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Everything posted by pendelfield

  1. Re: Concepts you wish your players would play Hey my character knows the meaning of teamwork, unfortunatley he knows more about how to make the team work for him. And it's Antisocial Heros not Loner.
  2. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power I think I would go with force field. Force Field (PD/ED/Mental Defense/Power Defense/Flash Defense:Touch Group/Flash Defense: Smell/Taste Group/Flash Defense: Sight Group/Flash Defense: Mental Group/Flash Defense: Hearing Group) with numbers as high as possible, flight might be good until someone shoots you down or something "Did you see tha size o that pigeon".
  3. Re: I am hot! Siren if by some chance you are still checking this thread here are a couple of suggestions. First buy extra presence that only affects males (or those that are interested). Then buy a suppress vs ego and a suppress vs intelligence with area effect, the above mentioned limitation, only if they can hear her, and maybe throw in restrainable since she has to be able to speak for this to work. Lower their ego and intelligence enough and they will most likely do whatever you ask. Of course the suggestions the others have made will work better.
  4. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... When the GM actually comes up with a cosmic accident that reduces your PC to have his original power level, and all of the above still apply. Your PC might be overpowered.
  5. Re: By request: Gravitar vs. Ultimates Can't help it, I guess it's the competitive nature of most of us. Oh BTW incridibil may be listed as from Kansas but he's originally from Kentucky, Trust me I've witnessed some of these type debats before firsthand.
  6. Re: By request: Gravitar vs. Ultimates Anybody out there got a couple sets of boxing gloves, otherwise this thread is gona last awhile. Just kidding, It reminds me of some of the game nights we use to have.
  7. Re: By request: Gravitar vs. Ultimates My fault, I wasn't very clear the first time. Yea your right on the rounding, I just have a habit of rounding a villians half-moves down. I really have no reason or explanation why either. Other than kepping them closer to the combat.
  8. Re: By request: Gravitar vs. Ultimates Yea if you round up in her favor a half move would be 8" up, if you round down which I most likely would have done it would be 7" And weren't the attacks at 12DC, so an average attack would be 12 body minus 1d6 for knockback. a rol of 4 or lower (12 - 4 = 8) 8" would put her back on the ground, or have I missed something. Does she have KB resis. or was braced, Just asking I just sort scanned most of this thread.
  9. Re: By request: Gravitar vs. Ultimates The attacking character didn't neccesarilly have to be flying or have an indirect attack to be above her, if I remember the post right it was in Chicago. The character could easily have been on the roof of a building above her or a building near by and still do knocback in a downward direction. So with her flying a 4 or less was enough to put her back on the ground. Unless of course I missed something.
  10. Re: How would you build this real-world device in Hero terms? how about a 1 pip energy blast area effect radius, with a couple multiples on the radius, make it stun only and NND (flash defense hearing or not being able to hear high frequencies, being the defense). It wouldn't really hurt them but it would be annoying. Of course it would have to be continuous and uncontrollable. Just a thought.
  11. Re: Megascale Knockback and Casual Damage I would have to agree, megascale would be awfully powerful for knockback. But like you said if you allow it, the damage equal to the defense of the object struck would be a good way to go, and maybe reducing the distance of the knockback by an equal amount for each object struck. (attack does lets say 80" knockback, hits wall with a defence of 10 at 30" out, takes 10d6 damage and knockback loses 10 off of distance. Leaving another 40" to go.) might work.
  12. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel Hopefully this isn't a rehash of someone elses idea. The Whining Annoyance: Guy in late 40's early 50's, overweight, bald, and really bad breath (the main reason most people won't carry on a conversation with him). He all ways has an an answer or opinion on everything (what the PC's should be doing, who they should talk to) anything and everything. He also has the annoying ability of showing up when ever he is least needed or when he will be most in the way. Even though he offers to help he never seems to have the skills for the job. And if asked a direct question he will go into a really boring monologue on every aspect of the question, usually (if the person asking the question can wait long enough) not even giving a good answer let alone a rational answer. Also he likes to whine to everyone that will listen and even those who don't about how much help he could be if people would just listen to him and do what he says, the problem is that when some one actually does he is never right and his suggestions never work, it's only when they don't listen that he ends up right (well maybe 10% of the time anyway).
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