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Snake Gandhi

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Everything posted by Snake Gandhi

  1. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Thinking some more about the Thunderbolt idea, and I'm really liking it. They are almost the opposite of the Avengers in some ways. The Avengers have the full backing of SHIELD, got this beautiful island built for them, and was trained to do their jobs. While the Thunderbolts have SHIELD watching them like a hawk, waiting for them to do whatever scheme it is SHIELD thinks they're gonna do. They work out of some run down warehouse that hasn't been worked on since the 70's, complete with rats and semi working electricty, and they have no training what so ever, they're just figuring it out as they go. Also, I've been thinking of what villians would make for some neat legacies. The Wrecker would be kinda neat, a kid recieves there dads magic crowbar and becomes kind of a blue-collar Thor. Spider-Man has tons of great villians, but for some reason Dr Octopus and Electro stand out in my mind. Or new Green Goblin would be cool, trying to rebuild what little is left of Oscorp and (just barely) funding this team. Ultron would also work. To borrow from Runaways a bit, maybe Ultron created a progeny, only said progeny doesn't want to wipe out all the organics, it wants to help them? Also in that vien how about Namor? He has a child, who after hearing for years how wrong and stupid the surface dwellars are, goes and see for themselves and learns "hey, they ain't so bad." Plus, since Namor is so long lived he wouldn't be much different, and having him show up ocassionally for some family arguments would be funny. Thats just stuff off the top of my head.
  2. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game The Thunderbolts idea is growing on me a lot as well, if only because it's the easiest one to fit characters into. Any Marvel villian is fair game for use, and Marvel has a lot of intersting villians.
  3. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Okay, new thread here
  4. Continuing from the Avengers Next Generation game (thread here), I'm looking to start up another game set in the same universe. Basiclly, the Marvel universe started in the 60's, and it ran in real time since then. The heroes we know are retired, and now it is their kids and grandkids who are called to step up. I'm still working on which legacy to continue and I'd love to here what would interest folks. Some ideas are the X-men, with a new generation of mutants taking up the fight. The Fantastic 4, a new breed of explorers saving the world. The Thunderbolts, decendants of villians making up for their parents mistakes. The new New Warriors, teenagers with superpowers. The West Coast Avengers, LA's answer to the Earth Mightiest Heroes. The Defenders, when you absolutely positively need to whup some bad guy ***. As I said, I'm open to any of those ideas, or anything else you might think sounds like fun. Edit- It seems like the Thunderbolt idea is the more popular, so that the one we're gonna go with. Character building info in post #34.
  5. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 So it is written, so shall it be done.
  6. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Oh totally. Whats already been defined is set, the rest is fairly fluid.
  7. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Thats kinda what I was going for. The team should feel like a family, even if all of the members aren't related. Ohhh, thats a very neat idea.
  8. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 That could work as well. For example, I could see the F4 adopting Namor's son should anything happen to him. There are a lot of folks the F4 are close to, so the concept does have some room. Though like I said, that was merely the first thing I thought of. If the majority would prefer a Defender's or X-men game, we can do that instead.
  9. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Thinking a bit more, I think a new Fantastic 4 would be kinda cool. My current thought is, unlike the Avengers, the Fantastic 4 never left, they just retired and handed the jobs to their kids and such.Using the 'their origin is when they started' deal the avengers game is using, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben started in the early 60's and sometimes in the early 80's they let their kids take over the important stuff. Now, another 20 years later, its the grandkids turn. Of course the main theme of the F4 is family, and I think it would be neat if most everyone was still around. Grandpa Reed sits in his lab tinkering and doing crosswords (figuring them out was to easy, now he write them), Sue loves watching all the great grandkids and nieces and nephews, Ben bought his favorite bar and tends it while telling stories about the time he slugged it out with the Champion, stuff like that. The kids like Franklin (if we want to keep him, without the Godlike power of course) are now running the show, handling the business and technology side of things, but now its the kids turn to fight monsters and travel through time and all that fun stuff. Of course, the game would be classic F4 stuff. Space travel, alternate dimensions, giant monsters, and the always fun family squabbling. Their would of course be 4 PC's, and while they needn't have the same powers (though I wouldn't mind if they did) as the originals, they should keep the same 'Earth, Air, Fire, Water' thing Kirby and Lee came up with. Does that sound like a decent idea to anyone?
  10. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Actually, would there be any interest in another game set in this "Next Generation" Universe? keyes_bill has the Avengers well in hand, and if he doesn't mind sharing a setting I could start up a different game. The West Coast Avengers are an obvious choice of course, but there are other legacies in the Marvel Universe that could be continued. The X-men maybe, or the Fantastic 4, or even the Defenders. Of course it would depend on what people would want to play. Any interest?
  11. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Finally got my issues sorted out, and I see you guys did manage to keep the game going. Very good news. I've been reading it, and it sounds like you guys are having some fun, so I'm glad I didn't end up wasting your time. Good luck with the game all, and keep it up, makes for a fun read.
  12. Over on rpg.net, someone started a thread asking folks to stat up two characters in their favorite superhero system, mainly as a way to compare the different systems, and to have some fun. Anyway, the two characters are Spider-Man and Darkseid, and i figured I'd go ahead and do a quick version of each. Now Pete was easy, but ol' stoneface was harder. I came up with a quick and dirty version, but I feel like I'm missing some stuff. Here's my first draft. Darkseid Val Char Cost 150 STR 140 20 DEX 30 60 CON 100 60 BODY 100 38 INT 28 38 EGO 56 30 PRE 20 10 COM 0 60 PD 30 60 ED 48 6 SPD 30 42 REC 0 120 END 0 165 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 30" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 582 Cost Power 1000 The Omega Effect: Variable Power Pool, 400 base + 600 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (1000 Active Points) 60 Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 60 Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 60 Damage Resistance (60 PD/60 ED) 20 Mental Defense (28 points total) 20 Power Defense (20 points) 10 Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Normal Defense Powers Cost: 1230 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver 4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 32d6 Strike 4 Killing Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 1d6 +1 5 Joint Break: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable 4 Crush: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 34d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab 5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 34d6 Strike Martial Arts Cost: 22 Cost Skill 3 Bureaucratics 15- 3 Conversation 15- 3 Cryptography 17- 3 Deduction 17- 3 Interrogation 15- 3 Inventor 17- 3 AK: Apokolips 17- 3 KS: Known Universe 17- 3 Oratory 15- 3 Power: Omega Effect 17- 3 SS: Genetics 17- 3 SS: Physics 17- 3 SS: Biology 17- 3 Tactics 17- 24 +3 with All Combat 40 +4 Overall Skills Cost: 106 Cost Perk 13 Fringe Benefit: Ruler of Apokolips 15 Reputation: "The God the Devil prays to" (A large group) 14-, +5/+5d6 90 Follower "Granny Goodness and the Furies" 70 Follower "Desaad" 85 Follower " Grayven and Kalibak" 30 Advanced Tech Perks Cost: 303 Cost Talent 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator 20 Universal Translator 17- Talents Cost: 28 Total Character Cost: 2271 Pts. Disadvantage 25 Psychological Limitation: Desires the Anti-Life Equation (Very Common, Total) 15 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Ruthless (Common, Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Own sense of Honor (Common, Strong) 20 Reputation: The Dark Lord of Apokolpis, 14- (Extreme) 5 Hunted: Orion 8- (Less Pow, Harshly Punish) 5 Hunted: Highfather and New Genesis 8- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching) 15 Distinctive Features: Stone faced giant (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) Disadvantage Points: 100 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 1971 Total Experience Available: 1971 Experience Unspent: 0 How does that look? Anything you feel I'm leaving out?
  13. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... As a DBZ fan, I can answer these. I assume your reffering to the Frieza/Goku fight. The in-character reason was Freiza held back too much, so it took a few minutes for the planet to finish blowing up. The real reason was Toriyama was still working on the manga, so the anime guys had to stretch things out till he finished:) Thats explained in the fights DBZ saga. Piccolo had trained Gohan, and when the Saiyans showed up Yamcha took the first crack at Nappa. When the fight started, both guys disappeared. Gohan couldn't see anything, then saw everyone else was paying attention to something. Piccolo told him they where moving to fast to see with your eyes, you had to feel their energy and use that to follow the fight. Gohan concentrated, and was able to start to follow the fight.
  14. Re: CHAR: Thor. (Marvel Style) Yeah, but thats cause of that big hammer adding dice to his blows:) I figure Thor puts out more dice, but Superman has better defenses, so a slugfest is pretty much even.
  15. Re: CHAR: Thor. (Marvel Style) If Superman is 125, I'd put Thor at about 115. That lets him be not quite as strong, but with the hammer (what +4d6 HA?) he can put out more raw damage.
  16. Inspired by Enforcer84, I decided to try and write this goofball up, as I think he's an interesting challenge. Midnighter is basically a munchin. He was guy who got a bunch of implants to become the best soldier ever. A few questions though? For stats, I'm thinking around 30 for the Physical ones, with I'd say around a Spd of 8. Some of the other members move pretty quick, but Midnighter stands out as the fastest to me. But I haven't seen anything that would put his INT or EGO all that high. He would have an okay COM, and a good PRE with a lot of Rep and more PRE, Only for Attack ("I've fought this fight a million times in my head...") As for skills, IIR he was a black ops type before he was a 'superhero', so he should have skills to reflect that. Anything else that sounds appropriate? And the big one, the combat computer. My first thought is a huge amount of Skill levels with All Combat, like 15, Requires an Analyze: Combat roll. Then buy him the skill at a ludicrous level, like 27-, with the Cyberware (-1/4) lim, as it has been shut off, but its not easy to do.
  17. Re: WWYCD: A Brief Warning Amy Amazing: She'd warn herself, just before a raid on a suspected VIPER nest, to watch out for the big cyborg guy. (Lets just say, Ripper I think his name is, got to use his 6d6 HKA at least once.) hopefully she can save herself a few month hospital stay and the severe freaking out of her parents. Ubermech: "October 7, 1999. Follow Sparrow. Do not let Sparrow out of sight under any circumstances". He would try to save the life of his only friend. Tomorrow Man: Already built a time machine, he deactivated it and stuffed it in storage, as temporal interferance is more trouble than its worth.
  18. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Try again. I got 4 from you, I approved the first and thought that did it.
  19. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Sounds cool to me. Heck, I might even come up with a character submission for something like that.....
  20. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Doooooo iiiiiiiiiiit.
  21. Re: DC Suckverse? Can not stand IC and the stuff that lead to it myself. The only comic of DC's i buy anymore is Legion of Superheroes, which is still good. Marvel-wise, I still dig the Ultimate universe, plus I grab Slott's She-Hulk, Whedon's Astonishing X-men, and I'm a new convert to the awesome power of Runaways.
  22. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3
  23. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 I didn't post that, did I? Since the game will be starting shortly after the team has been assembled (and we'll discuss how exactly that came about), everyone on the team is assumed to have went through a SHIELD crash course, including basic CPR and First Aid training, briefing on most of the know Super Criminals and orginazations, and training on how to work the communications and sensor equipment SHIELd had installed on the island along with basic flight school on the Quinjet. The Avenger Package contains, TF: Quinjet 1 Paramedics 11- 2 KS: Villians and other assorted Bad Guys 11- 2 Systems Operation 11- 2 Fringe Benefit: Federal/National Police Powers 3 Reputation: One of Earth's Mightiest Heroes (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6 6 Contribution to Avengers Island and the Quinjet 7
  24. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Slight change, once you have made your account, go ahead and apply for the game. I'll accept the folks I've already accepted (weird, huh:p ) and we can get things going.
  25. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Muhahahah, my internet connection lives! Well, after some long deliberation, much coin flipping, and the occasion envelope of cash, I've decided on the team roster. For those folks not on the team, I'm sorry. It was a very tough choice, but I went with the group of characters I though would mesh together the best. You're more than welcome to lurk and watch the game (I'll put a link in my sig) and if any opening should arise you're have the first crack at the spots. Now, without further ado, the newest Avengers are. Banner (Hermit) Iron Girl (Michael Hopcroft) Kolbrandr the Brave (Pendaran) Arachne (keyes bill)* Raptor (J.J.) Light Show (BCAugust) Cinnabar (Haven Walkur) Dynasty (Log) *I know you said you prefered Magni, but considering the makeup of the team, I think Arachne's 'normal' outlook will be the most fun. Of course this leaves Pendaran to hold up the 'Shakesperean/Asgardian' speech department:) That our team. I know I said 6 or 7, but there where to many good choices, and I figure a PbP game I can handle an extra person without much difficulty. I just created the game over on Hero Central, look for Avengers: The Next Generation (creative, ain't I;) ) . For those without accounts there, go ahead and make one (its free obviously) and them PM me there (same name) and we'll get you into the game.
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