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Everything posted by casualplayer

  1. Re: Make a Green Lantern Oath Ring! Ring a wrong! Ring out loud! Ring out strong! Don't worry if it's not good enough for anyone else to ring Just ring! Ring a wrong! La la luh la-la, la la luh la-la, la la luh-la la la La la luh la-la, la la luh la-la, la la luh-la la la
  2. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far What could be fun is if you treated magic ability as basically having a loaded gun in your pocket all the time and gave spellcasters the ability to bluff and threaten. Constantine doesn't have to cast hardly any spells because his reputation precedes him! A game that let reputation have an effect on in-game reactions and a mechanism for gauging that would be clearly the superior system.
  3. Re: Order of the Stick There's a can't-fail pick up line.
  4. Re: Order of the Stick I hope I get some immediately after my resurrection too.
  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far You would have to put a point value to all the ephemeral aspects of characteristics, and that would be a nightmare and impossible to guage accurately from genre to genre and game environ to game environ. How much is CON's ability to resist Stunning worth? STR's ability to Throw or Lift? It is a nice thought to please all of the people some of the time. The sellback rule was a patch for a flaw in the system, and making a new edition and retaining a known flaw is just sloppy game design. This has to have bothered a craftsman like Long and I'm sure he savored the chance to eliminate it. I do wish people weren't so insistent upon points having any intrinsic worth; they are a fiat system for measuring relative power and not the gold standard. It costs what it costs and, if a 4th Ed character that cost 324 pts cost 362 pts in 5th Ed and will cost 451 pts in Sex Ed, if the game is still fun and everybody is happy then game on! Life's too short to do bookkeeping for fun.
  6. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #2: New Combat Maneuvers; Objects As Weapons If Sex Ed officially puts paid to the Great Linked Debate and the MPA confusion, I will name my nextborn child after it. Such a great accomplishment should qualify you for the Nobel Peace prize. MPAs have never made sense to me and feel ill-defined because there are A) way too many published characters that are designed not taking that ability into account, many of which have power structures specially designed to compensate for the idea that you can only launch one power per phase and how could anyone ever have survived fighting Dr. Destroyer or Mechanon if they could alpha strike you with every offensive power they have every phase? Maybe burning more END in a phase than you have CON should stun you to keep things under control? Why don't I have my Sex Ed yet? Pretty please.
  7. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Actually I think torchwolf made some good observations. Nothing is being subtracted that can't easily be replaced. There will be a hundred different Sex Ed threads on replacing COM the day after the rules release. People have already suggested ways to recouple CHAR in this thread and have pointed out to all those people that thought EGO should contribute to STUN, well, here's your chance your chance to make them proportional and related. You will still be able to do anything you were able to do before, and more in addition. I consider that an unalloyed improvement. HERO System shines when you build from a foundation skyward and has problems when you have to chip away at your sculpture hoping to not hit an unexpected flaw. Anything replacing assumptions with options is a beautiful thing IMO.
  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Or you could use PRE as more than just an opening salvo, rip-off-the-roof kind of thing like in most games. Then you could buy conditional PRE for firefights (Cool Hand Luke,) every shot is a Violent Action and there is an ebb and flow and people can actually freeze up in combat or make crazy decisions rather than becoming the icewater-veined tactical geniuses that most gamers transform into. Could be a fun option, rolling PRE every segment. Hmmm.... Sometimes the brilliance of this system sneaks up on me.
  9. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I checked my inventory and I have some extra polate. Guess I'll share. If STR is decoupled from Figured CHAR in SexEd, why wouldn't Telekinesis and maybe even Stretching just become Ranged STR? Flavored to taste, of course, so psychokinesis will be Invisible to all but Mental Senses, some degree of Indirect and Ranged while Stretching will have to Cross Intervening Space along with Ranged. Buying it as +STR to your base STR would mean an implied Unified Power structure, making it conceivable and advantageous to buy TK from 0 as a distinct pool of STR isolated from adjustment. Hmmm....
  10. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Betcha they will be the textbook examples of Unified Power. Have I mentioned how excited I am for SexEd?
  11. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far EGO Rolls are how you keep the ubiquitous Strong Overconfidence Psych Lim (Complication!) from making you take a poke a Dr. Destroyer while your teammates are on vacation, and getting reduced to atoms. It's fairly important to have a good one.
  12. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I tried to send us all on a little RIFTS break. It worked for about a page and a half. And the lack of interest definitely slowed the growth of this forum monstrosity! I just don't understand the attractiveness of COM. (someone had to say it )
  13. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far No offense meant, I'm sure, or taken. I've just found that 250 is just about perfect to make a cyberknight, crazy, juicer, borg or mage, and you can do a Glitterboy or even a Coalition mook with scads of toys and vehicles on that many points. You can still make a dragon but not so powerful that the game turns into Dragon and his surly Sidekicks, a problem in RIFTS IMO RAW. HERO is renowned for being all about superheroes but I've found it really shines in crazy genre mash-up games.
  14. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Y'know what's fun? Gamma World using HERO System! Amazingly enough so is RIFTS. It truly is a miraculous thing, this game we play.
  15. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far This thread grows faster than I can read. Keee-ripes! If I read the latest posts correctly, SexEd comes with Striking raisins. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Two scoops of raisins are the reason SexEd HERO System's so pleasing! I will be able to do everything I could in earlier editions and some things will be more refined, more distinct, better facilitated. Anything that seems to be missing from earlier editions will very quickly spawn threads of 70 ways to emulate that thing using SexEd, so no worries. It's a chunk of change but I've already figured out what my children are going to have to do without so I can afford a copy. If I can do it, so can you.
  16. Re: Order of the Stick Yep, I should have multi-quoted.
  17. Re: Order of the Stick On that note, new OotS!
  18. Re: Order of the Stick Not so pointless as it kept me caring whether V lived or died. If he had opened that door and fled V was done IMO.
  19. Re: Familiar Convertibles 4th. If we go that direction, I'm going to have to bone up. I have an old 1st ed. copy in a box somewhere that I haven't used in ages.
  20. Re: Familiar Convertibles I'll be getting together with the players this weekend, and seeing some of them tonight. I tend to like to tweak my world to let the players play (mostly) what they want to play so I will have more details after that brainstorming session. We still haven't settled on which system just yet because I eat and sleep HERO while another member of the group is a fervent GURPSie. I have to let the players know in non-system specific terms just what they can and can't do, and I'll shoot that email out to them tomorrow night.
  21. Re: Order of the Stick O-Chul taking a dirt nap would be the final straw for the shadowbeastie, and then we would see the bones fly. I'm just not sure Rich could ever do justice with an image of the thing after all this hype, and who wants to watch a patch of dark fight a skeleton?
  22. This is the teasersheet of the FTF game I'm about to run. If I was pitching it as a screenplay I would say it's Harry Potter and the Iron Giant. At military school. Familiar Convertibles Strictly speaking, no one applies to Wollstonecraft Academy. One day an emissary in immaculate uniform and with impeccable bearing arrives and informs you that you are expected to attend, presents you with travel orders and leaves you to say farewell and chose 20 kilos for the trip. If it seems arrogant that they leave before hearing your response it is only because no one has ever refused. Acceptance is an unparalleled education with Trustee-level access to the Repository. It is instant renown and respect, membership in a military tradition measured in victories and centuries. It is automatic Supracitizen status for yourselves and caste reconsideration for your immediate family. And you get the chance to try to tame a Mechafauna. Every graduate of the Academy is skilled enough to assume the captain’s chair in practically any vessel: terrestrial, system or transverse. But a rare few, the elite amongst the cadre, get to ride the epitome of engineering, a sentient, symbiotic fighter craft, the Mechafauna. A mass of synthesinew encased in ferro-pace armor paired with intelligence comparable to a chimpanzee or a dog or a mustang and fully equipped with Kirlian weaponry a single pride overmatches a Ganesha-class warship by itself. Pilot reactive and emulative, a bonded Mechafauna will metamorph from solely its original form to having a humanoid form as well, readily switching forms to suit the situation. You have been selected to go to Wollstonecraft Academy and earn your spurs but are you man enough to Take the Reins?
  23. Re: Order of the Stick *sniff, sniff, sniffle* I still remember the first time I Smote Evil with a non-standard weapon. Killed a gargoyle with a turkey. O-Chul is all that and a bag of chips.
  24. Re: Battletech/Mechwarrior Hero Resources Feeling a lot of love for you right now, TQM, considering I'm working on a mecha game this moment. Hardtop Convertibles! pinching a lot of imagery from Robotech. Speaking of, has anyone bothered designing a LAM or do you just hand the player two different vehicle sheets?
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