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Everything posted by ghost-angel

  1. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far He's talking about instead of using 9+CHAR/5 using something like CHAR/3 or CHAR/6 or any other numbers (there are several outlined in The Ultimate Skill). Steve wasn't talking about removing the Characteristic from the equation.
  2. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far *shrug* Never been a problem really. Also - this is a Negative Modifier on top of any other situational modifiers, and you can't increase it by - for example - moving down the Time Chart, or anything else.
  3. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far duh. Yes. Other way. I need more coffee. And we do light penalties sometimes because we like cinematic success. We don't always sweat the details. Especially for easy tasks. But you can never Look Cool when you don't have the skill, which we like to do. And sometimes we go "Roll and pray" as a way of saying "you can try anything, good luck." Doubly so for difficult tasks.
  4. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far RE: replacing Characteristic Rolls with Skill Rolls - I, and groups I play with, usually impose an automatic -1 to -3 penalty.
  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Armor Piercing on OCV doesn't really make much sense, since it's not an Attack Power. It'd be like putting Armor Piercing on CON.... Interesting idea though. hmmmm....
  6. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Unless the Mentalist buys up EGO primarily to not be affected by anothers Mental Powers themselves. Which is why I normally buy a high EGO regardless.
  7. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Not that I'm aware of.
  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far this thread has given me more opportunities for bad humor than most... I'm kind of fond of it. Even if it does get me hurt/banned/infracted for some reason.
  9. Re: A Police Scanner Kristopher has a point. If we build it like we build Tracking Devices - i.e. we buy the ability to see the planted bug, not the bug itself. Then being bugged - or tracked - is a Disadvantage of some sort. Distintice Feature: Visible by FAA is a better model. Sure, occasionally the Hero can have the FAA track him to help, but the FAA system can be occasionally hacked - by the like of Cybermind for instance - or a low gritty Hero can't lie to the government "Really, the FAA system put in you norther pittsburgh that night..."
  10. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far wait wait wait wait.. Vehicles can buy Talents. Weapons purchased as Vehicles can buy Talents. . . . . . . like ICBMs. (I would apologize, but I'm not really sorry.)
  11. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Considering the "facing rules" are essentially non-existant currently, I would imagine it would not affect them at all to switch to only meters.... one my my groups hasn't used a gridded map in over a decade - just a white board and the dire need of a straight edge as the GM couldn't draw a straight line if he were tracing it. the question here is will Turn Mode change at all?
  12. Re: Can one make a base that is also a vehicle? Make a really large Vehicle. Add Movement Powers to a Base - there is no rule against this. The biggest different between a Base and Vehicle is that Characteristic Block - I would pick which you believe is the primary aspect and use that template. Bases aren't going to be very maneuverable, but getting a Base Sized Vehicle is a little more expensive.
  13. Re: Order of the Stick I think Xykon might be a weee bit angry.
  14. Re: Steampunk - Source Material It's helping, I've got a bunch of things to watch, read and listen to. As always, more people citing more stuff would be welcome, but I've got a decent chunk to go through as is. Some of which I hadn't gone through before, so I even get new stuff.
  15. Re: Starting Point Totals This guy - ?
  16. Re: Starting Point Totals it's the rolleyes icon - it comes off as condescending more often than not. Rolling your eyes is a dismissive gesture.
  17. Re: Naming the baby The names will be Character Creation Book and GameMastering And Adventuring Book IIRC. Though it might be Combat & Adventuring. . . And 6E1 and 6E2 are the shorthand Steve has used in the past. 6ECC and 6ECA maybe? *shrugs* Call 'em Jack and Jill for all I care....
  18. Re: Starting Point Totals Optional Guidelines do a few things: 1) They help new players who have no idea what a good or useful total for a given power level is. 2) They provide a starting point for new and old players to jump off of common ground from 3) They help gauge a suggestion rough idea of what a given level of power is capable of by the resources it has to work with (though this is by far the most nebulous of the three). So, it is important in th respect that new players and a couple hundred people on a gaming message board have some idea of what to use as a Baseline Standard. It's not critical, but it is supremely helpful. And yes - there are a large number of groups that use th guidelines in the book As Is. Upping their importance a little.
  19. Re: Spring Cleaning Sale Ending -- Act Now! It's too bad I didn't have nearly as much money as I'd hoped to fill in the holes in my collection... *sighs* Is it the Winter Sale yet?
  20. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Unappreciated.
  21. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far This'll hurt... *steps into fire zone* What does Comliness do By Itself? Not, how can it be used, but What Mechanical Effect On Its Own does Comliness provide? I know about it's Complimentary properties, those are well documented and well used. A look at the 5E Characteristic Block: STR - Lift, Damage, Figured DEX - Combat Order, CVs, Figured, Agility Skills CON - Stunned Threshold, Figured BODY - Death Threshold, Figured INT - Perception, Intellect Skills EGO - ECVs, EGO Effect Threhold, PRE Attack Defense PRE - Presence Attacks, PRE Attack Defense, Interaction Skills COM - . . . . . Comliness seems to be a Complimentary Roll Only. It provides no other function like every other Characteristic manages to do. the Comliness Roll does all kinds of things. Comliness by itself provides no Mechanical aspect. You could move that to a Background Skill and get the same thing. *leaves the firing zone and won't be responding to answers to this or anything else involving Comliness because Ghost-Angel doesn't give that much of a crap*
  22. Re: Disadvantages - Anybody know of a good resource? There are ways to handle that. If I ever get up the gumption I might revamp the version I have to filter things that way.
  23. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Mostly I wanted to point out that not all of 5E was your idea, and unless you explicitely say otherwise - I'm not going to assume any given piece of 5E was your idea specifically or someone elses idea specifically. And to call you names over choices made is both innacurate and uncalled for.
  24. Re: Steampunk - Source Material Clockpunk is also sometimes called Gearpunk. And sometimes they're considered completely separate. there's also Nanopunk and Biopunk. It's a spaghetti-mess of genres.
  25. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far This is a good idea. But it runs into a problem. If I have a COM of 6 I not only get points back but I can add it to my PRE score. So I got points for increased effect. Something is definitely at odds here.
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