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Iuz the Evil

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Everything posted by Iuz the Evil

  1. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Great 3 section staff... that's very cool stuff!
  2. Re: Forth wall perception? I'm another who finds it mildly amusing in certain comics (She-Hulk, Deadpool) but consider that almost a comic sub-genre. Probably wouldn't work great in an RPG, though depends on the player/GM as always. Still miffed I got beat out by the Fool reference.
  3. Re: Hulk vs Superman I gotta go with the Man of Steel in this fight. He's the top property of DC where the Hulk is a "supporting character" of Marvel.
  4. Re: Hulk vs Superman Superman didn't stay dead, and has pimp-slapped Doomsday several times since that fight. Just has to do it a different way each time. Q.E.D.
  5. Re: Dumbest thing... I'm going to cast my lot for: Civil War. Spider-Clone. Hawkeye's Stupid Death. The "Iron Age on Steroids" of the 1990s ("get me a bandoleer and huge shoulderpads a la Liefield please"). Recurrent return of villains/heroes who have been happily dead for decades (Phoenix/Green Goblin, I'm looking in your direction).
  6. Re: Superhero power levels That is one of the more... generous interpretations I've read in some time of the current Marvel EIC's reign.
  7. Re: Go home, Superman! Interesting thread. Lots of good ideas in it, and I definitely like the creative way folks talk about incorporating mega-powered superheroes into campaigns with somewhat less potent PCs.
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Family Guy. (While touring the aquarium) Peter: "Look Chris, the Lost City of New Orleans." Chris: "Dad, did New Orleans really exist?" Peter: "Nobody knows"
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Getting in touch with my undergraduate days... so: This heres a story about billy joe and bobbie sue Two young lovers with nothin better to do Than sit around the house, get high, and watch the tube And here is what happened when they decided to cut loose They headed down to, ooh, old el paso Thats where they ran into a great big hassle Billy joe shot a man while robbing his castle Bobbie sue took the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Billy mack is a detective down in texas You know he knows just exactly what the facts is He aint gonna let those two escape justice He makes his livin off of the peoples taxes Bobbie sue, whoa, whoa, she slipped away Billy joe caught up to her the very next day They got the money, hey You know they got away They headed down south and theyre still running today Singin go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run Go on take the money and run
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I took off for a weekend last month Just to try and recall the whole year All of the faces and all of the places Wonderin where they all disappeared I didnt ponder the question too long I was hungry and went out for a bite Ran into a chum with a bottle of rum And we wound up drinkin all night Chorus: Its these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes Nothing remains quite the same With all of our running and all of our cunning If we couldnt laugh we would all go insane Reading departure signs in some big airport Reminds me of the places Ive been Visions of good times that brought so much pleasure Makes me want to go back again If it suddenly ended tomorrow I could somehow adjust to the fall Good times and riches and son of a b#$@@ Ive seen more than I can recall Chorus: These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes Nothing remains quite the same Through all of the islands and all of the highlands If we couldnt laugh we would all go insane I think about paris when Im high on red wine I wish I could jump on a plane So many nights I just dream of the ocean God I wish I was sailin again Oh, yesterdays over my shoulder So I cant look back for too long Theres just too much to see waiting in front of me And I know that I just cant go wrong Chorus: With these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes Nothing remains quite the same With all of my running and all of my cunning If I couldnt laugh I just would go insane If we couldnt laugh we just would go insane If we werent all crazy we would go insane
  11. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Here's one that's a little dated (and yet, somehow contemporary)...
  12. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I'm going to get a lot of use out of this site during the coming season...
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? God I love this song... "Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out On Broadway)" by Billy Joel.
  14. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency) Pretty much. Slamming the U.N. every time UNTIL comes up seems to demonstrate a poor level of comprehension of the line between reality and fantasy. UNTIL = fictional organization, with fills the fictional role of the fictional law enforcement capacities of a fictional United Nations. United Nations = real world organization (discussion of whose relative merits and problems should be more properly elaborated on within the bounds of the NGD). As to the reason for using said real world organization as a basis for an International Super Team, it seems entirely logical. The key phrases imho are "multi-national task force" and "international operations". Credibility, egalitarianism, and a very optimistic Bronze to Silver Age four color flavor. With an Iron Age setting, the U.N. also works just fine if they're battling to contain the sinister Machiavellian schemes of various nationalist organizations. It all just depends on the GM's choice of flavor. Like any use of a real world org in a super-heroic four color fantasy, considerable modification seems to be necessary. Simply put, no existing real world organization is designed to adequately respond to say... Doctor Destroyer or Menton (just to name two). Should such threats evolve, agencies and organizations would need to evolve in turn to respond. Which agency or organization would depend on the GM. As a result, the United Nations seems no more or less credible than the U.S. Armed Forces, Interpol, the FBI, or any of the other groups one could redesign for such a purpose. YMMV.
  15. Re: If You Had To Play a DC Character… 1) Superman. The icon. Who doesn't? 2) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan OR Kyle). Just because the interplanetary police corps angle is slick, the ring is awesome, and the characters are fun. 3) Martian Manhunter. Because I always liked J'onn... he's such a complicated character, and despite being alien is one of the most human of the JLA (certainly more than Batman).
  16. Re: Adamant (Global Guardians PBEM) Adamant: "Comrades In Arms" November 11, 2005: The cold November rain fell on the white gravestones of Arlington National Cemetary as Lars made his way across the grassy sward towards his destination. A marble headstone marked the final resting place of the fallen hero, four others were there already, waiting. "Silas. Archie. Good to see you... been too long", he said as he approached the gravesite. Shaking hands with everyone present, and exchanging warm greetings, Lars noted with chagrin that the years had touched all of them. Some more than others, much more in some cases, where the withering hand of Time had barely rested thanks to magic or meta-gene enhancement. They were associates from a time where right and wrong had seemed clearer, and had stood shoulder-to-shoulder against one of the greatest evils that the world had ever known. Now, more than ever, he felt it important to honor them. Looking at the gravestone, through the cold rain that ran down it's surface, he contemplated the heroic nature of Uncle Sam. The man, and the legend he'd become. Uncle Sam had inspired so many with his presence, his symbolism. Ageless, unflinching, and one of the most hard-headedly stubborn men that Lars had ever met. Never before, or since, had he known anyone who had acted with such conviction. Personally, Lars found that he missed the old coot terribly. A flask was produced from someone's pocket, a toast raised to those no longer among the living. The ritual had occurred annually since the Great War, with those able to make the journey attending on the anniversary of the conflict's end. Harsh words had been exchanged between the attendees at times, but differences were always put aside during this day. As usual, there were some who could not be present... whether due to illness and infirmity, or because other duties called. Another group of the era's heroes also met at Normandy, across the ocean. Still, they were together in spirit. As he took his leave from the others, and began the cold, wet walk from the grave site through the pouring rain, Lars found himself contemplating the nature of his existence, as he so often did after these meetings. The philosophical bent to his nature seemed to demand a level of personal introspection. He wondered, as always, if in time he'd be the only one present some cold November day. Lars shivered, though not due to the rain's chill touch. Climbing into his Mercedes Benz, he fired up the engine and began the long drive back to New York. Just over four hours later, he was walking through the parking garage at the Radisson Hotel, where he'd made arrangements to meet with his teammates that evening. The Radisson had excellent banquet facilities, including a professionally quality kitchen, and he wanted to spend this evening entertaining his current comrades, just as he spent the morning reminiscing with his older ones. Lars hauled several bags of groceries which he'd acquired in Baltimore out of the Benz's trunk, and got to work preparing supper. Nothing too ostentatious, he was planning on a simple three course dinner... appetizers, entree, dessert. Some care was required, as the dietary habits of his teammates varied considerably. To the extent possible, he'd ensure that the meal was appetizing for all... and would prepare alternative fare for those who wouldn't find a given course palateable. Aurin was the most difficult, as his digestive system didn't permit the ingestion of meat, as gorillas are herbivorous by nature. Nothing that a little forethought and attention to detail couldn't overcome, however. Over an hour later, the advance preparation to actually cook the meal complete, Lars turned his attention to the dining hall itself. The flatware was laid out, tablecloths neatly spread... all had been arrayed per his specifications. Walking over to the stereo system, Lars flipped through a handful of selections and unfolded the manual with a sigh. He never did like working these things... His teammates had been extremely gracious, well... mostly gracious. Rook tried, but just seemed to struggle with the conventions of twenty-first century culture. Still, he did try. The dining hall prepared, quiet classical music (Brahms) piping into the chamber, Lars went back to the kitchen to craft the feast itself. When the rest of the group arrived, he'd arrayed the appetizers at the place settings, and offered a variety of libations for their enjoyment. Lars did love to cook, and he rarely was afforded the opportunity to cook for others. He had no intention of doing anything this evening by half-measures. As his friends arrived, he smiled and toasted their health, enjoying the puzzlement which greeted his actions. Raising a glass, Lars said, "I've been with you for over a year. During that time, I have come to respect the membership of this organization, one and all, and I hope that the feeling is mutual. We've saved lives, protected the innocent, and I hope truly made a difference during this time. Today is a day that I have been reminiscing about those who have beem my comrades-in-arms during other conflicts... I wanted to let you know that I consider it a great personal honor to call you my teammates, and my friends. To the Global Guardians." Clinking glasses and the camaraderie of a shared toast followed this announcement, and Lars made his way to the kitchen where he put the finishing touches on the main entree, and checked the status of the custard he was going to use for the creme brulee. All in all, a thoroughly satisfying day.
  17. Re: Adamant (Global Guardians PBEM) Adamant: "Keeping The Peace" July 16, 2005 The Sabrejet arced down above the verdant countryside below. Scattered villages marked large patches of deforestation, muddy holes of drinking water were frequented by livestock. Burundi had not been left behind by the advances of civilization, but the modern world had not been kind. "Your stop, Adamant", said Los Hermanos, indicating the village below. "Thanks", said Lars, "Keep in touch". He stepped out the doorway and fell two hundred feet or more towards the ground below. Landing on his feet, he drove into the muddy soil at least a foot, then ripped free of the grasping earth to jog towards the small community of corrugated metal buildings and mud bricks. He slowed as he approached the village, noting curious (and frightened) looks from it's inhabitants. The civil war here had raged for a long time, Tutsis killing Hutus, Hutus killing Tutsis. The United Nations had intervened, but the war raged on around them. Now he was here to investigate reports of a gang of brutal meta-human warlords that were working to destabilize the region's efforts at peaceful resolution. Walking towards the village, he saw that the central square held a sealed wellhead. He recognized it as one of those distributed throughout thousands of such small towns, by Grundlage fur Gerechtigkeit, as part of their ongoing efforts to provide accessible potable drinking water to the impoverished citizens of the third world. Frightened faces peered out from windows at him, and a small group of men approached carrying worn-looking rifles at the ready. He didn't speak Kirundi, but French would be adequate given it's role as the nation's second official language. "I mean you no harm", he stated calmly, holding his hands up and pointing to the United Nations logo on the upper left quandrant of his chest. "I'm one of the Global Guardians... is there someone here who speaks for your village?" Some time later, he'd worked out that the group was part of the region being terrorized by one of the meta-human warlords they'd come to confront. A few transmissions later, he'd checked in with the rest of the team and everyone had their marching orders. The terrorizing of these people was going to stop... right now. The Sabrejet was en route to the warlord's primary stronghold, where Gunmetal and half of the team would take the malefactors into custody. Meanwhile, Lars, Tachyon, and Rook would defend villages like this one from possible reprisal. It was a solid plan, and judging by the stark fear on the local faces, one that would be met with considerable resistance from the brutal thugs who made their livings off of the suffering of their people. Adamant spent the majority of the afternoon standing around the village's central square, where eventually the curious children came out to investigate the strangely garbed, odd looking man in their midst. Over time, they lost interest in him, and the routine of the village began to return to some semblance of normalcy. The children produced a worn soccer ball and began to kick it around. Men gathered at the end of the square to discuss him, and the women remained out of sight. As dusk approached, he recieved another call from Gunmetal indicating the primary mission objective was accomplished. The stronghold had fallen, the contraband supply of Genesium being used to manufacture super-soldier enforcers was in Checkmate's hands. Lars noted an approaching plume of dust, and commented, *Good deal... did any of the warlord's men get away?* *Don't think so... why do you ask?*, responded Gunmetal quizzically. *Because I think there's a truckload of them about to show up here...*, Lars responded, *...and they don't look happy. Not at all* As Gunmetal stated the team was en route to his position, Adamant was already in motion towards the approaching vehicle. Bounding forward he leapt through the air in a soaring arc that culminated a hundred yards in front of the battered pickup truck. The approaching vehicle slammed on it's brakes and skidded to a halt in a cloud of dust and flying gravel. Angry men leapt from the back, brandishing rifles. Lars eyed the men with irritation, noting that standing among them was a powerfully built man who wasn't carrying a firearm. That would be the one to watch out for. "Put your rifles down", he stated in French, "I'm Adamant of the Global Guardians, and you are all to surrender yourselves into my custody." The words hadn't even left his lips when bullets began to flatten themselves against his body. He'd expected nothing less. Lars moved forward towards the half dozen men who were peppering him with a variety of weapons, and looking considerably more concerned. The muscular fellow snarled and moved to meet him as the others scattered. Lars took a blow to the side of his head from the man... he was quicker than he looked. To his adversary's surprise, Lars wasn't even slowed by the force of a blow that could have powdered granite. He grabbed the man in a bear hug, wrapping his arms against his opponent's body with inexorable force. Kneeling on the dusty soil, he crushed the man into unconsciousness, managing his powerful struggles with little effort. The others began to scramble for the truck, realizing far too late that they were completely outmatched. Releasing his hold on the gasping and semi-conscious strong man, Lars strode over to the vehicle as it's engine fired up. Grabbing the front wheel, he lifted the truck off the ground by it's axle and shook it casually over his head, causing the occupants to rattle around the cab and fly from the bed to sprawl on the ground. Then, pulling the door off of the driver's side, he spilled the remaining passengers to the ground and hurled the vehicle through the air over fifty yards. It smashed into the ground, pinwheeling end over end to lie crushed and broken. "I said... you will surrender yourselves to my custody", Lars repeated. Pointing to a nearby section of ground, he stated, "Put your guns in a stack over there. If you attempt to escape, I'll render you unconscious". Marching them back to the village, Lars met the increasingly enthusiastic suggestions of the villagers regarding the brutal execution of the warlord's men with a grim scowl that put an end to such discussions in his presence. The thirty minutes until the Checkmate transport and the rest of the Guardians arrived to take the men into custody were extremely tense. As he boarded the team's Sabrejet, Lars ruminated on the impact their actions would have. The region remained locked in ethnic warfare, impoverished, and beset by social ills beyond number. Seizing genetically enhancing materials from local warlords seemed a paltry step, but a necessary one. He hoped that in time, their work here would be a small contribution for these people. For now, there wasn't much else they could do. The Sabrejet's engines roared and they arced away towards Governor's Island... headed home.
  18. Re: Adamant (Global Guardians PBEM) Adamant: "To Serve And Protect" September 1, 2005 Lars crouched in the doorway of the Sabrejet, as the Global Guardians flew low over the ruins of the city below. He hadn't seen destruction on this scale in some time, and it was shocking to witness it here. Lars sprang from the jet as it arced past the tattered-looking dome structure, landing heavily on the pavement and leaving a pair of deep footprints in the asphalt as he did so. Jogging along to his assigned position, overlooking the black sea of asphalt dotted with lakes of water which marked the Superdome parking lot, Lars smiled grimly as a dozen Checkmate personnel carriers landed and began to disgorge their crews. The few dozen National Guardsmen, themselves only recently arrived on site, looked more than a bit uncertain about how to handle the sudden arrival of such a large number of United Nations allies into the disaster area, but quickly adapted and began working in concert with the newcomers. Medical supplies, food, water, all were being airlifted in. The cargo bays empty, the personnel carriers would evacuate the refugees from this spot and as they came in during the coming days to centers in Houston, Oklahoma City, and elsewhere. This afternoon he'd be over at 17th street, helping to drive steel pilings into place for Gunmetal to weld, in order to seal the breach in the city's flood wall. New Orleans might not know it yet, but help had arrived... ============================================================ September 2, 2005: Lars stood in the bow of the boat as it navigated the greasy, dank waters that flooded New Orleans. Marines had arrived on site, and appeared to be managing the relief efforts around the Superdome and in the other high ground portions of the city, freeing him up from security to participate in rescue efforts elsewhere. As the boat pulled alongside the roof of a house which jutted from the waters like a strange island, Lars sprang to the rooftop and banged three times... hard enough to dent the roof. "Anyone in there?!", he shouted, then waited. "...help", came the faint response. Not the first one he'd heard today, during this grim work. "Hang on, I'll have you out in a second", he responded in turn. Reaching down he drove his fingers through the soggy roof, then ripped it open with an almost casual effort. The gaping hole displayed molding insulation, which was ripped free in moments, and the pale inhabitants of the flooded attic blinked out into the bright light at their blue and white attired rescuer. As he assisted the family of three out, Lars attempted to reassure them. This was the fifth such group he'd located today... not counting those several who had not been fortunate enough to stay above water until help arrived. Grim work, but rewarding... ============================================================== September 3, 2005: Adamant stood calmly alongside Gunmetal and Tachyon, weathering the barrage of frustration the F.E.M.A. liason was directing towards them as the representatives of the United Nations taskforce in the region. It was truly astonishing to believe that they'd been asked to depart by the government which represented the victims in this ravaged city. In no way could the work here be described as complete. These people weren't safe, and the city wasn't yet secure. Worse, they weren't hearing this from the men and women on the ground... but from some political appointee who was concerned about how it "appeared to the public" to have "foreign aid workers on American soil". To be sure they made noise about "regional security concerns" and the need for a "clear chain of command", but politics, not pragmatism motivated this decision. As if that mattered more than saving people's lives. Frankly, it made him sick to his stomach. Long moments passed, and what happened next was something which he knew he'd recall forever. Gunmetal sat there, silent as a stone for a long time, then responded to the worker in a voice like quiet thunder, "Under our mandate to protect the people of the Earth against any threat, to which the United States is a signatory member, and due to the ongoing lawlessness and violence which you've cited as a danger to the security of the city of New Orleans, we are formally declining your request that the Global Guardians and Checkmate depart the region. Now get out of our faces. We've got work to do, and these people need us." Some days were better than others. ============================================================= September 6, 2005: The past several days had been pure chaos. Mud and water, people with eyes filled with loss. He's spent countless hours hauling six thousand pound bags of sand to drop into the repairs on the city's 17th street levy. Beyond the disaster itself, the bizarre nature of the way the events were being handled was extremely disconcerting. Lars had been in a confrontation with police officers of the city earlier that very day, when they'd pointed their weapons at a news crew who were filming the body of someone they'd shot earlier. He'd thought things were going to get out of hand there for a few minutes, but after some verbal abuse, they'd departed. The media coverage was mind boggling itself... the way language was being used alone stretched his ability to comprehend. Don't refer to the refugees as "refugees", don't film the dead bodies. Now that the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division, some five thousand troops strong, had arrived, martial law had clamped down on the city. At least in most areas. Not that Checkmate had run into a whole lot of violent resistance in any case. In most cases, the people who were present were just poor... dirt poor, and lacking the resources to escape the disaster. They wanted food, water, and safety. Checkmate was able to offer them that, and get them to one of the centers for more long term assistence. Tomorrow they'd be undertaking a second phase of staged evacuations. He wasn't to participate in those however. Tonight, Lars was headed over to the breached levys, where his prodigious strength and tireless reserves would be put to use hauling more of those six thousand pound sandbags into place. That, and driving more steel pilings twenty feet into the earth, as he had the past several days. Fortunately, sleep was a luxury he didn't truly require. ============================================================ September 12, 2005: Lars and the rest of the team were boarding the Global Guardians' Sabrejet, their part in the mission complete. The city's levys were, at least for now, restored to functionality and the water was being pumped out. Immediate rescue efforts were ongoing, but no longer required the Global Guardians' presence. Checkmate would remain in the city, at a reduced operational level, to facilitate ongoing efforts. Following the leak of internal F.E.M.A. memos detailing the interchange between the United States Federal Government and Checkmate, there had been a tremendous public outcry. People were calling for heads to roll, and Lars couldn't rightly blame them. Already individuals were doubtless manuevering to minimize the fallout, but hopefully they'd be better prepared should disaster strike again. He could hope for that, in any case. For now, he and the rest could look back on this mission as a job well done. Lives had been saved, a major city was beginning to look as if it might be salvaged from the brink of annihilation. It was a good day to be a Global Guardian.
  19. Re: Adamant (Global Guardians PBEM) Adamant: "Old Friends, Older Enemies" March 17, 2005: Lars drove the streets of Dresden in his midnight blue porsche, contemplating the latest upcoming quarterly meeting of the board of Grundlage fur Gerechtigkeit (Foundation for Justice). He hadn't been thrilled to hear it was being held in Dresden, to be honest. The city held dark memories for him, things he preferred not to dwell on from the War. It was beautiful, and very fresh looking, very new. The reasons for that were what bothered him about it, and the very newness of the city was in no small way the source of his discomfort. ============================================================= Lars glared at his captor in impotent fury. Von Dorien had captured him at last, trapping him with arcane magics in the chains that bound him helpless while they strove to steal the very strength from his limbs, and weakened his will to resist. He didn't even bother to struggle anymore, it had been days in the rail cars to this city of splendor and antiquity, far behind the conflict that raged on the battlefront. Far from any chance of rescue. Dresden had always been a favorite place of his before the War, a cosmopolitan metropolis of culture and refinement. Now the Nazis had turned it into a prison camp for him. Von Dorien made his usual grandiose statements, threats, and sly implications, then left him to stew about his predicament. With Von Dorien having come all this way to see him, Eisenkrieger was certainly about, and likely so was Blitzkrieg... Maybe even Sturmfuhrer himself. It seemed very likely that even if he escaped, the Nazis could bring enough forces to bear on him that he'd be recaptured without much trouble on their part. Given time, they might even find a way to kill him, or subvert his will using black magics or Nazi super-science. The latter possibility was likely the only reason he was still alive... ============================================================= Shifting gears as he smoothly accelerated between a bus and taxi-cab, Lars drove past the rebuilt Royal Palace and Hausman Tower on his way through the Old Town. The previous night's stay at the Hotel Bülow Residenz had been perfectly acceptable, a very nice place to be sure. Not so comfortable as his rooms at the Michaelangelo in New York, and it lacked the sense of "home" that his villa in Italy carried, but it was certainly a quality establishment in every sense. Navigating the curving streets of the city was easier than he remembered. Glimpses of the old architecture were still visible in places, as monuments to a vanished glory. He found the new city of Dresden rather a dim reflection of it's bygone days, and as Lars pulled up in front of the restaurant for the meeting, he took a moment to regain his composure. ============================================================ The growing thunder of bombs rattled the cell, as concrete powder drifted down from the ceiling in a fine mist. Lars grit his teeth and hauled on the chains with all his might... to no avail. Try however he would, the wearer of Von Dorien's alchemical shackles was unable to harm them. He'd be damned if he gave up, just to sit in the cell until they killed or twisted him into some Nazi lapdog. Lars pulled still harder, with no more fortune than he'd had before. Looking up at the narrow aperture which looked out, so far above his head, Lars narrowed his eyes at how very close the bombs were. This seemed to be going on rather a long time for an air raid. What on earth was going on? Dresden didn't have any real strategic value he was aware of... what could the Allies possibly be targeting? The world seemed to come apart in fire, and flying masonry, as a bomb weighing hundreds of pounds smashed down to explode directly on top of Lars. A raging inferno of destruction filled his world, which obliterated all sight, all sound. Lars' next recollection was of himself staggering out of the building, desperately trying to collect his senses and amazed that he was both alive and free! His joy was short lived however, fading to soul crushing horror at the sight that met him. The heart of Dresden was a cauldron of fire and death, the blackened bones of it's citizenry crumbling in a conflagration that was blinding in it's intensity. ============================================================= The meeting was as expected. The Grundlage fur Gerechtigkeit's quarterly investments were funding all manner of charitable endeavors across the globe, modest expansion continued for the company even in the face of what could well be described as a global economic recession, and various regional governments had expressed gratitude (for their works of charity) or displeasure (usually related to the organization's encouragement of democratic reform and promotion of peaceful resolution of international disputes through diplomatic and economic means) in turns. Nothing new, really. At least the luncheon was tasty, the chef had outdone himself with the Kassler Ripchen... the chop had been tender and perfectly cooked, and the apple and raisen sauce complemented it perfectly. His potatoes had been rather mediocre, but didn't detract from the dish. He'd probably have had more of an appetite had the surroundings not been reminiscent of such... grim history. ============================================================== Stumbling out of the cracked and burning ruins, Lars carried the bleeding and burned wounded of Dresden from the pyre that had been their city. He'd gotten free a dozen times now, been struck by the continually falling incendiary bombs on several occasions. His flesh remained impenetrable, but the horrors he found within the gutted streets of Dresden scarred him in ways that Allied explosives could not. He was well aware that the bodies he carried out were in many cases beyond saving, but Lars couldn't just leave them for the flames. Again he went back... ============================================================= As the meeting adjourned, Lars remained behind for about half an hour to exchange pleasantries with several of the board's prominent membership. Nicky Tordeau, Whitney Oppenheimer, a few others. Most were themselves exceedingly rich, far beyond the modest stipend which Lars permitted himself from the vast coffers of the Grundlage fur Gerechtigkeit, but all carefully vetted in terms of their devotion to the shared ideals of the organization. Finally taking his leave, Lars headed for the front of the restaurant to request his car be brought around. While he was waiting, an aged (but somehow familiar) voice from behind him startled him into immobility. "Wie sind du, Lars?" ============================================================== "Wie sind Sie?", asked the young woman as he sagged to his knees. His clothing was mostly charred into rags and unrecognizable cinders, but nobody would mistake his apparel for that of a German soldier. Still, she inquired about how he was doing, and seemed genuinely concerned. "I am... not well, Fraulein", he responded hesitantly, "The horrors of the day seem without end. I apologize for troubling you... I must be on my way." Lars rose to his feet wearily, preparing to take flight. He had little chance of escape, but must seize the opportunity while it presented itself. Von Dorien and his magical thugs might have perished in the apocalypse at Dresden's heart, but he couldn't count on that. Almost certainly they'd track him down and recapture him. "Come with me", she said, placing a hand hesitantly on his shoulder. "There is a place, where you will be safe from them." Staring at her in disbelief, Lars asked the question that momentarily drove from his thoughts the carnage at the city's heart. "Why?" The young woman paused, then responded, "Because you helped, when nobody else would". Lars followed her without another world through the smoke filled streets of the shattered city. Grief warred with hope as he sought his freedom with the aid of this strange young woman. ============================================================= "Hannah?", he asked after a momentary pause, "I didn't expect...", a longer pause followed. "I had heard you were taken away by the Gestapo, just before the end of the War. I came back to look for you, but no one could tell me if you were... well, you know." "Oh, Lars. You should see your face", the old woman said with a laugh. "I didn't expect... well. You know, it has been a lifetime ago for me. And here you are, unchanged." She shook her head. "I've followed your activities through the years, you know. Whenever you donned one of those eccentric uniforms, and started smashing things up, I knew it was you. In Berlin, and now with the Global Guardians. And your... Grundlage fur Gerechtigkeit. You've done great things, Lars. I just wanted to see you once more, after so long." Lars took her hand in his and grinned at her, "It is wonderful to see you, Hannah. I'd thought never to speak with you... and I owe you so much. Had you not helped, who knows what they'd have done to me." They stood beaming at one another, a sense of comfortable familiarity settling between them. "Please, do you have time to have a drink with an old friend? I want to hear everything..." Hannah smiled, and nodded. "Of course. I know just the place". Lars and Hannah reminisced for most of the afternoon in a quiet, understatedly elegant restaurant. She'd married of course, twice. Hannah had outlived both her husbands, and recalled them with warmth and love. There were children, grandchildren. Hannah had been a driving force in establishing memorials for the War's dead, but most of her life was spent in devotion to her family. Her second husband had died three years ago, and now she had been told that she had little time remaining herself. A remarkable woman, in every sense, thought Lars, as he took his leave. She clearly had no regrets of her own, and their meeting seemed to bring a sense of closure to her about a chapter of her life she'd thought long since past. As they hugged their goodbyes, Lars found himself deeply moved once more. His thoughts went back to the smell of her hair, soap and the soft perfume of her skin. Another chapter of his own life, she'd stopped him from making a dreadful mistake and walking away from his responsibilities then. He'd been angry, bitter that the Allies had brutalized Dresden, with the end of the war almost in sight. There'd been no good reason for it he could see, and tens, perhaps a hundred thousand had died in flames. The true numbers of dead were lost in the fires that destroyed a thousand years of culture. Innocents, slaughtered on the altar of military expedience for the crimes of others, once more. On and on through the years, a tragedy repeated since in a dozen cities across the globe over the decades. And so it goes. Hannah, kind and dear Hannah, had reminded him that this would never end without men willing to stand against it. She was one of the reasons he'd formed the Grundlage fur Gerechtigkeit, to work for peace and a better world. So he'd stayed firm in his resolve, rejoined the war effort as Bastion, and seen it through to the end. Then, when he sought her out she was gone. Lost in the carnage of the second World War. Walking out to his waiting car, Lars paused in the early evening air and let the bittersweet memories wash over him once more. He would miss her terribly. Then he climbed into the waiting auto and drove away into the dusky twilight of Dresden.
  20. Re: Adamant (Global Guardians PBEM) Adamant: "A Matter of Perspective" February 22, 2005: Alarm klaxons flashed in the metal hallway of the orbital facility, as Adamant navigated the zero-gravity environment cautiously. He and Raptor were moving along a long tube connecting the station's environmental subsystems with one of the modular processing and manufacturing units. The whole situation was a bit surreal, Lars thought as he glanced "upward" through one of the nearby view ports at the broad expanse of blue and white stretching across the stars... above him? Below? He was in no way comfortable with the concepts of a nearly gravity free environment, however convenient it made certain industrial manufacturing processes for WorldTech Industries in their prototype orbital facility. Still, the materials they were producing were in high demand... "miracle materials" such as Unobtanium and Genesium, as well as extremely valuable superconductors, undoubtedly the very reason for the current assault underway by members of HardCorps, who had scattered throughout the place. Which was why the team had split into four groups of two itself, in order to seek out and engage the villains throughout the facility. As Raptor and Adamant entered the hatchway leading to the manufacturing compartment, Lars paused as the dark avenger with him held up her finger indicating a need for silence. Raptor signed the number "3", and pointed to indicate their location in the manufacturing center, so he nodded in response then braced himself to move inside. The two of them sprang forward into action, entering the chamber to confront the malefactors within. Lars, stumbled slightly crossing into the room, but Raptor moved like a dark cloud to engage her opponent. Inside the small room were compartments, tubes, and machinery... the heart of the zero-gravity manufacturing process in this subsection. Near center of the chamber stood a trio of familiar meta-criminals, Go-Go, Stone, and Caliber of HardCorps. The three of them gathering ingots of a dark gray, nearly black metallic substance into heavy steel cases. Raptor and Go-Go were immediately engaged in a complex ballet of strike and counter-strike. Though Go-Go was clearly faster, Raptor's greater skill in martial combat seemed to largely offset her opponent's blinding speed. Stone moved with ponderous, but inexorable power through the intervening space towards Adamant, while Caliber slammed closed the cases on their stolen loot and grabbed them up as his shoulder-mounted cannon swiveled to bear on the Global Guardians. As Stone swept down on him, Lars noted the advice he'd been given by Gunmetal regarding combat in zero-gravity environments, en route to the station. Don't hit if you can, it'll knock you as far back as it does the target of your blow, grab and crush whenever possible. Sidestepping Stone's rushing assault, Lars allowed him to heavily impact the floor, causing a web of cracks to spiral outward from the blow, then reached out quickly and grabbed him as Stone started to bounce away. The two of them were carried along by the velocity, spiraling through the air as Adamant ground his fingers into his opponent's granite flesh. Puffs of rock dust shot out, and cracks formed across the surface of his foe, who groaned and sagged under the assault. Then, in mid-turn the two of them were slammed against the far wall by a shell from Caliber's auto-cannon. His back braced against the wall, and Stone still struggling in his grip, Adamant glared across the chamber at Caliber and hurled the trapped man of granite at the armored villain as he called out with calm authority, "Give up now, and save yourselves a beating". The two slammed together with a resounding crunch, and Lars glanced over to see how Raptor was doing against Go-Go, grinning as he noted she'd put the lethal speedster into some sort of joint lock and was choking her into submission. Springing forward and letting his inertia carry him across the room, Lars extended his hands toward the villainous duo. Caliber opened fire again, responding to Lars with disdain, "We're not the ones getting beaten today". Still struggling with the lack of gravity and the force of Stone's impact, his armor piercing round flew wide to the left, missing Lars entirely. The stray shell struck the wall, tearing through steel reinforced bulkheads as if they were tissue paper. "Oh, no", Lars groaned, in the sudden scream of venting atmosphere. Instantly, Rock and Go-Go clutched at their ears and collapsed, their cries of agony muted as everyone in the chamber was drawn across the room towards the ragged-edged aperture. Lars was sucked out through the rift in the station's super-structure, noting as he flew out into space that Raptor had grabbed Go-Go and Stone, one in each hand, to struggle past the rapidly sealing bulkhead. Lars had the composure to hope that Caliber's suit was sealed against hard vacuum, as he slowly flipped end over end through the icy vacuum of space. The exterior of the station showed nothing of the conflict that still raged within, Lars attempted to trigger his communicator but gave up as he realized that he'd be unable to generate any noise in the absence of atmosphere. Looking at the broad expanse of the planet below, rotating past in each of his body's revolutions, Lars realized that he was very likely in for a significant test of his physical resistance to harm. Given his vantage point, inverted above the planet's surface, it seemed almost as if the world hung above his head and that he rushed upward to meet it. Lars was well aware that would undoubtedly be a perspective which would change with startling rapidity. Ten minutes later, flames wreathed his body as his uniform was slowly being consumed by the searing destructive forces of re-entry. He had no question about which direction was down now... he hurled downward with horrifying speed towards the broad expanse of planet. Lars squeezed his eyes shut against the dazzling glare of the fires which raged around his form, as he hurtled towards the world below... The concussion of his impact some minutes later was stunning, as Adamant's flaming body slammed down into the azure waters of the Pacific Ocean. Sea water instantly was transformed to steam and a mighty plume of displaced material shot hundreds of feet into the air. Driven deep beneath the surface, his momentum lost, he hung suspended in the roiling green depths, disoriented as the pain of the forces which had wracked him faded. Drifting in the cooling water, Lars shook his head to clear his senses and recover from the tremendous impact which had momentarily dazed him, then began swimming upward. His head broke the surface of the blue-gray water, no land was visible in any direction. Lars grumbled in his native German, "Warum nicht je geht mein Weg?", and make a few quick calculations based on the position of the sun, then began to swim westward with steady, powerful strokes. Three hours later, the Global Guardians' Team 1 Sabrejet descended to hover above his position in the water. The hatchway opened, and Gunmetal stepped outside, his boot jets carrying him downward where he grabbed Lars' outstretched hand and carried him inside the vehicle. Stumbling inside the vehicle, he moved towards the storage lockers in the back to get a replacement costume, showing little concern for his lack of apparel as he waved a casual greeting to the rest of the team. "How'd we do?", he quipped while briskly towling sea water off and pulling on a fresh uniform. "We've had better days, actually", said Aurin as he looked up from a mission report. "We managed to evacuate the station's crew, Hardcorps got away sans loot, and damage to the manufacturing plant was minimal... well, aside from a rather sizeable hole someone shot in the side of it. You might have noticed that one. I'd call it a draw, all things considered.", grinned the world's fastest ape. "Yeah, the big hole in the side of the station caught my eye on my way down", Lars responded jovially. "Thanks for the ride by the way... where are we at?" "You splashed down about four hundred miles west of Baja California", said Gunmetal, shaking his head as he moved back towards the vehicle's cockpit area. "At the rate you were swimming, it could've taken you another week and a half to make landfall... figured you'd rather not wait quite that long." Lars shook his head as he dropped heavily into one of the padded seats, leaning back and rubbing his eyes. Well, that was just the sort of thing he'd signed on for, he supposed. The Sabrejet arced above the rolling waves, it's path curving northward to bear them home once more, their mission accomplished.
  21. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing Team Leader... Being a "hard nosed drill sergeant type" may sound good on paper, but it's a quick way to offend the flesh and blood players behind the other characters 99.9999% of the time (and rightly so). Courtesy, Respect, and Deference to the desires of the rest of the team go further than barked orders. Actually, this works almost exactly in the game setting as it does IRL, so I guess that's the system "working as intended". Telling someone what they've "got to do" is generally not as effective as selling them on your idea... and as people are playing Champions (at least theoretically) to have fun in an escapist super-heroic genre, they probably aren't going to appreciate you pissing all over their parade. Let them be heroes... or don't be surprised when you start getting (at best) soundly ignored by the rest of the team, or (at worst) the target of a sudden barrage of coordinated attacks...
  22. Re: question about Israle soldier character. Of course! Sorry, I just bought HD3 last weekend and am all excited about it... Military Package (total cost 16): 2 Running +1" (7" Total) 3 Climbing (DEX) 3 Demolitions (INT) 2 Knowledge Skill: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World (11) 2 Knowledge Skill: (Military Force's) Customs and History (11) 2 Navigation (Land)(INT) 1 Paramedics (8) 2 Professional Skill: Member of the Military (11) 3 Stealth (DEX) 3 Tactics (INT) 3 Weapon Familiarity: Small Arms, Knives Special Forces Package (Total Cost 42): 2 Running +1" (7" Total) 1 Swimming +1" (3" Total) 8 +1 With All Combat 3 Climbing (DEX) 3 Demolitions (INT) 2 Knowledge Skill: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World (11) 2 Knowledge Skill: (Military Force's) Customs and History (11) 2 Knowledge Skill: (Special Force's) Customs and History (11) 2 Navigation (Land)(INT) 1 Paramedics (8) 2 Professional Skill: Member of the Military (11) 2 Professional Skill: Member of the Special Forces (11) 3 Stealth (DEX) 8 Survival (Desert, Mountain, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical) 3 Tactics (INT) 3 Tracking (INT) 2 Transport Familiarity: Parachuting (Advanced, Basic) 3 Weapon Familiarity: Small Arms, Knives -10 Social Limitation: Civilians Just Don't Get It These are the "base model"... you can (of course) add levels/skills/etc. to reflect greater than the normal level of training (which is likely for "super-soldier" types). Hope this is helpful.
  23. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... A "Break Opponent's Fist When Hit" Style Damage Shield Is Worth It's Weight In Gold When That Pesky Martial Artist Comes A Callin'... ...and don't forget to buy those CSLs too.
  24. Re: question about Israle soldier character. I personally like the GGU's approach to Special Forces training... puts them all as "roughly equivalent". This allows for a base package you can build from, and avoids the inevitable "my special forces can beat your special forces" net arguments that seem implicit in evaluating distinctions between nations/branches (it's the military equivalent of Firelord vs. Spider-Man). To quote the website: Here's the link to the GGU hero designer package btw... Special Forces Package ...and here's "regular army" (anyone's army). Military Package
  25. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing A Mentalist Telepathic abilities are neat, but Psychokinetic powers are also advised... to prevent the seasoned mentalist from standing around looking stupid every time he runs afoul of robotic opponents.
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