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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Kirby

    Building KITT

    Re: Building KITT
  2. Re: Liberty or Freedom League? I like Liberty League better of the two, but how many are in the "league?" Personally, I like Freedom Force, but that wasn't an option. The guys I used to game with always liked the "Sentinels of Liberty and Justice." I was in the minority who thought that was corny. Though Justice Society gives me sentimental goose bumps.
  3. Re: Need a name for a hero... D'oh!
  4. Re: Need a name for a hero... Dr. Feelgood Dr. Doctor Dr. Page (secret ID: Paging Dr. Page) Miracle Max (tribute to The Princess Bride) Medic Medivac Medicine Man (if he has Indian background) Spin Doctor (sorry, politics crept in there) Dr. Pepper (there's a lawsuit pending if he doesn't endorse) Dr. Love ("KISS the good doctor.") Do you have a basic background or personality yet? That may help us.
  5. Re: Non-standard mythologies Well, I can see it meaning that the aliens in The Olympians were the "true source" for the Greek myths and thus the true "gods" that way, while the Pantheon is the imitation league.
  6. Re: Non-standard mythologies
  7. Re: Non-standard mythologies Not according to The Olympians they aren't real gods. The book states "[T]he Greek 'gods' are not actually divine beings. They are simply fictional extra-dimensional life forms with extraordinary abilities." (p. 3) Now, if you're saying that the beings in the book are what the myths are supposed to be based on, yes, but they are listed as aliens, not divine beings.
  8. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas!
  9. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas!
  10. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas!
  11. Re: Recovery and Endurance logic Dangit, don't use my writing stye against me! Wait, not against, in response to. Ah, drats, never mind; it looks good. Agreed. But I can even say from life experience that when my body has been fatigued and I couldn't lift my M-16, run, or pick up my baseball glove, I've still been able to use my brain quite effectively, even if my answers came in puffs. Also, I'd add to the argument that involuntary reaction (such as muscles or sensitive tickle spots) can be considered quite independent, even when a person is near the passed out zone. Also note that FREd doesn't require the power to be taken with a focus. And the focuses would probably have to be bought with usable by others for anyone else to use, (thus adding to the independent source, while not an independent item case) but that's debatable.
  12. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Heck, you could also apply this to Liberia next door to the east; it's even more unstable (and has "intervened" into Sierra Leone).
  13. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! I believe the official version of HERO 5E states that the Japanese government employs no supers, so they would definitely be civilians. Now, the concept of businesses hiring the supers actually makes good sense.
  14. Re: Non-standard mythologies They made them aliens so not to offend anyone by calling them actually deities. Our GM that ran them ignored that part too. I'd say take a look, especially if it is discounted. It can be great fun, even if you only run one adventure on Olympus. PS: The rest being run on Earth, or linking them to the Zodiac if you use them (or at least Taurus).
  15. Re: Recovery and Endurance logic Let's talk about these as END Batteries when it comes to drains & suppresses. If a villain has a power that drains/suppresses END, but with the limitation that it only affects a certain Fx, then on successful attacks the END battery is gone (for the time being) while the character can still run and hide, go get help or evacuate a wounded person. If the hero didn't have an END battery, then when his END was gone, not only could he not use his powers, he couldn't move. (Okay, this is more simplified than I had originally wished, but I'm busy at the moment chatting with a niece, so it'll have to do. Sorry about that.)
  16. Re: Recovery and Endurance logic I doubt you could classify Professor X this way. While it's been years since I've read comics, especially Marvel, I don't see Prof. X being able to wheel himself through a marathon, but I do see him able to using his mental powers for the same length of time and then some. Thinking of it, D&D mentalists are like and END RESERVE as well. They can fight with weapons, but their psionic powers drain with each use and need rest to recover. Even when drained they can still do other "normal" things. And when you keep saying "most" and other majority words, I'm thinking you're taking liberty with the term as opposed to having a better qualifier. Maybe "most" in your games, but I don't think you could say "most" for HERO players or "most" games are created this way or "most" characters are created this way. I seriously doubt it is a "rare exception." The powers could be built several different ways. None of which would disqualify buying them with an END RES.
  17. Re: Non-standard mythologies There was a sourcebook appropriately titled "The Olympians" which used this concept also, though they were actually alien, cosmic energy beings. That, and 400 points was the mid to low end.
  18. Re: Non-standard mythologies
  19. Re: Social Limitation: Legacy
  20. Re: Name My Character
  21. Re: Name My Character I do like the Draconis Draconian theme from above, but for an original by me: Maybe the Chimaera For secret ID, perhaps Art Hurr (combined is like Arthur sounds like Author) Arthur: Penciati, Penn, Penrod.
  22. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Warlord (Okay, to qualify this first, I didn't like the Warlord gang write-up the first two times I looked through CKC, but on the third, when I did a more detail read, I thought the only good use from this group would be in taking over a country.) The China Syndrome Warlord and the gang (including mercenary/military troops) invade Taiwan. This sparks immediate responses from China, the United States, and Japan. China sends half of the Tiger Squad as a vanguard while preparing a military "liberation" force. The United States sends in the local fleet, while grouping sanctioned heroes as a supplemental "protection" force. The heroes are asked to assist by their host nation (overtly or in secret, depending on their status). Japan has a substantial interest in Taiwan remaining as-is. Since their Constitution prevents an offensive military, Japan has secretly recruited local heroes & mercenaries to repel both Warlord and Tiger Squad, in that order. Do the heroes assist? Or do they let this play out on its own? What happens if the Warlord repells both countries' forces? What happens if one country defeats Warlord and then the other nation's force shows up? If the U.S. is victorious over Warlord, will China become belligerant? If China is victorious over Warlord, will they imbed themselves in Taiwan for "Taiwan's protection." What if Japan's supers are discovered? What happens if Warlord takes over Taiwan and cannot be removed? What if China hired Warlord to create this situation for an underhanded, but crafty de facto control over Taiwan? Sierra Leone The UN pulls out the last of its mission troops. One month later total chaos ensues with several uprisings. Anarchy has returned. With the tension created in Southeast Asia over Taiwan, Warlord uses that (preplanned) distraction to invade. Will anyone aid this poor, African country in its most unfortunate of times? (Especially since the uprising rebels all join Warlord.) Cuban Missile Crisis Warlord is hired by Fidel Castro. If done overtly, how will the U.S. respond if Warlord starts overtly spying on Guantanamo or Florida? Will they ask the heroes to "independently" harass them? If done covertly, Castro may use them to launch hit & run misions on the U.S. (A great distraction from Cuba if Warlord has taken over Sierra Leone.) If the U.S. discovers this secret liaison, will they be able to convince the heroes to "depose" the team? What aid will they offer? (Government supers? Special forces?) What happens if Warlord wants Cuba for his own, but doesn't want the U.S. presence?
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