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Iuz the Evil

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Everything posted by Iuz the Evil

  1. Get Bill Clinton in front of Democratic voters as often as possible. Dang. Focusing on "she gets things done" is a smart tactic when paired with "if you care about making things better" and specific policy Hillary has implemented through the years. It's not touchy feely, but really is her strength. And Bill humanized her in a way others haven't been able to in my opinion. Really good speech.
  2. If Hillary and her most devoted fans don't like the reaction from the more Progressive elements of the party there's the solution open to any politician: win them over. Assuming support by folks based on revulsion to another candidate has a poor track record (see also: Gore, Al). If you want to win, you have to inspire and unite your base. If you can't win them over, maybe work on a better message. Michelle Obama was great. Would campaign for her. Senator Warren has populist appeal, she helped. If the platform she indicated is what the Clinton campaign endorses that will help. I'm hoping there is more positive tone and a move toward unity as the week goes on. We will see how they handle it.
  3. Yeah, "sit down and shut it we need to win" isn't going to be real compelling for an awful lot of aggrieved folks, and there appears little likelihood she will address grievances after winning. Assuming the voters from Bernie's camp won't turn out for Trump isn't the same as getting them to turn out for Hillary. I just do not see the up side to hiring DWS, the optics are terrible it looks like payoff for improper support. And it will get brought up by the opposition as "yet another example of crooked Hillary and her insider Washington cronies" (or some such attack), probably more than once. Expect to hear about it during the convention.
  4. Seriously Hillary? What the actual... Anyway, that's a very out of touch decision that's going to get a LOT of play.
  5. Yeah, while in retrospect I'm not a fan of Reagan, at the time he cast a really long shadow. Hard for anyone to be next at bat in that scenario. I always prefer to follow someone who did a bad job and was unpopular, much easier to shine. While Reagan may have been a mixed bag in deliverables, he was incredibly, undeniably popular.
  6. Yeah, I voted for him. Think that's the last time I voted for a GOP presidential candidate. He was okay, too worried about being in Reagan's shadow in my opinion but as you say capable.
  7. Ugh. Kaine is a really disappointing choice. He's a safe pick, but not appealing. I will be even more fervently wishing Mrs. Clinton the very best of health. I do not want him in the Oval Office. He's a classic Virginia blue dog DINO based on more factors than I care to enumerate. Nevertheless, it changes nothing regarding my vote (and likely that of others of a progressive persuasion). Which is probably the point. But still... disappointing choice with all the earmarks of playing it safe. Probably an indicator of the governance we may expect from this administration, playing to the center. Not inherently bad, but not where I was hoping she'd go. Won't inspire the base.
  8. Grumble grumble... lightning bolt should be red... grumble (Pretty slick, actually)
  9. I agree. Ultimately his supporters will likely vote for Hillary, but if they feel they're holding their nose to do so it will suppress voter turnout. People invested in his positions will be more active supporters if they see them carried forward.
  10. Wow. Clinton-Warren would be a big positive step in unifying the party after a contentious primary. I'm relatively comfortable with upsetting Wall Street in the process.
  11. Lots of milestones in this one, with Hillary potentially being the first female POTUS. Bernie first Jewish presidential candidate to win a primary. It's a time of change. Edit: just turned in my ballot. Some interesting local initiatives as well, I voted for increased taxes and bond measures across the board (Bay Area water, earthquake repair of schools, and jail replacement being necessary).
  12. I respect his right to see this through to the end, will cast my California ballot for him tomorrow, and will vote for Hillary in November. Nothing really changed so far in this cycle so far as my vote goes.
  13. Right, but he actually went on record he was upset that he didn't get to spend time with the strippers... says he is game for a cameo in anything Marvel.
  14. Throw in Tom Hiddleston and my wife and daughter might spontaneously combust.
  15. Obviously, Applejack is the very best pony. Great strength, a lasso, and down home simplicity. I'll take the Mustang though. My drivers side window is plastic and duck tape on my 2003 Altima, and I hit 230k miles today. I need a car.
  16. And I'm equally likely to get the pony from them as the political action I want.
  17. Be interesting to see what impact this has on the eventual platform for the DNC. I'd personally love to see more (some) opposition to income/wealth inequity and the corrosive influence of money in politics (for both parties). I'd also like a pony...
  18. That's an impressive black and blonde coiffure on that realtor. West Texas regionalism indeed.
  19. Nothing has changed around my voting choices the past couple months. If he's around I'll vote for Bernie in the primary, and Hilary in the general.
  20. What happens when you are moderated? I'm wondering what that is. I get the idea around banned. Fairly intuitive really ("sent to Chile" has been on many board rules). Are your posts reviewed ahead of time? Who does that (mods, Simon)? Is this permanent or for a fixed time? Hadn't heard that one before.
  21. Wow. An Ayn Rand disciple? That makes his movies so much more clear, radical devotion to the self and egotism as an inherent good.
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