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About Mole

  • Birthday 12/17/1976

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    Married; sorry, ladies. :)
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Mole's Achievements

  1. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.
  2. Re: [Campaign] DEFENDERS CONGREGATE!! Famous Fantastic-Man reactions: [ATTACH]22673[/ATTACH] VIPER did what? [ATTACH]22674[/ATTACH] VIPER did that?!?!? [ATTACH]22672[/ATTACH] [to GM] . . . jerk . . . [ATTACH]22671[/ATTACH] I killed VIPER!
  3. If a character is hit with an entangle that has the "Takes No Damage From Attacks" (+1/2) Advantage, can the entangled character use Telekinesis to escape from the entangle? Thanks!
  4. Fantastic-Man No sweat, Night Raven. And thanks for the follow-up post. I really appreciate it. By the way, that mini is incredible. Great Work, Mike!
  5. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Thank you so much, Storn; you did an incredible job! Fantastic-Man is reborn! -Fannnnnnnntastic
  6. Hi Steve! Perhaps I am misunderstanding the Absorption Example on page 35 of The Ultimate Brick. The 3rd paragraph states that Absorbo can only absorb 11 BODY and the attack does 12 BODY. However, the last paragraph states he takes 0 Body from the attack. What am I missing? Thanks!
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Thanks for the info Dr. A!
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER SS beat me to the punch. It is The Cheat of Homestar Runner's fame. I was unaware there was a KC Role-Players Guild. I'm a member of an online guild for Neverwinter Nights, but rarely get a chance to play. Does that count?
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER There was also a Baywatch Nights spin-off with an X-Files motif.
  10. From the FAQ: Is Regeneration then only 1 Body (2 AP) per turn only? It cannot be increased to 2 Body (4 AP) per turn, etc.? Also, can you apply the Simplified Healing option to Regeneration? Thanks!!!
  11. First of all, can I apply the Increased Endurance limitation to a MP Reserve, if each slot in the MP takes the Increased Endurance limitaion but at different levels each (i.e., x2, x4, x10). Secondly, if the previous is allowed, what level of the Increased Enduranced limitation would I apply to the MP Reserve (i.e., x2, x4, x10)? Thanks, Steve!
  12. Good discussion. Thanks, guys!
  13. This is an intertesting topic. I looked into buying PSLs to offset the OCV penalties for Move-Throughs, but I found this in the FAQs and thought it was off-limits. Would you guys allow PSLs vs. the OCV penalties on Move-Throughs, Move-Bys, Grab By, etc.?
  14. The entire evil organization? Cool. How much? If you throw in an UNTIL sleeper cell, I'll give you a #4 extra value meal. Throw in a DEMON Morbane, and I'll super-size it!
  15. I looked into velocity based DCV for a friend who is playing a speedster. His SPD is 7 and his running is 30". Therefore his velocity in inches per turn in 210", making his Velocity Based DCV 7. Now, for the most part a speedster character is going to be at least a 30 DEX, with a base DCV of 10. I don't see any advantage in velocity based DCV, but I definitely could be looking at all wrong.
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