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Snake Gandhi

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Everything posted by Snake Gandhi

  1. Re: Power Armor 'themes' Ohh, Beowulf, hadn't thought of that one. *goes to find his copy of Beowulf*
  2. Re: Power Armor 'themes' I've put some thought into that. I'm thinking he was trying to build a superhero, but I'm not sure if he was planning of piloting it himself. Its just deciding what inspired him to make that superhero. An idea inspired by the earlier THOR armor and v2 of the Ultimates, maybe he was a mythology buff and set out to make a technological version of his favorite ancient hero?
  3. Re: Power Armor 'themes' Oh, I know. Thats what I'm looking for, some ideas for a cool collection of powers that fit a general theme. I posted a little background to say that , while fairly cool, the ideas about magical armor and the like didn't quite fit. I thought that THOR armor idea was interesting, and I had the idea of an ORCA armor designed around underwater use, but the campaign is set in Millenium ity so I don't know how much use that would get.
  4. Re: Power Armor 'themes' Cool ideas guys:) A little info on my character, as I've got her pretty much done except for the actual suit and a few skills. She's the neice of a genuis who founded a high tech company. She assisted him with his work and handled the business side of things for him. A powered suit was his next great design, and he planned for it to help a lot of people, but as he was finishing it her died a tragic death. he neice decideds to finish the suit and use it to help people just like her uncle would have wanted.
  5. I'm working on a character for a PbEM game, a suit of powered armor, and I was looking for some advice. I was thinking about going for a different feel than your standard 'Iron Man' style armor maybe giving the armor a theme of some kind. One that popped into my head was a scorpion styled armor, it could have Hardened Armor, some Super Leap and a Tail Blaster. While I don't think I'd use that one specifically it gives you the idea of what I mean. I was wondering what other themes folks could think of for a set of high tech power armor.
  6. Re: Robot with an adamantium shell? That was pretty mcuh my intention to start with. As he stands now, I agree with Killer Shrike in that he's usable, just kinda plain.
  7. Re: Robot with an adamantium shell? Okay, taking some advice on this thread, here's what I have so far. It seems really plain to me, and sorta fragile. One Val Char Cost 60 STR 20 20 DEX 30 25 CON 30 10 BODY 0 30 INT 20 15 EGO 10 15 PRE 5 10 COM 0 26 PD 0 25 ED 0 5 SPD 20 11 REC 0 50 END 0 38 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 12" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 135 Cost Power 75 Armor (20 PD/20 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 4 Knockback Resistance -2" 70 Multipower, 70-point reserve 7u 1) Energy Blast 14d6 (70 Active Points) 6u 2) Flight 20", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points) 2u 3) Flight 10", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (25 Active Points) 3u 4) +30 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) Powers Cost: 167 Cost Skill 10 Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Hacking and Computer Security, Personal Computers, Mainframes and Supercomputers, Military Computers) 15- 3 Electronics 15- 3 Scientist 2 1) SS: Artificial Intelligence 15- (3 Active Points) 2 2) SS: Metallurgy 15- (3 Active Points) 2 3) SS: Physics 15- (3 Active Points) 2 4) SS: Robotics 15- (3 Active Points) 3 Scholar 2 1) KS: AK: Major US Cities (3 Active Points) 15- 2 2) KS: Human History (3 Active Points) 15- 2 3) KS: The Superhuman World (3 Active Points) 15- 3 Mechanics 15- 4 Systems Operation (Communications Systems, Environmental Systems) 15- Skills Cost: 40 Cost Talent 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator Talents Cost: 8 Total Character Cost: 350 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 150 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  8. Re: Robot with an adamantium shell? BTW, I wasn't shooting for 'invulnerable' so much as 'really, really tough'. I fully expect him to be able to be knocked out, just not too easily. I guess he'd have brick defenses, but be more of an energy blaster on offense.
  9. Re: Robot with an adamantium shell? This isn't for any game, just me making characters for fun. I'll post what i have here shorlty for the vultures to tear apart. And the idea I had in the back of my head was Mechanon made an AI and put him in a body as some kind of experiment, only this robot went good.
  10. I'm working on a character, and I'm having some troubles. The idea is that I'm trying to build a robotic character, basically a good version of Mechanon or Ultron, and I want his big gimmick to be he has an adamantium shell, making him nearly immune to normal damage. (or at least Body damage; he can still be knocked out) Now the power is easy, just Armor, probably x2 Hardened. But how high should the value be? 30'ish maybe? Secondly, any advice for fitting a decently powered robot of that style into 350 points? I mean, After buying his Characteristics and skill/Talents, I've used up about 280-300 points and thats without the Armor. It's tough to save points because for the most part his powers are bought straight. I'm having a very hard time trying to think of any way to be a decent selection of powers, as no Disadvantages that are appropriate come to mind and most of his powers aren't allowed into an EC. Any advice you all can spare would be much appreciated.
  11. Re: Blazing six guns! The cowboy thread got me thinking of making my own modern cowboy superhero. My plan was to simple buy him 2 RKA's and cover most of the tricks with Ranged Martial Arts, sweeps, etc. the only thing that I'm hung up on is reloading. I don't want to give him Charges, as IMO as superhero gunslinger should run out of ammo, but I would like to make it to where he does have to reload every 6 shots, but I'm not sure how to model that.
  12. Re: Advice requested: Daughter of Thor Thanks for the advice. I don't think the GM minds the VPP ( I did mention that I might go that route to him and he said cool). I'm defintely not worried about the player abusing it, as I've played with her before. She's a fan of Thor, and I expect she'll use it mainly for things like Flight, Teleportation, a variety of energy blasts and rka'a, and the obligitory HA. In this case the GM (and I) trust that the player will use it in the spirit it's meant. I supposes I could throw some limition on it like "only for the powers of a Thunder God." though. I went for Restrainable like it is because it's not easy to seperate her from the hammer, and even if it is taken she can call it back with a simple command. Basically I didn't see a simple grab or entagle stopping her from using the powers of the hammer. I could see her, say, getting ambushed, and then waking up bound and gagged without the hammer, but in that case the moment she was free she could call it back to her, so the 1/4 Restainable seemed like the best fit. I am curious how you think she's overpowered as written, and the rest of the team does follow the 24-30 DC limit. As for the language issue, Asgardian is her native tongue, thats why she bought English:) I just noticed I forgot to put it on the sheet. I don't know who the mothers is yet, but thats a good point. I'll add a few manuevers and skills to reflect that. And I'll see about bumping her Ego up as well.
  13. Re: Funny idea for a character I've played in many a White Wolf game, and thats a term I've never heard used before.
  14. Re: Advice requested: Daughter of Thor Okay, here's the next draft. Player: Val Char Cost 125 STR 115 24 DEX 42 52 CON 84 25 BODY 30 15 INT 5 22 EGO 24 30 PRE 20 22 COM 6 35 PD 10 25 ED 15 6 SPD 26 35 REC 0 104 END 0 114 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 25" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 377 Cost Power 264 Mjolnir: Variable Power Pool, 120 base + 144 control cost, all slots Cosmic (+2) (300 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -1/4) Godly Powers 22 1) Damage Resistance (25 PD/20 ED) 30 2) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 30 3) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 15 4) Power Defense (15 points) 10 5) Mental Defense (14 points total) 20 6) Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: 800 Years; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat) Powers Cost: 391 Cost Skill 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Conversation 15- 3 Interrogation 15- 3 KS: Asguard 12- 3 KS: The Superhuman World 12- 4 Language: English (completely fluent; literate) 4 Navigation (Air, Dimensional, Land) 12- 3 Oratory 15- 3 PS: Warrior 12- 3 Riding 14- 6 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Temperate/Subtropical, Mountain) 12- 3 Tracking 12- 32 +4 with All Combat Skills Cost: 73 Total Character Cost: 841 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 641 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  15. Re: Advice requested: Daughter of Thor By classic she means, your normal Thor, not King Thor or Rune Thor or any of the other power ups he's had. I do know she didn't want to do her as a transformation, she wants her character to be herself the whole time. She's not a novice really, she's played a lot of other games, and even played Hero a time or two, she just doesn't like making characters. I think with a decent list of stuff pre-statted she'd be fine, and then she can start coming up with other stuff on the fly once she gets used to it. But if I go with an EC, what powers does she need? I know a HA and an EB, a Change Envirnment for the storms, Flight, anything else? I'll lose the KB resistance, and I've been planning to give her some skills, just trying to get a handle on her powers first.
  16. Re: Advice requested: Daughter of Thor Use the Barebones template, it exports a text file like the one above.
  17. Re: Advice requested: Daughter of Thor Game is a 850 point game (though that could be going up, unsure). She is tied for the strongest character, our 'superman' is the same strength, I believe our Power Armor is about 75, and none of the others have Str as a thing. I figured the KB resistance was appropriate as I didn't think Thor got knocked around much. I suppose i could scale the DR back to 50%, i was going for the 'can be hurt, hard to take down' effect.
  18. It seems that a friend of our GM's wants to join our upcoming game, and her idea was basically a female 'Thor' ala Marvel. Since I'm our resident HERO expert (and the only one with HeroDesigner:) ) I get to design her character. I was told to make her as much like the classic Thor as I could. Thing is, I'm not that big of an expert on Thor, so I wondered if you folks could help me out. Here's a quick and dirty version i whipped up. 7:20 PM 9/16/2005 Player: Val Char Cost 125 STR 115 24 DEX 42 52 CON 84 25 BODY 30 15 INT 5 22 EGO 24 30 PRE 20 22 COM 6 35 PD 10 20 ED 10 6 SPD 26 35 REC 0 104 END 0 114 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 25" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 372 Cost Power 264 Mjolnir: Variable Power Pool, 120 base + 144 control cost, all slots Cosmic (+2) (300 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -1/4) Godly Powers 23 1) Damage Resistance (26 PD/20 ED) 60 2) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 60 3) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% 36 4) Knockback Resistance -18" 15 5) Power Defense (15 points) 10 6) Mental Defense (14 points total) 10 7) Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute; Longevity: 800 Years; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat) Powers Cost: 478 Total Character Cost: 850 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 650 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Now, what I did was buy her basic stats up to about where I think they should be, and then bought her hammer as a Cosmic VPP, as I've heard that hunk of metal can do just about anything. this way, she can use it for the basic +d6 HA, lightning EB's, flight, teleportation, and anything else she wants to do. I bought it Restrainable instead of as a Focus, because while she can be chained up or otherwise held away from it, once she's free she can call it to her, so I figured Restrainable worked better. Anything else I've left out that should be included?
  19. Re: Too many points? Me either:) Thats why I had to ask.
  20. Re: Too many points? Nick decided to go with the Sonic Scream powers ala Black Canary. The characters name is Osprey, you can check her out here, http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36396 I'll be posting the rest of the team as soon as i get the character sheets.
  21. Just curiosity, but after seeing some of the 700-800 point games some folks here play in, and starting one myself, what do you think is the highest point total Champions can go before it becomes unplayable as a superhero game? How high can you push a superhero game? 1200 points? 1500 points? 2000 points?
  22. Re: your campaigns "Superman". In a game just about to start, I'm playing the 'Superman' character. Sentinel, built on 850 points. He's got your standard Superman abilities minus the heat vision and any superspeed tricks. With him I played more the to the fact that his greatest power is his morality, his knowledge of right and wrong. He's a co-leader of the team, with Union Jack (our Captain America) being the brains of the outfit and Sentinel being the soul.
  23. Re: Team for review: The Justice Watch Appearance: Marta stands about 5' 9", and is in incredible shape. She's got coco brown skin, long brown hair, and amber eyes. Her most distinctive feature is the set of wings growing out of her back, very much like birds wings with mostly white feathers, brown at the tips. In her off time she prefers jeans and t-shirts, unless she's going out, then it's whatever is fashionable and lets her dance. In the field she wears spandex tights and a spandex top that leaves her arms (and belly) uncovered. She wears boots and specially made metallic gauntlets on her hands. She also wears a custom designed and fitting Force Field Belt, which is why she doesn't bother with any type of armor. Personality: Marta is a good Catholic girl. She polite, funny, and has enormous energy. For the longest time she didn't know why she was different, but now she knows its to help people. She knows she's different, and she want to use it to help make the world a better place. Quote: "Remember what the jackalope says friend. Fast as fast can be, you'll never catch me." Background: Marta Vieira Da Siolva was born in a small town in Brazil. Born with her unusual wings, her parents thought she was a gift from god. She grew up in a very poor catholic household, and as such her faith became very important to her. Her life changed when Euro-Guard followed the villianous Eurostar to Brazil. The villians escaped, but after meeting such a special girl Union Jack, leader of the team, asked her if she'd like to come to Englnd. He said he knew some folks at Oxford, and if she wanted he could get a smart girl like her accepted. Marta was nervous about leaving home, especially with her special status, but her family convinced her that better things where waiting out there, so she reluctantly agreed. 2 years later, and Marta is lost. She's doing well at school, and after some time the student body adjusted to the 7 foot wings on her back, but she was lost. She really didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. She had always thought she was here to do something special, not some normal everyday job. Finally, after some thought, she hit on it. She wanted to be a superhero. Marta had kept in touch with Union Jack, and she went to see him. He was happy to see her, but he told her that unfortunately he wasn't authorized to let some rookie superhero on to the Guard, much as he might like to. Jack smiled and said that, strange as it was, he was leaving the Euro-Guard to help found a different team, one that could use a bright, enthusiastic, and, well, damn pleasent girl. He told her flat out that it was incredibly dangerous, and it would take a lot of training on her end before he even let her out in the field. Undaunted, she agreed. A quick trip later, and they where standing in Sanctuary, the newly christened (and only halfway complete) headquaters of the Justice Watch, or the Watch for short. Jack introduced Marta to the other founding members, Sentinel and Tomorrow Man. Marta was kind of nevous, as these where famous superheroes, but Sentinel's kind mile and Tomorrow Man's sense of humor put her at ease. After getting things set away, Marta's training began. Jack helped her with her combat training, and Sentinel took her for her first real flight. On her first time out, she suprised everyone by breaking the sound barrier. No one thought she could move that fast, but everyone quickly learned she could move a lot faster. As the weeks went by, Marta discovered that her wings could propel her at supersonic speeds, and that her reflexes and muscles where also enhanced. Marta also learned that she could scream with incredible force. She found that she could move a good deal faster than Jack, and that even in mediocre shape she was stronger than he was as well. But Marta didn't stay in mediocre shape for long. She hit the gym hard, and when she wasn't praticing her fighting skills with Jack she was getting used to swooping through the skies. Tomorrow Man fitted her with one of his patented Force Field belts, identical to the one Union Jack wore, though it was less than nessesary what with her being so fast and so agile. Months went buy, till finally Jack and Sentinal were convinced she could handle herself. Powers/Tactics: Osprey can fly very fast and is incredibly agile. She normally sticks to using her speed and agilty to wear down the opposition with her specific martial art, which is based on moving fast and striking while passing. (she came up with it from watching how hawks and other birds of prey function). Marta prefers to keep moving, as she knows she's a lot harder to hit that way. She also seems to have a sort of 6th sense about air currents, ahe can find and track nearly anything thats moving through the atmosphere. Her Shriek is is very good at incopacitating large groups of people, and if she's not careful she can cause some real destruction with it. Campaign Use: Marta is new to the hero biz, but she's commited to doing whats right.
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