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Everything posted by DocMan

  1. Re: Temporary Duplication I'd just build it as a limitation on the power. Especially if the duplicate only lasts a set time period. I'd be tempted to buy it with the can't recombine limitation, too. Doc
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You've got a mess of fanboys drooling on your front door. Why don't you make them go away? A: I didn't mean for you to shave THERE! Doc
  3. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever
  4. Re: The Duplication Paradox Actually, the concept in the above example is that none of them can duplicate once they hit saturation, but they can recombine with any other. So if B and C recombine, then A, B, or D will be able to duplicate again. The classic example is Marvel's Multiple man. He had a very high number of total duplicates, so for the most part, he didn't seem to have a limit. Each duplicate was as much Jamie Madrox as any other, including "the original" and any two could recombine and all had the power to cureate further duplicates until he hit total saturation (which I believe happened once). But there was no mind link between the dups. They could talk to each other, or recombine. They had no other way of sharing information. Doc
  5. Re: The Duplication Paradox But what if you want the duplicates to be able to create additional duplicates? You should just be able to use one character sheet, but note that limitations on duplication apply equally to all duplicates. i.e. if you can have 4 duplicates, then A can make B, then A can make C and B can make D, but at that point none of them can make further duplicates until someone recombine. Some duplicating characters are made without the concept of an "original". All duplicates are equally "the character". Doc
  6. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Or "has cats eyes, i.e. no whites to the eyes."? Doc
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Last Thursday and Friday, Kee and I took off from work and just took the whole weekend for ourselves. The weekend was really a lot of fun. We hemmoraged money all over the place, and it will take a while to recover from it, but we did have fun doing it. It was a good weekend. Now, it's Monday. And I feel like crap. Maybe it's the rain, but I just feel drained and fed up with trying to please other people. I just don't have the energy right now. Doc
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Is it the longest thread containing smurfs? Doc
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I LIKED Bonnie Fair Bear! She was great to introduce to people. Especially dim people who were full of their own superiority. Such an excellent niece. Doc
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I can see more of a point in "game of personal horror" RPG's. It's like telling stories by the campfire. You tell a story to see if you can freak someone else out, and then they get a turn to see if they can top you. Horror games are like that. You RP to see if you can manage to give the players (or the GM) the creeps. And they're doing the same thing. The fun part is the creative ways you find to get under each other's skins. With a horror movie, the director has already had his fun. It's no fun for me to go see it just to validate his storytelling ability. Maybe if he paid me to see it... Doc
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I never got the point of horror. I'm supposed to scare myself as a form of entertainment? Although I must admit, if I ever need a good laugh, I just watch a horror movie. Doc
  12. Re: How do you get players to role play in genre? What genre are you trying to get the players to play in? Have you looked at the players behavior to see if it's consistant with a different genre? If the players aren't being consistant to the game, sometimes it's the game that's wrong. If it's a superhero game and the players just like to take people down, maybe it's time to segue into a Dark Champions game. If it's a fantasy game and the players just want to kill things and loot the bodies, it's time to change to a privateer or highwayman setting. Doc
  13. Re: Megascale Combat Are you talking about a Champions or a Star Hero scenario? Star Hero would necessitate use of Megascale for ship to ship battles, but they'd all be at the same scale, so it wouldn't matter. Now if you're talking about a ship ramming a character in space or on a planetary surface, you ARE talking about a LOT of damage, but it's most definately of the "Hit the Hex" variety. A character moving at Megascale velocity would need to hit a target that filled at lest one hex of his Megascale. Smaller targets would be almost impossible to hit. And the guy that rams a starship at his full interstellar flight is going to find himself going THROUGH the ship, not knocking the ship away. "Be the bullet." Doc
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Sunday afternoons are the worst time of the week. They seem to drag on forever, but there's never time to get anything useful done. Doc
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What does he keep threatening the sheep with? A: It's not a kilt if there's a frilly ruffle at the bottom. Doc
  16. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever My speedster character, Flicker, has the disad eats 3x normal amount of food. Whenever he's around the base, there's always a copious supply of cold snack food around. He can prep food at super-speed, but he can't make things cook faster. He places massive to go orders at restraunts when he wants to get hot food. And then makes a platter of sandwiches to munch on while he waits for them to cook it. Doc
  17. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever I don't remember the situation, but I clearly remember the disad. 2x effect vs Advertising. Idea was that the character was very suggestable and would belive Radio, TV, and billboard ads. Doc
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The jury has found you guilty of 173 counts of depraved indifferance. Do you have anything more to say before I pass judgement? A: It's a member of Clan Garcia. Doc
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I need something to clear that last image out of my mind. What do you recommend? A: A 20# Mullet. Doc
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Ok, I give. What was the original name for the Amos and Andy show that was "too hip for the radio listening audience"? A: As long as I come out sounding good in the final version, we've got a deal. Doc
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Half a klick, half a klick, half a klick onwards! This post will be my 500th post to these boards. At an average rate of just over a post a day. I guess this is a sign that I should go to bed now, huh? Doc
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why are you putting up cameras in the bathroom and shower? Q: Mightybec wants you to slather him with what? A: I never expected you to look so Danish. Doc
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