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Snake Gandhi

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Everything posted by Snake Gandhi

  1. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Okay, folks. I'll be going through all the characters posted so far, and I'll have our team by tonight.
  2. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Looks good.
  3. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Isn't she that pilot who's working for Barbara? I recall the last issue of BoP I read a couple months ago had them in a plane with a woman wearing a Blackhawk on her jacket flying them around.
  4. Re: What happened to the Champions? I remember Seeker from the 4th days, and I'll agree that while he wasn't the best designed character, he was one of the most memorable. He's right there with Foxbat as the best Hero characters who aren't flat out copies of existing comic characters. I'd love to see Seeker return in some form.
  5. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Standard text format is fine, HD files are better, and include the background with the stats if you please. You can either post here like some already have, or you can email it to me at snakegandhi@gmail.com.
  6. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Hey, if someone wants to run a second team in this world, go for it. Maybe the new X-men?...
  7. Re: Superheroes: The Five Essentials Superman: the Motion Picture Spider-Man Astro City: Life in the Big City TPB Heart of Ice, Batman: the Animated Series Invincible, first 12 Issues.
  8. Well, we've all seen a lot of Superman homages, maybe even played a few (raises hand). What are some of the concepts you've used for them, to explain why they had abilities far beyond mortal men. I mean, rip-off's from the comics have stayed with the 'he's an alien' thing (Hyperion), done 'blessed by the Gods' (Captain Marvel), and recently done 'given powers by secret formula' (Sentry) So what have folks here used? My first Superman homage was called Sentinel (and I've re-used the idea and name from time to time). His background was along the same lines as Clark's, but instead of being from a distant world, he was from the far, far future, sent back in time by his parents before entropy destroyed the universe. I just played it as everyone a few million millenium from now could do what he could do, evolution and all.
  9. Re: DC's Best "Bricks" Yep, thats him. Loved they confrontation he had with Lobo in "Hereafter". Lobo had just dropped a car on him, and as Lobo was walking through the explosion Kalibak tossed the car off and got up. Kalibak: I will kill you for that. Lobo: Pretty tough talk for a dead man. Kalibak: I'm not dead yet! Lobo: Oh right, my watch is about 10 seconds fast.
  10. Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind. That pretty much Joss's personal philosophy far as I can tell, as from the commetaries I've seen of his on Buffy, Angel and Firefly make no bones that he's an existential atheist. And Season 6 and 7 did suck mightily, which is probably Firefly's fault, as Joss and Tim where so caught up in it that Marti Knox was pretty much in charge of Buffy.
  11. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3
  12. Re: Best SuperHero Fights ever One of my favorite fights is Superman vs Mongul in JLU's "For the Man Who Has Everything" (based on the comic of the same name). The shear brutallity of the fight, the casual disregard for all life Mongul shows, and Superman getting very, very, pissed. Plus, some great lines. As Batman struggles to remove the plant while Diana fights Mongul. Batman:She's in the weapons room, that'll buy her time. But not enough. Snap out of it Kent, we need you. He'll kill her. He'll kill us all. As Clark charges Mongul Superman: Do you have any idea what you did to me?!? Mongul: I fashioned a prison that you couldn't leave without sacrificing your heart's desire. It must have been like tearing off your own arm. And the classic, as Mongul picks up Clark by the head Mongul: Happy birthday, Kryptonian – I give you oblivion. to which Clark's eyes glow read as he growls' Superman: Burn! Awesome, awesome stuff.
  13. Re: Marvel's Best "Bricks" Didn't even notice it till now.
  14. Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.
  15. Re: Marvel's Best "Bricks" My personal favorites are She Hulk, cause she a smart and funny gal under all that Gamma induced muscle, and the everlovin' blue eyed Thing, cause he just rocks.
  16. Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.
  17. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Its all good. I'll look at both (and I was wondering if someone was gonna do a Spedy:) ) and see which one would fit on the team better. And if we do use both Magni and Kobrandr, well, you, me and Pendaran will figure something out.
  18. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 What do you want to be going on with Hawkeye? Since your his legacy, you can come up with whatever you want.
  19. Re: Captain Atom? The latter, an homage to the Captain. Thanks for all the advice folks, very helpful indeed. From the sounds of things, it looks like building him as a demibrick with a big Radiation Multipower. Say, decent defenses (more ED than PD), Flight, some Damage Reduction, full suite of LS, and the Multipower. For the Multipower, looks like so far it should have, *EB, Variable SFX *Absorbtion, Energy, to End *+Str and +PD so that he can go blow for blow with the big shots, at least for a while Anything else sound appropriate? (I don't have USPD yet). Probably add the 'absorb to much energy and get thrown through time and space' thing as Extra Dimensional Movement with a Trigger "if he absorbs to much energy". Its basically a plot device, don't need to get really specific with it. I like his attitude from what I've seen. He's a military guy, and has an inate respect of the government. I think I'll keep that aspect of his personality, it'll be neat, and different from most other supers I've played.
  20. So, supposedly I'm going to be in a game soon (I say supposedly because this is like the 5th time a game was going to start and it fell through before the first session) and the GM wants me to be the leader of the group. I stopped him before he could say "like Superman' because my last 3 characters where Superman style flying bricks and I'm tired of playing those. So we thought about what other type of hero could be the leader and rolemodel figure, and I just blurted out 'Captain Atom." as we where watching JLU at the time and Cap and Superman where fighting some guy. The GM says go for it, so there I am. Now, anyone here know anything about Captain Atom? I've only seen him in JLU and his recent mini where he goes to the Wildsorm U. From what I can tell, he can use his energy to pump himself up to the point where he can trade punches with Superman and Majestic, he can absorb and project energy, and he can vary the type of energy he can project (Variable SFX would be my guess). Anything I'm missing?
  21. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Question? What are everyones thoughts on the base? The first idea that came to mind was kind of a rif of the Ultimates. The Avengers now operate out of a man-made island within sight of Liberty Island, as to seperate them as a target from the rest of the city. I was thinking of keeping the mansion where it was, and turning it into the Avengers Museum, complete with secret backup base underneath:)
  22. Re: Spiderman Writeup I figured the Spider-Sense makes Pete nearly unhittable, so I gave him enough DCV to reach ludicrous levels. The only way Pete gets tagged is Area Effects, someone doesn't set off the Spider-Sense, or Pete rolls an 18 on his Danger Sense roll:)
  23. Re: Spiderman Writeup Not bad, though the Str and Dex is higher than I would give him. IIR when I built a version of Pete I gave him 40 Str and 33 Dex, but I gave him +8 DCV, requires a Danger Sense Roll. That was to show thats its the Spider-Sense that makes him so damn hard to hit, not just his (albit very impressive) Dex.
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