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Everything posted by Katherine

  1. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?" I wasn't the GM for this particular show. My character wasn't even involved. Addmitedly, it wasn't much of "Superhero" game (I've had few of those. ) but more of "Superbeings" game where we had powers but no particular moral agenda. The character in question was SuperModel (In the most literal sense of the term) with the concept of Perfect Woman. Her male counterpart (whom she could not stand) set this thing up.
  2. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?" Heh. Boys 2 Men. Sorry. bad pun. If the character is male assume the stalker mega villian is Female and wants him to sire her child publically.
  3. I really like the Champions rules system. I came to it from Marvel Superheroes advanced and found it captured the feel I wanted while allowing me to create characters more to my vision. I have to admit, making sense out of those random rolls was kind of fun though. I have a friend who hates Champions. He feels that it "limits creativity" with its point totals and disads and all that. Players shouldn't get rewarded for giving their characters flaws. Its expected. Limitations on Powers are for color and the mechanical effects of powers are too defined. His system of choice is White Wolf's Aberrant rules. What he really hates are point totals. He think its forces all character into a false equality that you just don't see in comics. To an extent, I think he has a point. Hawkeye and Mockingbird aren't made on the same point totals as Thor and Iron Man yet they are on the same team. But I think that works better for a game than random character or vastly different capabilities (such as you can easily get with Aberrant). So I wanted to see what the general opinion was on the boards and, honestly, see if I could get some "ammo" for the next time he starts to lecture me.
  4. Re: The Authority:What the heck?
  5. At some point, your character has accquired a mega villian stalker type, utterly obessed with having your character physically. This lunatic has cooked up a scheme which will kills millions of people. Her or his demand? That your character conceive (and bear) their child (assuming the character is able). Not only this, but the conception has to be natural and will be wittnessed in some fashion (in public, televised, etc). Yes, this is actually based on a situation that happend in a game I was breifly involved in. I think there was an old movie with a similar plot as well. Assume the guy can't be easily "terminated" or even if he or she is the plan itself will still succeed.
  6. Re: Would your character... Menagerie:Expose herself for the lusts of...baselines? No way. Though the idea of tormenting them with what they could never have would be interesting. The enquierer would likely end up covered in bee stings in any event. Pinnacle:Worked as fitness model and live nude studies model before her powers emerged so the idea wouldn't be repellant. She'd consider her position as a role model and likely politely turn the offer down, unless it was for some charity. Stopwatch:Is a minor and thus not eligable. Gaia:Doesn't wear clothing to begin with so that's not a problem but wouldn't have time for such foolishness.
  7. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!
  8. Re: The Authority:What the heck?
  9. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! Volley:He turned into a giant rubber ball. That was it. Some Damage Reduction (Non Resistant) and Superleap. The rest of his points went it obscuce (and basically useless) KS's and Skill levels with Move Thru (But since his had Strength of 8....). The player got bored with him faily quickly and my character Menagerie killed him by opening the door on our escape craft when he started bouncing and letting him fly out into a volcano (that used to Pittsburgh). Killer Carl:Huge mishapen brick with a prehensile penis and a rape fetish. The Brain. He was just that. A brain in jar. No mental powers, no robot body, nothing. Just Int, Edietic Memory and Scholar and tons of silly KS's like "Cereal Manufacture" and "Tibetan Poetry".
  10. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Date Rape is being raped by an accquaintance or companion in a social situation you agreed to be in, such a date. One party turns down the offer of sexual congress, the other party forces the issue. Its not "Morning after rape" or anything like that. It also often involves some degree of physical restrain or coercion and/or use of drugs. No means no. It doesn't matter when its said or how aroused you are you stop. Man or woman. Yes, it is a sign of moral failing if you rape someone. As far as I'm concern, yes that is something the causes you to lose your "hero" standing unless there is a display of remorse and contrition and even then you will be suspect in my eyes. YMMV, and all that boiler plate.
  11. Re: Power Defence... Ugg Been there. Done that. And it changes my suggestion that it would be more accurate to to use a Drain that works against Mental Defense or a NND Drain exactly how? That is an example of Fantasy Spell. How many Fantasy characters have power Defense? So most of the time it wil be effectively NND. And pretty any Power Defense that is available special effect will be Magic and thus is should apply to a magical spell effect. In a superhero setting (If Power Defense is much more common) and the sfx is "Psionic Aura of Fear" then it might be more accurate to build it differently for the effect you are looking for. There are generally several ways to build a power and they are not all equally accurate for every possible setting. Look at your special effects and the setting to determine which would be best.
  12. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority As for the mainstream comics and their lack of gore, yes some of it is convention. But there is also an assumption that they heroes involved are pulling their punches and actually trying to not kill their opponents. If you find it "obnoxious"...well, that's a valid opinion.
  13. Re: All the superhero PCs I've ever played For all that I like superhero comics, I really haven't played many "Superhero" characters, but superpowered ones. Menagerie:(Silver Age Sentinels):A shape shifting based on conservation of mass. She could become anything equal in mass to a human, or two of anything half human mass, or four of something a quarter, etc etc. More of a Mutant Supremicist terrorist than a superhero. Pinnacle (Champions):A growing brick that was a true superhero and member of Factor Five, the greatest champions in her game world. Stopwatch:A time manipulating mutant/speedster in The Raptors, more of loner and a villian right now but the murderous exploits of her fellow "students" are making her consider defecting to the other side. Gaia:More of a goddess than a superhero. The incarnation of the Earth's anger (or so she thinks) for a "Cosmic" level game.
  14. Re: Power Defence... Ugg That would be extremely complicated. You'd have a seperate defense for every conceivable special effect. If you specific defenses you can limited ED or limited Damage reduction.
  15. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority I want you to seriously consider what you are saying. You're saying its all right to take pleasure, even joy in taking human life, to find it an exciting and pleasurable thing to do. That is repugnant. Defend your favorite comic all you want, but that is simply over the top and if you truly beleive that you have lost ANY credibility you might have had in my eyes and I'm starting to think you might be a seriously disturbed individual.
  16. Re: Power Defence... Ugg Ok, tesuji (You watch Yu Yu Hakusho?) I think what your saying is this: "I think Adjustment Powers should be, by default, NND in nature with "Affected by Power Defense" possibly being a limitation or being done away with all together." That's a perfectly valid choice for your game. Its easy enough implement and I can't see it destroying your game. I just don't see eye to eye with you on it being a "problem" with the system. Univeral Power Def has never been common the games I've played and constructing powers with sfx in mind eliminates the issue IMO, but if its a problem for you and players that making the game less fun by all means change it. Its nothing worth arguing over and certainly not worth trading insults. I hope it works out well for you and your group. It would make certain power constructs simpler which is a laudable goal, particularly for new comers to the system. Interestingly enough this discussion has made think of a couple more of characters I could have justiftied Full Power Defense for, Menagerie and Stopwatch. I'll have to burn some Experience when I get the chance.
  17. Re: Power Defence... Ugg Because it needed to repeated. In Bold.
  18. Re: Power Defence... Ugg Not very many (Of course, your "Power Defense" could be short hand for untold numbers of defensive systems or just plain cinematic resistance, or even "DCV" its all special effects in Hero) or something pretty godlike, but allot of those attacks shouldn't be purchased as baseline adjustment powers. Alot of the are NND and AVLD against different defenses, Life Supports etc. Your Power Def can be quite broad though as it might represent a number of things. Or it might not, then get a limitation. Then, if your Adjustment attack shouldn't be stopped by power defense. Buy it as such. Again, what's the problem? Are you trying to imply Master Order's player was "Min Maxing" somehow? Please. Those Powers your listing again should be purchased in some means that do not interact with Power Defense. You asked for a SFX that might justify broad range Power Defense I gave you one. Two in fact, Natural Stasis or God Like Indomitable Power. If you don't get a power that accurately represents what effect you want don't blame the system. If I get my character's power to throw rocks really hard as Stretching (It lets me use Strength at range, right?) and I get zapped by Damage Shields I shouldn't bitch that Stretching or Damage Sheild are somehow "Broken." I constructed the ability in accurately. Its not the systems job to cover for people not using it correctly or thinking out their sfx properly. If the player was just trying to save point and not get his "Buffeting winds" Suppress vs FLight as NND or limited TK, well that his choice. He saved points but for some reason "Power Def Mans" legal and paid for Power Defense protects him from it. And, could you please cut back on the thinly veiled cracks just a -tad- please. It doesn't lead to a reasonable discussion and it just comes across as pissy and childish.
  19. Re: Power Defence... Ugg I guess I honestly don't see what the problem is. Perhaps you could explain your point a bit more clearly? Personally, I like being able to model Resistance to a certain attack form (Or many attack) forms (varying degrees of Power Defense) instead of them automically being assumed to be "All or Nothing" NND. An Adjustment power that shouldn't be stopped by Power Defense can be purchased as such. As for what is "Power Defense" its whatever you want it to be that grants the game mechanic same as What is Energy Blast. Powerful lifeforce, a form that innately resistant to change (We had a character called Master Order that was the embodiment of Stasis. Very little could change him. Ever.) Super advanced repair systems that counter anything done to your form, etc. If you Power Defense wouldn't logically apply against a large sfx then get a limitation.
  20. Re: Reconciling Manga & Batman Isn't girl type Ranma a little faster?
  21. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority bblackmoor, I would respectfully ask that you please don't tell people what they can post. I started this thread to get opinions. Any opinions. Not just the good ones, not just "constructive" criticism (which would be pointless in light of the fact none of the writers or editors of either comic are likely paying attention to this thread). I do think its telling the people feel so strongly in the negative toward this particular book.
  22. Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68 Menagerie:If MegaScourge was a mutant, she would join with his new regime. If not, she'd oppose him just like any other "Monkey". Pinnacle:Would quietly join a resistance movement. Stopwatch:Simply survive. "Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss." Gaia:Assuming she did not die fighting the horror from beyond, she would watch this usuper. If his regime was good for the Earth, she would back it. If not, she would come at him with the full fury of nature. (which sis pretty furious, let me tell you. Gaia was well over 1000 points when I stopped playing her).
  23. Re: Power Defence... Ugg Wouldn't the power you are suggesting (Pre Drain based on Fear) be more accurately modelled as a Drain thatworks againt Mental Defense or even NND (No emotions, ego at certain level, etc)? If the person getting the power chooses to ignore what seems to be a common sense modifer for it that is not a failing of Power Defense as a mechanic. You have to get Advantates and limitation to model major effects that your special effects cause. Now the example of opposing force type powers is a more significant one, IMO. Still, an appropriate NND can model those fairly well. Though a truly "Cosmic" character would justify his power defense working against those types as simply "God like might". His power is so vast it cannot be opposed. At least not easily.
  24. Re: The Authority:What the heck? A 25 mile long space ship that flies between universes, is powered by a singularity, with incredibly luxiourous quarters and the ability to teleport you anywhere in the Solar System? Just a bit over the top for my tastes. Just because its been done before doesn't make it any less corny.
  25. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Oh My Gawd..there are words for stuff like that in role playing but they are rude and pretensious so I won't use them...
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