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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? What you are seeing is what you want to see. Any doctor in the world worth their salt could be considered one of the best paramedics in the world' date=' if they wished to limit themselves. Just like they could be one of the best life guards or school nurses in the world. However, that [i']basic[/i] skill of Paramedics is not where his profession lies. Using your over-exaggerated analogies, you would question why Bill Gates isn't answering software support lines, why the Pope isn't an alter boy, why a general isn't leading a platoon, or why the glorified accountants aren't teaching pre-kindergarten math. Keep up your tall tale tangents to titilate yourself. If you have a serious question, then I'll respond.
  2. Re: Need an organization name Galaxy Industries or Galactic Industries "Our technology is out of this world."
  3. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? From FREd, pg. 29, sidebar: 11- Competent, 12- to 13- Skilled, 16-to 17- Highly Skilled "...one of the very best people in the world...." None of my Scientist skills are at the "one of the very best people in the world" level.
  4. Re: Which characters would you enjoy playing?
  5. Re: Need an organization name Groom Lake Foundation Nellis Technology Reverse Engineering
  6. Re: Need an organization name Advanced Technologies (simple and to the point, however, you *might* not want it to be Advavanced Technologies Foundation - ATF )
  7. Re: Skills? How many points are normal?
  8. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? As for Science covering KS & PS, yep, that covers TWO KS's I purchased (Medicine and Surgery) spending two points, hardly the half overall that you reduced it by. No, you just think you did. Again, what I've quoted from FREd before: This shows you have a retarded learning process in comprehension. Surgery, gynaecology, and infertility treatments are hardly "basic tasks" of medicine skills. As for your paramedics quote, let's not forget the part you blatantly left out: "In Fantasy campaigns, this Skill is often known as Healer or Chirurgeon." He can't use the Heal power even if you call the Fantasy character a Healer; he has to purchase it. And the part your obviously ignoring (or still unable to comprehend) from three paragraphs above on Paramedics: "Paramedics only provides immediate, emergency care; it does not involve the long-term care and cures, intensive therapy, or invasive surgical procedures which doctors perform." So a paramedic is not a surgeon, even if someone in a Fantasy campaign is using the Paramedics skill. From FREd, pg. 29 "Gamemasters should remember that Skill capabilities vary from period to period and genre to genre. For example, characters from any time period can purchase Criminology, but not until the early Modern period can they take advantage of fingerprinting techniques." None of the adult ones mentioned call for 0-6 points. So now your doctor has gone from known on the continent to worldwide? Interesting. Your responses to those concepts that can use 0-6 points have been children from ten to teens. In relative relation to characters overall, that's hardly many. You are purposely deceptive and fail to comprehend. You lack credibility. I will not discuss anything on this thread further with you until you apologize and cease your arrogant attitude.
  9. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? Back to the original topic of this thread: Again, you're probably fine. There shouldn't be anything to worry about unless your GM has a preferred minimum. And if he does, I'm sure he'll be more than willing to help you achieve that.
  10. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? I'm not quite sure what you're referring to here, but I'll just say that our reproductive specialist is qualified to diagnose, treat, and even perform surgery in ways that my wife's gynaecologist is not.
  11. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? medicine - any substance or substances used in treating diseases or illnesses. the art or science of treating disease with drugs or curative substances, as distinguished from surgery and obstetrics. [Emphasis mine] So, no, they're not. You lack credibility.
  12. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? To begin with, buying a PS: Accountant doesn't make you an expert, it makes you competent. Buying it up to higher levels/rolls would make you an expert. But to use your own analogy: If I buy PS: Doctor I am qualified to be: -a doctor in a public hospital -a doctor in a private practice -skilled at diagnosing illnesses -skilled at writing prescriptions -skilled (overqualified?) at working at a pharmacy Also, being an accountant doesn't make you an expert in being a Treasurer with a non-profit organization, specifically PTAs. In fact, PTAs discourage CPAs from becoming Treasurers, because until they "relearn," they mess up the money count, which brings in the IRS. Fines start, on average between 4-$7,000.
  13. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? Again, you simply don't know what you're talking about, aside from skimping on skills to bloat your self worth. Where shall we start? Well, for semantics, Paramedics 16- + Medicine 16- would be both, not all. Already you've contradicted yourself (and not the only time) by giving 10+ points more than your "many character concepts" statement. The next part is that you still cannot comprehend what I've stated. Having an SS: Medicine doesn't make you a surgeon. Not all doctors are surgeons. Not all surgeon are brain surgeons. And since you eliminated the KSs, let me quote FREd, page 47 (that's the page following where you found the doctor requirements). "Whereas Knowledge Skills give a character knowledge of how or why something works, Professional Skills give a character the ability to perform some task or do some type of work. For example, a character with KS: Plumbing knows generally how plumbing works, the history of plumbing, how much plumbers earn on a yearly basis and so forth. A character with PS: Plumbing might not understand the intricacies of water pressure and water flow friction, but he could fix a broken pipe and knows how to sue plumbing tools. A character could (and often should) have a KS and a PS of the same subject to reflect both a theoretical and practical knowledge." [Emphasis mine.] From the Science Skill: "A character with a specific science has a vague knowledge of the general science, and vice versa. For example, a character with Microbiology knows a lot about microscopic organisms and general facts about Biology." [Emphasis mine.] I designed my character to know a lot about each of those subjects. You've essentially tried to turn him into a glorified clinic. But if he needs to perform sugery (-3) or specifically brain surgery (-3) he's dropped from a 16- to a 10-. In the case of my character you would have him practicing gynaecology (-3) and infertility treatments (-3) to again being at a 10-. Instead of being "one of the finest doctors on the continent" you've created Doctor Nick from The Simpsons. D'oh! The more you post, the more it shows you lack credibility.
  14. Re: Need an organization name Blue Book Corporation (from Project: Blue Book)
  15. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? While I understand your point, I wasn't aiming for a simplified doctor approach (which I have done before). My wife's gynaecologist has more skills/degrees than my health care doctor. Our reproductive specialist has more skills/degrees than her gynaecologist (the gynaecologist said the reproductive specialist probably has -IIRC- three or more degrees than he does, how much was joking, I'm not sure, but the reproductive specialist does have more initials after his name, for what it's worth). An (not exactly accurate) analogy would be going from a bachelor's degree, to a master's degree to a doctorate. Or perhaps better suited would be a geologist going into astronomy and specializing in terraforming. While I could by PS: Doctor and just pump points into that skill alone, that doesn't make me a surgeon, similarly like being an OB/GYN doesn't make me a Pediatrician.
  16. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? This is the only thing I've seen you post that's been accurate. The reason I paid for it is because I was purchasing other TFs at the same time and didn't mind spending one xp to include it, as opposed to purchasing it separtely and zeroing out the price.
  17. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? Ah, here you are trying to state your opinion as fact while simultaneously implying that I'm insane. People have been banned for that. Quite frankly, you're ignorant about what you speak. I didn't list any of the same skills under different names. I listed different, detailed skills. And your assumption that an 11- PS skill makes me "one of the finest doctors on the continent" and a better doctor than a 13-, is plain ludicrous. The fact that you eliminated specialized complimentary skills as well as necessary skills for his profession (Reproduction, Surgery, Anatomy, Biology, Fertility / Infertility, Gynaecology) shows that you have no clue what you're talking about. Try a dictionary for starters. You seem to be doing nothing more than arrogantly boasting about your lack of knowledge and assuming everyone should follow your uneducated path.
  18. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? 2 Language: Latin (fluent conversation) 9 Paramedics 16- 3 Persuasion 12- 3 PS: Doctor 13- 3 Scholar 1 1) KS: Chemistry (2 Active Points) 11- 1 2) KS: Medicine (2 Active Points) 11- 2 3) KS: Reproduction (3 Active Points) 13- 1 4) KS: Surgery (2 Active Points) 11- 3 Scientist 1 1) SS: Anatomy 11- (2 Active Points) 1 2) SS: Biology 11- (2 Active Points) 2 3) SS: Fertility / Infertility 13- (3 Active Points) 2 4) SS: Gynaecology 13- (3 Active Points) 1 5) SS: Medicine 11- (2 Active Points) 2 6) SS: Obstetrics 13- (3 Active Points) 1 7) SS: Surgery 11- (2 Active Points) 2 Systems Operation (Medical Systems) 13- 4 TF: Jetskis, SCUBA, Small Motorized Boats, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles Sure, I could be cheesey and do the powergamer stint of (0) PS: Doctor 11-, but I actually want my character to be something more than that. This character specialized in treating infertility. And guess what? I not only used these skills at his job, but I was able to use them during each adventure aspect as well. This way is not only efficient for me, but it is more effective.
  19. Re: Skills? How many points are normal?
  20. Re: Which characters would you enjoy playing?
  21. Re: Which characters would you enjoy playing? I can agree with that from personal experience of playing Grond in a PBeM.
  22. Re: Which characters would you enjoy playing?
  23. Re: Skills? How many points are normal? I'm going to guess that these three are referring to the same DC character Firestorm. It's been 16+ years since I've had a subscription to Firestorm, but I do recall one scientist and a high school or college kid being the two parts of him. If Ron Raymond is the hs/college kid, he wouldn't need many skills for the high school part, but could easily have more than 6 for college. The Professor/Scientiest would obviously be allowed more. And for one person playing Firestorm having two "normals" he would be able to combine his skill totals. Though, if Raymond and Stein aren't the "normals" of Firestorm, then disregard, but hopefully you'll understand my point.
  24. Re: Skills? How many points are normal?
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This one's from a long time ago, but it was basically the GM (Jeff) was the husband and Janet was his wife. She was a "sum of my parts" player and we always tried to get her to socialize and roleplay with the NPCs. Near the start of one game, Janet's PC's boyfriend came over. As a qualifier, the GM had done short little intros for all the other PCs before he began the meat and potatoes of that night's game. GM as boyfriend: So, dear, how was your day. Janet (looks at her character sheet, and is frustrated): Jeff, that's not enough of a lead in! After we finished laughing, the GM tried again: GM: So dear, what did you do today? Janet: Well, we just started playing, so I don't know.
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