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Posts posted by PhantomGM2602



    You may have hit the nails on the head with this book.

    there was one thing worng with it: IT DID"NT COVER THE WOMEN HEROES!!! Let's face it they did not have room for superheroines like Wonder Women,Batgirl,Catwoman and countless others. They also didn't cover DareDevil,Captain America,The Human Fly, or DarkHawk for that matter.

    And they should at least try to explain the conditions of cosmic rays to us in terms of what happened to the Fantastic Four. What do you think? I like to know what's your opinion?

  2. I've just checked out a book called THE SCIENCE OF SUPERHEROES It's got a lot of scientific explanations about how superpowered origins might [or might not ]work in the real world. it disects origins of all your fave comic heroes

    such as SpiderMan, Batman,The Hulk,The Flash,the Atom.

    Yes they even disected Carl Barks' Duck universe[Donald Duck,Uncle Scrooge,etc].

    While I applaud thier efforts to break down the comic book universe, They've not given me any evidence of what their science says about superpowers or the evidence of comic book science and devices in that universe.

    If by any chance you see this book in a bookstore or a library,check it out, it might give you a laugh or couple of groans.

  3. Originally posted by assault


    I'm not sure that Witchcraft is ready for an apprentice yet, but she might get one anyway. I'd consider a young kid, probably female, with fairly normal stats and a bit of a pool or multipower. Perhaps with some "no conscious control" type problems, activation rolls, and all that kind of thing. It might almost be more a DNPC situation, rather than a sidekick.


    She already has a familiar (her cat), bought as a DNPC.


    A male apprentice might be amusing, but is more likely to be farmed out to a male wizard, IMHO.



    Alan [/b]


    actually in my campaign she actually have a aprentice,a magic girl type by the name of Dreamstar.

    How they both got together? by the reccomendation of an older member of the Trimegistus Council, Anegla Warrick,who took the girl in after she was awakened from her coma.

    As for her origin story I'll post it here in the thread if you'll ask nicely.

  4. Wrong answer!


    Originally posted by McCoy

    No, Isis was a Golden Age heroine published by Fawcett.

    Not really, the show premered in '76 as part of the SHAZAM/ISIS HOUR on CBS on Saturday mornings. She later debut in aeight issue DC series and later returned [in animated form] as one of the FREEDOM FORCE on Tarzan and the SUPER 7.

  5. Originally posted by Kevin Scrivner

    [i've read a little of Archie Comics' The Shield from the 1980s and thought it was OK. Wasn't impressed by the Impact Comics version from the 1990s -- too much conspiracy theory stuff. In the original Shield universe, J. Edgar Hoover was a hero genuinely trying to protect Americans from harm and being a G-man, even in spandex, was a good thing. The Shield could regard his service in the FBI and CIA with justifiable pride. It's hard to be a cynic when you're draped in the flag, although American Flagg managed to promote justice and roll his eyes at the government he supposedly represented at the same time. [/b]

    Ahh excuse me? Am I hearing this right? J Edgar Hoover as The Sheild? UNTRUE!! The original Shield is Joe Higgins whose father was working on a formula when he was killed by enemy agents. He went after them when he learned of their identity and got beaten up and left for dead at another explosion site. Barely alive he crawled back to his lab and rubs the formula[whic BTW he completed with the help of his father's notes] into his body donning a special suit and injecting himself with fluroscopic rays for 12 hrs. He gains super strength, can leap incredible distances,and can withstan bullets and temperature up to 2000 degrees Farenheit.

    With an patriotic themed suit of armor he becomes the Shield

    his identity known only to J Edgar Hoover and longtime friend Henry Boyle ,joining the FBI as it's top agent.

    His career lasted through WWII even when he loses his powers in 1942 and his armor became his sole source of strength. He gets turned to iron while battling the Eraser and remained in suspended animation for 3 decades until he was revived by the Comet. During those 30 years his son Bill took over as the Shield using a spare costume of his father's and relying on his own brawn and the suits resistance to bullets and fire. publicly he seems to be the ideal hero image,

    but his private life's a total mess. He went into the Air Force when his father was revived years later.

  6. Originally posted by PhantomGM6101

    For some reason, I don't remember Captain Nice. I've heard the powers and origin were simular to Mr. Terriffic, but it could be I never watched it. I believe 13 episodes of each were made.

    Actually Captian Nice created a super formula which when drunk creates an explosion but gives him superpowers.

    Such as flight,invulnerability[he can crash through walls,more specifcally of the wrong building] superstrength[ crushes bullets into lumps and beans the wrong person with said lump]

    for all his bumbling he's forgiven because he comes through to save the day. Usually before he drinks the potion he's relunctant to do so until his mom encourages him to do it.

    The Series[which btw lasted only two seasons] starred William Daniels[of Knight Rider and Boy Meets World].

    :cool: :cool:

  7. [Do any of the Japanese heroes count - Ultraman, Space Giants, and Spectreman were standard tv fare of my youth.


    . [/b]

    Try these for size:

    Supergiant[starman] from the 60's space movies now out on DVD.

    Ultraman TIGA formerely of Fox Kids now in comics.:cool:

  8. For some reason, I don't remember Captain Nice. I've heard the powers and origin were simular to Mr. Terriffic, but it could be I never watched it. I believe 13 episodes of each were made. [/b]

    Actually Captian Nice created a super formula which when drunk creates an explosion but gives him superpowers.

    Such as flight,invulnerability[he can crash through walls,more specifcally of the wrong building] superstrength[ crushes bullets into lumps and beans the wrong person with said lump]

    for all his bumbling he's forgiven because he comes through to save the day. Usually before he drinks the potion he's relunctant to do so until his mom encourages him to do it.

    The Series starred William Johnson[of Knight Rider and Boy Meets World].


  9. other Flagsuits


    Let's see if I could get this right.

    Ms Victory[AC]; Formerly Miss Victory or Miss V.

    Secret ID:joan wayne

    Powers:Superstrength,invulnerability,flight[in later issues]

    powers gained via downing a secret vitamin serum V47

    later became a villian when forcefed a varient of the formula by a revived former supersoldier. Became heroic after old enemy imbibed v45 and became Rad[her former villian name]

    Daughter took her place as MsV during her time as Rad.


    Miss America[timely/Marvel]

    real name: Madelyne Frank

    powers: Flight Superstrength and superspeed

    gained powers via accident.

    served with Captain America in the All Winners Squad

    [seen in issues of Avengers and She Hulk] became mother

    to mutated son Nuklon,married the Whizzer at end of WWII,

    Dies in Childbirth at Wundagore mountain.

    Last seen[With revised origin] on Spider Man {Animated 1990s]

    in episode " Six Forgotten Warriors".


    Captain Flag[Archie]

    Real Name:Tom Townsend

    spoiled and irresponsible son gets abducted when famed scientist refuses to devulge to an master villan what he wants to know. The scientist is killed and his son is rescued by an eagle who takes him to his aerie and nurses him back to health. He then begins a muscle training regimen to pump up the muscles degenerated by idle living. When his winged benefactor returns one day with a American flag, he's inspired to create a costume out of it and battles crime as



    Captain Freedom

    Real name: Don Wright

    has no super powers but fantsastic skills and an ability to inspire others while battling the Axis powers.



    anyone else?

    BTW you can get the data on any flagsuited hero in the

    ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SUPERHEROES By Jeff Rovin. Your best bet is to find it in the Library because it's out of print and very hard to find.

    Good Luck[you'll need it

  10. Re: Hero from the original Champions cover


    Originally posted by Mike Basinger

    Has the hero from original Champions cover (as seeen in my avatar) ever be named? I know the villian is now Holocaust, but I was curious about the hero.


    For those of you who have never seen the cover, he is a hero in blue and gray with a upside-down star on his chest. He apparently has energy fists, large ammount of ED, and knockback resistance.



    :cool: I would call him Magnoman, but his insignia reminds me of Icestar so it would be a early version of our fave ice slinging hero.

  11. Originally posted by zornwil

    Artie from Pete and Pete - I'm surprised Chromatic didn't say that, he "threatened" to play it in one of our games. Good Mysteryman candidate.


    Also, there was a Nickelodeon show where this girl could go virtually invisible (turned into a sort of semi-solid substance IIRC) and "fought" against this evil corporation locally that her father worked at. I thought Melanie Chartoff was on it but that doesn't show on her IMDB page and I can't remember the title - maybe someone else can?

    It's "The Secret World Of Alex Mack" Amigo,

    made it's debut waaaay back in the late 80's early 90's

    don't forget : The Journey of Allan Strange

    Team Knight Rider


    The "Attack of the Mutant"episode from




  12. Originally posted by Jhamin

    Ultrawoman and Dynagirl[that's Electrawoman and DynaGirl fro the Kroft Supershow]

    The Power Rangers[Which ones? MM? PR XEO? PR Turbo? PR in Space?PR lost Galaxy? Lightspeed Rescue? WildForce?Ninja Storm, or the newest one Dino Thunder?}

    The Bionic Man

    The Bionic Woman

    Jake 2.0

    Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap (EDM: Time, No Conscious control, only within own lifetime)

    The Sentinal

    [with enhanced senses?}


    here's Some you might not remember,

    Captain Scarlet of S.P.E.C.T.R.U.M.[Captain Scarlet and the Mysterians]

    Ace Venture[The Magician]

    Princess Tenko[Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic]

    Tony Blake[The Magician]

  13. Originally posted by Gary Ciaramella

    I am working on a character to submit :)


    BTW, while at the top of this thread, you list the campaign as Champions Generations, at the RondaK site the only Champion's campaign is Hudson Knights run by Don Davis... is that you and is that the same campaign?


    In any event, I am prepping a 100+100 character to submit as the site directs.

    BTW sometimes when a campaign recruitment reaches a certain number in the portal, it becomes a "lurkable world"

    that's why you didn't see it. but I've corrected that oversight and both worlds are accepting players and lurkers.

  14. In that order--


    Originally posted by Gary Ciaramella

    I am working on a character to submit :)


    BTW, while at the top of this thread, you list the campaign as Champions Generations, at the RondaK site the only Champion's campaign is Hudson Knights run by Don Davis... is that you and is that the same campaign?


    In any event, I am prepping a 100+100 character to submit as the site directs.

    :cool: In that order: No and NO! as I said my campiagn is based on the campaign being played out in Yahoo groups.

  15. Originally posted by Kristopher

    OK, the link works. Now where are the "available worlds"?

    register as a citizen first,then you'll see the list.

    scroll down the list until you see "available Worlds"

    "NEW! Champions" should be the third on that list.:cool:

  16. A New idea: WWII LXG


    Originally posted by keithcurtis

    Back onto the LXG topic: anyone catch issue six? Sheesh! Where do we go from here!?!?!


    Keith "No Spoilers" Curtis

    How about setting an LXG rpg during the WWII

    with the Following characters:

    INDIANA JONES:adventurer and archeologist

    FRANK & JOE HARDY:young soldiers and amatuer detectives

    NANCY DREW:detective and socialite

    CLARK SAVAGE JR.:man of bronze and Ms Drew's mentor

    RICHARD WENTWORTH:The Spider and sponser to one:

    PFC TOM SWIFT JR.:Inventor and adventurer

    JEFFREY KING AKA ROCKETMAN:inventor and patriot

    LT TRIXIE BELDIN: student to millionare philantrophist


    LT GEORGIA FAYNE:best friend to Nancy Drew

    any one of these literaly 'heroes' [with the exception of DR JONES} can be inserted into the LXG campaign.:cool:

  17. Enough awready!


    Originally posted by Hermit

    It's a trick, they're trying to give us great products and discounted prices in order to get our money! It's a plot I tell you, a plot!

    YE GODS! enough with the whinin' awready!

    just buy the blinkin' things and be done with ye!

  18. This is the Phantom challenging all Champions Gurus to try out my newest campaign creation: CHAMPIONS :GENERATIONS

    Set in the CHS universe it focuses not only on the heroes and heroines of the CU but also on their families[ like the Davisons,the Bennets,the Washingtons] their friends [classmates,teammates] and foes[like VIPER,ARGENT,DEMON,PSI,DEATHSTRYKE,ATLAS,and countless others] Since it's a FrED Champions campaign it will take crossovers with Ultimate Champions HIgh School. The Inspiration came from a fellow Champions Player who did not want to play a teen Champions RPG and wanted to play a adult champions RPG.From that and the DC Elseworlds GN series "SUPERMAN/BATMAN:GENERATIONS" came the concept of this campaign.

    This campaign will be found in both Yahoo Groups and MSN groups at the Following urls:



    Please Join in and check it out!

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