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Everything posted by Katherine

  1. Re: What would your character do? #71
  2. Re: Super-Skills Megathread Don't forget the "Imitate" option for making the perfect double. Master Torturer:Mind Control:8d6 Extra time:1 hour, Gestures, Incantation, No range. Must be able to injure target, Inflicts 1/2d6 rka on target per use. One command:Tell me what asked. Master Con Man/Woman:Mind Control 8d6:One Command (Believe my offer), Incantation, Extra time:20 minutes, must be able to speak with target. Stealth God:Invisiblity to sight and hearing. 0 Endurance, Terrain must offer SOMETHING to reasonably hide behind, cannot attack. (The character can move by darting from cover to cover with inhuman timing) Master Mechanic:Transform (Broken machine to fixed/functional), Minor:3d6 Extra time:20 minutes, gestures, incantation, focus (Tools), must have skills to repair (Ks, Mechanics, Electronics, etc) -0. Special Effects Mastery:Image vs Sight, Sound, Smell -8 Perception 0 endurance, extra time:5 hours (Only to start), requires tools and equipment, concentrate 1/2 dcv to start. Trigger:Hidden controls gestures, images must be pre designed. Weapons Master:+1d6 hka Focus:Any weapon, require a WF -0. Savage Brawler:Tranform (Target into target with injury such as broken arm, temporarily blinded in an eye, twisted leg, etc):4d6 Major transform. HKA must do body (can also be done with various drains) Linked:1d6 HKA. "Nicked an artery":1d6 Body Drain NND:Inhuman physiology recover:5 points, continous, uncontrolled (stopped by successful Paramedic roll at -2). 0 endurance, Must do body to the target.
  3. This is kind of a broad one. While a fighting a villain with temporal powers your character finds himself thrown far back in time, back to the dawn of human civilization. For all intents and purposes, he or she is trapped in the past for life. Would she live a life of isolation, struggling not to change the past? Try to use her advanced knowledge to change history for the better and improve the lot of the primitive peoples around her? Something different all together? Edit:If it makes the answer more interesting, feel free to assume your character either knows how time travel works or doesn't in their universe.
  4. Re: What would your character do? #70 Menagerie:Wouldn't care. Gregg is just a weak baseline that tried to intimidate his superiors. If he had attacked her, she could destroy him for his impudence. The demon half would be more problematic as it would bring up some long repressed religous issues for her. She wouldn't admit her fear but would be terrified of it. Pinnacle: Probably assume Gregg was a possesion victim and rush to him medical treatment. Then she could find a priest or theologian, bone up on her demon lore and go a demon huntin' Stopwatch: A Demon!? A demon from, like, Hell!? No...way. *poof* she's gone as fast of her temporally accelerated feet will carry her. Gaia: Destroy both the human (he is tainted) and the demon (It embodies taint).
  5. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority LOL Yeah, I'm in the midst of talking him down into just playing a Midnighter clone at some later date in a game of mine. Hopefully, I can tone it down a bit. I wanted something more four color this time around.
  6. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority Judging from reading your earlier posts, Wanderer (and not just on this thread but others) you more or less came out swinging on this one. You've been snide and insulting practically from the first time you posted on the issue. It was almost as if you were trying to stir people up. What exactly did you expect people to do? Smack their foreheads and exclaim "My God, he's right!"? A "couple of comments"? Oh Really? I seem to recall more than a couple. Lets just be honest and get down off the cross here, Wanderer. You've been slamming on anything less than brutal Iron Age for awhile now. You've successfully to chase a couple of people out of "my" thread with it. And I'll be honest, some of the things you say are outrageous. Remorse, contrition and stopping to think about your actions as some kind of moral failing? Not being the type of person to casually butcher someone being cowardice? Turns of phrase like "Slaughtered their enemies" and "Cowed the world with fear" being used in the same sentence as "Hero"?
  7. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority To be blunt, yes you are. You're missing the commentary, the snide little remarks about vapid superheroes and moral failing and irrealism, etc etc. I guess you just choose to ignore or your trying to do some weird little passive aggresive "I'm not calling you X just implying it strongly" thing. Fill in any degatory comment you like for X. Or maybe just trying make your "side" look utterly blameless and persecuted. If you are honestly "missing it" I advice you go back and read some posts over again. Most of Wanderer's for example..
  8. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority My, that's vivid... *shudder* Well, my Aberrant fan friend and oft times GM is really loving the Authority. I have a strong suspicion what our next game is going to be like.
  9. Re: New Sentinels stats *whistles* Color me impressed, thats a high powered game!
  10. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority But what about the important question? Which team would win a fight?
  11. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"
  12. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority Wow, people abandon the thread like rats off a sinking ship. Anyway, I blew the budget for the month and get the first Tradexpaperbacks for The Ultimates, Ultimate X men and... The Authority. I figured if it was causing this much controversy I should at least have a look at it. It'll go with the Ramen noodles I'll be eating for the next two week.
  13. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?" Depends. In the US and certain more conservative areas of other countries her Reputation might go down or she might pick a negative. Pamela Anderson and other stars that have "hidden sex" tapes come out have also become infamous more so that famous in certain circles. All in all, I think the character's reputation would break even. Some people would like it. Others would dissapprove. Unless you go by the idea that "Any publicity is good publicity" a not all together false idea. Even in Hollywood today, an ill chosen nude scene can break your career (Its actually gotten harder to get actresses to do nude scenes according to some directors). Porn stars in US are not big name celebrities. Overall they are not highly respected (often considered "manipulated" or too limited or dimwitted to be in so called legitmate entertainment). I don't know about their status in Europe to comment, but if the game was set in States I could very well a heroines (particularly a heroine and yes its hypocritical) reputation be sullied by such an event. Its a difference in perspective and I really think that (all other things being even) the character's rep should have balanced out in the end after a breif media fervor. I can't honestly say because I wasn't there but it seems like Gm might have been pushing off his own values on the overall game situation.
  14. Re: Ultimate Champions: How would you do it? I rather like the Champions Universe as it is. Its not THAT happy and rosey and "squeaky clean". You can just tell who are supposed to be the good guys without a program. And who care about realism in a story about people flying and shooting lasers out of their eyes?
  15. Re: Ultimate vs The Authority I agree at this point. I've portrayed some characters that have been questionable (or downright villianous) but I think I have had the understanding that they were villianous and not some sort of warped heroes. This has just gotten to a ridiculous point where some people are seriously talking about how its all right to joke and crack wise about killing in the real world like we're living in some kind of action movie. Or treating feeling remorse and/or actually considering for a moment that your actions might not be the only and ultimately right course of action as a "moral failing".
  16. Re: Is Ambidexterity a little expensive for what it does? I never ran into the problem. If your concept didn't require it. No one got it. In a game with around 800 points one character had it. The situations where it mattered just didn't come up enough to make getting it "just because" really worth it when there was other things you could sink those points into that would be more in concept. At nine points, most of my players seem to think its just not worth if even if it is in concept because its use is just too rare in our games for the cost compared to the other things you can get.
  17. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?" Wouldn't that be assuming your power could affect this guy? The character isn't supposed to be a "push over". Keeping some that zonked takes a good deal of mental control.
  18. Re: Is Ambidexterity a little expensive for what it does? I understand that. I just don't think in this case, the utility is equal. Sometimes you have to recost Talents to reflect their usefulness. Edietic Memory technically comes out costing what 10 points or so, but was reduced basically it just wasn't that useful to merit the cost. Of course, YMMV but I think I'll House Rule Ambidexterity back down to 3 points. That feels about right for it.
  19. Re: Is Ambidexterity a little expensive for what it does? Sorry, I didn't know it was such a sore issue.
  20. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?" Well, I can't plead ignorance. The GM made no bones about what the game was going to be like. He wanted to play around with concept of "New Gods" more so than Superheroes. He always runs stuff which I guess would be considered Iron Age. I should tell him about the Authority. He'd probably really like it. SuperModel's player wanted to run her kind of Superheroine like so she caught allot of flak. I don't think it was on purpose just the result of living an idealistic way in a dark world.
  21. Re: Is Ambidexterity a little expensive for what it does?
  22. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?" Assume the bad guy is a "Mega Villian" of the sort that would be a team beater in your campaign. In our he was well over 2000 points. In a campaign where the PCs were 700+150. Also assume if your character male, the villain is a villianess. It more a question of character motivation. Just how much would you sacrifice for others? In this case, it would be your body and your dignity. As far the shape shift question, I'd say it would depend on special effects. To answer the question for my characters thus far: Menagerie:If he was a powerful mutant, by all means. The blackmail would not be required, she would be proud to bear a powerful child of the One Race. Now, the deaths of millions of monkeys would make a fine courtship present.... (Did I mention Menagerie is a psycho?) Pinnacle:Would stall as long as possible for her team to come up with something but if it came right down to it, she'd do it rather than let so many die. The child would NOT end up in his hands if she could help it. Stopwatch:No, f'ing way. She's way to young and cute to get knocked up by some old sicko looking for thrills! Gaia:Not likely. Destroy all the cities you want. It cleanses the Earth. She may breed but, as a female, it will be at a time and with a male of HER choosing. As nature intended it.
  23. Re: Does Champions encourgage conformity? You're preaching to the choir as far as I'm concerned. I think Merits and Flaws are just fine (And I think they'll be "official" in the New WOD) but go to the white wolf boards and mention them and you'll get some, well shall we say, heated rebuttals about them. At least that's what I've run into. Peoeple went threw the roof at the idea they'd be included in the Exalted Players guide recently. Most of the tales of "abuse" I've seen have been either from hardcore "ROLEplayers not Roll players" that think a mechanical award for giving a character flaws cheapens the gaming experience or people that don't seem to get the basic rule that a disadvantage (or Flaw) that doesn't actually limit the character isn't worth any points.
  24. Full Ambidexterity is 9 points. That seems a little steep for what it does. I could get 3 Combat skill levels with entire MA, 18 OCV levels or a level with All Combat and 2 points of Com for that.
  25. Re: Does Champions encourgage conformity? White Wolf has merits and flaws but they're strictly optional and like allot of White Wolf fans he's almost violently opposed to them, considering them "Munchkin bait" at best. And thanks
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