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Everything posted by Storn

  1. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. $45.00 per figure. Regardless of black & white or color.
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Happy St. George's Day from Death Tribble. To that end, Death Tribble commissioned this oh-so-very Anglo pic! I luv our brothers and sisters across the Pond. thanks D.T., this one was fun and nerve wracking at the same time.
  3. Re: Help Name an Online Superhero Magazine. Only In Hero ID
  4. Re: Help Name an Online Superhero Magazine. I would call it "Meanwhile...." the dot, dot, dot is important. In refers to that magical transaction in the gutters between scene to scene.
  5. Re: Dark Champions: Secret Worlds I respectfull disagree... not that I'm not enjoying Secret Worlds. But put to me this way; Who do you think is more interesting to play, Black Bow or Terry? Cowboy or Ryu? Lilly or Mr. Jones? What is easier for Neil to run, RDU or Secret Worlds? And I see a problem for Secret Worlds. Sorry, just callin' 'em as I see 'em. The shame for all of Neil's faithful readers is that you don't have a write up of RDU adventures to compare Secret Worlds against. In a way, his players do. RDU has all the drama, the quirkiness that Secret Worlds does... then ADD great Powers, Responsiblities, layers of history, plot hooks everywhere. Now, what RDU doesn't have is lots of gun battles. And Secret Worlds is not totally indimidating to Joe or any other new player, as there is very little history. I'll play either, of course...
  6. Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear? Vector: Losing Karen (aka Oracle), his wife. Karen saved Max's sanity. The love he feels for her is so strong, so intense... if she was gone, Max would be so lost. I've told Neil flat out, if that happens, that next stop; Villaindom.
  7. Re: Dark Champions: Secret Worlds That is Neil embellishing and projecting his concept of my character a bit. I did threatened the man for his tequila. I did acquire Mk23s in the gun buy. But I never mentioned calculating headshots. I simply didn't think of it. I just assumed a 6'1" British bulldog with a gun would scare them off... but my character is NOT completely my own. The Spirit of Kali does come a calling at times... But it does make for interesting flava.
  8. Re: Dark Champions: Secret Worlds You can always have us read a newspaper article that she is found in Kowloon's bay dead. It would be so- very "Sleeper". Of course, that would short circuit that plotline... but that might play to your direction better... or maybe not. But when we do meet Lung down the line... and she is dead... and we feel guilt for not moving fast enuff?... good gist for the mill. As Terry, I'm a bit stuck on what to do on Stang's daughter.... Grandmaster Lung is obviously a really big deal in HK, if Terry has never heard of him. That amount anominity means making an approach needs to be done delicately. Something that we have not excelled at. But also, approaching delicately robs any sense of urgency from the situation. I just don't feel like I can walk up and say that "Left Hand of Kali" wants an audience with Grandmaster Lung, sil vous plait. I don't think it is a bad thing.... just a little bit of drift... and we might have to agree to put Stang's daughter on hold, depending on how everyone reacts to Nightmarish Ninjas and Demonic Damsels.
  9. Re: SW - Bk 2 - Ep 2 The G, B and U I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. I thought the pace was good. We needed that easy, slow build up for the fenetic, crazyiness that was the Shadowy Skirmish to have the right rhythym. Damien (Promo, as Terry calls him) trying to find a range rover, the gun buy, the switching hotels... all gave a sense of the Phillippines and a sorta hazy, lazy life. Contrasted sharply with Shadow Ninjas and Demonic Damsels. I think what is disjointed is the unclear understanding of how much progress on finding Stang's daughter has been made... and how important to you, the GM, we pursue that... how important to the group that is. I tried to make inroads on tracking info on the Warlord who has Stang's daughter, but it got me nowhere... I think it has slipped a bit in the minds of the others. Now, that is fine... I have no problem that no progress has been made on that front... but is it okay from a story POV?
  10. Re: Dark Champions: Secret Worlds
  11. Re: Dark Champions: Secret Worlds The others look over at the uncharacteristic humor from Owens, and see his mouth twitch in a nervous smile. His eyes are a bit wild and staring. What uncharacteristic humor? Terry is not some grim killer, weilder of death... oh whataminute, he is. But on his good days, when he is in his right mind, he has lots of humor.
  12. Re: Aircraft Carrier...*Rant on* Hey, I think it is a great idea. A very unique base. If they want to do city wide adventures... stop bank robbers and such, make it immobile for awhiile... I think that is a wonderful idea. Just park it out in the bay with the city's blessings. Like someone else said, it means that their fair city ain't getting hammered every other week with supervillians. And this is a superhero world right? Over time, if they spend attention and xp on it, let them upgrade to all kinds of neato keen comic book tech. Better engines, solar panels, decent electronics, resulting in a much, much smaller crew needed to maintain. I think that this could really be like an extra NPC for you guys...takes on a character of its own. Someone mentioned a ghost story... that is a cool idea. As for not wanting to do research... I don't think you have to do much. I'm sure one of these Navy guys can point you to a nice map of the damn thing... or something very equivalent. It ain't coming with weapon systems (and they would be antiquated to boot). Dammit! I want it for my team!
  13. DT, several of these commissions I've done outside of my studio... cause I can. I went to Chicago to see Rembrandt and got a couple done on the train. Was in stuck in Ann Arbor for a day, got a couple more done. But yours, I need to have my computer to see the reference you sent me. And alas, I'm up to my eyeballs in publishers work. I hope to get to your 'cross the pond pic next week/ this weekend.. Stay tuned!
  14. CBeilly's Ms. Mystery. He wanted a hand painted figure. No digital coloring here.
  15. Here is HInterwelt's Future Skien cover finished. The pencils were posted a while back.
  16. Sinajax wanted a "Union Jack" motif'd Cap America pastiche. Here he is.
  17. Kris, I do not take requests. No offense meant. But I take commissions and I get paid for them. I have plenty of my own characters and NPCs that I can do when I work for free.
  18. Death Tribble's Leopardess character. Not sure if that is her name, but that is what I named.
  19. The skin is green, leaning towards blue (as opposed to yellow) on the color wheel. Generally speaking, colors that are opposite on the color wheel will work well. Purple and Orange-Red (including reddish Browns) are opposite Green. There is a reason why Hulk's pants have been purple. Contiquous colors can also work... in this case, blue-green or green yellows, I would guess lighter than the skin color, an aqua. Grays always work if it is the right Value (the darkness or lightness of a color). But since the skin color is what we call a 1/2 Chromatic, it has a lot of gray in it already (Full Chromatic is as vibrant and "pure" a color can be, 1/4 and 1/2 chromatics are "earthy" tones). I would look for something that popped off that skin. If it was me? I would go with a dark yellow-orange brown for some of the main areas of the suit, not full intensity color and darker in value than the skin. Then for the other areas, I would go with a yellow-orange that is lighter than the skin. But that is just me and what I can see in my head.
  20. Storn

    Who is he

    Steve's write up was so cool in Watchers of the Dragon ( one of the great 4th ed books, folks, a real unsung gem. I put it up with Normals Unbound, RDU Neil has used it extensively in his game)... that I ran Shugoshin as a PC several times. Although, in our campaign, he had to sacrifice the swords to open an astral gate to a high and mighty martial arts temple in another dimension...
  21. I modeled my campaign off of RDU Neil's superhero campaign.... which means each player tends to have multiple characters in multiple stories, some that end naturally, in multiple locations. So far, I've had (or having) 10 Campaigns. Some are short (3 or so adventures), some are very long, 18-25 episodes. Some have been revisited. I just ran an episode of characters from the 2nd campaign, who haven't been touched in 5,6 years of real time. I have a few overall themes: Underpopulated continent, return of magic, the ascension of Elves, some bad guys who are continually kicking around on the periphery. But I have multiple stories (3 campaigns are current) going on In the world at once. Some tackle those themes more than others. Geo politics has a huge impact on what kind of stories are told where. So, if we want to do a low level game, we have a situation where fun stories can be told and it makes sense. We have characters who are stepping into kingmaker positions and can do that. Sometimes, it is the small stories that feed the larger, more epic stories. Admittedly, this multiple stories is somewhat logistics. I have rotating players and my campaign is not the weekly game. I run my Realms when I have the players to do so, which seems to be about 1 or 2 a month. And I often have a different mix of players, so I've become adept at juggling. I actually have 2 campaigns waiting in the wings that haven't even gotten a single player character yet... just in case I get some NEW mix of players. And I have one player who is threatening to run something.
  22. Lol.. . Hey, Geoff, if you are bored, you can always read my recaps over at PEG: http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=916 I'm not as good of a writer as Neil. Nor do I do blow by blow. But I do pictures! Although they are all scattered here: http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=150
  23. No Geoff. Neil is looking at a couple of weeks vacation. We've had some schedule problems getting all the players, so I've been running some my Realms game on the last two Thursday nights. There is no game this Thursday and I am not sure what will happen the following Thurs. It will be awhile for the next installment. But it will happen. We are all really happy with the game, so it will continue. Just need to get the logistics worked out.
  24. Here is another commission, for Death Tribble... his "Ringmistress".
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