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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Re: [interest in a HeroCentral game]
  2. Re: [storytime] Birth of RAVEN Sweet! I like the additions you've...added. And honestly, I didn't know what HPA stood for (IHA: yes; HPA: no) so that was legitimate, even though I wanted to bump the thread. On a side, are you content/determined with it being seven instead of say eight? I might keep Stingray in it along with Zorran the Artificer. (That shouldn't be a conflict, should it?)
  3. Re: WWYCD: GRAB infilitration Well, as you know, I only have one active character and she has a Public ID. However, Juggernaut would probably dye her hair blonde and wear a mask (in hopes that would help get her foot in the door). With all blue Hummingbird having a KS: The Superhuman World 11-, she'd probably get spotted quickly. Assuming she doesn't though, she'd probably get along fine with the team, as long as Cheshire Cat doesn't flirt too much or try to get too friendly. For "villain-themed" names, she might try White Diamond (specifically since both women are bricks and this might draw GRAB's attention) or Titaness. With Acting at 13-, she'd possibly be able to stay in the group -until unmasking time. She'd try to use her Conversation to get to know how the team feels about certain supers in general and to win their trust, possibly bringing up 'hypothetical' situations of heroes going bad. Then, when her ID was blown, she'd try her Persuasion to convince them that she's "moonlighting" and doesn't want to be exposed. She'd probably blame it on Foxbat as well. As for putting the "sting to the old man" she'd have to ask for help ahead of time on that, but probably having to get a court-legal confession and tie him up (and in that order). Not knowing who he is and what (if any) powers he has, she'd have to be cautious.
  4. Re: [interest in a HeroCentral game] Some other things I'm thinking about: I don't want players to think their PCs need to be super-powerful or next to impossible to take down. I'm not looking for Someone with Lack of Weakness, Flash Defense, Power Defense, Mental Defense and Knockback Resistance. Even for a Juggernaught character (my favorite Marvel character, btw), unless there's some glaring weakness (Vulnerability, Susceptibility, low resistant defenses, etc.). Requiring everyone to have at least 1d6 of Unluck. Note: I don't plan to abuse this, but it helps when the GM may want something to happen. I hate fudging rolls, especially on HeroCentral. I would use it more like to apply a minus to a roll that you normally would have made or to change the DCV you normally would have hit. I wouldn't use it like "Oh, you go to pull the plug from the supercomputer, but there's an exposed wire you didn't see and you take electrical killing damage." The one's place in your primary stats cannot have two that end in the same number. (I've seen too many write-ups where the stats end in 0 or 5 and the occasional 3 and 8 tossed in.) For example, your character could have 10 STR, 21 DEX, 32 CON, 23 Body, 34 INT, 15 EGO, 26 PRE. (Just an example.) [Established hero PCs might be waived on this.] I'd like to see uneven defenses. Instead of having a 20/20 PD/ED, maybe Power Armor would have a 30 PD/20 ED, or an Energy Blaster would have 15 PD/35 ED. For Martial Artists, I'd like to see lower defenses, but higher OCV/DCV. I'm not interested in "uber charcter." I don't want to see the brick that can't be beat down, the detective who can solve everything, the mystic who knows all, etc. (And, I'm really turned off to speedster Martial Artists. Speedsters are OK, just not MA skills or throws/grab-bys. Taipan is a good speedster build, though obviously more than 350 points. And a villain.) I'll *probably* not put too many restrictions on starting characters, unless I see some abuses, power gaming, or munchkinism.
  5. Re: [interest in a HeroCentral game] There may be a time or two that the team faces a large number of higher powered supers (such as 4ed Eurostar), but this won't be the norm. If I do throw the team up against a group that's both more numerous and more powerful, it's probably early in the plot and to establish a theme or idea (like "fear them" or "we have to think of a better plan such as..."). Though, if you do this, please make your background appropriate or related. (Such as either a divinely blessed super [Crowns, DEMON] or an ice creature, etc.)
  6. Re: Bad Powers Maybe he has only defensive powers, such as force field, teleport and missile deflection? His problem is that he's not very strong and he isn't a skilled fighter. This could lead him to being a bank robber/thief. Maybe he steals artwork or money, and when the PCs come-a-energy-blasting he deflects them and others bounce off his force field, but if he can't teleport away fast enough, he's toast* (and resentful). *Which could be a funny nickname if he calls himself the Breadwinner.
  7. Re: [storytime] Birth of RAVEN What does HPA stand for?
  8. Re: Assault on Stronghold Shamrock seems to be an old 4E favorite, unfortunately, he's not in CKC.
  9. EDIT: Applications are closed I'm throwing this out as a feeler, to see what people think. I'm thinking of starting a Champions campaign with the following in mind: It will not be in the official CU, but will have 4th Ed, 5th Ed, and San Angelo characters in it. I will not be placing a limit on the types of characters (in other words, if there ends up being five Bricks and two Energy Blasters, I won't ask for less Bricks and please add MAs.) The PCs can start out in any country, but with the understanding there will be a GM guiding hand (railroad? ) to bring them all together quickly. The game will be 350 points (200+150) and players may even play established heroes (such as Defender, Nighthawk, Kinetik, etc), though, I reserve the right to only allow Chad Riley to play Brigade. The group will probably be larger than normal group sizes and thus might be taking on bigger enemies (Crowns of Krim, Eurostar, VIPER bases) earlier than normal. There may be different scenarios/adventures/crime going on in multiple locations. The team may choose to split up, or may ignore some threats (in hopes of other hero teams handling it). If I put forth three or more "crimes/adventures" and the PCs only choose one or two, the GM (that'd be me) won't "whammy" the PCs with "you're a bad person" comments. This will probably be heavier in combat than most games. Either the PCs might be outnumbered by lots of lower character point NPCs (such as agents) or fighting much more powerful (though generally lower numbered) villains. I won't have a problem if a PC designs his character to oppose a certain NPC or team (such as a PC with protection only versus black magic [Crowns, DEMON], fire [Firewing], or skills vs a group (KS: VIPER, Tactics +3 vs VIPER),etc. I'll probably prefer people to *not* play aliens, unless it's one like Ironclad or another established alien (perhaps an established villain who's turning over a new leaf or who's had his identity exposed by the courts and is forced to be a hero). Does this sound interesting? Any questions?
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This just makes me think of how tough it would be to date after superpowers were common place. First, the hot women would be "I only date superheroes" but the superhuman hot women would be "I only date superheroes who are doctors in their secret IDs." Sheesh. Women. EDIT: Woohoo! Post 3,000 for the thread! (Yes, my life has boiled down to this for landmarks. )
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... So this is the start of how people break wind?!
  12. Re: The team that everyone forgot. DC Comics: Female Furies Hawkman and Hawkwoman
  13. Re: WWYCD: Culture Shock Repped!
  14. Kirby

    THE Uber Team

    Re: THE Uber Team True. Now, if it were just as easy to get people to use "irony" and "ironic" correctly....
  15. Re: Today's Bad Idea Nor to be confused with Spice Girl superfan Zig-a-Zag-Ah!
  16. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Nebula versus the Master Villains Duress of the Destroyer - Dr. Destroyer makes another appearance and bid for power, this time on the west coast of the U.S. (LA? Seattle?) Supers band together to start forming a counter-attack. Nebula unexpectedly arrives and sends first Gigaton and then Destroyer to Duress. While Earth seems safe, Nebula doesn't realize that the Keepers are having a difficult time with a fully charged Gigaton laying waste to their domian and have no hopes once Destroyer "arrives." How long will it take for Detroyer to return to Earth and what size army will he have with him for his revenge on Nebula? Empress of One Billion One Dimensions - The PCs are asked to help stop Nebula. She's been spotted at the police department threatening to send the entire force to Duress for attempting to apprehend her. When the PCs arrive, Nebula seems like a frenzied animal. She's hacking with her sword anyone who comes close and blasting the others at range, but no one has been "exiled" yet. The PCs can hear her scream every once in a while "It's not working!" and "Why isn't it working?" She currently can't be reasoned with and after the first PC attacks or makes his presence know, she fires at him trying to send him to Duress, except a dimensional gate opens up instead. Out pour a dozen D-soldiers along with several "inmates" that Nebula had sent away. Istvatha V'han, tired of not getting a foothold on Earth, has taken over Nebula's part of the Andromeda galaxy and is now using Tel'narian technology to go from Andromeda to Nebula's location. Those in Duress have either pledged their absolute loyalty to V'han, or died. The second group out after the D-soldiers are those wanting to get revenge on Nebula. After the PCs have (hopefully) thwarted this attack, what will they do when the realization dawns on them that V'han is here? Undying Love - Similar to Duress of Destroyer, Nebula sends Takofanes to Duress after he kills and animates and entire town. Unfortunately, Takofanes kills and animates the Keepers and everyone else in Duress. Does he take over there first, or find a way to return to Earth? If a message is sent from a Tel'narian Guard to Nebula, does she stop using the power or beg the PCs for help (and send them to Duress anyway if they refuse?!)?
  17. Re: Assault on Stronghold Question: Are you planning on this being a long term campaign or more of a mini-series? After the "assault" is finished, are there other plots with the same members, or do you plan on a rotating cast (Ok, you're killers this time, but the next scenario I need you to play GRAB, etc.)?
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  19. Re: Working on New Constantinople Does New Con have a metahuman crime/response team, like MARS (Metahuman Activities Response Squad) from Millennium City? Or does UNTIL generally handle it? (An example can be found in Millennium City, pages 59-61)
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... No one asked for a ride? For shame.
  21. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? Is there any chance that there will be mention of whether or not AVALON, UNTIL's sister station to GATEWAY will be completed? (U: DOF, p 122.)
  22. Kirby

    Random powers?

    Re: Random powers? Also, DC had B.I.O.N. who appeared at least in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #26 (February 1992): "Battered by B.I.O.N." if not sooner. (Sorry, but I have yet to find a source to show what his name stood for. I even wrote in to DC one time when they re/pre-Introduced B.I.O.N. and didn't give his name. They answered it in the fan mail section, but I don't believe I have that issue any more.) Oh, and there was a robot/construct/thingy in the Justice League when Maxwell Lord manipulated the League into getting Booster Gold in. (Had three powers that nullified other members, including yellow fire for Guy Gardner.)
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