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Snake Gandhi

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Everything posted by Snake Gandhi

  1. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever In this instance, if your argument is that Spidey is capable of hurting folks as tough as Firelord, the best approach would be to find instances of times where he has hurt folks as tough as Firelord. Thats a better tac than saying your opposition doesn't know what he's talking about, and far less insulting.
  2. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever The difference being, your first impulse seems to be 'if they don't agree with me, they must not know anything'. Which is pretty arrogant IMO.
  3. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever It is. So I'm gonna guess this is not unheard of behavior.
  4. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Is anyone else getting really sick of Agent X assuming everyone who doesn't like this particular fight doesn't know a damn thing about Spider-Man?
  5. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever One thing to note. I'm not saying Spider-Man can not or should not be able to beat people more powerful than him. I'm saying this particular incident was very badly written. An example that was well written, see the previously mentioned Spider-Man and Juggernaut encounter. Spidey beats him by being clever and out-manuevering the big lug, not be suddenly getting a massive strength increase that lets him bash his head in. If Spidey had beaten Firelord in a similiar way, by out-smarting him or by out-manuevering him or such, I don't think anyone would be complaining.
  6. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Like I said, I believe you. Logan also got hit with a nuke and was fine, didn't even ruin his pants.
  7. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Ah, I get it. Since I disagree with you, I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about, therefor everything I say is meaningless compared to your expert wisdom.
  8. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever So me repeating what the man said is trolling? I don't think that word means what you think it means.
  9. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever According to Gary he can lift 100 tons if he wants to hard enough.
  10. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever For the folks pointing out that obviously Firelord didn't have his VPP set for defenses, or that it was Spidey using Rapid Fire to overcome firelord's DR and low Con, could you guys show me you're getting these stats that Marvel uses for their characters when writing the stories, cause I don't have them. This is pretty simple, neither Thor nor Hercules could knock Firelord out, how in God's green an virgin earth is Spider-Man doing it make any sense? 'Spidey hit him alot?' Come on, Thor's best shot Con Stunned him, and most of the time he couldn't even do that. Thor's punches are a whole hell of a lot harder than Pete's, I don't care how many times he swings.
  11. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Oh, I'm sure it happened. Hulk has also been choked out by a snake, and Wolverine survived being hit with a nuke too. You really have no problem with Pete lifting 100 tons? After 40+ years of him being not nearly that strong? Well, there's really no point in arguing then.
  12. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever So Spidey is really Class 100, and all these times he's been acting at Class 15 he's just been goofing around? He Stunned once that i've seen, and hit many more times where he wasn't stunned. Hence the me saying 'more often than not' in my post. But then it hardly matters, Spidey is as strong as Thor according to you, he just never bothers using that strength.
  13. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever I'm still trying to figure out how someone who, more often than not is hardly phased by the like of Hercules and Thor's punches, is going down to Spider-Man's fists? I mean, doesn't matter if you swing a thousand times, you're still hitting a steel door with a whiffle ball bat.
  14. Re: CHAR: Aquaman Not bad. I'm no expert on Aquaman, but I think he's Str should be a little higher. The guy has lifted city blocks that fell into the ocean before, I think that rates a bit higher than a 50 Str. Also, he currently has a right hand made out of magical water. From what I hear, it can heal, disrupt magical spells, makes him punch harder, and who knows what else, Maybe a small VPP?
  15. Re: CHAR: Wonder Woman Actually, IIR Billy hit him twice, as a sucker punch, to take him out. And that doesn't quite mesh with other encounters between Clark and Billy, or between Clark and Black Adam, who's Captain Marvel's equal supposedly. As for the write-up, looks pretty good. One thing you may want to add though is another power of the bracelets. If Diana crosses them in front of her it creates an invisible force field thats fairly unbreakable. It doesn't get used often, but it has stood up to the likes of the combined greek pantheon lending their power for one massive magical blast. (It was funny because Zeus stuck Diana on this rock floating in limbo and tells her "We're gonna blast you as hard as we can, we think the bracelets will protect you":) )
  16. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever 1) I think its a bad story because the underdog doesn't win through guile, or guts, or heart. He wins by suddenly being strong enough to beat the guy unconcious with his bare fists, which by all previous examples by both parties he shouldn't be. Its not about continuity, its about consistancy. 2) I've yet to see a Herald's power 'fluctuate' from 'trade punches with Thor' to 'get knocked the F- out by Peter Parker' in any other instance besides this one. Even at the previously shown lowest levels a herald was well above Pete.
  17. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever And failed to Con Stun him with many more. Yet Spidey can beat him senseless with just his fists. And this seems okay to you?
  18. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever I personally find it hard to enjoy a fight where the weaker character wins by suddenly sprouting levels of power he's never remotely had before.
  19. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Wow. Just wow. The fact that people actually believe that Spidey beating Firelord was perfectly fine? That just boggles the mind. Spidey beating Firelord was the biggest case of jobbing this side on an Ennis book, and quite honestly some of the debating tactics some of the folks on the side that thinks its all quite logical has used have been pretty sad IMO.Once or twice and one can forgive getting the details wrong, but when something becomes a habit... It comes down to one simple fact. Thor's punches haven't done as much damage to Firelord as Spidey's did in that issue. If that doesn't seem out of place to you, there really isn't anything else to say.
  20. Re: Are the 5th edition heroes to weak? I think the CU should have at least 1 higher level team that actually has a shot against some of the upper teir villians.
  21. Re: Power Armor 'themes' I've been working on a tech version of that for fun, a OIF harness with the stats and defenses and an OAF hammer for the crazy stuff.
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