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Everything posted by Katherine

  1. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians? It felt different starting lower and working things up. By the time they got really powerful I was getting ready to wrap things up not just starting. I didn't have to come up with allot of mega villains to challenge them. Just one grande finale to tie up the loose ends. I'm not really a very tactical GM but more story oriented. The mechanics often confuse me frankly and high power level seem to amplify that problem. I'm gonna play it safe, but I appreciate all the advice from everyone.
  2. Re: Help with my character:Stopwatch Thanks, these tips have been really helpful.
  3. Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority Wow, this was a pretty cool thread. Whatever happened in that proposed game?
  4. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians? Around 300-400 points when I decided to wrap it up. Yeah, I am not going to try this. High level gaming doesn't seem to be for me. Maybe I can talk them into a nice Street Level game.
  5. Re: Dealing with high powered characters Very good advice and very much appreciated. I have learned that I am not ready for this and should not run a high powered game.
  6. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians? Yeah. I see your point. I'm just not grooving on this high power level. It is not what I'm used to working with. Perhaps I should reconsider running this game before I get in over my head.
  7. In the online UPDB, there is a power called "Telepathic Time Stop". Its an Entangle that stops all Sense groups and includes "Passage of Time" as one of them. Is that an official ruling? Can Passage of time be effected like a seperate sense group? (Flash, blocked, fooled with Images, etc). What would be the effect of a "Passage of Time" Flash?
  8. Re: Help! I created a PC without thinking of good plot ideas for them! Sludge is also one of the less sociopathic member of our little band of deliquents. Him, Eric and Stopwatch seems like ok kids. Caress, Richard, Riot and the rest....yikes! Edit:Actually, Trips might be ok, but you can never tell with a guy who sweats drugs. I wonder if the Redwood kids are as screwed up.
  9. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?
  10. Re: Is this sick or what? I wouldn't put it past him. He has this thing for evil children. Our biggest mastermind, Generation, is still in the womb! She's an incredibly powerful mentalist and basically using her mother as mobile suit (She's given her superpowers by mind controlling her to install cybernetics and genetic upgrades Generation developed. We can only hope she telepathically dulled the pain...) and has a small army of pro mutant zealot followers. They think Generation is the mother, not the child she is carrying.
  11. Sometimes, I have to give Brian credit. He's got a really perverse mind. In our last session we finally found out the reason behind a spree of mass kiddnapping by our local mad mutant inventor, "Junkyard" Jenny. Many babies had been taken from various maternity wards across the Los Angeles over the past few days and we couldn't figure out why. There was no connection to them, racially, finacially or genetically. No ransom demands. Nothing. She was using them for WETWARE! They've been non lethally wired into her latest series of combat robots that use their brains as organic processors!. The child is visible behind of a armored alloy bubble in the robot's chest and quite alive. Gearhead (our tech) thinks he could easily get them free if he could get one, but these bots are really tough and of course, we hold back because..well, there's babies inside those things! Just wanted to share a really clever idea, IMO.
  12. Re: Your house rules you do NOT want to see as system rules OTOH, it does make perfect sense that if someone discovered the mentalists little trick, they would exploit it. There's nothing that says the GM CAN'T exploit weaknesses in a PC strategies. Particularly if they are causing trouble for people smart enough or empowered to do so. Another mentalist with appropriate senses could very easily do the same thing to the PC and his team. A hired assasin, such as Utility example, would make sense particularly if the "invulnerable" PC has been making himself a pain in the ass to well funded people. The GM is under no obligation to not use a loophole to be "fair". Particularly since this game is is Iron Age as I understand it. Death, ambush and unconventional tactics should be common.
  13. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians? That would be pretty clever. I don’t intend to make him helpless without his hyperpathy. He can still draw on the rest of the world and his technology as well from his own and Lure’s people, but that sort of strategy would be sound. Can’t do much about that except keep her teamed with Fortress for physical assaults. That’s good to know. The way I see it is he just sort of “exists†across all his bodies, linked to them on quantum and subquantum level as a hive mind. I’m not sure it can be disrupted without destroying him first. Battling him cyberspace would extremely cool though and someone might be making a cyberpath style character so that’ll be fun. Melee is her weakness. She is also the bargining chip and WMD. In personal combat her attacks are highly offensive but indiscrete, tending to endanger bystanders (Volcanos, Earthquakes, multiple tornados, etc). She can also command animals but against high level teams that likely not much of an issue. She will usually backed up by Lure’s troops/automatons or Fortress in my plans. What defenses would he need? His “suit†is s biomechanical battle system designed by alien technology several thousand years in advanced of ours. Its self repairing and his multiple redundant systems, etc and works on very strange principles. Breaking it should be very hard because as you correctly noted if it is breached, he is in a lot of trouble. Power Defense? Multiple Hardening? Difficult to dispel? My main thing is I’m trying to make these guys the primary focus of the game. If they have glaring “Beat them in one phase†weaknesses I need to patch those holes as much as possible. She’s going be sort of the catch all for what the other’s can’t do and offer backup in case someone else bites off more than they can chew, but changing the rules to give her team mates the advantage. Physically, she will be tough, but can be taken out.
  14. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians? Yeah, I'm guess I am being to board. Hero is so broad and open everybodies game is a little different when you get down to it. One team's unstoppable nemesis is another's whipping boy.
  15. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians? Is she human? Otherwise his Hyperpathy doesn't include her. Still not quite sure how I am going to build that. SFXwise, lots of information/odd minds shouldn't really effect him that much. Certainly not enough to kill him. Well, I was going to make Lure as close to "invulnerable" to mental powers are I could, but I can't say. These character seem pretty large scale.
  16. I find myself with some experience points left over and I had some ideas for powers but I'm not quite sure how to implement them mechanically. My character is a mutant with ability to control time. Speed it up, slow it down, even stop it temporarily. I was wondering how I could do: 1. Rewind She can rewind time a bit and play things differently this time around? Hopefully without making everyone have to redo all their actions. 2. The Butterfly effect: Stopwatch goes back in time and messes with the target's time line, altering something about them or maybe just causing them to be somewhere else.
  17. Katherine


    I was going to post this in the right thread, but it was closed. I'm sorry if my tactical thread came off as an attempt to sneak "WWYCD" thread in under the radar or somethng. I was looking for ideas and suggestions for how those character might be handled since I intended to use them in my upcoming game and I want to be able to play them intelligently so the first clever plan the PCs come up with that doesn't end the campaign.
  18. I've been really suprised at the power level of some of the campaigns described in these threads. I've only played in one game I considered high powered (New Gods) and its almost sounding like it was par for the course with the majority of gamers on the boards. New Gods was fairly experimental and totally player driven. There wasn't any conflict that we didn't initiate and very very little actual combat. The character started at about 500 points and where around 1000 or so when it ended. But some of the games people are playing seem much more high end. Threats I, and my group, would think of as world beaters are seemingly trivial. Some of the characters/teams seem impossible to threaten. I wanted to get some insight into how higher power games work. What challanges do you face? Is combat even a issue anymore or it just assumed you'll win? How do the GMs of such games keep them fresh and involving?
  19. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians? Oh yeah, they are much better than anything I could have come up with. I just need to flesh out their mechanics (Pray for me) and come up with good personalities. I see Ocean as the leader and visionary of the group and as sort of much more militant Xavier. He likely built/activated Adam Farpoint, contacted Lure and Gaia, freed Solider from military, etc. With his power to know just what you want to hear he could be very charismatic. I was just pointing out it probably wouldn’t be that easy to disable Adam in phase with a single big and direct attack. He’s smarter than that and if such a obvious vulnerability existed his previous enemies which included several world governments would have exploited it by now. I don’t think the attack would do nothing it might be bake some of his lesser systems on a good roll, but I don’t think Farpoint would be disabled in a phase by it. Wow, that is really impressive if these guys are light weights in your world. Why would Ocean and Lure be toast instantly? I’m going to give them exceptional combat abilities based on their powers and Lure will have scads of weird alien technology in its suit. Having access to the universal subconscious was going to be mainly a special effect of his high Int, Per, and long, long skill lists. He may also have a small VPP for skills/super skills and a Precog limited to what human beings will do/think. Hyperpathy I was going to build as NND vs not being human telepathy with area of effect to varying degrees, but the deeper and more completely he wanted to probe the more he’d have to focus on a single target. They want (and have in part achieved) nothing less than to RULE THE WORLD. Ocean believes that, given the current ideologies and mindset of humanity, that society is due for a meltdown that is going to take the entire planet with it. Wasteful, cruel, violent and without restraint, humans are like children playing with deadly weapons and superior beings need to step in and guide them regardless if they want it or not, by any means necessary for in the end the greater good will be served. The Star Chamber was formed to be the governing body of a new world order that will sweep away the flawed old world and create a utopia on the ashes on the old. If you are not with them, you are against them. That which does not change, dies, etc etc. At game start, the Chamber will control several formerly third world (and most fictional) countries and have pretty vast resources. Lure’s people are a practical hive mind and can provide troops and all sorts of bizarre technologies. Exactly why it works with Ocean isn’t know, but its claims it simply does not want to see the planet destroyed. Ocean can’t see into its mind, but believes his vision is great, so pure that any rationale being would agree with it. Gaea wishes to impose a technological moratorium on most “advanced†technologies until they can be made completely non polluting and is the hot head of the group. She joins the Chamber as she shares most of Ocean’s vision and despises the modern world. Soldier’s reason for joining is mainly out of gratitude for her freedom and an honest desire to see a better world. She’s seen the worst of humanity and now really hungers to be a force for positive change. Fortress and Shift are brother and sister mutants torn from their families to be used as living weapons and experiments. Ocean freed them and offered them a greater purpose. He also flattered their egos. Both of them are somewhat childish in nature and taking this opportunity to lash out a world that hurt them horribly.
  20. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?
  21. (Thanks to Doug Macrae for the character ideas!) Assume these characters are made on world beater levels.(estimated 900-1000+ pts) They have effectively taken over their world and have access to global resources and can easily handle modern military forces so they aren't pansies. They act as a team and cover each other combat. They also have NOTHING agianst using lethal force (very Authority like). Ocean- Ocean is a telepath to the Nth power, a 'hyperpath'. Drawing on the thoughts and memories of the entire human race he has the skills of the world's greatest experts, is a martial artist par excellence and knows what the PCs are going to do before they do (by accessing their subconscious minds). The Soldier - Genetically modified by a secret government project to be the perfect killing machine. Soldier has a battery of biological enhancements inspired by the animal kingdom. She has the vision of an eagle, the sense of smell of a bloodhound, a whole range of extra senses, enhanced strength and speed, electrical discharges, box jellyfish venom, a limited shapeshift ability similar to an octopus and so forth. Adam Farpoint - A quantum computer AI, Adam's consciousness controls a variety of robotic bodies of his own design. None are humanoid, but resemble the animal-like constructions in the Matrix. Gaea - A powerful psychic/mystic with control over natural phenomena such as earthquakes and the weather, Gaea is a devout pagan who believes herself to be the avatar of the earth mother. An extreme environmentalist she seeks to put an end to pollution, preserve biodiversity and prevent global warming. Lure - Lure is a bizarre looking humanoid resembling a deep sea fish. He has a large mouth filled with enormous teeth, whip-like filaments and bioluminescent patches. He is a representative of an ancient species that dwells on the ocean floor and predates human civilisation by tens of thousands of years. Wearing a protective suit to survive the low pressure environment on the surface, the equivalent of power armour, Lure wields a variety of advanced gadgets. Fortress - Composed of neutron star material, Fortress is practically indestructible and very strong. (Superman, post crisis) Shift- Capable of accessing the other membranes (dimensions) predicted by M-Theory, Shift can transpose locations in our universe with those in another. By selecting specific worlds she can alter the laws of physics in a limited area. For example she could control gravity, making it weaker or far stronger or change the strength of the forces holding atoms together, with catastrophic consequences.
  22. Re: Please help me with "The Star Chamber" Thanks guys, there's allot of good ideas up so far!
  23. Re: Please help me with "The Star Chamber" Oh, now that is a neat ideea. I like it! thanks!
  24. Re: Please help me with "The Star Chamber" just?
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