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Everything posted by Ranxerox

  1. Darn, they are! You should repost that over on the Champions forum.
  2. My mom was and is pro gun control, and consequently, I have been watching the fate of gun control legislation since I was a child. It is a sad activity. The only gun control control legislation that both become law and survive court challenges are those that are stupid and ineffectual ones. This is not because gun control advocates are stupid, though of course some are, but because the gun lobby and the NRA play excellent defense both in the legislature and the courts. Example, back when I was a kid, here in California gun control was popular and gun control measure were passable. So California would pass laws using standard industry term, and they would go to the courts and the industry lawyers would say that they didn't know what these terms meant and maybe they meant this and maybe they meant that, and ultimately the the judge would throw out the law as being to vague unenforceable. So the legislature responded by getting very specific in their terms, and the gun lobby loved this because it allowed them to redesign their products and by making small modifications they could make them legal and force there customer base to buy the modified version of the gun and thus increase their profits. So, WA passing a stupid and ineffectual law that goes well short of banning and seizing all semiautomatic weapons, and will probably die in the courts anyway,iti does little convince me that tough, large scale gun control is politically feasible.
  3. I totally would were it feasible, but it is unconstitutional and politically dead in the water even if SCOTUS miraculously ruled it constitutional. I don't believe in wasting time, money or effort on legislation that makes the base happy but has no chance of becoming reality.
  4. Following Cyclone Idai 300 to 400 Bodies Wash Up on Mozambique Road
  5. When I was a kid I used "Feldercarb!" which something that I stole from Battlestar Galactica. Nowadays, I am more likely to just say frel.
  6. So you think that in Marvel's first female led movie, the POV character and audience stand-in should spend a significant portion of the movie insecure, brainwashed and gaslighted? Really?
  7. I didn't know Booker was in jail. <drumroll> I'll be here all week folks.
  8. In Winter Soldier, Steve also put it all on the line to save Bucky. So, it is an ongoing theme there.
  9. I agree with with rjcurrie, a solidly middle of the pack Marvel movie. I can easily think of a number of Marvel movies that are worse and a number that are better. This being said, I have enjoyed every Marvel movie that I have seen and certainly enjoyed this one. I will probably go watch it a second time before Endgame come out.
  10. The statute of limitations uses her leaving employment at Harvard and not her the date that she made the false statement? That seems odd.
  11. Well, then if the university gave the information to the federal government for some reason, and if they could prove prove the necessary criminal intent, and if the five year statute of limitations on 18 U.S. Code § 1001 hadn't expired long ago, then Warren could be in some serious legal difficulty. As it is, chanting "LOCK HER UP" probably is not going to get you anywhere.
  12. Are you sure that the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard count as agencies of the federal government for the purpose of this statute?
  13. There aren't any saints running for president, at least none that will ever get close enough to the job that you ever hear of them. Back when I was applying for college my mom recommended that I claim the native american that family legend says that I possess to give me a edge in the process. It didn't seem right to me so I firmly told mom, "No". However, if Elizabeth Warren making the opposite decision that I did is the worst thing that they that they can find about her, then by politician standards she might as well be a saint. Barack Obama was a former druggy, George W was a draft dodger. Bill Clinton was a serial adulterer. George H Bush denounced the historic 1964 Civil Rights Act when running for senate in Texas not because he didn't believe in civil rights, but because he believed more in getting elected and he knew racism played well in Texas. Ronald Reagan was another adulterer and helped Joseph McCarthy ruin peoples lives. Okay, Jimmy Carter was and is pretty much a saint, but he was a lousy president and the only reason that he got elected was because after Nixon the country was desperate for a good man. Still, as a nation we a very sanguine about the fact that the men that run for the highest office in the nation have dishonorable actions on their records. Yet for some reason, we seem unwilling to allow female candidates the same human moral frailty.
  14. Well, one can hope. I follow writers and occasionally artist, but not editors. Still, given her relatively short career in comic Sana Amanat has worked on a lot of very good books. I have no idea whether this has been luck or good decisions on her part, but either way she has a good track record.
  15. What Bolo said. Some typos are too good to pass up.
  16. You are right, of course, Rufus can't be crated. He will always find a way to escape from any crate.
  17. Wow! Good eyes! Maybe this movie isn't dead after all.
  18. A two minute trailer and not a single shot of Rufus. ☹️ This movie is dead to me.
  19. Well, yes, coming with unique is really, really hard. However, in this case it would need to be both unique and still have a definite "African feel" to it, and that would be even harder. So, hey, sample like a hip-hop record.
  20. The in-universe explanation is that Wakanda despite there outward display of isolationism has quietly been culturally influential in Africa for centuries due to being Africa's most affluent and stable nation. So, these aren't Caribbean, Afro-American and Egyptian influences that have made there way to Wakanda, this are Wakandan influences that have spread to the Caribbean, Egypt and even America. The out-of-universe explanation is that the movie makers were pursuing a Pan African/Afrofuturism vision and settling on one country or region of Africa to draw their influences from would have been picking a favorite and as such at odds with that vision.
  21. I would think that it would pick up best costume design and best production design.
  22. So, how do you feel about the term pseudo-rapist to describe cat-callers or pseudo-murderers to describe people who sell guns? Because I know people on the left who would be totally down with those terminologies. Using the pseudo- at the front or -like at the back of some really heinous word such as terrorist, rapist, murderer or pedophile is a tactic of demonization. It is saying that this group that you dislike is almost that other horrible group. The idea being that we should punish our newly labeled pseudo-terrorist/pseudo-murderers/pseudo-rapist almost like we punish actual terrorist, murders and rapist despite their not having terrorized murdered or raped. When activist use this tactic they are trying to be inflammatory. When government this tactic they are usually getting ready to do some sort of crack down. Both groups are trying to bend or break the truth in order to achieve an end. What I am saying is Greenpeace either is a terrorist organization or they are not. If they are not, then it is inappropriate to try to paint them as being almost terrorist because the word terrorist is much to loaded to use in that fashion.
  23. But seriously, bad puns aside, that is one of the problems with streaming services. They keep there viewing numbers to themselves, and it is hard to tell if something is a hit or a flop. I haven't heard much buzz around season 2, and that may just indicate that people just haven't tuned in to see it. If they don't tune in, they aren't going to find out that this season is better. If Runaways does get renewed for a third season, that will probably stream on Disney's own streaming service. Fortunately since Disney owns a 30% stake in Hulu they can probably arrange the transfer over of seasons 1 and 2 fairly smoothly.
  24. Finished watching season 2 of Runaways. It was better than season 1 which wasn't bad either. Hope that it gets a third season.
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