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Everything posted by Storn

  1. Thanks again, Alex, for sharing. I think some folks will be likely to swipe your character sheets and the artwork you commissioned. Makes for a useful package.
  2. "Violet Impact". The ghost soul of a samurai (male) trapped in a video game construct of a female Lara Croft zoftig icon that was sprung into reality by mysticism crossed with computer science. Yet the player never dealt with the fact of a male samurai stuck in a female video game persona. My character, in game, started calling her the Purple Pounder and all hope for that character was lost...
  3. Here is another private commission for one Alex Karaczun and his character, Shade. Thanks Alex. Maybe he'll post the character sheet for this one too folks... I would encourage him to do so. .
  4. huh? Not sure what you are asking. I post to RpgNet often, Peg's Savage World's forums a bit, here on various Hero forums... occasionally on En World, Mutants and Masterminds, now the Conan forum over at Mongoose... Often its the same artwork, trying to advertise as widely as possible... so I don't think you are missing much.
  5. Here is a private commission for Rob Young, a roguish fantasy character with blue skin and dubious parentage.
  6. Sorry steve, here is the version that you did the lettering on. folks, Steve was quite nice and did a great lettering job on my webcomic page here...
  7. The skills and powers might be Pulp. But the characters are Noir.
  8. here ya go... Terry Owens Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 13- 400kg; 4d6 23 DEX 48 14- OCV: 8; DCV: 8 18 CON 16 13- 18 BODY 16 13- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack 4d6 10 COM 0 11- 9 PD 6 Total PD/rPD: 17/8 4 ED 0 Total ED/rED: 12/8 5 SPD 27 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 8 REC 0 36 END 0 37 STUN 0 Movement: Runnning: 8"/16" Swimming: 2"/4" Leaping: 6"/12" Cost Powers END/Roll 5 Regeneration (1 Body/1 Day) ; Reduced Endurance (Zero Endurance): +½; Persistent: +½; Self Only: -½; Extra Time (1 Day): -2¾ (20) 0 4 8" Running (+2", 16" Noncombat) ; Noncombat (Miles Per Phase): 0.02 (4) 1 2 Mental Defense (6 pts) (2) 3 6" Leaping (+2", 12" Noncombat) ; Noncombat (Miles Per Phase): 0.01 (3) 1 5 1d6 Luck (5) Cost Skills, Perks Roll Combat Skills 8 +1 Combat with All Combat 10 +2 Combat with Ranged Combat 10 Two-Weapon Fighting: Ranged 29 Dirty Infighting 4 Disarm (OCV -1, DCV +1, Disarm, STR 30) 4 Kidney Blow (OCV -2, DCV +0, 1d6+1 HKA) 4 Low Blow (OCV -1, DCV +1, 2d6 NND) 4 Punch (OCV +0, DCV +2, STR Strike, 6d6) 5 Roundhouse (OCV -2, DCV +1, STR Strike, 8d6) 3 Throw (OCV +0, DCV +1, STR Strike, 4d6+v/5, Target Falls) 4 Martial Block (OCV +2, DCV +2, Block, Abort) 1 Weapon Element; (Common Melee Weapons) Blades: 1; (Common Melee Weapons) Fist-Loads: 0 --- 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Concealment 12- 3 Combat Driving 14- 3 Demolitions 12- 3 Disguise 12- 3 Fast Draw (Small Arms); Weapon: Small Arms 14- 2 KS: KS: Merc underworld 11- 1 KS: Knowlege Skill: Assassin Cults 8- 1 Afghan (Basic Conversation); Fluency: Basic Conversation; Literacy: Standard, 0 3 Paramedic 12- 3 Security Systems 12- 5 Shadowing 13- 3 Stealth 14- 5 Streetwise 14- 2 Survival 12- 3 Systems Operation 12- 9 Tactics 15- 5 WF: ; (Small Arms) Small Arms: 2; (Common Melee Weapons) Blades: 1; (Common Melee Weapons) Fist-Loads: 0; (Emplaced Weapons) Mortars: 1; (Emplaced Weapons) Recoilless Guns: 1 150+ Disadvantages 5 Distinctive Features: big man, military short hair, scarred forearms (Easily Concealed, Feature Is Noticed And Recognizable) 5 Distinctive Features: Shiva brand on L. palm (Easily Concealed, Feature Is Always Noticed And Causes Major Reaction/Prejudice) 10 Generic Disadvantage: To be determined by GM (Common, Moderate) 10 Harmful Secret: Assassin (8-, Major) 15 Hunted: Interpol (More Powerful, 8-, Harshly Punish) 20 Hunted: Secret Powers That Be (More Powerful, 8-, Harshly Punish) 15 Psychological Limitation: Compulsion: Must use Shiva signet ring on contracted targets (Common, Strong) 20 Psychological Limitation: Needs something to believe in... or will continue on self destructive path (Very Common, Strong) 10 Reputation: Hired Killer (11-) 15 Subject To Orders: Assassin Cabal, unknown Geas (11-, Major) 10 Vengeful (Uncommon, Strong) 15 Watched: Secret Cabal of Assassins who saved him and branded him and feed him jobs. (More Powerful, 11-, Watching) Equipment 0 Sig Sauer P229 (1d6+1K); OCV: +0; R Mod: 0; DC: 4; STUNx: +0; STR Min: 12; Shots: 12; Weight: 0 0 Sig Sauer P229 (1d6+1K); OCV: +0; R Mod: 0; DC: 4; STUNx: 0; STR Min: 12; Shots: 12; Weight: 0 0 Kevlar: Vest (Coverage: 10-, PD 5, ED 5); Weight: 3½ 0 Light Kevlar: Duster (Coverage: 15-, PD 3, ED 3); Weight: 3.3 0 Dagger (1d6+1K, OCV: +1); DC: 2; STUNx: 0; STR Min: 8; Weight: 0 Can Be Thrown 0 Brass Knuckles (5d6N, OCV: +0); DC: 5; STUNx: --; STR Min: 20; Weight: 0 Costs: Char.: 152 Disad.: 150 Powers: + 142 Base: + 150 Total: = 294 Total: = 300
  9. Thanks for the plug, Neil. Folks, I'm no where near as good as Neil in doing write ups though. I'll get character sheet up today, as well as my doodle of Terry.
  10. Good thread. My players are aware of class, because I make sure that NPCs respond to class structures. One PC was common born ( Gifted with Sight), but raised unexpectantly to Duke... but that was on the frontier and bold action by the Queen of the country was needed at the time. He slowly learned how to deal with being a leader and wearing the office. But generally, the PCs ARE the elite, or if not that, the beginnings of a middle class. Or they are outside of most societies. Much of my campaign revolves around the elves, who are quite strong in this world... they are not fading away, ala Tolkien. The elves are quite class concious, but struggle with how to deal with the younger races. And right now, an elven PC is really campaigning for younger race inclusion in a new rebuilt Kingdom. One NPC was born a slave, but pulled a sucessful bid for Emporer. HIs story drives much of the story in the Southern continent. Being an ex slave, he abolished slavery, ruining his considerable Empire's economy and societal structures. PCs were witness to a revolt that almost overthrew him... but he manage to hang on. Meeting the Emporer was done with great respect by the PCs, so I have no complaints. Is that a romantic view on how to deal with class? Yeah, perhaps... but it is my fantasy. But this game is very much in the throes of a Reneissance/Age of Enlightment type social change. These questions of race and society are being discussed and challenged for perhaps the first time in this world. So if modern ideas of equality and democracy sneak in... to me, its the perfect time for that to happen.
  11. I'm very dubious. The look, while everyone is raving, annoyed me....looks too much of good thing. Too many soft focus shots, too much fuziness and haze... I'm hoping that is just the trailer. It looks to me like they are trying too hard capturing the serial vibe. Hey, I have a huge softness for pulp, but this should be hitting me right in the bread basket.. and it wasn't. Not quite sure why.
  12. I have to agree with Neil on this one. I've run a lot of Fantasy Hero in the past and as soon as Martial arts manuevers enter the scene, the whole balance of armor and weapons gets tossed on their respective heads. This game is close to that balance level, slightly supers. The martial arts feels stronger, better, does more damage than a bullet... unless the target is unarmored. If the target is unarmored, a gun is a much more viable option because ALL the stun gets through, no PD to reduce the damage. On top of which, Fast Strike gives a +2 to Hit as well as +2 DC... which is really freakin' cheap for 4 pts (might be 5 pts) compared to 10pts for HtH attack and 6 pts for +2 with that martial art. And the small tweak of martial arts doing 1 less DC, I have no problem with that. I'm going to re-tweak my character, maybe even get rid of a manuever or two to bring that in line a bit more.
  13. Neil, I feel your pain. I know from writing my own recaps how long these take. And they are particularly tough for an ink slinger such as myself. You are doing a bang up job. I'm ripping out my kitchen counter and sink today. I haven't scanned in my quick sketch of Terry Owens. When I do, I'll post it. I do not have Hero Designer, but do have Metacreator and Terry is in that. I can post his stats as well. As soon as I tweak him... Rapid Attack: Ranged did something other than what I thought it did. So I want to change that... get another die of luck? So tomorrow, Monday, I'll probably get Terry posted in pic and stat form fer y'all.
  14. check this thread out for the brand new campaign I was in JUST last night: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=217397#post217397 Yes, I've been playing Hero since Danger International in 1983, waaaay before I worked for the company. I played mostly DI and Fantasy Hero, coming to Champions quite late. But I always wanted to be in a solid Champions campaign due to my love of comic books. I think it has had influence on my art and storytelling with illustration. I freelanced for Hero (4th ed) while in Art School. They are my oldest client now, although I started working for ICE first, and then begged and pleaded to get a chance to work for Hero. ICE had the Hero license at the time under Monte Cook... no relation, no nepotism, btw. My first Hero product was Normals Unbound. About the same time, I met RDU Neil, and embarked for the next 11/12 years in his Champions campaign, which has been going on for 17!!! Lot of Hero play under my belt. Thanks for asking!
  15. There was some really good stuff last night... had an almost "Invisibles" feel to it all... except it was a hell of a lot more coherent. Of course, having two characters who can pratcially go invisible (Ryo, Jones) might have reinforce that comparison in my mind. And to take nuthin' away from Neil, being more coherent than the incomprehensible Invisibles run is not all that difficult. This is Invisibles, but better. This is the game I always wanted to play in... just slightly more than human... lots of style... lots of emotional, juicy stuff to bite into. Good visuals. Its all good...and it was nice to be in a new campaign. Neil has been running his for, like he said, since the stone age of gaming... and I've been running mine since the bronze age. Hit location is brutal...both in the arm, hand hits of doing very minimal damage, to the head, vital shots that can take you out lickety-split. But I like it. I like it when combat is lethal and you have to think about whether or not you want to stick your head up to return fire. My Terry Owens is really tough in this world, but he ain't invulnerable...although, taking 15d6N explosion, than I'm not sure how much killing dmg (ended up being 6 pts), took Terry down from 18 Body to 5 and in the hospital for 2 weeks. NOW Neil KNOWS he can just pound the stuffing outta my poor, slightly masochistic PC. Good stuff, great cast, looking forward to next installment!
  16. eric, very nice stuff.... I particullarly like the "gnoll" too. Great job of line work as shading on the dragon's wings... that is really tough to pull off and I can't do it myself.
  17. A recent NPC addition in my Realms game. Has anyone ever thought how hard it is to draw a female gnoll? Damn tough, let me tell you. Just a quickie doodle.
  18. Hey, thanks Alex, for sharing! That is right nice of you.
  19. Ya know? I thought by now that this thread would rate 5 stars.... sheesh . How's that for ego.... Anyway, back to the art. This is a private commission for one Alex Karaczun and his character "Quasar". Hope y'all like it. Lots of fun with photoshop!
  20. How does magic impact every day life, which in turn, how does that impact the "adventurer class" such as most PCs? example: are healing potions common? non-existant? Does the grandson of a sick old farmer go out and seek a healing potion? Or is that only the privalege of the adventure class. What makes Turkanian different than other high magic settings? (don't have to answer that, but I want a lot of thought put into that very thing). A cohesive look to the illustrations... not style, but elements. If there is a particular look for mages (shaved heads) we artists HAVE to know that. Most of our art lists are very loose. I don't think that can happen here. I think if we have us artists running around willy-nilly and drawing any ol' way... it will not hang together. The standards of fantasy world building are such that we cannot skimp on this.
  21. And here is the other 1/2 of the party.
  22. Here is one player character in the more elf centric part of my campaign. Very fast sketch.
  23. Not my call. DOJ owns the artwork. I think this has come up before and the short answer is no. The gentle answer is that DOJ is small and the return on the amount of work it would take to put such a package would probably be small. I think they would rather spend the time getting the next book out. I do know that DOJ has publically said that Shades of Black pdf, which got rave reveiws, did very poorly. And every time I see posts here or over on RPGnet about "art in gaming and do you use it".. it really comes down to the art users are a minority. Even in something as art centric is a superhero comicbook emulation. I wish that weren't so, but I've heard over and over "I don't even look at the pictures in the rulebook". So, there doesn't seem to be widespread interest in a gaming product like that. So I took the time out to post them. So y'all can see them too. You're getting them for free... Not every illustration that I do for Hero is in color, but some of them are. I don't want to be put into a place, without compensation, of having to do color for every illustration. If I *want* to do color and time permits great. It is easy to translate it to grayscale, but it is extra time and work that I have to put in. How many artists have you heard of willing to do color artwork for interior price rates? I appreciate your interest. And maybe if there is enough interest and DOJ can make money in a decent ratio to the work involved, can protect their property...after all, the artwork is their property... it might happened. But I don't think anytime soon. But keep campaigning for it... it might happen down the line.
  24. Please, folks, lets not dredge up the color print thang again.... .. I do these color not to pressure DOJ or make y'all wishful, but because its helpful for me. It allows me to work on my color skills. It creates happy accidents in the grayscale. And it allows me to post color on the forums to advertise a bit for myself and for DOJ. Maybe they can show up on the sidebars... that's all.
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