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Everything posted by Corven_Ren

  1. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG As I said I would prefer them to be related to heroes of the past, whether a decendant or an heir. I never really cared for Martian Manhunter so that is why I had not worked him in. As far as Kryptonians go....I have never connected any other Kryptonians to Earth in the time line but I have been planning on working in Power Girl. Half-Kryptonians are susceptible to Kryptonite..however they take less damage from it, they are also not quite as strong as a full Kryptonian either. (Basically say if Superman had a 125 STR his children would be around 75-80). By the time the campaign actually starts Superboy & Girl are going to be in their early 40's and going by Superman and Superwoman. As far as VPP are concerned it is something I have never really understood completely, but I would allow it. But bottom line is build what you want and submit it, but if it's a decendant/heir of someone who is not on the timeline please ask if they exist first.
  2. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG Her home island is not soley inhabited by women in my Universe they are just the dominant sex. The women possess supehuman abilities while the men are just normals whit long life spans. I did this because I wanted to include the Amazons. There is still all the mythologies that there are in our world, they just do not actually exist the way they do in the DC & Marvel universes.
  3. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG Yeah..I've personally have never built a pure stretcher. I have a fiew characters who have it for certain things. (To simualte a webbing grab line for example.)
  4. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG Did you see my post above about the Language familiarity thing?
  5. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG 1985- The battle of Detroit takes place. Green Arrow, The Flash, Iron Man, Iceman and Angel are among the heroes killed by Dr. Destroyer. 1992- Oswald Cobblepot dies. After Captain America learns that the serum in his blood is killing him, the gorvenment seeks voulanteers among the superhuman comunity for a blood transfusion doner. The X-Man Wolverine voulenteers. As far as the other members of the X-Men who were on the second team..Yes Colossus, Sunfire & Thunderbird were there and Thunderbird did not die. Even though I did not mention her Rogue also joined the X-Men. As far as Spidey's heir goes...if it is written carefully I would allow them to be 16 or 17.
  6. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG Here is a Hero Designer prefab for the Justice Squadron Package.
  7. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG One more note about the rules. I use the language familiarity chart & lieracy is free for all languages. So therefore if you are building the character with Herodesigner please make sure to edit the campaign rules to address that. Therefore Query each of your languages will only cost one point so after the 30 point JS packages the point total for Valeria is 589 points.
  8. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG Nice Build Query...add in the Package and you still have 8 points to play with.
  9. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG Yes...I intentionally did that, though rumors around the Superhero tabloids is that is a certain patriotic American
  10. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG No no rule that says that.
  11. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG Well Querysphinx is the only one who has turned in an officail submission. It is here...http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1594653&postcount=40 mayhap that can inspire the muse.
  12. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG Nice.... I want to get some new ink for my birthday.
  13. Re: Corven's Heroes & Villains Ok two more...Dryad & the American Avenger whos picture is featured on the Magic card Doc Anomoly made of me.
  14. Re: Corven's Heroes & Villains Here are some others who exist in my campagin world. Batman (Son of the Original, Green Arrow (Son of Hawkeye & Black Widow, Godson of the Original), Super Boy & Girl (Twin Children of the late Superman) & Green Lantern (Grandaughter of the original Allen Scott.)
  15. Re: Corven's Heroes & Villains Here is Aquatica & Web Boy of Vigilant, Mosquito of Forces of Nature & Totem.
  16. Re: Corven's Heroes & Villains Here are 3 out of the 4 members of the Sinister Squadron,. Mr. Psycho, Snow Blind & Black Diamond as well as new art for Kill Ratio.
  17. Re: Corven's Heroes & Villains I'm working on redoing some of the art with the Heromatic that everyoone is playing with right now..However some of them cannot be done with it. I have drawings here at home but I have no scanner.
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Umm I got an idea...well create this guy who heals really fast and has unbreakable bones and claws that can cut through anything...then well pimp him out to every title...an umm oh yeah he's the best at what he does.
  19. Re: The iron midget I have a similar character who is made of stone here he is maybe this will help. Little Rock Val Char Cost Roll Notes 65 STR 55 22- Lift 204.8tons; 13d6 [6] 23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 30 CON 40 15- 25 BODY 30 14- 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 5 COM -2 10- 25 PD 12 Total: 25 PD (25 rPD) 25 ED 19 Total: 25 ED (25 rED) 5 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 20 REC 2 60 END 0 74 STUN 1 Total Characteristic Cost: 230 Movement: Running: 12"/24" Leaping: 13"/26" Hgt: 3' 10" Weight:216kg (476.2lbs) Hair: None Eyes: Blue Cost Powers END 12 A Rolling Stone... : Running +6" (12" total) 1 13 Rocky Resistance: LS (Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20 Minutes; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) 31 Rocky Skin: Damage Resistance (25 PD/25 ED), Inherent (+1/4) (31 Active Points) 10 Solid As A Rock I: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Resistant Defenses 20 Solid As A Rock II: Knockback Resistance -10" Perks 3 Vehicle & Base Donation: Custom Perk Skills 5 +1 with HTH Combat 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Breakfall 14- Everyman Skills (Cost: 0 Points) 0 1) Native: Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points) 0 2) AK: Las Vegas, Nevada 11- 0 3) Acting 8- 0 4) Climbing 8- 0 5) Computer Programming 8- 0 6) Concealment 8- 0 7) Conversation 8- 0 8) Deduction 8- 0 9) PS: Circus Performer 11- 0 10) Paramedics 8- 0 11) Persuasion 8- 0 12) Shadowing 8- 0 13) Stealth 8- 0 14) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles 3 Gambling 12- 3 Hoist 12- 3 KS: Games of Chance 12- 3 KS: History of the Circus 12- 3 Streetwise 13- 5 Teamwork 15- Total Powers & Skill Cost: 121 Total Cost: 350 200+ Disadvantages 15 DNPC: Issac & Sarah Fairfax (Parents) 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs) 15 Distinctive Features: Rocky Skinned Dwarf (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Physical Limitation: Crushing Grip (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) 10 Physical Limitation: Short (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) 15 Physical Limitation: Wierd Bio Chemistry, Requires Special Medical Attnetion (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 15 Physical Limitation: Sinks Like A Stone (Infrequently, Fully Impairing) 20 Psychological Limitation: Will Not Allow Bystanders to Come to Harm (Common, Total) 20 Psychological Limitation: Will Not Kill (Common, Total) 15 Social Limitation: Permanent ID (Frequently, Major) 10 Social Limitation: Famous Dwarf Uber (Occasionally, Major) 5 Unluck: 1d6 Total Disadvantage Points: 150 Background/History: Franky Fairfax was born to be something spectacualr, his parents were trapeeze artits for the permanent circus in the Circus Circus casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Despite being born with dwarfism his parents treated him no different, always telling him "Franky, you can do anything a big person can do and don't believe anyone who tells you different." He showed amazing agility for a little person and with his parent's training made his trapeeze debut at the tender age of seven. His skill on the trapeeze became well known and between the ages of 9 and 13 he and his parents toured the country with the Ringiling Brothers Circus. Two weeks after his 13th birthday he returned to Circus Circus for a much anticipated performance. As he stood high above the crowd Franky began to feel a little ill, but being the consumate showman grabbed the trapeeze bar and swung out. It was in that instant that his powers kicked in. His skin turned in to a dense rock like material and the trapeeze wires snapped under the weight. The crowd gasped and screamed in horror as the little figure plummeted towards the ground, tore right through the safety net and imbedded itself into the ground. The crowd stared in stunned silence as paramedics rushed over only to see the Franky sitting up and then stumbled to his feet. The crowd cheered and Franky's parents rushed over and embrace the boy. Franky stayed with the circus despite being unable to do the trapeeze anymore he soon learned that his natural agility remained and he was able to perform all sorts of acrobatic tumbles and flips. His new form also possessed immense strength and he became not only one of the acrobats but the circus strong man as well. The ringmaster of the circus dubbed him Little Rock and his fame soon speard throughout the country and he began appearing on all sorts of television programs. When he turned 18 Franky was tired of the circus life and decided to be like many other of the world's ubers and use his powers to fight crime and help people. He spent sometime doing so in Las Vegas and then wandered the country for a few years. Most recently he was offered a position with the Denver Defenders and honor he gladly accepted. Personality/Motivation: Franky is a happy outgoing young man and he loves to go out and meet new people. He tries to attend every little people convention he can as he sees himself as a role model for them. Quote: "Time for a Little Rock & Roll" Powers/Tactics: Little Rock posesses superhuman strength & durability. His rock like body gives him incredible resistance to harm and to such things as extreme temperatures, radiation and pressure. His rocky skin has not affected his natural agility and he can still perform a variety of tumbles and other acrobatics. Campaign Use: Mini-Brick Appearance: Little Rock is a young man in his early 20's. Being a little person he stands just uner 4 feet in height. Since the manifestation of his mutant powers his skin has become composed a grey rock like substance. His costume is a blue tank top and shorts. He also wears a leather weight lifting belt, sandles and bracers on his wrists.
  20. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG I'm glad I stopped collecting when I did as well (which was shortly after X-Cutioners song). They have changed many of my favourites around to much since then.
  21. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG One of my favourite Gambit moments is when they split into the Gold & Blue teams years ago. And both teams were training together, trying to get to Prof. X. He managed to get there and after being knocked on his but when kisssing a robot Jean Grey (thinking it was the real one) he managed to crack a joke.
  22. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG I don't know if anybody saw this part of the timeline but...I know someone could work with this. 1999-Learning she is pregnant Wonder Woman, returns to Themyscria to raise her child in private.
  23. Re: Justice Squadron: TNG I would prefer a legacy character please...your Forge and Illyana idea sounds intriguing.
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