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Everything posted by ghost-angel

  1. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Getting tired of the insults. To everyone from everyone. This one I can address however. And I'm calling you on it. History Lesson: When the fifth Edition manuscript was originally written it was written By Steve At Someone's Elses Request. The original text was written well before Darren, Jason, And Co. all got involved. It was written with someone else's instructions on it. Steve had input, but he's stated that there were a lot of things he was prevented from doing, or asked to do, when it was written. When DoJ came along Steve already had the manuscriot written and ready. A bit of editing later and Steve was able to get it up and running QUICKLY. He has stated several times that now that 6E has come along he can go back and redo all the things he feels should be redone, and take a completel look at the system. We have no way of telling what parts of the 5E text were Steve's ideas, or what were handed to him when it was originally written as "do it this way because it's our money" from those who hired him. So it wasn't Vanity and I'd appreciate it you - YES YOU - would stop saying that. I don't care what your opinion on the constructs are, it's insulting. There's enough heat in this thread without tossing around personal insults to ANYONE. By they a board poster or Steve himself. (no I'm not a fan of Regeneration either. But I'm not going to insult Steve over it.)
  2. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far This is an extremely valid point. It would help that if sometimes a note were tagged on "This is how we wrote it on the napkin, which makes it the 'point legal build' - but really, it's only worth This Much." And then repriced to match common utility. System isn't perfect. But I like the transparency 5E provided. At least that way we know why something came out of X Points, even if it turns out to only be worth Y Points when the rubber meets the road.
  3. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far No personal attack taken - And I agree, for the most part the "number crunching for balance" is a complete pain in the butt. And utterly useless in many applications. It has become over utilized. However - here's the Caveat associated with Talents: As Rod pointed out: if we decide to Advantage or Limit Talents we do not go back and alter the original build - we simply take the Talent Cost as the Base Points and go from there. That tells me that 1) We have taken Talents at their Cost Value without further need to analyze 2) We have provided the Build so those who are completely new to the system have an idea of what to look for 3) Have attempted to find balance between "Pay for what you get" - "Point totals balance out to utility" - "finding and using a reasonable cost" You and I can look at something and most likely go "Oh, well, yeah 3 points for that. You'll get some use, but it won't be too earth shattering, won't break my game, and if you're really clever might be pure awesome" Someone who has never worked with Hero before will look at Perfect Pitch and go "Why is that 3 points versus Eidetic Memories 5 points?" Providing a build that says "Here's how we wrote it on the napkin when we kicked the idea around drinks one night" is a helpful tool. Let me ask you this: When you write down Bump Of Direction on the Talent list on your sheet do you write out the power or just write Bump Of Direction? You just write "Bump Of Direction" - there's no actual need to have the build. But it's just in the book as a tool to use. It hasn't changed how you use it. It hasn't changed what it does. But it has provided a road map for someone who isn't familiar with the system. All in all, I don't see this as a "we must stat out everything" direction. It also, and this is my opinion, illustrates that "Powers" are not the domain of Superheroic Gaming.
  4. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far The upside to using Powers for Talents is now we have a non-arbitrary model to utilize when we decide we want some new Talents for our game. And sometimes we call those Talents 'Superskills' or 'Heroic Skills' or 'Cinematic Abilities' or 'Talents' or 'Feats' It's a useful guideline I think. Especially to new players who don't have an intrinsic understanding of balancing the System that comes from a decade or more of use. So there's that angle to consider.
  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Not just each multiple of 3. Each Damage Class costs 5 Points for both forms of Attack. The Damage Class is the currency of Hero Combat, and you must compare things on a DC: DC level, not D6: D6 level.
  6. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far So we're going to base an argument over an assumption? Odd that.
  7. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Don't Heroic Games normally use the Hit Location Chart to begin with? Making what the StunX is a completel non-issue....
  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Here: Greater Average Stun; Lower Average Body - Normal Attack. Lower Average Stun; Greater Average Body - Killing Attack. Damage Class for Damage Class this holds true. At lower ranges it narrows, at higher ranges it expands. Volatility: Normal Attacks have a greater Spread in the lower margin aspect (Body) Killing Attacks have a greater Spread in the lower margin aspect (Stun) Take 9 Damage Classes: Normal Attack: Body Range 0-18 (Averge: 9) Stun Range 10-54 (Average: 31.5) Killing Attack: Body Range 3-18 (Average: 10.5) Stun Range 3-54 (Average: 21) Our maximums are the same across the board (this gives us some predictability, without modifiers you have a standard absolute maximum to work with); But each type of attack now provides a wider range in the aspect that gives the lower Average. The two attacks are now essentially designed to do two different things: High in one, Low in the other. Good. Bad. Not Sayin' Either Way. I've No Opinion Here.
  9. Re: increased END - too much? One thing you could do, is he wants the power to be exhausting: Must have 1/2 or More END Available to use (-1/2) Side Effect: Reduces END to 0 Every Time Power Is Used
  10. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I figured it was more boards and not the books themselves. Hmm... Gonna give this some thought before I pursue it further. Thanks for the repsonse.
  11. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far The rules mostly have to draw a line and say "this is standard" and "this is not" Knockback is Optional - yet almost universally accepted as standard. the book doesn't say you Can't do it your way. So, you know, that tells me the option is still there. Amazing that.
  12. Re: increased END - too much? Yeah, he takes 15D6 Stun damage, no defenses. Unless you House Rule a different method.
  13. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Not using Growth/Shrinking also allows you to pick and choose which aspects of size you specifically want without having to much around with another power. You can build very tall light characters by just taking a Tall Disadvantage, and possibly some Strength, but if they're a Sheet Monster don't have to buy Knockback Resistance. Mostly it opens things up conceptually by only have to take off the shelf what you need for any given build.
  14. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far You Die. The Girl Dies. Everybody Dies.
  15. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far You Conceptualist, You!!!
  16. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far And Steve - the guy who wrote the rules - will be FIRST IN LINE to tell you "Go ahead and do what you want. It's your game."
  17. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Steve actually made all the changes because he hates the Hero System and hopes they do bad enough this season that he can sell them to another city for a tidy profit.
  18. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Humm.. interesting. We still get 3-4+ options for every How Do I question here on the boards. People are always offering up ways of creating various House Rules or manipulating Core Rules to get specfic effects in a given game. This is a tanget worth exploring, what caused that shift in perception and/or mood? At least in your eyes.
  19. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I dunno... decoupled Figured Characteristics and just knowing that Adding Damage has been rewritten is - in and of itself - a massive Oh cool!! factor for me.
  20. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I as well. I can see a desire to say "I like how it works now. I'm not going to change what I'm doing." Makes sense. But the coming up with House Rules without knowing the Core Rule? odd.
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