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Everything posted by ioticus

  1. You have definitions of Combined Attack and Multiple Attack switched.
  2. Unless I'm mistaken, errata only exists for the core rule books. No errata documents exist for all the other books. I find it very disappointing that this is still the case after all these years. If you look at every other reputable gaming company, they provide errata for all of their products. I own the hardback Volumes 1 and 2 but not the PDFs. Did they at least fix the errata in the PDF version of the core rules?
  3. I'm unclear on exactly what can and can't be used in a combined attack. The rules state you can use 2 or more powers as long as they are not combat/martial maneuvers. But as far as I can tell all attacks use a combat maneuver, which is either a strike or in the "other" category under combat maneuvers in Chapter 3. Could a dragon, for example, use 2 claws and a bite as a combined attack? The Hero System Bestiary seems to imply that monsters only use multiple attack, since combined attack is never mentioned in the general monster rules (only multiple attack is mentioned). I also find it strange that you only use one attack roll in a combined attack, meaning all attacks either hit or miss. It would make much more sense to me if you rolled separately for each attack, since it seems much more realistic that some attacks could hit and some could miss. I actually assumed you roll separately for each attack when I first read the rules, but was surprised when I read the FAQ stating you only make one strike roll. I find it ironic that combined attack is a strike which is in fact a combat maneuver!
  4. So are the errors in the weapon charts present in the print version? Could you check your copy and let me know?
  5. I bought the FHC pdf from the Hero store not too long ago and notice typos and errors in the weapons charts, vampire write up, etc. Is the print version like this or did I get an older pdf version or what? Normally Hero books are well edited but this is bad in my opinion.
  6. Re: Usable By Others with a VPP to simulate a wish spell Okay, if that is the way Steve Long says the charge should work then my VPP build doesn't work as written and Transform is the way to go. I think it's a shame though since I think a VPP would be the best way to do it if the rules allowed.
  7. Re: Usable By Others with a VPP to simulate a wish spell With a VPP the player can use whatever power he wishes to create his effect. Much more flexible than limiting yourself to a single power like transform. No, the charges limitation ONLY APPLIES to the control cost and ONLY effects how many times the pool can be allocated (one time in this case). The slot in the pool does not have to have the same charge limitation. Please reread the rules on VPP. "About CP-loss: It sounds like you try to reverse-engineer D&D's "pay XP" system here. However the XP-cost was a Fix for bug Hero does not share - lack of alternative ways you can limit Spellcasting. I would try to use something like "Charge that recovers every month" or a Side Effect with a "Drain, Reduced recovery" before trying to reverse enginer that clunky thing. Just draining the very power you just use would prevent characters from over-usign it. Granting a VPP: I am not so certain about that. Building a UOO Power in a VPP is not that problematic. Could you give us examples of things that do not work with a Transform?" Why are you insisting on using Transform? You can use a Transform in the VPP if you like. Or not.
  8. Re: Usable By Others with a VPP to simulate a wish spell My interpretation was that he doesn't lose the spell (and the 27 points he bought the spell with) since the Non Recoverable charge does not apply to the casting, only the effect of the spell. This gives you one wish (a single slot in the VPP) only for every 5 character points you permanently spend.
  9. I don't particularly like using Extra Dimensional Movement or Transform to make a wish spell. I think they're undefined for that purpose. Has anyone thought of using a Variable Power Pool with the UBO advantage and one charge that never recovers to make a wish spell? For example: Wish spell: Magic Roll: -9 Variable Power Pool: One Charge that Never Recovers (-4) Cosmic (+2) 120 Point Control; 120 Point Pool Cost 36/120 = 156 points Spell Modifiers: Usable By Other (+1/4) OAF Expendable (large, flawless ruby; -2) Concentration (0 DCV throughout casting; -1/2) Extra Time (1 minute; -1 1/2) Gestures and Incantations (-1) Requires a Magic Roll (-1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4) Side Effect (permanently lose 5 Character Points automatically per casting; -1) Active Cost 195 Real Cost 27 I don't think it's technically legal to apply UBO on a Power Framework as a whole, but I think this works better than Extra Dimensional Movement or Transform (which requires you to make everything up).
  10. Re: Something all SF gamers should have. For Netzilla's constant power HtH KA weapons, wouldn't the attacker be able to keep damaging the target as long as he has LOS? Is that the intended effect?
  11. ioticus

    Rifts HERO?

    Re: Rifts HERO? I'd love to see your Glitterboy conversion NuSoard.
  12. Re: Super Villian Showdown! Good point. "No followers that aren't written onto the sheet as follower, summon or the like".
  13. Cast your vote for who would win in a knockdown, drag out fight between Dr. Destroyer, Mechanon and the Empress Istvatha V’han! I don't own the Book of the Empress (yet) so I'm not qualified to vote! No underlings, hirelings or henchmen allowed, just brains versus brawn versus boobs!
  14. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight Are additional books planned to be in color and hardcover as well?
  15. Re: [eBay] Espionage! RPG Hero Games 1983 Link updated, thanks.
  16. In case anyone's interested: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZioticusQQhtZ-1QQfrppZ50QQfsopZ1QQfsooZ1QQrdZ0?
  17. The description of the Power skill in the Ultimate Skill states that a character may use no more than 30% of a power's active cost for the base skill role without penalty. However, both examples on page 252 impose penalties above 10% of the power's active cost. Which is correct, the examples or the text?
  18. Just ordered 7 Hero books and the discount was about 36% with free shipping. (Shipping is free at $99.) Just letting people know because I had to search long and hard to find it. Anyone know of a better deal on the web?
  19. Re: 2006 Schedule Blurbs I'll probably buy all the books but still have no one to play HERO with
  20. I was wondering why Hero Games chose to name the book "Dark Champions?" Afterall, the book isn't only about superheroic campaigns and doesn't focus on dark, gritty settings either. "Modern Hero" or "High Tech Hero" would have seemed more appropriate.
  21. Re: Question about resistant defenses with power defense and others I suppose someone could buy, say, HKA, AVLD: Flash Defense, Does Body, so you would only be protected if you bought Resistant Flash Defense, right?
  22. Re: Question about resistant defenses with power defense and others The rules state the Does Body advantage for an Ego attack is treated like a normal attack and is not a killing attack. The rules also state that Does Body cannot be applied to a Flash attack. Therefore, what is the utility of buying Damage Resistance for limited defenses?
  23. The 5ER rules state you can buy resistant defense for power defense, mental defense and flash defense. I see no provision in the rules to make the attacks they defend against only apply to resistant defenses. What am I missing? The closest modifier I can find for this is AVLD, but it never states explicitly that you use it for that.
  24. RPG.net has a review of the original FH Grimoire and points out a flaw, which seems valid: "Since Hero System uses a 3d6 system and defines Skill levels as Competent (11-), one of the best in the World (18-); and one of the best of all time (20-), then one of the best wizards of all time is going to have sod-all chance of casting a spell with a skill penalty of -18. A 3 always works, so he's going to have slightly less then a 1-in-200 chance of it working - the same as someone with mere familiarity (8-) with Magic. Oh, mighty mage indeed. Best buy the "Master's Version", then it always works. Alternatively, buy enough points in Magic skill to become a demigod of magic... though that may not fit your character concept. Here's why in metagame point-break terms: let's take Selgar's Spell of the Leafy Shackles (the D&D 'Entangle" spell, remember?). It's got a skill penalty of -5. If I have a 'very skilled' mage (say a Magic roll of 14, as defined in the Hero 5th Core Rules), then I succeed in casting 'Leafy Shackles' on a 9 or less -- 37.5 per cent of the time. The spell costs 8 points to learn (3 points, given that Turakian Age spells cost one-third the usual amount). For 9 points I can have the Master's Verion, which always. No need to roll at all. (And, in the Turakian Age, this still also only costs 3 points - it's free!)" I was wondering what posters here think of the perceived flaw and what they propose as solutions (if they even think there's a problem). Here's the link to the full review: http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/10/10021.phtml Please read the full review as the above was taken somewhat out of context. Thanks.
  25. Re: [eBay] HERO Games Lot Champions and Others From the 1980s Less than 1 day left.
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