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Lord Mhoram

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Everything posted by Lord Mhoram

  1. Audiobook of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - Steven Fry version. Slughorn's Christmas Party.
  2. As a fan of Pre-crisis Lex - I loved this take on Lex. In some ways it reminded me of the curly haired Lex that was the foil/enemy for Superboy. I've always disliked the boardroom Lex.
  3. Oh yeah - a big one - I don't like Dr Who and never intend to watch it.
  4. That just shows you have taste. I remember watching the first season of Andromeda and saw the Nietzschian reading Fountainhead. And I thought - a race built on the philosophy of those two is perfect for the bad guy race.
  5. Harsh words at 10 paces? It is the end times, they will do physical damage.
  6. I watched (or at least tried) all the superhero TV shows - abandoned Gotham about 6 or so episodes in, and haven't come back to agents of Shield for season three. Peggy Carter I dropped after a couple. I watch Flash, Arrow, Daredevil and Jessica Jones. So I got geek cred there... So finding areas I don't have geek cred.... Superhero related - I don't really buy many comics these days - due to quality for writing though, not lack of interest in the genre. I don't prefer Star Trek or Star Wars over each other - so I guess that makes me unusual. I tend not to read any kind of fan Fiction. I've only read 2 manga, and I've only seen 3 or 4 anime series (which I watched with the wife). So that is limited. I don't play PC video games at all- Console player all the way, and I never Video Game RPGs. when I play my video games it's action, platforming, music or "casual" gaming. Never been to any kind of convention ever. Never watching Game of Thrones, and will never go back to reading the books. Never finished Robert Jordan. I can't stand Swords and Sorcery fiction so I hate Conan, Fafrd & Grey Mouser and the "anti S&S" Elric. Not sure how much cred I destroy with those.
  7. Good points, but he is also (from his perspective) only a few years away from a war with evil, that started with the evil registering then labeling a part of the population. It may be 70 year old history for the rest, for for Cap it's very fresh - and the symbolism of registering people, for whatever reason, could be very Nazi in his mind - and a solid reason he would be anti-reg. "the last time someone said people needed to be registered, we had a disagreement too" to modify a quote.
  8. The Martian. I liked the trailer and decided to read it before the images from the movie cement themselves in my head as the "correct" version. Very good, and very highly recommended.
  9. I think I stopped watching the 3rd one halfway through.. maybe not even that far.
  10. OK - I can see it. To me it was just a rehash of Darkman again, including the ending monologue. I felt the movie could have with 20% less "Peters life is horrible, and everyone dumps on him" and 20% more "Fun to Spider-man and the one liners" - I felt it was too dark for a Spidey movie pretty much. But I guess I don't have much room to comment like that as I liked Man of Steel. Raimi made a decent movie, and a decent take on the character, I just had some issues with it.
  11. Why- His movies were depressing, and while they had the "life dumps on peter parker" they had nowhere enough "I am joyful being spider man, this is Awesome" - just enought that it was there, but not enough to counteract the depressions.
  12. Just saw Ant Man. Almost as good as Guardians for me, and better than IM 3, Thor 2 or Avengers 2. I like all phase 1 movies - phase two I loved Cap and enjoyed Guardians and Ant-man. I guess I just expected too much out of the sequels.
  13. I like Man of Steel a lot personally. This trailer looks really good, and I will be there on opening weekend. I like the take on Lex. I liked the little we saw on Wonder Woman. I saw Zod's Body and kyptonite. I suspect Zod will be a lead in to Bizarro or Doomsday. I'm thinking the militia with the S patch is either something Lex setup, or a nightmare sequence from Bruce's POV. What looked like Dick's grave, and the robin suit with the note on it in the cave. Of the "superhero fights superhero" movies I'm looking forward to this more than Civil War, as much as I love Cap.
  14. Sens8 - new Netflix original. Wachowskis and JMS are the creators - which drew me in. I know people have different problems with them, but I have really enjoyed almost all of the work each has done. Biggest problem for me - way too much nudity and graphic sexuality. I was watching on my computer and kept up a browser or book open to switch too. From what Little I saw it was either very hard R, or a light NC-17 - as I avoid such things I don't know what it would be, and I only saw for a second or two. I would buy a PG-13 version in a heartbeat. Show itself - 8 people who are psychically connected. It starts with them hearing what someone else is hearing, moves to being able to talk and see each other, and more from there. I really enjoyed it - some thought it was "slow" as the action/overplot was not a major part of the early show - that was individual stories, and the characters learn about each other. Lots of character interaction and development. Early on it moves like Harry Turtledove, flitting from one character to another like a hummingbird on speed. That doesn't bother me. Later one still moves around, but as characters learn more about each other you see 2 or more together. The high concept was fantastic and I loved the show.
  15. Death Race 3. It was fun, but I went in expecting a b-movie had very little expectations.
  16. Inspired my Rock Band 3 band name "Warp 10 Catfish"
  17. One bit I thought was pretty interesting. Completely meta though. James Olsen. His placement in the show made it feel like Supergirl was the spinoff of a successful Superman Show, and he was the cast member that fans really liked, so he moved to Supergirl. I just got that kind of vibe* *no Flash jokes please.
  18. Watched the pilot. I really enjoyed it. About as much as the leaked Flash pilot. It's rough, but it's a pilot, and I expect that. The superhero action was good, had some great references, and a really good reason why there will be supervillians on the show. Pay attention to the name of the head of DEO. The whole Devil wears prada, I think that will go away, and morph into something else. The rescue of the plane was perfect. This is on my must watch list with Flash and Arrow.
  19. Agreed on both points. "May the speed force be with you"
  20. Well, obviously you and I want different things out of our super hero TV.
  21. Yeah, that was really great. I saw the big moment, and though "Barry you have grown up".
  22. I won't drop spoilers, but that is possible the best season finale I have ever seen; and one of the best hours of superhero television ever filmed. It felt like it came straight out of the comics. Tied up many plotlines, and dropped stuff to be followed up on in future seasons. For the time travel - cross dimensional and cliched time travel is part and parcel of comics. It just made it feel all the more like it was lifted straight from the comic pages. How I feel having seen this - the joy, the emotions, the sheer "Wait what?" that is generated - that is what I wanted from Age of Ultron and didn't get. I don't care about DC Movies anymore, the TV is where it is at.
  23. I could see this as a possible plot - superman's guilt at not saving everyone / having to kill Zod made him realize him limitations (and the Batman thing just helps this along) and that is the emotional foundation of the Justice League - getting together a group of people so that doesn't happen again.
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