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Everything posted by Devon

  1. Re: Metamorph Med Student Skills Well, it may still be worth a 5-point DF "Mutant". Depending on his physical nature, Transforms, Drains, etc. may be more effective on him. He could have some psych lims based on his sudden (from what I read) transition to extreme intelligence (superiority complex, self-doubt, solipsism, etc.), or he may now have an almost inconveniently mercurial nature, making it hard for him to take "mortal" concerns very seriously (close to solipsism, I suppose). How has he dealt with his new state, emotionally? He could have carried over all of the foibles he had when he was a normal, but amplified. Some Phys Lims could be introduced based on the nature of his transformation. However, if the special effect is that the character is "perfect" then you may want to keep his points lower so he doesn't have to buy as many disadvantages. Then, there's always the "mystery disadvantage," such as an unforeseen weakness or susceptibility which the GM would introduce later.
  2. Re: seeking advice re: boosting other characters' abilities
  3. I have a character which should be able to boost another characters’ STR, DEX or SPD (or perhaps other things) by weaving bands of force around them, enhancing by essentially manipulating them like a marionette. Logically, this would require Gestures (throughout use of power, -1/2), and Concentration (1/2 DCV through use of power, -1/2). The problem is, Aid, the most logical power to use, is Instant, so the person would get a boost which would fade away, but Tango would only be gesturing and concentrating for the 1/2 phase it takes to use the power. Here are my choices, as I see it: 1) buy Aid characteristic, xd6 (Ranged) with the special limitation “Points Provided by Aid Disappear if Character is Held or Knocked Out (-1/4 to -3/4)†– it would eventually fade, but the special effect is that the character is still manipulating things to achieve the effect 2) buy +x characteristic, Usable as Attack +1, Continuous +1/2, Costs END -1/2 -- buying it an attack makes it up to the hero to pay the END cost, Continuous means no repeat attack rolls needed, and makes the mechanic suit the special effect. 3) modify Aid in another way, making it Constant, and then adding a limitation “Points Provided by Aid Disappear Immediately when Concentration Ceases (-1/4 to -3/4)†Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!
  4. Re: Appropriateness of "Automaton" advantages for a PC Almost forgot: It is High-Powered (I think) Superhero game with 200 + 150/-150 basis, but many of the characters have been given higher totals with experience or additional disadvantages.
  5. Re: Appropriateness of "Automaton" advantages for a PC
  6. I checked the FAQ, and failed to find an answer to this question: how appropriate is it for a Cyborg player character to have the Automaton advantage "Takes No STUN" and its ilk? I am currently working on a Multiform cyborg character with various combat modes, and coming up really short on points.
  7. Re: Character: Robocop RoboCop technically needs, according to the first movie: - some sleep (system downtime -- I would imagine the "8 hours a week" option would fit) - some food (a nutrient paste like baby food -- I would imagine the "eat once a week" option would work best) I further figure, being an almost complete body prosthesis, he has: LS: heat, cold, high pressure, low pressure Vacuum and self-contained breathing are the tricky ones -- it's not established that he needs oxygen to metabolize the nutrient paste he eats, but it makes sense from a biological standpoint. Murphy tended to insert pauses when he spoke at the end of RoboCop, which could either have been breathing difficulty (from being shot up) or simply meditative, as he was choosing his words and remembering things. That said, it would make sense from a law enforcement standpoint that he would be immune to any tear gas they may decide to throw into a conflict, and as most tear gas powers are written up as NND (defense is self-contained breathing), it would be easier to give him the self-contained breathing, and throw in the vacuum, too, as all of his biological components are well-shielded in his cybernetic body.
  8. Re: Character: Robocop Restrainable is an interesting limitation for some of the powers, but it didn't seem to come up in the movies as I recall.
  9. Re: Character Build Question - How Would You Do It? Maybe stick with Duplication (since you want to retain control over both the human and whatever robot body he is using), and buy the Duplicate with expensive but recoverable charges with duration advantages (making it persistent, but can be severed by somehow interfering with the data link), to reflect the spare bodies around the place, and somehow link in Teleport to it -- use the powers to create the effect you need, and then work backwards on the special effect. I don't have my books with me, so this advice is not as well-researched.
  10. Re: Character: Robocop Well, most GMs I know are lax on that aspect of ECs, allowing Life Support and Armor if they fit into the concept.
  11. Re: Character: Robocop My apologies for resurrecting a year-old thread, but I'm wondering why the EC items can be considered restrainable -- is it simply because you can take him apart and remove his armor and other features? I am planning on creating a multiform version of RoboCop (Aerial combat mode, heavy armor mode, computing mode, among others) and some of his abilities were going to be restrainable (signals and computer uplinks can be jammed, etc.), but most of the item sin the EC are not what I would consider appropriate for the "restrainable" limitation. I would love to hear more of an explanation.
  12. Re: Teleporting objects to you I think using Stretching, as you have done, is a creative way to stat the power, but ultimately I think Teleport Useable as Attack is the more clear and established option.
  13. Re: Spell for making a sailing vessel move more quickly That could also work well to simulate an improvement to the ship's friction profile (after applying an "Only on the water's surface" limitation), but only if the GM had a developed system for determining and applying the effects of wind. The first special effect we tried was to have the ship slough off all of the barnacles on its hull and become squeaky clean. However, we hadn't worked in a duration, so as the points of Aid: Swimming faded over several turns, the barnacles "grew" right back. - Devon
  14. Re: New Disadvantage: Control Override Codes One precedent can be found in Mystic Masters... The Chernobog Demon had a True Name, which was represented as a 15-point Psych Lim: "Obeys orders of those who speak its true name (uncommon, total)". The terms under which it gave out parts of its true name were expressed as a 5-point Phys Lim: "Must give part of its name, if asked, when bargaining (uncommon)." Despite the mystical context, the same mechanic could apply here: Phys Lim for having the control codes in the first place, then Psych lim for following them. - Devon
  15. Re: Spell for making a sailing vessel move more quickly Weeeeell, sure, unless you give the caster lots of coffee and tie him to the mast. I'm going to need to make a cheat sheet pointing out the ins and outs of Persistent, Uncontrolled, Llingering, etc. Maybe a flow chart. Did Foxbat ever get converted to 5e? He just popped up on that left-hand navigation window. I preferred the 4e rendition of Mechanon. - Devon
  16. Re: Spell for making a sailing vessel move more quickly The GM did offer, in jest, that we add MegaScale to the movement. The GM was letting us freewheel with our VPPs to move plot along, so adding the -2 "Ships Only" limitation wouldn't have booted us anything, but if that gets drafted as a codified spell, then it would probably be changed, as Killershrike suggested, to: +x Swimming, xNCM, UBO +1/4, 0 END +1/2, Persistent +1/2, Ships Only -2. I'm forgetting how to code a duration into it without using continuing charges .... Actually, it could be bought as 0 End Uncontrolled (dispelled whenever weather magics would reduce the wind in an area) - Devon
  17. In a recent game our group put together a spell to increase our sail-powered ship's nautical speed, and I wanted to see if anyone had a more elegant way they had approached th ssubject. We cast it as Aid xd6 to Swim Speed, delayed return rate (6 hours), increased maximum. If anyone handled such a dweomer differently, I'd be happy to hear of it. - Devon
  18. Re: Sneak vs Mental Awareness? I would make sure to draw a separation between "Mental Awareness" and "Detect Minds" -- they are two different effects. I would probably house-rule that Mental Defense helped a mental sneak's ability to go unnoticed by other mentalists. That said, I would rule that the example ninja is invisible to Mental Awareness, but completely visible to the proposed sense "Detect Minds." - Devon
  19. Re: Need Help With Teleport Power Hey, if you want to walk that extra kilometer, have a ball. Unless you have Detect [Your Object], or know for certain which direction you left it, you may not know which direction to walk. If you don't care about points, turn that +1 3/4 MegaScale advantage into a +3 1/2 Variable Advantage so you're not obligated to MegaScale. I'm telling you, that guy'll hide behind a wall with your fetish object, and you may never get it back. He'll follow you when your back is turned. Show him who's boss. Get the Variable Advantage. - Devon
  20. Another item to consider with teleport Another item to consider: The MegaScale gap. If you want to make sure it's as easy to teleport this object from across the world as from ten feet away, you need to account for the Megascale gap -- even if you take the optional +1/4 to scale back any level of MegaScale to the minimum of 1 km per inch, this doesn't help you if you your Mundane Object is just beyond that wall, in the hands of that one hiding player. Options: a) forget about the MegaScale and just buy enough inches of Teleport to cover the world build an MPP, with 2 - 3 versions of Teleport optimized for Local, Continental and Global scales c) make sure your teleport has at least +1 in Variable Advantages (+2) so you can scale it between local or global use as necessary All three of these options assume that you also take the suggestions given earlier to used the Fixed Point, the limitations "Only This One Object" and "Only to my hand/side/whatever." - Devon
  21. Re: Spirit Magic San Diegan Solidarity Not to derail the discussion, but I'm a San Diego expatriate myself. I recall Game Towne in Old Town to have been pretty cramped last time I was there, but that was years ago. An odd place to have a gaming store, to be true, but not the worst. To the point I agree that asking these powers be bought at cost is pretty dire, but will have the (I imagine) desired effect of making such powers rare in your game, which in turn makes them more special. The effects are certainly well-considered. I believe in FH there are several references to Jack Vance's universe, at least one of which explained the magical special effect as the cajoling of extraplanar entities into providing the desired effect for the spellcaster. But, if you go to a skill-based magic system, this magic will become more common than you may wish, unless you add a 20 - 40-point "Spiritual Channeler" talent as a requirement for such magic. As for the corruption of Arcane Magic: You may want to apply a mandatory Side Effect: "slowly transforms caster into "corrupted" version of itself" and then detail what this corruption does to a standard mortal. A precedent: in the "Mystic Masters" Champions supplement (for 4e), the ubervillain Tyrannon had a spell or two which he'd offer to mortal casters, spells which slowly corrupted the user using a 1/2d6 Transform side effect. In the book, there was no point-cost break for these spells -- the side effect was added as a campaign note. Cheers, - Devon
  22. How would one generally handle limitations to suit special defenses against ordinarily uncommon special effects which suddenly become a real threat? To wit, a villain gets the power to manipulate a force which is, in most cases, a -1 to -2 limitation. Defenses against this particular effect are cheaper because it's just not that common. Suddenly that force becomes a daily threat for the PCs, who then start designing spells to counter it, for example, "Desolid -- only vs. this effect". Could be strange radiation, could be temporal flux, something which can generate a wide variety of special effects, necessitating the "Desolid"" approach for defense. Should the limitation (only vs. this effect) be contextually devalued because of the current plot situation (effect USED to be rare, but now it's a common threat, so you only get a -1/4 or -1/2 limitation), or should it be valued in the context of the entire campaign, especially if the PC's quest is to eliminate the very threat this force would cause? Any GM advice would be welcome, - Devon
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