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Posts posted by gojira

  1. Re: Comparing STR for HtH vs. DCs


    CSL's that can improve DC' date=' [/quote']


    That's a good point, I had forgotten about CSL converting to DCs. However, since everyone has the same skill caps, I assume it's fair for players. The GM should take into account though that a player might convert CSLs into a couple of DCs now and then when designing enemies.



    I have been thinking about using base AP caps, and then a Max DC cap as well (ie 60 AP with max 16 DC) This would mean that, for instance, a martial artist could get Str + DC + HA/Wep no higher than 12d6 normally, and then be capped at 16d6 if they wanted to use offensive strike, CSL into damage, or whatever. Bricks could run 60 STR, but then could only EVER add 4d6 from velocity with Move Through/Move By, etc. Thoughts?


    Move-Through is another good thought. I'm not sure if we need a separate cap for that or if it's ok to just cap movement at some value. Move-Through does damage to the attacker, so it might balance itself, although bricks and super high Def could be problematic.


    I'm still favoring a separate cap for martial arts and strength/powers, with maybe a rider that powers above the DC cap can't take reduced endurance. I always felt that a good balancing mechanism was the high End cost of powers that are at the AP cap, and the recent editions de-emphasize that relationship somewhat.


    Something like 12 DC cap (Strength + Weapon + DCs)

    60 AP unrestricted.

    75 AP, cannot take Reduced Endurance.


    None of those take into account maneuvers, which is simpler on the player, methinks. And if Martial Artists get a boost, so do folks with Powers if they don't take Reduced Endurance. This seems at first blush that it might be more balancing, although I'm a bit concerned about how little End the martial artist will use.

  2. Re: Comparing STR for HtH vs. DCs


    I like a soft approach with 12DC/75AP as a good starting point.



    Thanks! What about OCV and DCV? Also, do you count the bonuses in maneuvers against those caps, like esampson?


    HA work well in a Multipower or EC. You get to take the HTH Attack (-1/2) Limit that you can't take with STR No Figured Characteristics in Power Frameworks.


    Thanks for point that out!

  3. Re: Comparing STR for HtH vs. DCs


    OK, if anyone else wants to chime in, please feel free to do so. You've all given me some things to think about. I'm not too far off, but I need to reconsider a few things too.


    Final question though: If you're starting a new 6e Champions game, and you'll be using as-published enemies like Green Dragon, Armadillo, and Viper, where do you set your campaign limits? This is for a reasonably competent starting team.


    Not a teen or "young bloods" team, where the characters are supposed to be just starting out and maybe somewhat inexperienced. But not a team of veterans either, any of which might be expected to curb stomp Green Dragon or Armadillo or other "basic" villains, as-published.

  4. Re: Comparing STR for HtH vs. DCs


    That's probably a mistake' date=' IMO. I think most GMs don't allow martial arts to exceed the cap.[/quote']


    This feels vaguely unsatisfying to me for some reason. For starters, it's more work, since players have to calculate their highest DC, OCV and DCV attack, and then build everything to that or less.


    So if the campaign cap is 13 DCs, everyone has to take 4 DC from Haymaker, subtract that from 13, and no attack can exceed 9DCs. Do you actually play that way? Just curious, because I never have. Rather, I'd look at the 13 DCs, figure any player can have 17 DCs and just build my bad guys around that. Minions get moar smashed, villains should get pretty whomped by a 17 DC attack, but not so much at 12-13 DCs.


    I'm also thinking that a hard cap of say 13 DCs and 65 APs makes it advantageous to have one 13 DC attack at full power, but also have a 10d6 attack at 1/2 Endurance too. (Do folks count Endurance Reduction in Active Points? I'd be inclined too, for just this reason, but I couldn't find in the rules if it said specifically.)


    Same deal with CV. If you have martial dodge, you just subtract your +5 DCV from the campaign max. Which gives you a lower DCV the rest of the time. If you don't have Martial Dodge, you can actually be better than the Martial Artist at not being hit, most of the time. This also feels unsatisfying to me, at least.

  5. Re: Comparing STR for HtH vs. DCs


    Is that really worth a 1/2 limitation though? I wouldn't allow that, I think, if I were GM and just reading a random power a player had created. It only takes about 31 points to duplicate the basic set of maneuvers, I think, and all the of the martial maneuver are better than the basic ones, and frequently provide a couple of extra dice. That's worth another 12 points, lets say, for the extra STR just from the maneuver, and let's say on average +2 skill points HtH is worth about 16 points iirc. That's 28 points worth of stuff, at least, that buying those martial gets you.


    Plus I don't count maneuvers as part of CV caps, so martial arts is a good way to boost yourself beyond the cap.


    Not trying to be contrary, just trying to think my way through this. Is there anything I should do to limit DCs beyond the strict campaign limits? If the AP cap is 60 points, for example, should STR + DCs total less than 12 dice? Maybe limit to 10 dice or something, for that example.


    Does anyone hold DCs and AP to the same number? In a 75 AP point campaign, do you normally cap DCs at 15 or some lessor value? And does that DC cap affect all attacks or just martial arts? Do you allow a huge 15 dice attack if you're willing to pay full End cost?

  6. So I was thinking about DCs and noticed they seem pretty cheap for what they provide. They give +Hth damage (including Strength for things like Escape and Throw) and they don't cost Endurance.


    STR, HtH Only (-1/4), No Endurance (+1/2) = (1+1/2)/(1+1/4) = 1.2. Multiply by 5 for the cost of each die of damage for STR, and that comes out to 6 points each, exactly.


    Anything I'm missing there?

  7. Re: Playing around with the rules...


    I have used D20 for skill and characteristic rolls before in Hero. It drastically changed the game. Combat was significantly faster/deadlier and it took much higher skills to represent professional level competence.


    I'm kind of curious here. Could you elaborate on what exactly made combat faster and deadlier? I can see deadlier -- more random and less predictable/safe for players (or NPCs) could produce a feeling of deadly, even if it's just more random. "Faster" I can't see unless you jacked up the skill rolls a lot to compensate for d20, in which case sure.




    When attacks in general have a higher chance of hitting and rolling a critical success (maximum effect) goes up to 5% you see player reactions change.


    Again I'm curious what was the reaction that players had. Was it a good reaction? Not so good? Did they feel it was more fun?

  8. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete


    Well there's no product to sell yet. Once the product is listed in the store, you'll be able to send folks a link so they can see and buy the book. At least for RPG.net, I don't see much point in posting a lot of stuff there until a product is out. There'll be plenty of time once it's actually available.

  9. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities


    I just thought I toss this one out here: It appears Tasha is a bit ahead of the curve. This next story of sexism and harassment is from... the front page of CNN.




    (CNN) -- Head down, look straight ahead. Earbuds in, volume off. Walk quickly, but with purpose. Don't make eye contact unless you need to. Look behind you every few blocks, make sure you're not being followed. Don't be obvious.


    It's not nighttime. You're not in a known drug zone, or the sketchy part of town.


    This is simply how many women steel themselves when walking down a city street in broad daylight, or even when boarding crowded public transportation. Why? Because many women, regardless of age, weight, or appearance, say they've heard something along the lines of "Hey baby, you want some of this?" or "I like what I see" or "nice ass."


  10. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete


    Yeah I don't see much point in marketing until it's released, at least at the scale of Hero Games. Trying to manage a bunch of pre-orders or constantly provide updates on the status of the print run probably won't see a lot of return for HG. It'll take a lot of time, and probably anyone who's going to buy it knows it's coming already.


    I hope to have a review up at RPG.net after CC releases, and also I hope to run an introductory game there too, maybe using Google hangout or something.

  11. Re: Imaginary Friends Update


    We started up an Imaginary Friends Kickstarter page on the Kickstarter Forum, and we'll be launching soon.


    OK, started a Kickstarter page as in on these forums. I wasn't able to find a matching project on Kickstarter.com, so I'll assume you guys haven't started one yet. I was very confused to see the Kickstarter project here, then no project on the actual kickstarter website.



    First' date=' just to be clear, [i']I'm[/i] the one posting over on the Kickstarter page. Jason has enough to do these days so I'm riding herd on the MHI Kickstarter. ;)


    Ah, good to know. The tag line said "Gerlach Empire", so I did assume it was Jason.


    there is no way in the Multiverse that "more core books" is going to be considered as a stretch goal... Reprinting both core books from scratch could easily cost more than we're trying to raise for the MHI RPG.



    No no no... not those core books. I meant the MHIEHBRPG itself as a core book. I assume that whatever geegaws, PDFs and suchlike gets added at each stretch goal, more copies of MHIEHBRPG will also be printed.



    I noticed that Jason posted on Kickstarter that ideas for rewards for stretch goals where being considered. I'll toss some ideas out:



    1. First, any stretch goal should probably have "We'll print X more core rule books for the store to sell to everybody." I assume that's a given but it should probably be communicated clearly.


    2. MHIEHBRPG How to Play PDF. This seems like a good idea. Two sample characters, a couple of monsters, and one of those "pick your path" adventures for solo play that also introduce the basic die rolls, and explain how the character sheets work. This would add additional rules explanation over the core book (seems useful if space gets tight), as well as work like a "teaser" for folks who might be new to Hero System. I don't advocate giving stuff away but this is the one thing where it would be really useful to make it a free download.


    3. Monster Hunter "Rank Insignia" patches. At different stretch goals make a make a Private, Lieutenant, Corporal, Captain, etc. insignia with the MHI happy monster face also on them.


    4. Moar color arts. Additional plates in the book of additional characters, action scenes, etc. One thing I'd really like to see is a color plate with all the different types of weapons accurately pictured, and labeled, so we can see what the heck they look like.


    5. As above, but the same artwork as a print. The Order of the Stick had a really high quality print as a part of its Kickstarter; seriously try to find out how Rich printed that because it was really really nice looking for only an 8.5" x 11". I think it was printed on something like Kodak paper, and the print itself was just ultra sharp too -- this wasn't just somebody's laser printer.


    6. Note pad with MHI letterhead printed on it.


    7. Fridge magnet with MHI happy monster face on it.


    8. Stickers of various artworks, but especially the guns, so you can stick them on your books and character sheets and "carry around" some heavy ordnance with you. ;)




    OK I think I'm empty, good luck folks. :)



    Is there someplace to see upcoming kickstarters so that those of us with limited finances can plan ahead of time to pledge to something like this? 30 days is a lot ill grant you but the timing is awkward for me (coming as it is right before christmas).


    The intent to have a MHI in October was announced back in August. I'm not sure there's a centralized place to watch for these announcements though. Maybe Jason could start a "planned/tentative kickstarter projects" in the kickstarter forum here, so there would be a central place?


    Also: well past 50% now.



    Backed. Shockingly' date=' Derek wasn't first. I have no idea how that happened.[/quote']


    That was me, actually. "Mark Space" is a pseudonym I use in various places online; "gojira" just happened because of Go website I was on at the time I registered here. I guess I just happened to be cruising the Hero forums when Steve posted, so I lucked out and got in before anyone else.

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