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Everything posted by Sword-dancer

  1. Re: Sci-fi wear swords? Boarding, not necessary damaging the ship but close combat fighting. Swords don`t run out of ammo. The same reason as fighters exist or slugthrowers, they penetrate energyfields.
  2. Re: Robert E Howard or J.R.R. Tolkien? Eddings strength lies in his characters,not in his stories.
  3. Re: Robert E Howard or J.R.R. Tolkien? I don`t expect the translation had positive effect of the quality.
  4. Re: Robert E Howard or J.R.R. Tolkien? Both, not one of them is better IMPOV than the other, as long as you read REHs Originals, not the Camp/Carter Versions. The Barbarian in REHs Cthuluverse isn`t necessary a cimerian pict, or Northmen, he could be a frankish knight, an english puritan with a rapier or an american about 1900. His strength don`t ly necessary alone in his muscles, but in his refusal to yield, his readiness to fight his enemies, even creatures from the stars without surrender. Fight or die, but never yielding or surrendering on his knees perhaps but fighting on his knees. With a sense of loyality to his friends, for the reason they are his friends. But if you ask me hich author had most influenced RPG... I would say Poul Anderson, Ogier Danske(Three hearts) was the first Paladin, he encountered the first troll and so on, the sword he searched was holy , the Story of the broken sword, a blade imbued with evil.
  5. Re: Filthy Rich Burghers Eigengüter/Allode i don`t know how they`re translated weren`t given down from the king but owned by their lords, so the king or empereor didn`t get taxes etc from them.
  6. Re: How useful would Ultimate Martial Arts for other Campaigns be? THX I think I will buy it. Playing Starwars, playing Jedi?
  7. Re: How useful would Ultimate Martial Arts for other Campaigns be? Yes SF my thought was on those ideas 1 Border Patrol(a branch of the Patrol, Stellar State Police of theTerran Democratic Empire) who function as security force for the Explorer ships and police of new coloniced planets and system. 2 La resistence, a biotechnic(genetic engineered specialists are their base of power) superpower had taken control of the galaxie, and controls it harshly and with cold terror. civil rights are nil, space travel is carefully and thoroughly contolled and monitored.(Oh yes the idea is something older tha EP I-III, and No you don`t attack warships with fighters)) Cyberpunk classis style, maybe systemtravel, maybe a bit Psi or Magic but not SR Style Fantasy It gives very interesting western martial Art Styles with Sword and shield, War/Bastardsword and so on, from Silver Talhifer de Libri and so on., this could be an niceadd on i do consider.
  8. Re: How useful would Ultimate Martial Arts for other Campaigns be? The Use for FH would dropconsiderably if there aren`t possibilities/Options for armed and armored Martial Arts Styles and also "Western" Martial Arts Styles. All other things would depends of the efforts need do done it.
  9. The Header says it,How useful is it? How much use would you get out it for other Martial Arts,like fencing?
  10. Re: Class in Fantasy Lackey Snivelious: Ah the Abbot of the Lassarin Abbey of this bishopric strongly disapproves of our doing his brethren and pupils are strictly preached not to help serve or aide us in anykind, every magician taking service with us are forbidden the use of their library and school, and then is there thepoint of the the anathema of Bishop Grim, for your.... Bishop grim arrives with an etourage of Priests, monk and no less than 5 knights with their squires and man at arms. Bishop Grim: For your crimes and illdoings against the peace of god, murdering peasants in the field, robbing their oxen, .... you Sinner Peasantstomper are therefore excommunicated til you change your ways and show rue in the eyes of our holy mother the church and all men who hold to you, are also thrown out of the herd of the faithful.
  11. Re: Class in Fantasy The first Salian Empereor asked a bishop, who tried to sell his peasants, do you think they were Animals? In the Medival Feudal System even the unfree had rights, rights their Lords were oathsworn to defend, as well as their safety. A free man, had the right of a legitmiate court,this was one of the essentials which make the difference between free and unfree. Another Point is, that the freeman were armed men, expected to fight as yeomanry or militia. Barv´barossasswabians, the englich Longbow(and bill)men, the flamish militias or theswiss Pikeniers are all examples of it. The flamish and the swiss fought and won against nobility on their own, a french king allied with the swiss against burgung. Some noble found their end through the hangman in some free town. An Unfree Peasmat who fled to a free city was free after a year and a day. The German knightclass, the ministeriales were mostly at least unfree.
  12. Re: Look for Feedback on a Homebrew. Or made them true different species like the Elves of Middlearth and the elves of of elfquest. OtoH you could also `ve different races of Humans, dwarves, etc aswell as Lizard men or Canine men.
  13. Re: Str Minimum For Armor Never said it, but if a man in Plate Armour could make cartwheels and jump on an Horse, the Restriction for a man trained to use this armor shouldn´t be great.
  14. Re: Str Minimum For Armor Look at this link http://www.stormpages.com/dwarlock/joaquin.html
  15. Re: Ancient civilizations Had somebody experiences with Old Antique, so like Sumer, Babylon, Assur, the Medians, Persians and so on?
  16. Re: Grim Tales... Maybe Sorcerer and Sword from Ron Edwards isan useful´Ressource for you.
  17. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming Because they walled the character in, anyactivitie who didn`t fit into their script was blocked, the other way was greased! . Did the player know his character wouldn`t and couldn`t function with the res of the group? Why had you accepted an uncompatible PC, who wouldn`t neither fit the PC Group nor the Campaign?
  18. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming No, I don`t think so, he will most llikely plan for the most likely Route(s) of the PCs but wouldn`t force them to take that route. Not only one bad experience! Christopher Kubasik wrote Well, I can tell you what I did last week. I arrived at my first session of my Pendragon campaign with nothing but the outline I've given above and the ready use of Saxons as punching bags if I couldn't think of anything better for the characters to do for the hours of game time we'd scheduled. Let me make this clear: I really didn't have any idea what was going to happen, but I trusted that the players would provide what was needed and everything would work out fine. quoted from here http://www.rpg.net/oracle/essays/itoolkit4.html I run more than one adventure especially at a con without more than an idea to get started. In fact the last two times I tried to run a preplanned conadventure one of the PCs broke the plot before the introduction even had started, because the city guard would`ve wanted him for attacking/Trying to murdering one of their own. So i improved something out of an idea I´d also. The last Con ad I run, the Players/PC made so much action themselves that a good Part of the game I did actually enjoyed only to listen them.
  19. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming Even if every other player on the table is an experienced GM? I remeber a post ón the WoT Forum where the poster wrote he wouldN´t play with players who wouldn`t see it when they would get lead by the nose. btwevery time I played with a Scroting GM one thing happened, a player /PC who acted on his personaltiy and took initiative broke his game, because they weren`t able to scope with a Game a PC doesn`t follow the script to the letter and wholedn`t be themselves forced to follow the Scripting. OTOH Players who were blunted by the Scrpted by the Letter Style couldn`t function with GM and their adventures who expected and needed initiative, they waited passivly for something they could react with.
  20. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming The marking was meant at the Quote iused, i missinterpreted because i took you to literally and used my definition of the meaning of the word.
  21. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming You`re right I useScripting in definition of the Scriptbook of a movie or a theatre whre the actors´ve to follow the written script, as it is written. The marking was mine. The difference to scripting is, that they`d choices.
  22. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming And that is what counts in the End. German, and I think i`d negative Points in French.
  23. Re: Scripting encounters What would you`d done If the PCs had scouted their path? Had they`d a fair chance to detect the ogres? If they`d them detected and hide themselves successfully, silenced the mule, would the ogres had found them automatically? Were the actions, reactions and the outcome of the encounter defined beforehand? I try to plan an adventure beforehand on the knowledge and personality of the NPCs, this include the motivations against the PCs and the ressources they`d available. OTOH i consider in my planning the likliest actions of PCs/Players, sometimes i`m are right. Know I don`t even know what the PCs even will do after the aftermath, most likely they will went to a neighbouring kingdom but I don`t even know which route they would take. The end of this chapter the finishing Encounter come from an very good spot check from one, with which I reacted to give them a trail that led in the end to the adventure starter, it was not a trail from the adventure starter, and it wasn`t planned, and they reacted verydifferent than expected to the encountering.
  24. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming No what I wanted to say is, that some dis/advantages, status duties etc are automatucally gained if the character had a special package like these in this setting.
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