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Everything posted by ghost-angel

  1. Re: Pain It really points out that Body Damage is just a measure of how Alive/Dead you are. And nothing else. Taking Body Damage certainly factors into how you can operate (damaged body parts don't operate very well if at all - the broken wrist for instance, total motor control loss below the elbow, if she could rotate she never even tried). But there is obviously way more than that going on in regards to relevent pain and how the rest of you operates.
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Keep Control - DJ Escape ending the evening with some nice techno
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Jesus Mary & The Holy Ghost - Dio
  4. Re: Pain Hard to judge something so subjective. But it was "only" a broken wrist. 4-5 Body on a "normal" - and I'd give her no more than 8 Body anyways - is over half their life. She wasn't anywhere CLOSE to that dead. Just in a LOT of pain.
  5. Re: Regeneration: What am I missing? Healing/Regeneration is trying to do two Exclusive things: Heal in a limited time frame Heal all the time Separate them and just say that "Healing can only be used X Times, buy Reduced Reuse Time" and "Self Healing can be used any time, but cannot take Usable By Others, extending the Time is a Limitation" bing.
  6. Re: Regeneration: What am I missing? bah, Healing is borked. Rewrite as needed for each game.
  7. Re: What's Hero System good for? The most important part of using Hero is realizing a game is really made by what you Don't Use instead of what you do use.
  8. Re: Limitations I think it is well balanced and allows for some decent flexibility. It allows for some change out of Limitations at a penalty, and the mage can ignore them at their peril. A fair exchange for the most part. If there is an Active Point Penalty to the Skill Roll I do hope this stacks with it. I had a similar concept in a game I recently ran. Mages could freely swap out Limitations - and even Advantages - to either cast more freely or get bonuses to casting (taking on more Limitations provided a bonus)... It worked rather well to let Mages feel powerful in what a low point game (I didn't charge Mages for spells, only Skill Rolls). I would try this system out for a while and see how it works in actual play. If you find that the players can almost freely ignore the penalties and drawbacks because of high skill rolls - increase it. What you want to do it reach a balance between fun, playability, and not making it feel too easy (i.e. Mages because superheroes in fantasy which is what happens sometimes without "mage like" Limitations).
  9. Re: Regeneration: What am I missing? Absorption fades though. Healing does not.
  10. Re: Mind Scan vs. The Detective I think a lot of the problem - at least as I've run into - is that too many GMs think a mystery is done by withholding information. the best mysteries are done by Giving information. Often more than is needed. And it always points in multiple directions.
  11. Re: History question I think that's just Seeker since he was "added" when The Dark Duck refused to liscense himself for the Champions Comic in the CU.
  12. Re: History question They were essentially written out of continuinty, as much out of copyrights issue as anything else.
  13. Re: Transporter Accident Samantha Arken .... doesn't know what "star trek" is. So for her it's just more space. The Federation is just another governmental body... The Federation has no IDEA what just hit it. The reintroduction of a heavily armed tactical fighter ship is in order. Then she would likely manage to terrorize known space. So, pretty much life as normal, only the whole Warp Drive means life as normal only Faster.
  14. Re: Point Expenditures. What's the build for the Power you're looking to add specifically? And do the Active Points fit in the EC?
  15. Re: SPD Aid and Mental Speed questions Any Action that is either Mental or Physical - one action, choose one. On the Phases that are Mental Only - ONLY Mental Actions can be performed. No movement, no recoveries (including a Recovery from being Stunned or Knocked Out), no attacks that aren't mental powers; and honestly at a -1 Limitation not even a Perception Roll. Mental Actions Only is usually a -1/2 Limitation as the Character tends to be predominately Mental based and isn't very restricted in not being able to run around. I've played characters like this before, and they aren't terribly game breaking.
  16. Re: Limitations Pretty standard - I would definitely suggest if you want to allow on the fly changes to use Variable Limitation. It's what it's for after all.
  17. Re: Limitations Two Options: 1) Variable Limitation, it's worth half the value of the Limitations you can take on. But you can change around which Limitations you use any given use. FREX: Variable Limitation at -1/2 means you must have -1 with of Limitations each use (like Gestures, Incantations, RSR or change it to RSR, Increased END Cost). 2) Allow a "metamagic" Perk to be Purchased that effectively 'buys off' the Limitation's value on the Spell. 15 Points buys off a +1/4 Advantage for up to 60 Active Points of Power. (basically treat it a lot like a Naked Advantage that does nothing but buy off Limitations on Powers). It's harder to do generically as the points don't always match exactly - especially with multiple Limitations or varying power levels. You could just set an appropriate Point Cost and let it work however you see fit. Are they paying points for the spells?
  18. Re: Pain Drains with a custom Limitation "Target can make EGO Roll to force an Instant Fade in Heroic situations"
  19. Re: Pain I might introduce Long Term Stun Loss and Long Term End Loss associated with Damage. I took a pretty solid beating on Sunday from running around and getting knocked down and slipping on the grass. My body is pretty sore, but I'm not injured. At leat I have no Body Loss, but I am definitely not in peak performance - my elbow and thigh still hurt from a solid knock to the ground. I would say in a pinch I could perform but I walk a bit stiff. Take enough Stun Damage and you are at reduced Endurance; you tire out more easily due to a general knocking around. The source of the damage (i.e. how you model it) is a bit irrelevent to the idea of damage itself.
  20. Re: a Question for you ... dink! how'd I mix that the up.... wow. I need more Coffee obviously. Uncontrolled would then keep the Power active for prolonged periods... yah, probably not really needed here.
  21. Re: Pain I suggest you start with the Wounding effects (5ER p414). While the book has Wounding only prevent Offensive Actions with a failed EGO Roll (with Modifiers for amount of Body Lost); it can easily be expanded to actions that require concentration, exertion or other effects beyond "lie still and say ouch a lot" Pain has funny effects on people, I tended a woman this weekend at the park that had fallen and broken her wrist - to picture the wound take your right hand and picture it offset a little over half an inch to the right of your arm - the pain was so bad that she lost feeling in both her hands at one point and I'm pretty sure we narrowly prevented her from going into shock through a combination of continually asking her questions and allowing her to wriggle around a bit (I had the job of holding her arm with the broken limb in place enough to prevent further damage. Fifteen minutes in one position gets uncomfortable so that's another kind of pain too...) On a scale of 1 to 10 for Pain, she ranked it 11. Maybe 1 Body done to her wrist and in her own words "I've done child brith twice, I can do this. . . . no I can't." Then there's my brother, who smashed his head into a desk and took four stitches to the corner of his eye. Pain level? in his own words "pain? no, but I couldn't see through the blood." There is no really effective way to consistently measure pain in any system. Like too many things in reality there's too many weird and random factors to take into account. As I said at the start, I would go with the Wounding Rules in place and expand as dramatically needed. After all it's no fun to play the guy who lies on the ground crying for twenty minutes because of a broken wrist.
  22. Re: Summoning It looks like there is one possible control in hand already. It's been stated that it takes an hour to Summon a Demon. That removes immediate combat effects completely. As long as the Characters can prepare for combat, and rely on the Demon to fight with them (or for them) it can be a help. I wouldn't say offhand being able to Summon 300+ Point creatures is immediately unbalancing. It depends entirely on how the Creature is built. 300 Points does surprisingly little if you want a few large effects without using frameworks.
  23. Re: Offline CoX Character Generator removed from distribution? That means it's illegal now I suppose... Dunno. I just remember a big ole deal over it in several places.
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