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Everything posted by Ranxerox

  1. Scottish Fox is right about the guy needing psychiatric care, though. It just needed to start a lot earlier.
  2. The Clinton states numbers were being pulled up hard by New York. Indeed, during that early period, the national numbers were largely made up of New York cases.
  3. I could say many things about this video, most of which would get me kicked off this board for obscenity. So rather than do that, I am going to say one thing. If the Senate Republicans are planning to do what Beau say they are, they are idiots. They will throw open our country to huge foreign influence and they will still lose the election. Are they really so dumb as to fail to realize that they would be starting a game that the Democrats could play also, and that they would gain no net advantage? While Russia would certainly pay to keep their man in the White House, China would be willing to pay to see him gone. China is a lot wealthier than Russia. So they would be doing great lasting harm to our nation, just for the pleasure of being curbed stomped in the next election even harder. 🤬
  4. Okay, but think of what Mayor Krewson did. By giving the names and addresses of people who suggested that she defund the police, she ensured that they could not feel safe and their homes and neighborhoods. Instead they have to worry about reprisal to themselves and family members. They have to worry no knock warrants and "routine" traffic stops that magically lead to drugs being found in their vehicles. Nor is this intimidation limited to those that she mentioned in her Facebook video, it extends to those who suggested she defund or clamp down on the police that she didn't mention by name. They have to worry that their names and addresses have been passed on to law enforcement by some private communication. All this, she did secure in the belief that while she could make people lay awake in fear in their own homes that, she herself had nothing to fear at night. At the end of each day she would go home to her safe, affluent gated community. As the song says, hurting others while she can't feel pain. Well, now she knows that her fortress isn't impregnable and playing the bully might not be the best of ideas. If her neighbors now look at her with side eyes and wish that she would move and take all of her drama with her, so much the better.
  5. No, tickets weren't going to run out but seats were. The venue only seats 19,000 and if hundreds of thousands people had actually shown up most of them would never have made it through the front entrance. Most people don't want to hire a baby sitter and drive for possibly hours to an event only to get turned away at the door. So, all the talk about huge numbers of ticket request was bound to have discouraged many people who would have shown up if they had felt that they would definitely get attend the rally inside the stadium.
  6. TikTok Teens and K-Pop Stans Say They Sank Trump Rally If you read the article, you will discover that it really comes down to a 51 year old black woman living in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Through her suggestion to the internet, she probably prevented numerous Covid-19 deaths. Way to go Mary Jo, you are my new hero.
  7. The link provided by Scottish Fox showed the claim that she was fired due to her own actions and that she created a hostile work environment, but it gave no specifics. Do you have citation for your claim that she is strongly racist?
  8. I don't like to be cynical, but I can't help but think that Robert's just gave Trump the biggest gift that he could give him. The nation watching thousands and thousands of telegenic, articulate and often accentless young people get deported right before the election wasn't going to do anything positive for Trump's reelection chances. Don't get me wrong. I would not have had the decision go the other direction just to bolster the chances of Trump losing, even though if reelected he may deport the kids latter. I am elated that they are getting to stay in the US for now, and if Trump loses they won't have to worry about it latter. I am just questioning Robert's motives, that is all.
  9. So, we are back to hanging black men (allegedly). 😢
  10. I don't think that would have ever have happened. Not a single character that ever appeared on Gotham appeared in the first season of Batwoman, and I don't that is a coincidence. More likely Fox has the modern TV rights on all of them. So since Mad Hatter was on Gotham, he probably can't be on Batwoman.
  11. Personally, I didn't read Ryan Wilder description as something set in stone. They have only known that Rose wasn't coming back for a few weeks and are probably still spitballing ideas. Instead, I see a wish list for what they want to see in the new actress. Apparently the new actress needs to be athletic, funny and comfortable doing big emotions. In other words, they want an actress that answers all the big complaints brought against Ruby Rose's performance - too angsty, too introverted and not realistic looking in the fight scenes.
  12. Batwoman Avoids Recasting Ruby Rose by Inventing New Lead Character
  13. From the pictures that I have seen the spray painting seems to be limited to concrete structures near what we generally think of as the actual monument and not on the marble structures.
  14. Sure, the murderer got caught ... by the cell phone carrying public. This cop had been 18 prior complaints filed against him with internal affairs, and yet he was still working for the Minneapolis Police Department. It took him killing a man in broad daylight in front a score of witnesses taking cell phone videos of the whole thing for the Minneapolis PD to do anything. Yes, by all means, lets give the Minneapolis police department a big round applause for a job well done. I wonder if they catch robbers or if they just wait for civilians to tackle them and then collect the robbers and take the credit. Sarcasm aside, people are right to protest. We need lasting structural reform of our police departments in order to counteract systematic racism, and officers with multiple complaints against them like Derek Chauvin shouldn't still be working in law enforcement. These changes will not happen if people settle for charges being brought against Chauvin and call it a day. They also won't happen from a some sternly worded letters to the editor, or peaceful speeches that the local newspaper might mention on page eight if even there. No, for change to come, people are going to have to be loud and forceful. They are going to sometimes have to refuse to disperse just because law enforcement told them to.
  15. I am glad to hear you say that Biden (presumptive) nomination is the result of lawful processes. I am bone weary of hearing people on both the right and the left claiming election fraud where none existed just because their favorite didn't win. As for "electability" both the House and the Senate are chalk full with "electable" candidates. Indeed in taking back the House in 2018, while there were a handful of notable progressive victories, the majority of the newly elected were centrist whose views were largely in line with those of their constituents. Yes, at the end of the day Joe Biden is the political equivalent of comfort food. However, after three years of the fiesta party platter of lies, greed and racism that is the Trump administration do not underestimate the allure of good old comfort food. [Redacted] the pundits and their talk of electabity. Biden is widely liked by voters and most people prefer to vote for people they actually like.
  16. During the primary prior to Sander's dropping out of the race, Biden received 10.81 million popular votes to Sander's 8.20 million votes. That is to say Biden received 32% more popular votes than Sanders. That is nothing less than a complete drubbing. So unless you believe that party delegates can and should ignore the wishes of the voters, I do not see why you keep focusing on the delegates. It is the voters that have chose Biden over Sanders.
  17. Also, earlier this year, Gates said that if Elizabeth Warren was nominated he would have to think about whether to support her or Trump. Bill Gates total wealth increases by more than 2% a year. So if Warren was elected and got her 2% billionaire wealth tax, his total wealth would not go down on a year by year basis. It would merely increase less quickly. Still, despite not Bill Gates not liking Trump and all the many good things Warren was proposing to do with the proceeds of the wealth tax, the thought of having his wealth increase less quickly was enough to give Gates pause. He didn't say that he wouldn't support Warren, just that he would have to think about it. I like to think ultimately he would done the right thing for the right reasons. Yet, that pause, left me wondering how much of Gates' charity work is out of love for his fellow man and how much is to be the big man who gets to write the big checks.
  18. Happy belated birthday. Hope you have a year good enough to make you set aside some of your cynicalism. Indeed, I hope that for us all.
  19. I agree. For our corporate overlords, greater rights for LGBT and racial and ethnic minorities are cheap consolation prizes to hand out as they tighten their grip on our nation's money and power. The ever growing income income divide that separates the rich from the rest of us has gone from being an disturbing and odious reality to an existential threat. The climate scientist of the world have let us know that quick and drastic action is required to prevent the worst possible affects of climate change from coming to pass. Yet, still the billionaire class and their political and media flunkies resist efforts to address climate change because to address it might in the short run make them a little bit less wealthy. So we agree about the problem. The question become how to solve it. With the largely unfettered privilege of the rich, our current age if often likened to the Gilded Age of the late 1800s. It was the 4 year depression known as the Panic of 1893 that strengthened the Progressive Movement and allowed for the election of a Republican controlled House and Senate (back when Republicans were still kind of the good guys) and Teddy Roosevelt. Although Teddy was born into wealth and supported corporations, he did believe that federal controls were needed to curb the excesses of corporations and extremely wealthy. From this desire, Roosevelt's Square Deal was born. I think that Biden might want to be Teddy Roosevelt (after all what US president doesn't want Teddy), but I don't really think he has the charisma to pull it off. He might surprise me though, or maybe in 2024 or 2028 we might get president that is up to the challenge. It isn't enough though to get the right president. Republicans are no longer the good guys, and both houses of congress need to be flipped for any sort of progressive agenda to be passed. Right now the electoral drubbing Democrats took in 2010 still weighs against that. It gave Republicans control of state houses across the country in time to allow them to draw the electoral maps following the 2010 census and gerrymander the districts. With the 2020 census we have a chance to redraw the congressional maps, if we can win back the statehouses. The current gerrymandered maps make that a tall order but not impossible. The trick to gerrymandering is to win as many districts as possible with the fewest possible votes. This is accomplished by creating a handful of districts which your opponent wins by landslide while creating bunch of districts that you have just enough voters to reliably win. The downside to this is strategy is in sea change elections you can loose almost everything because you have created a large number of safe(ish) districts and no truly safe districts. We need to make 2020 a sea change election, so that once we get our Teddy Roosevelt they have a congress willing to pass the Square/New/Green Deal. tl;dr - If it bothers you, forget the White House. Just make sure that we win the state houses.
  20. I appreciate the too many times already statement. I think we all feel like we are stuck on wheels that we can't seem to get off of right now. However, while it wasn't your main point, it was something that you threw into your post and a statement that I have heard of a lot. Normally, when i hear statements about party elites and/or the media, I let them pass rather than wasting my breath refuting them. This time I didn't.
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