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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Re: The Last Word That's a null reference to me. I stared blankly, then went to their web site. Apparently there are no Chick-Fil-A's in Washington.
  2. Re: The Last Word No idea. I've kept myself out of McDonalds' for at least 5 years now.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Ah, just open the window & turn on the fan.
  4. Re: The Last Word Yeah, iced tea really is a warm-weather-states US thing.
  5. Re: The Last Word Actually, what turned us off was the taste. My guess is the natives don't drink any hot beverage, so they have no idea what it's supposed to be like, and no real motivation to learn.
  6. Re: The Last Word OK when you got it fresh, but with all the hot beverages they tended to make it once and leave it on the warmer all day. So their tea at breakfast was passable though not great. Otherwise ... yuck.
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER You make it sound like herpes.
  8. Re: The Last Word On our honeymoon (June 1997) to the Cook Islands, we took coffee with us, and were glad of it. They couldn't make decent coffee there to save their souls.
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The stereoisomer of common sugar, left-handed sugar. Tastes like sugar. Dissolves like sugar. Cooks like sugar. Same mouth feel, bulk, solubility. But it's biologically inert. You can't digest it. Gets flushed from your system. Zero net effective calories. Now all that stuff that's full of sugar and you can't eat it because it's bad for you ... now you can. And if I can figure out a way to make it in million-ton lots for cheap, then you need to change that "m" into a "tr" in your theme statement....
  10. Re: The Last Word When you get older, repeatability is a recognized virtue.
  11. Re: The Last Word Well, if you know what you're doing.
  12. Re: The Last Word I prefer to get my tea up in Vancouver BC, where you get honest, solid, proper English teas, and then brew my own here.
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above 12 death tribbles, washed but not peeled + 1 barrel kerosene + 1500 g shelled filberts + 100 ml vintage tawny port + sprig of fresh rosemary Saute lightly for ten minutes over open flame, or until the kerosene ignites YIELDS: 22.5 kg mustard gas
  14. Re: The Last Word They sell tea. I am not enough of a tea person to be able to say whether it's any good.
  15. Re: The Last Word The greatest chance is in an airport, but Starbucks' store locator draws nothing for Stockholm, for example.
  16. Re: The Last Word Mmmm ... muffins. It's a pity this campus doesn't have a decent muffin source nearby. Starbucks' muffin offerings tend to be lame, IMO.
  17. Re: Hard Science Help Presumably, but we're on slippery ground here. If we're talking about a black hole, and the photon is inside the black hole, then (1) the photon had to "borrow" its initial energy from the energy of the black hole in order to exist in the first place and (2) strictly speaking, you shouldn't ask questions about what goes on inside a black holes, because you can't learn the answers (no information can escape the event horizon). In fact, you can't be certain whether the same laws of physics operate inside a black hole as outside, because no information escapes to let you know. Virtual particles (of which photons are certainly included) come into existence and are destroyed all the time. This situation probably fits into that process, modulo the problems of discussing the inside of black holes already mentioned. Actually, I never considered that before. There's no fundamental limit on the minimum energy in a photon, but you have practical problems making very low energy photons. The black-body spectrum goes to zero as energy/frequency goes to zero/wavelength goes toward infinity. Also, in a non-vacuum, photons interact with the particles around them, which tends to increase the photon energies, though I forget the dependencies of the strengths of the interactions as a function of photon energy (it's a constant value at low energy, though). Remember, you're changing frames of reference. Not only do the clocks slow down as your speed increases, but your meter sticks contract, also. With photons, the total photon energy is conserved as you change reference frames ... it was arguments about electromagnetic waves and energy conservation that make the entirety of "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies" which was Einstein's initial paper on special relativity.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Paris Hilton, Superstar! NT: Highly appropriate celebrity endorsements for medical products.
  19. Re: The Last Word In HERO terms, it's like successfully casting Dispel on yourself. A neat trick, but usually it only happens because of a plot mcguffin.
  20. Re: Answers & Questions (Rats, beaten to the punch.) Q: What other novel apparel storage strategies do you have to offer? A: ((same as above))
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's probably too late to start a thread for "Your favorite NGD threads, 2007", but to me there really was none better than Solomon's Draft a Superteam thread. Real creativity in there, and more nostalgic pleasure for me than I'd got in a long time. A pity Solomon's been idle for 7 months now.
  22. Re: The Last Word No, as in, the irrational fear of becoming a lecturer or politician.
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