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  1. Re: New Ship Map Yes Steve maps are fun ....... now about that Hudson city map we are all after........ (O.T. I know, but I couldn't miss the opportunity)
  2. Re: Campaign Ideas: Why are they on this ship? The ship belongs to company x who use it for everything from cargo runs, to emergency rescue op's. The PC's are the hired crew. You could throw a bit everything at them from pirates one week to 'why are the police chasing the passenger we just picked up' stuff the next.
  3. Re: RIP: James Doohan I still follow his rule of multiplying repair estimates by 3 to appear to be a miracle worker (and the boss falls for it).
  4. Re: War of the Worlds Nah ..... never got into Battletech. The whole Mech thing just doesn't do it for me. The idea of something that big on a high tech battlefield leaves me thinking they might as well put a big neon sign on it saying 'SHOOT ME' cause everyone from ground level to orbit is going to see it anyway.
  5. Re: War of the Worlds Finally saw it last night. I thought it was a fairly good effort. My only bugbear was the idea of the tripods being left here beforehand and not found. Though in one of the crowd scenes I thought someone mentioned about the Japanese finding one previously. Mind you that was along with Europe's not getting attacked, followed by Europe's getting the worst of it. Did anyone else think the aliens looked a bit like those from Independance Day (in the head department anyway).
  6. Wombat

    why u all sux

    Re: why u all sux Well lets see there was the time ...... no, actually, maybe locking this thread off might be a better idea after all
  7. Wombat

    why u all sux

    Re: why u all sux Just another sad case of the internet bringing out the inner dickhead ..... But even though he may have the brains of the average housebrick there is always hope that one day he may actually reach the heights of grade 1 english literacy.
  8. Wombat

    Knight War

    Re: Knight War Depends totally 100% on the greatest force in the galaxy ..... The Script Writer. Personally I'd wait til it was all happening then pop a couple of nukes in from the sidelines to get rid of them all.
  9. Re: Little Anthony & The Imperials P.S. Good luck with the project.
  10. Re: Little Anthony & The Imperials Dude, Palladium have a bad rep for going in hard on people doing anything with their system. While the conversion may be a good idea you're probably setting yourself up for a load of problems if they notice you. (And if you believe the stories they probably have regular looks at these boards to look for people trying).
  11. Re: Resistance is futile Did you pass your roll??? I've failed that one enough times to know how difficult it is to make. From actual life - Then soon to be wife enters room, waves credit card statement under my nose and says "Where is it?" Fortunately I passed my quick talk roll on that one, but not by much.
  12. Re: Resistance is futile Welcome brother.
  13. Re: Resistance is futile If you dont buy it we will have to send several rather large gentlemen around to explain to you why you need to buy it.
  14. Re: Gay part of town - Hudson City Already included it in my campaign. It's currently undergoing it's second refit in as many months due to the PC's smashing it up big time.
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