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Everything posted by Rebar

  1. I'm building dynamite as equipment for my pulp campaign. This is for 5E. I'm getting practice after having been out for many years. According to FREd (5th Ed) p333, dynamite is 5D6N Expl. (really? a stick of dynamite detonating in a normal's face won't even knock him unconscious?) I want to add in the flash and boom elements, since this will be used underground a lot. So my core is: 5D6N Expl + 2D6 Flash to sight Expl -1DC/4" + 2D6 Flash to Hearing Expl -1DC/8" Questions: - pile them all into a compound power, or separate and link them? - can/do you link powers within a compound power? - time delay (cut fuse) - do I apply the time delay to each power? (I can't apply Common lims on a Compound Power like I can on a Power Pool can I?) - If so, is simply assumed that the time delay is the same for all powers? - do I get to apply the no range lim? They have to be thrown, or run-away-from. Or I guess it's range-based-on-str isn't it? - He'll have a satchel of them. - I could buy the satchel as 16 charges, or - I could simply buy them individually as x16 objects (a +20 adder). Of course, then I have to buy 0End. I guess the difference is whether - if they're snatched from him - he loses them all...
  2. Awesome! Where do I sign up??
  3. What is the purpose of shrinking them? Why not just print them smaller? Then you don't have to fuss with any shrink film. Is it just because it gains you a 50% greater resolution in the image? (I mean, it's MakeZine, so the only reason needed is CUZ I CAN!! But still...)
  4. Yeah. I can always add the jodhpur's "wings" with a touch of epoxy and a coat of paint. But if I can Frankenstein two minis together it's faster and leads to better results.
  5. Excellent! I found Zatanna (via this thread about Heroclix minis with top hats! http://www.hcrealms.com/forum/showthread.php?t=475842) but they were all of her in bikinis. I'm trying to break from RPG canon and have our token female character NOT be the most naked one in the group. This is great. Thanks! And since you're so great at this, do you know any Heroclix that wear jodhpurs?
  6. Funny stumbling across this thread. Just on Friday, after asking around, I located the best shop in Toronto for Heroclix. Went there at 9PM and bought a bunch for my new campaign. Not only will I take them off the bases, but I kit bash them to get what I want. ($4 for a tophat from one mini? Sure! Nice cape! $5? OK. ) I'm going to follow up on all these links. The one mini I haven't been able to mimic is the character that looks like this (riding jacket, top hat, jodhpurs) but female (so, if one come to mind, I'd be eternally grateful):
  7. I'm writing up a couple of devices and i'm running into a problem I often encounter. How do you define a weapon that does several things, some of which aren't even powers? Consider: a peugh (the thing fishers use to fling fish around - anyone with a better name, please speak up) - it's a club - it's a stabber - it's a throwable spear - it is 5 feet long - it can hook, grab and trip someone (actually, peughs don't have a harpoon-like hook, but I like the idea, so I'm adding it) So, do you throw HA/HKA/RKA/AP/stretching into a combo power? Multipower? How do you handle the martial skills? Can you buy martial grab as a power? Or is it already accounted for by normal grab with stretching? OK, but then you can follow with a throw/trip... How about a net? - it's a strike - entangle - stretching etc. To be clear, I know how to buy the individual powers to make an individual attack - but how do you package the powers, skills and maneuvers into a piece of equipment that can be given to a character? And, though martial arts can be bought with the 'weapon' element, can it work the other way round? Can a weapon element give someone a martial maneuver? At the power level of my campaign (where bad guys are just thugs, they might have an 11DEX) a net or harpoon built this way can give a significant boost to their lethality, so counting up these little details (like martial throw at range) tends to be worth it to build it out.
  8. Actually, this is something I was considering making for Hero Games (well, for any system really), just a book of mechanical puzzles, each ready to be inserted into a game. (with some to no assembly required)
  9. Nothing like a GM who looooooooooves inventing puzzles matched with a group of players who hate solving puzzles. I That GM spent far more time crafting the props than writing the adventures. One of my his favorites was a hand-sized cardstock, spaghetti, glue and paint gold medallion with 7 concentric rotating rings, each covered in indecipherable markings. If the players found the appropriate shaped key-piece, the rings would line up and reveal a map to the treasure. The real genius was in beveling the rings so that the entire thing held together while still allowing independent rotation of all the rings. Or so I'm told.
  10. I kinda like the idea of a natural underground spring with healing powers. I'll make its potency dependent on location, so the town benefits but the heroes don't get any funny ideas about filling 50 gallon drums... But I wonder how to get some of it into one of the heroes for some cool (though possibly temporary) effects. They won't discover the caves until ep 3 - too late for healing effect to be a clue. And I haven't yet thought of a way they'd encounter it at their big top circus set up. Maybe an attack of biting cave bats, disturbed into swarming by the tent posts they'd been pounding into the ground? (kinda bad for the town's future business op - and a bit contrived) Maybe they hit a small spring? (Nah, don't want to play the underground labrynth card too early) Fall down a hole into a pool? (Nah, same thing). I can't have one of the villains just hand them a vial of it. (1] It won't keep its potency, and 2] they won't drink it) Man, I lay awake till 2AM last night beating this one up.
  11. Oh, I've got most of em. In fact, they've been helping me construct my own in a way that doesn't cost me sleepless nights.
  12. This is the first adventure so I'm hoping for the weirdness to build over time. Atlantis is a bit too big a jump. (though they will get to Atlantis once their entourage make its way around the Caribbean). I will seed the plots with artifacts whose significance doesn't reveal itself for many adventures. The "Collector of Curios" PC will certainly pick up anything weird she finds - but that should be a subplot. My wife's helping me too. - peat bog with major dinosaur find - underground river that can be tapped for a new hydro dam (very 30s-ish), - or the dam that was about to be built in valley X - unless the river is suddenly rerouted to valley Y - maybe the caves themselves are the motivator - if the area is unstable, they can't build their new interstate highway through the area - or they mae have to go around it - across other parcels of land All good, though all but the first one will change my scenario significantly
  13. (Ra-Chett, if you follow the Pulp Forum, stop reading! ) Because I can't leave well enough alone, I'm thinking about moving the locale of my campaign's first adventure from the Louisiana bayous to the Eastern Seaboard. The heroes' base is aboard a steamer, so locales are close to rivers, lakes and oceans. The premise of the adventure is a seaside town in 1932 whose canneries have closed, putting much of the town out of work. Our subvillian (just a guy) has stumbled upon a family diary that mentions a treasure that will "make our family rich for generations to come" (i.e, enough to be a motivation for murder!). It will come to a climax with an explosive chase through underground caves where a dropped stick of dynamite takes out the villain and exposes the treasure. The villain was assuming the diary referred something straightforward like a pile of gold, (which is why he's never found it) but it turns out to be an oil field. Trouble is, in moving the locale, I've removed the treasure. There are no oil fields on the East Coast. I'm looking for a plausible substitute for a "treasure" that could be exposed (ideally in spectacular fashion: "it's raining crude! The town is saved!"). Any ideas of some natural resource that I could substitute? Gotta be within a mile or so of the shore. I suppose, if nothing else, a rock fall could expose an ancient treasure-filled shipwreck holed up in an underground cavern, but I was looking for something with more of a broader take on "treasure". In fact, for an even broader take, any maguffin might do. Ideas?
  14. Rebar

    Space 1970

    Drat. Based on the title, I thought this was going to be a subgenre game. Everyone in platform shoes and flying Vista Cruisers around the stars...
  15. Rebar

    Riot Car

    No need to worry - it will never get near danger. It can't turn!
  16. Perfect, thanks. So, +25 PRE Yes, but if it already exists and has a game-balanced mechanic, I'd rather just do that.
  17. Trying to build this tractor: http://www.tractordata.com/farm-tractors/003/8/8/3880-massey-harris-gp.html At 3m, it's only got a SIZE of 2, giving it a mass of 400kg, so I bought 2 levels of DI to bring it up to 1600kg What about its STR? The DI will give it an extra 10STR. But not sure how to determine its STR. (Hm. Maybe I don't want it too realistic anyway - I want to use it to haul a trainload of carts - like a baggage handler at the airport. That's probably gonna need more than 15hp at the hitch). Anything else it might need to get traction? I guess 1600kg will give it traction...
  18. How often is this not the case? Neither do I. That's why I'm asking around. He swears by it. Frankly, not using the rather rigid turn chart is rather freeing. Two of the most enduring running gags in our 30 years of playing are:1. The SPD 4 "unaltered human" PC waking up and bawling "Is it phase 8 yet??" 2. Phase 7 freezies all around.
  19. What problem? You didn't describe it. As opposed to 23, 18 and 13? Yeah, I see how that's different.
  20. A GM friend runs his combat turns a little differently. Essentially, he ignores SPD, or at least SPD is derived directly from DEX. Terefore the turn chart too goes out the window. So, what you do is start with the highest DEX and just work your way down. Any ... er ... multiple of your DEX you go again. . Say you have 3 characters: DEX 30, DEX 19 and DEX 10. DEX 30 character goes first. Then you count down. At DEX 20, the DEX 30 character goes again. You keep counting. At 19, DEX 19 character goes. When you get to 10, DEX 30 goes again, followed by DEX 10. Count to 9 and DEX 19 goes. Finally, at 1, everybody goes. So, in that turn: DEX 30 has gone 4 times, DEX 19 has gone 3 times, and DEX 10 has gone twice. The key here is that no one has sat around for, like, 6 segments in which they cannot do anything but eat chips and knit. Naturally, it messes with the relative values of the characteristics, but it's less confining than the 12 segment turn.
  21. I like this: Perceivable (-1/2), Limited Power Can be negated with a Tactics roll or by devoting 1 Combat Skill Level to countering it (-1/4 But I'm not keen on the CE. A simple Damage Shield will do STUN to the attacker. No need to complicate things. +2DCV is high, yes; in fact I would say it is cinematically high. To wit: in the Doc Savage books, this would come into play virtually every novel.
  22. Yep. Thanks. I'm a bit rusty with HD.
  23. Wow. This is essentially teaching them their powers while teaching them the mechanics of power creation at the same time. Not for my players. They would say "I don't care what a naked advantage is, that's math" I write up descriptions but I'll keep it to one paragraph that describes the essentials in "in-character" terms. However, I do like your use of Trigger to cast the smoke bomb. That means I could go back to using Darkness, which is even more true to the power concept than Invisibility.
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