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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Re: Help with team name Hmm, well, is CHESS going to be a regular menace in your campaign city? If so, maybe a chess-related name like Gambit, with their base called the Rook. Maybe a semi-silly name that relates to CHESS and homelessness: Pawnbrokers. And just because Checkmate is taken, doesn't mean you can't use it in your own game. I humbly admit that I made a character called Checkmate (in the same Dark Champions game we played; he was my second character after my first one died), based off the DC comic title itself. He was expensive, but worth it! One additional suggestion is to have your news reporter(s) go through a list of names that you like (calling them 'team a' at one report, 'team b' the second, etc.) until they choose their own. Of course, if they are noncomittal and don't create one of their own, just go with the one you like and keep using it over and over until they do something about it.
  2. Re: Help with team name Um, the Virginians. If they're liked of course (also, a play off of The Virginian). As for the press/reporter throwing out the name, that's how our DC group caught on to the Counterforce name. The reporter went something like, "A new group of heroes has shown up as a counter force to the [villain group]'s recent crime spree." She then went on to ask who were these people and if anyone had their names to contact the station. After that, the mayor of the city invited our group to a "private" reception (i.e. only the rich and high class were present) where we were thanked. Of course, the local villain group showed up and both figuratively and literally crashed the party. We captured them after much ado. If only it were that simple when Card Shark's organization took the reins.
  3. Re: Help with team name A group name we had in a Dark Champions game that seems a bit appropriate here is Counterforce. As for Cobalt, that was the name of my GL Guy Gardner clone! Good luck on the team name, and let us know what you choose!
  4. Re: Help with a Villain Name - Laser Tag? Well, it sounds like you've been given some good names that are specific to the laser aspect. However, if you don't want the name to necessarily reflect the power, but the attitude, I have two that you could use. I've had these names ready for quite some time, but never made a villain for them. Mr. Meaner Miss Demeaner, or Miss Demeanor or (if she's British) Miss Demeanour. These are play on words from misdemeanor, of course. Though, I do like the original offers also.
  5. Blah, blah, blah. Oh my goodness, I made it from the beginning to the end of this thred in one day! Guys, I think anyone arguing with Wanderer now is just pointless; he's close-minded to the idea that he or his friends can be wrong. From going through these posts, my best guess is that Wanderer is a late-teen European (probably eastern Europe) male. Either he is still in high school or barely graduated and has no college classroom experience. He is very much in a rebellion and idealistic stage of his life and extreme in his views. Most of the reasoning behind this group is to stop corrupt people (he's mentioned murderers, rapists, child molesters, polluters, whalers, corrupt courts, bad politicians, etc.). He claims his game is in shades of grey, and yet everyone is either right or wrong. His team is acting because no one else in the world supposedly is. He and his friends want to live out a fantasy that they know will never happen. Almost every time he argues why his heroes are right, he goes back to people supporting slavery in the past as part of his justification. (This guy also thinks you don't split your forces in combat, what an idot.) Most of what Wander claims to be wrong deals with either the United States (and always because of President Bush, somehow), Asia and Africa. Europe apparently is not corrupt. These world rulers of his are always benign except when dealing with criminals. They never kill innocents (mainly because no one is in his game) and always know what is going on in the situation. They impose themselves upon the world and then say "we're here if you need us; just call." Wanderer has no concept of how the real world is; just his delusional state. He claims that his heroes can fix the world's problems, yet he doesn't even understand why they exist. One of his arguments deals with courts. Apparently, since over 100 countries have their court systems in scandal, his small group (10 at the most?) of heroes will take over responsibility of the courts and give verdicts, and the courts will never become back-logged under his small group. Almost all businesses create some form of pollution and his small group will destroy them all so they can no longer do that; he doesn't realize this will create pollution and damage the environment. His group will somehow find the ultimate power source that doesn't endanger anything ever. His small group will change the world, even when they couldn't accomplish this in one country. His PCs also have no repercussions, no consequences for their actions. His campaign is a complete "Monty Haul/munchkin" game based on eco-terroristic holier-than-thou ideas with the facade of being a justifiable challenging campaign. He thinks exactly like his friends do and so this is a free-for-all, do what you wish game. He isn't as much of a GM as he is a yes-man to his players. Even if we took the amazing leap to say that everyone on Earth (six BILLION people, mind you) agreed to let these people be the rulers, in one day their system would buckle and collapse. There is no way that they could handle every problem on the planet. We have over 6,000 years of recorded history stating that this hasn't happened, and this kid thinks he can solve it with a handful of super beings? If we were more realistic and said the whole world passively resisted, how could his group stop them all? They couldn't. Also, the following villain groups would strategize -even if separately- to destroy them: Anarchy, VIPER, Eurostar, VOICE, DEMON, WITCH (who wants males ruling the world?), COIL, Dr. Destroyer, etc. My suggestion: Don't respond to this thread any more, I won't. Just because Wanderer gets in the last word doesn't mean he's right, it could mean 1:he's being ignored; 2; no one cares, 3;no one's listening to his fallacy.
  6. Re: Suggestions? Telepathic PCs just captured VIPER agent Well, you know, I had to back and look, but this isn't your game, it's The Horror's. His post went something like this: Your posts have been pretty much what's done in your campaign with implications that we would need to follow them to be appropriate. We're trying to help The Horror out without ruining the moment, much less the campaign. I don't recall The Horror mentioning his heroes being *sanctioned,* as if it's a requirement. I personally would like to get back to the topic of the thread and help The Horror out until he tells us that we've helped enough.
  7. Re: Suggestions? Telepathic PCs just captured VIPER agent [quote=Chuckg"You interrogated someone for three hours without allowing him access to his lawyer? Mr. Viper Agent, did you waive right to counsel?" "Hell no!" "The jury will disregard (blah, blah, blah ) > What evidence is there of telepathy? In a superhero universe? Lots. So in your campaigns, every time a hero captures a villain, they have to let them call a lawyer? No one is allowed to question villains without lawyers present? Is this a superhero genre or a police genre? When flying or teleporting, must you stop at stop signs? Or do you just use this against mentalists? I'm sorry, but this is just ridiculous. What examples are there of telepathy that the legal system has? How does the VIPER agent *prove* telepathy was used against him? Now, I haven't read comics in over five years, but I don't recall any criminal being let go because a superhero interrogated him and gained information without a lawyer present. This is supposed to be a fun game. What fun is it when the PC uses a GM-approved power and gets punished for it? If you are going to get so technical with it, then you need to add in other factors that affect real courtrooms. One of the reasons politicians and celebrities are so hard to prosecute is because of their charisma. People are naturally attracted to them (one of the reasons they succeed in their profession). Maybe whoever has the higher PRE is favored by the jury. What about comeliness? Is the hero more attractive than the VIPER agent? Well, that's another bonus in his favor. In fact, you could nitpick it further. Why not say, "Since Mr. Justice didn't allow a lawyer, the police have to give back all the stolen items that were found in the VIPER nest, including all illegal explosive devices and the cash that was taken from 1st City Bank." Then ask yourself if you would do the same thing if the character wasn't a mentalist? The Devil is in the details.
  8. Re: Suggestions? Telepathic PCs just captured VIPER agent Don't punish the PC/Player! You wouldn't give all VIPER agents an extra 10-20 PD because the group has a brick, would you?
  9. Re: Suggestions? Telepathic PCs just captured VIPER agent
  10. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow Foxbat: The death of a pet: A PC's DNPC's pet gerbil dies. The PC is asked to take him to the store to buy another. When the PC goes to the store, all the gerbils, hamsters, mice and similar rodents are sold out. The PC goes to another store. The same thing has happened! If the PC mentions this to a store employee, the employee offers to call their other stores in town. What a coincidence, all of these animals have been purchased. After doing some minor investigating, the heroes discover that at each store a few people came in buying all of the same tye of pet, but none of the descriptions really match. What's going on? The stores mention they'll be resupplied in about a week. A few days later, on a night patrol, the power in the city goes out in a bad storm.* Only one building in the neighborhood has power. If the PC(s) investigate, they see Foxbat and team playing cards or some such. If PC(s) investigate further or enter by crashing the party, they'll eventually discover that there is a floor dedicated to housing hundreds of gerbils, hamster, mice, etc. It turns out Foxbat was tired of paying a very expensive electric bill and uses these rodents to supply him with electricity. All the cages have wheels that are attached to the electric layout. Ingenious and legal! (Of course, if Foxbat is wanted for any crimes....) The check is in the mail: Post offices around the city are reporting break-ins, but they can't figure out what the criminals are looking for. Once the news is spread and stake-outs are posted, the crimes stop. Then postal 18-wheelers are being robbed! The drivers are knocked out from either sleeping gas, or hit on the head from behind when at truck stops. Eventually, the PCs come upon Foxbat and company exiting a mail truck with a few bags full of mail. During the fight, a missed shot hits a bag (or a successul hit where the bag is used to intercept the shot) and many envelopes fall out; the villains flee. When investigating, or if Foxbat is then captured. It turns out all stolen envelopes were from Publishers Clearing House. Foxbat was hoping that by eliminating all competitors in the city, he might win. The next day or so, PCH announces a winner in the neighboring city. Hmm... I can't think of a third one, other than Foxbat embaresses Eurostar and they chase him back to campaign city. But it's just not as creative. UNLESS the PCs are vacationing in Europe at the time, and Foxbat come retreating right past them! *A few weeks ago, Dallas County had a standard storm with some high winds that ended up knocking out power to 500,000 homes, apartments, and buildings. It was more due to a lack of well-maintained lines than fierce lightning, but still.
  11. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow Silence! I shall not have you tainting my idea with foul, factual references! (Somehow, this does sound familiar, though. Can anyone else confirm this?) Okay, maybe Green Bay, Wisconsin is the secret base to the North American leaders of VIPER and they have the more VIPER agents in Green Bay than the next three nests combined! Yes! The fact that most of these employees are the pencil pushers and lawyers means nothing to me. Nothing, I tell you! Now begone before I have to turn you into an an e-newt. But have a nice day while you're at it.
  12. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow Curse you to the seven seas! (I mean that in the nicest way. ) Sigh, well, not in my campaign, gosh darnit.
  13. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow The Seven Horsemen: War, hmph, what is he good for? A local villainous brick beats up a lone PC or two while he/they is/are out on patrol. Somehow, it makes the news. A few nights later, the PC(s) is/are on patrol again and run into the same brick. Before combat can ensue, War attacks the brick to see who is better. The PCs can either intervene or watch. If victorious (and really, why not?), War makes some tactical suggestions on how to beat this guy, then he leaves. Mayhem and Destruction: Fear and Destruction have arrived downtown during lunch hour. Fear is bringing aspects to the forefront, granting normal power. He is looking for an eighth Horseman (Mayhem), maybe because Destruction wants a boy-toy. Can the heroes stop them? And how many new low-powered supers are created with dominant aspects? (Passion, humor, competitiveness, etc.) We have nothing to fear but Fear himself: Perhaps either tired of the PCs' popularity, boldness, or just wanting more people beneath him, Fear has the Seven Horsemen attack the PCs. When the PCs are beat, they are spirited away to some abandoned warehouse that has been prepared for them. When they come to -all chained, bound, and restrained- Fear tells them he's going to recruit them into his army, whether they like it or not. He tries to manipulate all the PCs at once, and somewhat succeeds. Anyone with a beserk, has the rolls changed (for the worse), those with enraged now have beserk (same roll) and those without, now have enraged (with the best rolls possible: 8- to go, 14- recover). They all also have a minor psychological fear of Fear and a 1.5 vulnerability to one of the member's powers. (Maybe one PC has a vuln. to one of Famine's attacks, one PC has a vuln to a Dread attack, etc.) The other side effects? Each PC is now 50 to 100 points stronger! Either in a new power, a boost in current stats or a mixture of both!
  14. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow VIPER: From a street contact, the PCs learn that VIPER is doing something concerning the next football game in town. The contact doesn't know much, he overheard (spied) a bit, but was too scared to stick around when agents thought they heard something (him). The PCs go to the game (incognito) and search and search and search, but don't find any signs of VIPER before the game, so they take their seats and wait. For the first time, the players really notice the field. It's the local team versus the Green Bay Packers. Something clicks. Green Bay colors are green and yellow. VIPER colors are green and yellow. VIPER has legitamately, but quietly bought the team. Hmm... I wonder what this means for the Baltimore Ravens?
  15. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Great Grond scene! How about adding this whenever the PCs beat Grond and he gets taken away: A Hollywood producer, loving Grond's performance at the theater, visits Grond in prison. He offers Grond the role of an action star if he will behave while locked up. Defense lawyers convice the county to have a hearing for Grond to be released doing community service. The PCs are requested since they help beat Grond. Will they help Grond go straight? "Grond smash!" - Grond at the movies "Grond smash puny super friends!" - Extended DVD version
  16. Re: Copycats? Hey! Don't use Grond to reinforce a bad student's bad behavioral patterns! -Sorry it's the teaching aspect in me. Maybe they meet, kid tells story and Grond says he wishes he had an art teacher. Kid tries to get revenge on teacher and sends Grond after her. PCs are told of Grond sighting, fly to school and find teacher actually teaching art to Grond. -Yeah, I'm sentimental about Grond.
  17. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! V.O.I.C.E.: 1) Evil feeds upon itself: One member from each from various supervillain groups around the world turns up dead about once a week. The connection: A rival villain drops the deceased body at a news station (on camera) with a note. Tension mounts as a groups such as GRAB, WITCH, Terror, Inc., Assessininos, and the Ultimates all feel the sting. Chaos breaks loose when a member of Euorostar gets killed. Their rival was an American villain from the PCs home city/state and now Eurostar reeks havoc in that location. What's happening? V.O.I.C.E. has a new member (or two), one (or two) of the Masq. V.O.I.C.E. assassinates a villain, the Masq poses as a rival and dumps the body off publicly. (The note is becasue the Masq may not speak the local language). V.O.I.C.E. is weakening the strength of potential rivals hoping to eliminate several groups. If and when a group is eliminated, V.O.I.C.E. moves into that territory (PCs area?) with no opposition. 2) The Great Super Villain Contest: A new super group appears in a neighboring city doing a few good deeds. Only once again, the GSVC starts. Things are "typical" for the contest until the neighboring city group starts killing a few villains. Repurcussions abound: Citizens are split on these actions. "Supers/Anti-mutant" hate groups have fuel for their fire. Local politicians want restrictive measures. Citizens become split on their feelings for supers. Some villains start killing other supers ("do it to them before they do it to us") and complain about the rules of the GSVC. The entity holding the contest decides to send his own troops to subdue this new hero group on their next major appearance. The PCs are attacked by many villains (safety in numbers, 7-12) and are being severely beaten. In come the heroes next door to help out. Who do the PCs support? The killing heroes who are helping them or the destructive villains who are out to get them? Toward the end of the conflict (when only two groups are left), the assault group from the GSVC host has arrived. Now what? What's happening: V.O.I.C.E. was starting up a recruiting drive when the GSVC started. Angered that he couldn't get any responses since the GSVC was receiving more "press," Lung Hung has the Jaws dress as heroes to sow dissention amongst the public, heroes and villains. With the GSVC vanguard's appearance, LH must decide whether to regroup or fight. Also, what if someone in the GSVC is a mentalist and discovers the ploy? Which side will the heroes be on? 3)Recruitment drive: V.O.I.C.E. is looking for new members. To prove themselves worthy, they must kill a hero (preferably a martial artist). One of the PCs is attacked and bloodied. When the heroe is stunned, the villain boasts about the recruitment drive and then starts the attack again. Several more PCs arrive to help out and the villain flees. After this news is reported, several new costumed & masked martial artists pop-up the next week announcing they'll help stop V.O.I.C.E. The next day, the PC that was originally attacked is found dead. The strange thing is, is that he's at home/the base watching the news story. Each day following another martial artist is found dead. After a few days of this, the police come to the PCs base to discuss important private business. It turns out that all of these dead heroes are exact copies of the original PC. The PCs try to find out where these clones are coming from. Turns out a scientist figured he could create clones to die in the place of real heroes. The heroes have an ethical & moral problem here. Plus, how long has this guy had cloning technology? Who else has he clone?
  18. Re: The Last Hurrah (adventure for your use) I'm not sure what you're suggesting here, but the Star Wars defense system concept is in effect, although greatly altered. The U.S. Air Force has a least three planes that are designed to stop missiles by laser, at least one of which was flying during Desert Storm. The laser has been researched since that kid tried melting chocolate with it. The existance of it as a successful weapon was declassified around five years ago. That being said, your Nucelar Football is completely off. Yes, and this time when I tell myself I'm not going to come back here, I'm going to remember to unsubscribe to this thread. Silly me. As my parting words (aside from my signature), I would just like to suggest again to Crackerjacker that next time no one responds to your thread, just move on.
  19. Re: The Last Hurrah (adventure for your use) Don't you understand, he doesn't want anyone to alter the idea to fit in their campaign. His whole "Reagan has to be linked, and you couldnt [sic] change the plot," statement tells you that. You are right that it is a good concept, which could fit in nearly anyone's campaign. But Crackerjacker is adamant about you having to keep the plot as-is. Sheesh, I think I'm going to turn into a ranter. Let me go check out some other threads.
  20. Re: The Last Hurrah (NOT for me) This just adds to the problem. The "Susceptible to suggestion" implies that Reagan or the government was looking for some easily brainwashable people. The Secret Service agents charged with protecting presidents are not lackeys. They are determined minds. Why would supers have to be brainwashed or mind altered when normals aren't? (Post #5) Stating that a president and his staff are the only ones to know of a nuclear facility (what about those guarding & operating it?) and wouldn't tell their successor tends to give us an idea. Follow that up with you saying it was Reagan's "paranoid insurance policy" and I think the implications speak what we've been saying. Learn to take suggestions. Several positngs state how they'd change some things to run it, but no, you don't want that. Lighten up. This last post of yours has made me not want to help out any more and I've lost interest in doing so. I truely hope your next thread idea is better and that you'll take suggetions.
  21. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Grond is one of my favorite bricks! Add this to your scenarios involving Grond (a previous GM of mine did): Grond will stop fighting for Ho-Ho's. He'll even hug you if you give him Twinkies. After the heroes discover this, so eventually does Foxbat. The next time the heroes face Grond, Foxbat is rewarding him with snack after snack.
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