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Everything posted by Javed

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Ok, you just blew up congress, what do you have to say for yourself? A: Other than the pestilence, famine, floods and earthquakes, business as usual.
  2. Re: Too many stats in Hero I;'ve gone through all the posts, and I don't think these points have been brought up yet. You say you fold STR, CON and BODY into a single Stat worth 6 points per point. 1) How does this affect BODY damage? From what was posted, it would seem that every point of BODY done also costs a point of STR and a point of CON. This will cause some pretty serious ramifications. 2) By the same token, weakness darts are now lethal attacks since they affect BODY, and hence can kill their targets instead of just weakening them. 3) What are you doing to adjustment powers? It will now cost three to six times as much to get an equivalent effect on the physical stats and 1.5 to three times as much on the mental. Even if you put limitations on the power to show that it is only affecting one part of the new stat, you still have problems with active points. You can't just change the active point cost of the power since DEX, PRE and other stats remain the same. Curious to read how you handle these issues in your games.
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, how did my plan to embarrass Dr. Destroyer into surrendering by supergluing a pink tutu to his armor work? A: This is the greatest thrill of my life, but I don't get out much.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why don't you tell me another whopper? A: Over there, beside the bloody heads.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is the best gift for the gamer that has everything? Q: My phone's dailing randomly, whom have I just called? A: Honest, it doesn't make you look fat.
  6. Re: Help: Sniper Syndrome Specific to your problem, how about a counter sniper who goes against Mind Guy's rep? Invisible and invisible power effects. Area effect ego attak. Mind Guy is probably well defended enough to not feel the attack. However, when he blasts off, so does the sniper, and everyone in the coffee shop clutches their heads, leaving him visibly unaffected. The press can probably milk that for all it's worth.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's the first sign that Shatner recorded another album? A: I'm getting mighty sick of...arf
  8. When you make a sweep manuever with an STR based attack, you must pay END for every attack in the sweep, correct?
  9. It has been established (I think) that if a character has his DCV halved by one modifier, it cannot be halved again by another. If a character has his DCV halved, does this affect the Multiple attacker bonus, which causes a -1 DCV to a minimum of 1/2 DCV?
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, why did the left turn signal burn out? A: There but for the grace of Phil go I.
  11. I'd say the wrong limitation was applied. It should be Unluck, only applies to seduction attepmts (-whatever). How much a limitation on the disad is depends on how often he tries to seduce people. If he has a psych limit that makes such behaviour compulisive, it's going to reduce the points for the unluck by less. Personally, I'd just go with a physical limitation (since mind control won't prevent it), Doomed relationships, or something like that.
  12. Q: How much change will I get from a fifty? A: Six of one, a half dozen of the other, and a box of Q-tips.
  13. Q: How did you know it wasn't a normal skinhead hangout? A: He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your life, be somewhere else.
  14. Q: So Mr. King, what happened to the critic that panned the Dark Tower series? A: It was a disgusting display of perversion and I demand my money back on all twelve viewings I went to!
  15. Q: What did Zorwil ask for after being beaned by that brick? A: Well, once the ducks ate the rhino, things started to get ugly.
  16. Q: What was the error message on the last attempted Hero Hate post? A: It was the best of times it was...Oohh cheezie poofs!
  17. I;'ve done that on occaision, but only in situations where the character is making the sort of decision that a real person might do a coin flip to decide on. Doing it for a majority of decisions is irritating.
  18. I don't mind when a player plays the same type of character in terms of abilities and look in multiple campaigns. Some players get used to being able to do certain things, and don't like not being able to do them. Some feel they are slow learners and since they know the abilities of one type are reluctant to switch to a different one. When the characters all have nearly identical personalities, however (as described previously with the sex-kitten bimbo characters) that grates on me. Even if the characters' abilities, archetype and whatnot are different, I don't like it when a player runs the same personality template over and over again.
  19. We had a speedster in our group that bought a Hand attack with variable advantages on it, so he could do autofire shots, area effects (runs around punching everyone in the area), NND like the one you mention, and a variety of other types of attacks. Worked out a bit cheaper than buying the whole thing as a multipower as I recall. As for active point limits, if the HKA does 6D6 with STR added, I would count that as a 90 Active point attack, not a 60. Personally, I wouldn't allow the character in any campaign I've run in the past since it seems to violate the 4-color tone I prefer, and having it in a group would essentially make the entire team fugitives. If that's the style the group wants to play, that's a different story, of course.
  20. In the FAQ, it says that drains cannot bring COM into negative numbers, but that a drain could bring COM down to 0, then an AID could take it into the negatives. In the previous question, you said that Drain would continue to reduce COM into the negatives, and Aid would increase it from the negatives to the positives. I'm sure I'm missing something that connects the two, but I can't figure out what. I know that this is sort of a dumb question, but it's been bothering me for a couple of days now.
  21. Q: Do you want what's behind the curtain, what's in the box, or will you trade it all for what's behind door number 50? A: Someone doesn't like his cheese moved.
  22. Only thing I can come up with is make an appropriate acronym out of F.O.W.L.
  23. Question about adjustment powers and comliness. When you take a comliness drain/aid effect, do you have to specify whether the power affects positive or negative comliness, or will it automatically affect both, just going in whichever direction is appropriate? Eg, Fleshsculptor has a COM Drain. In phase 12 he goes after Starlet, and drains her 24 COM down to a 14. Next phase he goes after Repulsor, who has a -20 COM and rolls another 5. Does this bring Repulsor to a -10, or just have no effect because it was originally defined as affecting positive COM?
  24. Q. We need small arms, where can we find some? A. Every so often, you just want to lie down, take a deep breath, and then hide the bodies.
  25. 2 questions about END usage for multiple uses of the same power. 1) It says in FREd that you use END once for STR no matter how many times the STR is used in a phase. The rule is cited for Casual and normal STR usage. Would this mean that a character who used Casual STR to attempt to push past a barrier, then in the same phase use normal STR to break the barrier, then used normal STR to leap to something beyond the barrier would use END of the STR only once? 2) Does this rule apply to other powers? For example, a character is entangled and uses an enregy blast to free himself, then blasts someone with the same energy blast after freeing himself. Does he spend END once or twice on this power? Appologies if the question has already been answered.
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