I suspect we will see him in plenty more stuff in the next couple of decades. It would be great to see him become one of the greats.


    None of that takes away from the fact that Chris Hemsworth would have made a better Jim Kirk than Chris Pine did.

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