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Everything posted by Fox1

  1. Re: Help: Time Villains They behave as the source material has them behave. It's not genre. Almost always meglomanics. It's a very rare villian setup. There should only be one or two of these types of guys if any IMO.
  2. Re: How to build this power You can go with standard effect on the Succor to handle the exact nature. But I like Mitchell's solution better anyway. It's the more simple of the two options. I've used the same build, putting increasing degrees of increased END cost on each additional Die.
  3. Re: Three or more Eyes The rules are specific, it has to be more than just 'odd' or 'different'. It must cause real problems for the character. We don't have any information about problems a 3rd eye may or may not have in the campaign in question. For all we know, it may be no more of a issue than having red hair. It's up to the GM to define the problems of having a third eye and to detemine if they merit points. That's the rule given in the book. I'm sorry if noting that has ruined your day and forced you into making wild claims counter to rules and concerning campaigns you don't even play in.
  4. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay
  5. Re: Three or more Eyes A uniform makes you a target for those who want to whack you. In this case (the CU setting), UNTIL wants to arrest VIPER and VIPER will typically fire at UNTIL rather than be arrested. A third eye doesn't come with those sorts of problems unless the GM puts people in the game that arrest/shoot people with 3 eyes. See the difference?
  6. Re: Three or more Eyes Let's see... from page 333 5th revised: "Just looking odd isn't enough to earn the character any points - his unusual features have to hinder him somehow." It's even in Italics to drive the point home. Three eyes is odd alright. But what does it do to earn him points that looking odd doesn't as looking odd means standing out in crowds and picked in line ups? The answer to that is campaign specific and a GM's call.
  7. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay The same exact thing that would happen if they wanted to play Darkwing Duck in my Marvel based HERO system campaign. They'd be told that such a thing doesn't exist in this world. D&D is a setting specific RPG, although it covers enough ground that it can be transported to other areas. One of the joy of such settings specific RPGs is that the rules cover everything allowed into that setting. If you can't do it, it's because it frankly doesn't belong there. I love that feature. It makes for a cleaner more control design. If there was a *good* Marvel Superhero game on the market, I'd drop HERO like a rock.
  8. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay I've use this approach for years now, and will in fact use no other in HERO. Most players just aren't interested in learning to do character or item construction. They want to play. So I take their concept and turn it into a character. Most of the players quickly learn enough of the game (the mechanics of play, not of construction) to know if it's a match for their concept or not- modifications are made and off we go. In the end I find this better all around. Not only do they not have to deal with learning a huge amount of construction rules- but everything that exists in the game is created in the same style and vision. Makes it much easier to maintain balance as well as the reality of the world.
  9. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay Exactly. I've found that every game has their fans. Even those that I think are the worse possible example of game design the world has even seen. The simple truth is that people are just weird and there's no accounting for taste.
  10. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay
  11. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay
  12. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay
  13. Re: Power Build: Speak with Animals? Only if you want to go around making animal noises with your character.
  14. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay I think one can deduce that your mind does not share this point in common with many gamers. It's a simple fact that there are people who hold the exact reverse of your mindset on this issue.
  15. Re: I'm considering Hero... I generally find that this site is supportive. You can get tons of advice here. The only problem is that HERO is so customized, that people are often playing a different game even if they are using the same rulebook. This site is great for concepts, not so useful for specific numbers. You'll have to find your own balance. Best of Luck then. Given your GURPS background, it shouldn't be too difficult. One thing you'll be leaving behind is the overwhelming importance GURPS places on it's core Stats. I think you'll find this change alone opens up a range of new character types. If it doesn't work out for Fantasy, be sure to give in a try in some other settings.
  16. Re: Straight up easy question . . . It's that way in the 5th Edition of Dark Champions too. I hate looking in that book. Edit: Went and updated the points costs for all the weapons on my website. I love computers, only took a couple minutes. Edit 2: Hero Designer gives its cost at 25 points. Interesting. I like the 27 point version better actually. 1d6-1 *is* more effective than 1d3.
  17. Re: Straight up easy question . . . A little late after passing on the chance to correct the problem of 'copying old stuff into 5th' when it continued in Dark Champions, 5th revised, and the current online FAQ. Like all things, it matters to those who use that part of the rules. Some dig for even single points to match a concept.
  18. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay I find that the point total has little to no impact on how it takes me to me to fully create a character unless we're going really low-end, i.e. under 50 points.
  19. Re: Straight up easy question . . . Your point calculation is correct. Adding in the +1 OCV, the .45 should be 36 APs not, 39. At a guess, I imagine the problem in the rules is likely a typo. Perhaps it's a leftover from a dropped idea: charging a couple of points to do 1d6-1 instead of 1/2d6. There another element you may wish to consider when buying firearms. The additional limit for "STR Min doesn't add damage" on something (RKA) where STR doesn't add damage in the first place. The GM may wish to drop a limit that imposes no additional limits. Long claims the rule still holds, although he has no explanation for it in his FAQ besides making up a mystical "different kind of killing attack" left over from the old days. Firearms are truly whacked in HERO… You should use mine at the website below instead
  20. Re: Tripply Disagree From a unconnected PoV- same thing, different word choice. There is however a real reason I selected the words I did. This is the official HERO discussion boards. One would by nature expect nearly 100% approval of HERO in such a place. Fanboys forward! The question of switching game systems however is something that needs a more objective side. I'd suggest taking up the pros and cons of Fantasy HERO over at ww.rpg.net for example. One is more likely to see all sides of the coin.
  21. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay Some gamers find this type of 'retconning' unacceptable. For those, complex chargen imposes a serious load. I myself don't fall into their number, although I am amused that so many who champion the cause of complex and detailed chargen end up 'winging' so much as a result. Reminds me of the old saying "eyes bigger than your Stomach?".
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