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Everything posted by bloomann

  1. no bleach blonds Cat Woman she is not a bleach blond
  2. this has been fun Thanks for the enthusiasm over a silly concept, but I think if this has been a spring board to let you develop characters then I'm really satisfied... I liked Dr Hel and Valor the KNight Cat's origins, very original like the others. I just thought Dr Hell might have been some kind of well Hell Raiser! not a little girl! but that's kewll. I'll go with your artistic liscence. No what ever happened to silver hawk? and how did the team get together? This could end up a PBM if we're not careful...
  3. thanks for input I've been going over my original concept for Slow motion Joe : he wears a belt that generates a bizarre field which distorts time and space. The field covers a 5 meter circle with Joe as the center. The field is visible and slightly pink... wonky science: Joe "apears" to be moving increadibly slow, say 1" or action every minute, but if anyone or anything enters the field they will see Joe as a blur of movement. for me the concept is that Joe's field generates a dimension in which space/time is distorted. People seeing joe on the outside will percieve an image or "snapshot" of what joe might have been doing in the past (1 movement/action every once a minute). any one entering the field is actually being teleported to another deminsion where Joe is infinitely fast and can drain the speed energies of any objects or person. For example, a cop fires a gun at joe (joe is a villan for the instant) who appears to be moving in slow motion, the bullet enters the field and becomes innert. The cop might then see the bullet immoble while Joe's image is "slowly" doging the bullet. or, a speedster hero decides enough is enough and runs into the field to do a move by on Joe, as he enters the field he feels his energies drain as he becomes immoble, while joe laughs at him and taunts him before clobbering him. On the outside people would see a strange ballet of slow movement probably which would take several minutes to unfold. The speedster immoble, joe's features slowly distorting into a grimace, joe saying something to the speedster, although to anyone outside the sphere it will sound like an audio k7 at super low speed, they will see another minute later Joe raising his fist, the fist connecting to the jaw of the hero, the hero slowly crumbling to the ground (minutes have gone by) as joe then ploughs on ahead. The beamer of the group fires a blast as well, same effect as the bullit earlier, Joe slowly, ever so slowly side steps the blast as it enters his field. Now, thats the basic mechanics of his power, a pinkish field, area effect which immobilises any movement, drains speed, while inside the bubble Joe is going at a speed of 12 easily. Not sure how this would work against mental attacks but it would be possible that the field might distort these attacks as well giving Joe some mental defense or a backlash effect against the projector... is this explanation any better?
  4. slow motion joe I'm sorry it takes me so long to reply, I'm just not connected everyday... better explination is due: the idea springs from a stephen king short story called the Jaunt, and basically it's about a teleportation device which is instantaneous to any on the outside but anyone actually going through the device will take an eternity to reach the other side. thus my fishbowl guy is the same, anything entering the field will be infinitly slow while he is infinitly fast, but while outside the field he appears not to be moving...uh yeah problems why wouldn't he appear to be a blur of activity to anyione standing outside the bubble, well I just didn't think of it like that...yes this is wonky science... thanks for helping though
  5. just brainstorming really but I have some power combo ideas which could be kewll... Brink with shrinking always on, he has 70 strength but is only 1cm high, his devistaiting attack is to crawl into opponents ear and turn that brain to mush (not sure how to formulate that attack) Giant with 10 speed and martial arts, carrying a magic spear... speedster that moves sooo fast he has multiform always on (two other versions of himself, all moving at speed 12) don't even know if that's legal...oh yeah also he's moving sooo fast he's invisible and is disolide... what else?
  6. the guy i want to play has a field that surrounds him distorting space and time. To people outside the field he looks like he's moving in slow motion, much slower than speed 1, he moves maybe once a minute, but if anyone, or any objects enter the field the tables are turned and the character is wizzing around at a speed of 12 while draining others speed. How do I build this? also as a side question, how much strength would it take to pull up a medium sized tree? thanks e
  7. any chance you could post the list here? please? I had to stop playing diablo for the moment that thing most mortals call work and money has once again reared it's ugly head.
  8. cool origins dude man you're good! these are coll off the wall origins and powers, who's left? Dr. Hell and Silver Hawk....I know you can do it freakboy6 the world is counting on you!!!!!!!
  9. I'm in hell So I finished act three, which turned into a breeze, I have a very powerful druid. I think they made him too powerful, volcanos, magma balls, infernos, legion of wolves and a trusty mercenary picked up from act II that has died only a few times... So my armor is 142 which I think is pretty high but if someone knows higher stats for armo, helmet, boots, exetera then please post that way we could have a high end translation. Also act three seems to be about finding Khalim's body parts, fusing them with a magic flail in order to break the orb that holds Mesphisto. so I vote that the quest in act three are: 1) find Khalim's eye and heart in the Scorcher's prison 2) find his brain and the flail in the city of Kurast 3) confront the conciel and break the orb (using the flail) 4) kill mesphisto this is working my brain....
  10. this is whacky, I love it! [/b] Strange mariner Some time in the 1780s a pirate vessel boarded a Spanish galleon laden with a huge supply of gold as they sailed back towards Jamaica loaded with there booty they where caught up in a powerful tropical storm that threw them off course and they drifted into the dreaded Bermuda triangle. Almost two centuries later the ship returned to land this time arriving in New York the sails where mar tatters but the ship acted as if they where full an intact and whilst only one member of crew remained the captain at the heel the rest of the duties where ebbing performed as if by invisible hands. The captain William Warley had returned from some unknown land a changed man He possessed great mystical powers, knowledge of lost magic’s and occult lore. Now able to summon the ghostly phantoms of his crew to his service and chart a course for his ship to any body of water anywhere. He believed he had been sent back to atone for his sins as a pirate defeating those who would now continue his nefarious trade both on land and sea. He is aided by the massive wealth of the Spanish galleon still somewhere in his ships hold. [/b] Strange Mariner has a great origin and I could totally see it in a comic, the two together Sub Surfer and Strange Mariner still need other partners... I vote they get Hulkerye, Dr. Hell, Silver Hawk, and Night Cat
  11. The real defenders, from their revamping a few years ago : Nighthawk : Valkerye : Hell Cat : Hulk : Sub Mariner : Silver Surfer : Dr. Strange now what if: NightCat Hell Hulk Silver Valkerye Strange Surfur Dr.Mariner Sub Hawk or: Hell Hawk Night Mariner Sub Surfer Dr. Valkerye Cat Hulk Silver Strange or even: Night Surfer Sub Hulk Dr. Cat Silver Hawk Strange Mariner Hell Valkerye or if we must: Dr. Night Strange Hulk Valkerye Surfer Sub Cat Hawk Mariner
  12. In three seconds I made Mystic Arrow, Techno Queen and War Clash this could impend on normal good old fashion creativity you know... good though, gosh!
  13. This sounds good, after each quest the player would be granted a power or increase a talent on the apptitude tree. Other experience points would be noted for the player to use as he wishes. Good. What else?
  14. blood raven is sexy! first off thanks for all comments, It would probably work with just three quest per Act, with a smattering of roaming monsters in the wildernesses. The classes would definetely be the same, as well as the apptitude tree. Perhaps what would work best if the GM notes ex points for monsters killed BUT ALSO, if the players manage to just find treasure, or objects pertaining to the quest (like Charsi's Hammer in act I). We could say that characters wouldn't really need to kill every monster but just make it back to the havens with various objects with the idea that once certain artifacts are recovered the different humain communities will become self reliant again. Once the characters arrive in the camps the GM could give them ex points to increase stats and others to increase powers. I think the power levels go up really quickly in Diablo II, sometimes the characters are faced with hordes upon hordes of monsters, that of course would be toned down a bit, but it's true that the fun part of Diablo II is seeing hordes of monsters come your way and then after a few clicks you obliterate everything...So monsters seem to have a lot less Body points then Hero equivalents would probably give them. Also there's the question of Mana... mana to me = endurance, but to cast spells or talents each character would have an endurance reserve. This too could go up over time with experience points...That's also the fun of Diablo: managing your Mana and finding poitions to replinish the end reserve. In a hero game all "talents" would probably cost x2 end in the beginning. Lets look at the stats now, in Diablo we have Strength Dexterity Vitality Energy. Now normally in Diablo these stats go up pretty fast, but in a hero game if you have a Barbarian running around with strength 40 or 50 or 60 it would become pretty ridiculous. So we would have to determine character max for each class. The exp points given to character stats would be maybe 2 instead of 5 each time. Uugh, but this means that characters like the Amazon who rely on high Dex would be somewhat cheated. what to do? This just gets more and more complicated...uuugh. For resistance that seems to translate pretty evenly : poison, fire, cold, lightning... would equal resistant ED, which is found through various magic items and gems. What else, lets just talk about the Acts. I would put forth as the quest in act I: 1 Kill Blood Raven 2 Save Cain -(find the runic cairns and the scroll to teleport) 3 Find Charsi's Hammer in the monastary. there. Thats at least 5 or 6 nights worth of gaming! To get to the cimetary of Blood Raven the characters would have to travel through the wasted lands surrounding the rouges camp. They would have to fight Zombies, The little demon men (I play on a french version so they're called les dechu) those big big foot thangs...what esle? Finally they find Blood Raven's cimetary after three or four nights travel fro the Rouge camp. There they have to fight across a horde of famished Zombies (which blood Raven can revive - I supposes that's either an Aid to Zombies or summuning Zombies). Blood Raven has the highest dex for a monster, in act one. What esle -stop me if I'm rambling... in act 2 it all seems to be about getting the Cube and the staff of Horodrim. So they would have to: 1 Kill Revenant (in the cities sewers, where they find the Cube) 2 Go to the lair of the worm deep in the desert (here they find the upper part and lower part of the staff) 3 Go deep within the palace, discover the portal (which leads directly to the tombs of Al Ratha, or what ever his name was. There they finish the quest meeting the angel.) Act 3, well I'm still in act three so I don't really know whats going to happen. There, how's this for food for thought.
  15. Hi, maybe I'm slow, but I've finally been bitten by the Diablo II bug, now I'm in the middle of act three, and well I can't help but wonder if anyone has done some conversion rules for Diablo. It seems to me very possible, just a question of finding powerlevels for each Act. For example Act one is probably around 75+50 starting points, maybe even less, and it goes up from there. Also in a champions adaptation there should be much less fighting, if the actual amount of monsters a character had to face equaled the amount thrown at a Diablo character you'd probably end up spending 5 nights gaming time just getting through the first quest from act 1. just a thought.
  16. the four choas gods I tried working up a War hammer 40K campaign for a champions setting: what if the four gods, using their warp powers found a way to contact a mage to construct a chaos gate to eventually teleport a large choas host containing the four major choas dieties : Korn, Nurgle, Slaneesh and Tzeenth. I'm still stuck making power levels which can quickly get out of control with these guys. Also it seems to me that any mortal who comes in contact with the choas gods begin themselves to be possesed. I'm not really sure how to construct all this and keep it, well, not overwhelming. I'll try to post the campaign or what I have of it very soon if anyone is interested... e
  17. vissionary speilberg I think that movie Minority Repport might have predicted certain future trends, especially concerning total computerized immersion of the urban landscape (which I personnally find horrifying).
  18. maybe they're just bored Don't take this the wrong way... Please But I remember doing some fantasy campaigns where things are building up quite nicely than one guy decides, because he's bored to start hacking at anybody that moves, he won't listen and won't let me finish a dialougue... "I pull out my sword and ..." (already rolling the dice to hit) He really put a curb into my campaign. Perhaps your characters are feeling the same way. The players might feel frustrated, bored and just wanna break things. If that's the case than if you're willing let them break things. Maybe it will allow them to vent any personal anger. Kind of like group scream therepy I suppose.
  19. i'm in love with Cateran Well, I guess I'll start a fan club.
  20. go for it I would say "adapting" the campaign to your own personal use is not a problem and it sounds like a coll campaing, will you let you players decide which race they might belong to? Also slightly different but somewhat the same in certain concepts concerning elf elitism is the classic ElfQuest by Wendy and Richard Pini. Certain elf tribes have enslaved men while certain troll tribes (taking the dwarf, orc part) are trying hard not to be enslaved again. interesting very interesting indeed...
  21. Hey the pop up art over to the left is really fantastic, especially the red head with the nice legs plaid scirt and long sword. Who is she?
  22. you saw it! That's it thats it thats it. What a cool film, and there's like 5oo thirsty nazis who give up in the end with only Boggart and a brit smuggly looking on. That film kicks major tush.
  23. Cool Mark, perhaps the next time I'm up I could try to contact you and convince my friend that gaming is great, although we've never talked about it the last time I was there (this summer) I overheard him say (after many beers, how you Danes party!) that he missed playing D&D. anyway it won't be before next summer so I guess that gives you ample time to figure out if you'd like to host a 1 nighter or something e (for eric)
  24. great site Thanks for the link! this site is a fantastic treasure cove of legend. Very cool cheers PS Are you in Copenhagen? Someof my best friends live there. Anyway thanks!
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