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Everything posted by ghost-angel

  1. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I wasn't trying to pick on you specifically - just wanted to pull out your last sentence because it was a good idea, shoulda made that more clear. Sorry. I never said anyone was jumping ship at all - anywhere. I have seen people comdemn the change Out Of Hand -and yes they have. Go reread this and other threads. We don't know WHAT the Talent is going to do. No one has seen it. what did a Comliness complimentary roll do? Added bonuses to PRE and Interaction Skills? Correct? What does, just to pull an example, the Reputation Perk do? Add bonuses to PRE and Interaction Skills? Correct. I don't know what Steve did or how he built the Talent, but if I were Steve I'd model it almost the exact same way. I might even put in a note that the Striking Appearance Roll can add none, some or all of the Bonus bought for the Talent based on the success of the roll - with possible Situational Bonses for extremely good rolls (or extremely bad rolls). So you know, it could be nothing more than a cosmetic change of where you write it down on the sheet. Sure I'll miss going "I have a Comliness score of 18, versus his 14. . . " But. meh.
  2. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Bold Mine: So why don't we all step off the throttle and wait to see what the new Talent brings to the table before deciding it's useless? No one here has read the full description - which means no one here is in a place to judge how it will or won't work compared to Comliness. I was, and am, an advocate of keeping Comliness as a Characteristic. But I'm not going to condemn the new idea out of hand like is being done. I'd like to read it first.
  3. Re: Disadvantages - Anybody know of a good resource? Only because at one point I offered to host it when the original went down, and have never received notices that updates have been added. In fact I never received notice that a new host site was found and my copy was redundant. I don't have time or inclination to check the new location for updates. It's there - take it or leave. It's a backup copy just in case.
  4. Re: New GM for a new game need new tools IT gets tricky - what if you have an Area Of Effect Suppress catching a SPD 2 Normal, SPD 5 Superhero and a SPD 12 Superhero? Do you pay the highest Speed? now you're paying 6x the amount of END to get the SPD 2 guy just because one of the targets is fast? One of the reasons I see to base if off the Attackers END is that it leaves control in the Attackers hands, not the Targets.
  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far There is one thing about COM that people aren't talking about - Negative COM. Comliness was the ONLY Characteristic that you could sell back to 0 and then start paying point for again to get a Negative Comliness. That alone tells us that the Comliness Characteristic was not giving us the full range of capabilities just as a Characteristic. Or - to get the full range we had to treat it completely differently than all the other Charactertistics. That kind of odd-man-out aspect is almost reason enough alone to rethinkg the Mechanic of what Comliness provides. Couple that with No COM-Based Skills, and No clearly defined role for Comliness. Moving to a Talent you can now remodel Appearance based around exactly what type of appearance you have: "Fearful"; "Supermodel beauty"; "Alien"; "Exotic"; "Ugly Enough To Scare The Paint Of A Wall"; etc, so on and we remove the odd "sell back only to buy again" aspect that was there before. Overall, I expect the Talent to provide the same utility, remove a few odities and then expand on the utility in a more clearly defined manner.
  6. Re: New GM for a new game need new tools There could. You'd run into the same problem ultimately. It's the same issue of Flash working against Segment or Phase, either way someone gets "screwed" over by having low or high Speed. No, I think basing Supress off the Users Speed is fair enough. You don't have to use all your Speed after all. If all you're doing is Supressing you can lower your Speed to 2 if you need.
  7. Re: Questions from a New Hero Headlights, Seatbelts and even Airbags are often considered Every Vehicle Equipment.
  8. Re: New GM for a new game need new tools RE: Suppress. You pay Endurance for every Phase your Character has that the target Power is Suppressed. Yes, the END cost can get up there, but you have effectively reduce or turned off someone's Power and it doesn't return to full strength until you stop Supressing. As for loopholes... you can abuse any Power in the book, what are and aren't "broken loopholes or pitfalls" will vary widely from GM to GM.
  9. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far As the post also indicates chaning things to Psychological Complication also removes confusion between Power Modifiers called Limitations and Disadvantages that were Limitations.
  10. Re: Naming the baby That about did it. You know what - people don't like the changes. For whatever reason. Cool. People don't even want to buy the books. Cool. But some of us are looking forward to it. Some of us are going to at least give it a shot. Some of us kind of like what's going on. Insulting the rules IS NO MORE APPROPRIATE than any who want to be treated with respect regarding their decision to not like or want to check out the new edition. SO CUT IT OUT. EVERYBODY. BOTH SIDES. NOW. In ALL the threads. Comment on the changes. But insults OF ANY KIND are inappropriate, directed at People or the Edition. It purile.
  11. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far After carefully reading the 6E Forums. This thread. Several other threads. I have come to a conclusion. We're all crazy. Bat-S--- Insane. The lot of us. Totally bonkers. It's a game. I got me some dice. Pick a version. Let's rock.
  12. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I'm sure Steve will tease us with something... I mean... it's Steve. He's got this brand new shiny car that's begging to be shown off.
  13. Re: Disadvantages - Anybody know of a good resource? Yes - the first link I posted is dirt simple PHP+HTML.
  14. Re: Steampunk - Source Material If you go back and find the original artcle Jeter proposed the name in, and I have it in my house /somewhere/ (though I haven't seen it in years so I may not anymore to be honest), it was almost written as a joke. It was a definite play on Cyberpunk, which was the darling genre of the time in sci-fi/fantasy circles. I suspect (without proof mind, just from having been around at the time in the two decades afterwards) that Jeter wrote it because a) he wanted to ride the Cyberpunk Train to popularity and didn't have a better idea, he just wanted a word to use. Especially since he was applying said word retroactively to works going back almost a decade at the time he coined it. And like anything - your last line is why I'm undertaking this exercice in the first place - everyone has an opinion. And I want to see if I can gather them up and gel them into some kind of outline - or series of outlines. just like Urban Fantasy contains everything from Charles De Lint's Newford to Joss Whedon's Buffy/Angel series Steampunk also has a wide range of non-similar aspects. It's just a matter of identifying common tropes, underpinnings, and veneers that center around it. And I expect there to be just as much "feel" to those as there are easily identifiable marks. Whether any given single piece involves "Steam" or "Punk" or not.
  15. Re: Naming the baby 6E will make the game table and dice crash when opened?
  16. Re: The Bleeding Rules Interesting... pretty simple implementation actually. Little extra paper work for the effort, especially on the recovery side if you use the options. But likely usable for those games wanting it.
  17. Re: Disadvantages - Anybody know of a good resource? Huh, odd. Site seems to not only be gone - but likes to lock up IE here at work when I even attempt to access it. http://www.cellularsmoke.net/rpgs/masterlistdisads.php there, that's another backup of the list I keep around because stuff like this keeps happening to it.
  18. Re: Why the dislike for Find Weakness? I'm a firm Meh. I neither liked nor disliked the Mechanic. It felt weird in some games, worked in others, and was just a PITA in a rare few. On some level, I lament the loss of a tool in the box though. Always hurts when that happens. But, I don't lament it enough to give it more than a few seconds thought.
  19. Re: Naming the baby Pop-culture and history disagree with you. One of the earliest comic book characters to be sure, he was still mostly considered a Detective/Pulp Hero type character.
  20. Re: Steampunk - Source Material The word Punk has been co-opted, incorporated, watered down, mutilated, spindled, stamped, briefed, filed, re-organized, re-labeled and quite frankly - that's fitting. I've been reading Steampunk since about '89 or so. And I come from an almost strict literary background (which holds true for my dance with Cyberpunk as well, though I got into that around 86/87). Which is why I have both a narrow focus and an incomplete picture of Modern Steampunk. Whether I like it or not, agree with it or not, the genre has moved up, on and outwards. And it's about time I relearn some of the tropes.
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